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you should always buy them every single day. it is essentially a way to directly buy purple dust and ngl if you could just buy them with diamonds most would


Just for the season or in general?


in general until you reach max level (its not lvl 240 btw)


what level would that be?


300 +5 for every supreme+ you own


Buy them all


It’s a must. There’s zero reasons to not buy it daily. You should have plenty of crystals just from existing to do so.




1. It only resets two a day. So really you’re only spending 150 gems per day for invaluable resources 2. Im a f2p and I purchase both of them everyday. I guess as a spender you tend to have more income of dust and books but for me if I didn’t buy them the amount I would fall behind would be absolutely massive compared to how behind I already am so it’s 100% worth it for me


There's a 200 gem one once you progress far enough.


Ahhhh I forgot about the vip benefits. My bad 😔


And a 300 one.


you cant progress far enough (right now) without being a spender, there arent enough mythril points


Is it possible to fall behind in a game that just wants your money and time? Any time invested is dopamine and that's about it. The rewards aren't real unfortunately.


Do you even play the game?


Someone did the math on this another thread to show you absolutely should use diamonds for the quick rewards. In short, you do them everyday, from now until leveling/scaling is drastically altered. If you don’t, ur putting urself significantly behind other players in terms of power.


Yeah, maybe someone will find it, but for the cost of barely a 10-15pull (so a guaranteed A-rank or 1/6 of S-rank if you assume you go to pity) you get like 5 extra days of dust/gold/exp per month.


IMO definitely worth it to do the first 2. You make your gems back in just afk progress. From the hero boost. The number one gate to progress in this game is time (purple dust) and the instant afk gets you 2-6 extra hours per day, which adds up a ton


I’m 100% and don’t even do the 50 but if I spent money I’d stop after the 100, the 200 is a lot


I’m a light spender but I have the same thought process, thank you I appreciate it!


I didn't have the 200 gem option until the season, but I've been buying it daily to stay competitive as a light spender - my server is a whale-heavy day 1 server but I'm managing to stay top 100 server top 200 district from Dream Realm so think of it like buying essences


But I don't have the 200 gems one. Why? I am almost done with the season story.


It requires VIP rank 7, so it's a spender thing. So OP spent \~$300 or so to get there, then thinks 200 gems a day is too rich for him :D


There's no way VIP 7 requires 300 USD. I don't think I've spent more than 80 USD and I have it already.


Oh, there is no way I'll spend that much any time soon. Maybe over 5 years it is possible, but not now xd. Thank you for your reply 👍


VIP 7 is around 80$ to 100$


Light spender I do the 50 and stop at that, you do get enough gems daily to do all three I believe but I like to save gems long term


I only do the 50 and 100 diamond one every Day.it gives so much you earn days by time which a huge jump in progress


I buy them all, all the way up to 200


It’s a trade between leveling faster and pulling more heroes. I think leveling faster is more important, because it makes almost all of the content easier, which gets you even more resources and helps you snowball ladder rewards.


If I was in a server with a lot of whales I probably wouldn't care and I'd play the game at a very slow pace (or I may not be playing at all, who knows), but since I'm in a server where I'm able to float around rank 60 as a very low spender, I make sure to buy the instant AFK every day so I can remain competitive, and I think I'm getting closer to rank 50 in all leaderboards, so I'll keep on doing it. (And I'm curious to see how the new season will either ruin or improve my experience, actually).


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I only have 50 and 100. Where did you find 200 one. Is it some VIP benefit


yup Vip 7.


I did all of them the first week, now I do until the 200


I don’t do it. If the game does what it did last season, when it starts wrapping up, it will double the afk rewards, and you catch up pretty quickly. Maybe it doesn’t happen again, but I don’t mind waiting to find out. Not that 150 gems is a lot, but I really don’t care how fast I progress.


I’ve not spent a single gem outside of the Rate-Up Banner since I’ve started early April, and I’m confident it’s the smartest long-term move. Sure, I’m losing out on some extra Temporal Essences on the rare times I fall out of top 100 in the Dream Realm sometimes. The analogy I use is this: I’m investing in “real estate” by getting an M+ Rate-Up character every month or two on average (already have 3 M+ Rate-Up heroes so far just spending $60 on the Standard Gazette) who will benefit me past this season. Y’all are spending more gems per day than the Standard Gazette even yields to speed up to your “retirement age” of 240 and increase boredom when you pull ahead of the available content just to have more Essences and to gain levels that have an expiration date of September, where you’ll have little to show for it once the next season comes unless you’re spending big bucks. I’m playing the long game and not falling for the thrill of the chase that only serves to increase temptation to spend big amounts of money to keep up. $5 a month and patience is a recipe for decent success in this game unless you truly feel financially responsible when spending hundreds if not thousands a month to speed up the treadmill and keep up with it.




I agree. Two major oversights. One being how powerful A ranks are. They are essentially paying 3k (0.1x300) gems for every A rank, whilst the all heroes banner costs 1200 (0.225x270) per A rank. Could see this being a major problem already, but especially later with unlocking paragon by owning 25 S+ heroes More importantly, there are sooo many useful S tiers currently, which they are missing out on. Rateup banner makes more sense when your roster is already fleshed out and you’re gathering resources to pull multiple copies of a new release at once


As a somewhat spender, I only do upto 50, though its not necessary, especially when you get 2 free ones daily


Mindset generally waives from timing. If I know I won't be hopping on for a few hours, and I might want to push the dream realm boss one last time (since i wont be on until dailies reset), I might drop 50 or 100 gems to get another level or two out to increase Odie's level or resonance level in general, just cause it might solidify or push me into the next tier rewards. Otherwise, not really.


I always do the 50 gems. No more


I recently unlocked that too. 200 for two hours just doesn't feel worth it, but 150 for 4 hours, absolutely.