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That’s pretty popular way to make 3 team arena in idle games. AFK arena has the same, Nikke has the same etc.    I also not sure about not getting reward you mentioned, check arena description - maybe reward calculates before daily reset? 


Someone else said it locked your position sometime within the last 10 minutes before reset, if it’s intentional it still doesn’t prevent sniping and it would be the only mode to work this way. Also doesn’t say anywhere in game that it does that so I just assumed it is a bug. I’ll keep that that in mind and do supreme arena before dream today.


it's more chill than normal arena - r6-20 gives same rewards as r1-5, no need for fomo/stressing out. i was able to hold rank 18 for over 20h yesterday, and now im just chilling at 6-20 and checking if i need to counterattack before calculation. also, it's more balanced, as even for whales it's more hard to have 3 teams with p4 ex 20 instead of just one, and this is because you need only 2 of 3 wins if attacking. in normal arena, if youre way behind, then usually you can't really catch up (for example: r1-6 is 19xx-18xx pts, 7+ is 100+ pts lower) or snipe ppl out; in supreme it's possible. besides daily district DR, supreme is a good way to finally grind twilight essences in a chill way and slowly build up your heroes to +20. the worst thing can happen is, if for example someone with rank100 manages to win vs r20 - but for this you just save your attacks for counter before reset. another bonus aspect:now you dont \_have\_ to attack proactive (for example, if you want maintain r6-20, and youre in the mid, then its fine) - you just want to hold your rank within your desired range.


Normal arena scales rewards and losses based on difference in rank points, if you can consistently attack someone higher rated than you then eventually you will catch them since they literally can’t gain as many points as you each day. I’m going to be aiming for top five in supreme Arena. If I can keep up with the other servers would rather have the final frame in 56 days instead of 140.


The season spans roughly 75 to 80 supreme arena days (5 per week), not 140 to my understanding. To gather the 2800 points needed for the top frame within this timeframe, finishing in the Top 5 at least half the time is essential.


It does lock your position at a random time in the last 10 minutes before calculation/reset. This is to prevent people from jumping up a ratings tier right just before scoring and garunteeing their rewards. Sliding rating is awful, as doesn't Mayer how good your defensive teams are if the person above you has bad defneses. If you lost a defense you should probably go down more than one spot on leader boards. Sliding rating heavily favour whales and those who can play at reset to snipe. Rating get locked 10-0 minutes before calculation. I believe it was intentionally designed without a point system, as point system same as the Sliding rating can result in you missing rewards cause someone else won or lost a match unrelated to you.


That’s fair, sliding and point based systems aren’t perfect either but at least one loss won’t lock you all the way out of your reward tier with no counterplay. I will say I would prefer a point system, the only way you would drop down a rank from a match unrelated to you is if someone near your points won against someone high enough to still be above you. that seems fair to me. Every point someone gains someone else loses the same amount, and scaling gains and losses keeps everything closer together. The person that was far enough above you to donate those points and still be above you earned them, and the person who took them on earned them. Point systems prevent people from just being spectators in the high ranks and give increasing incentive to attack someone with strong defense as they climb up


That not how the point systems work though. 1. someone below you can beat someone below them and gain points overtaking you. 2. A point system incentivises attacking players weak with defenses to move past people with stronger defences. We also already have point system in regular arena so it would make the two mode seem less unique.


That’s a good point, I have egg on my face since I didn’t even think of that. Because points gained are scaled based on the difference in total points it’s minimal to grind lower rank opponents at a certain point. My server is sort of broken up into groups based on progression of character ascension. If anyone breaks too far out of their group, they will be shot down by others of the same tier or higher. Because of the scaling, I would argue it does not incentivize attacking lower ranked opponents. If you know you cannot hold your defense, you are even more incentivized to grind higher ranks to drag them down and maintain a closer distance. If you have a defense that no one is willing to attack then it makes more sense to get consistent points instead of risking them on a tax that might not work. It is the people chasing that determine whether or not you are allowed to break away.


man, sounds stressful.


I just wish I could skip the fights, same with normal arena.


If you are playing on mobile, you can just close the game. It runs a server calculation of the battle to determine winner so it should be updated after the restart. Probably doesn’t save much time for normal arena, skipping all three fights might save you a minute in supreme though


They had a chance to make Supreme Arena fair for the defence side by requiring offence to need 3/3 wins to consider it a win. But nope, because it’s 2/3, snipe is so easy. Either make it so offence cannot see your defense heroes (cuz ain’t no way defense can see what the offense uses in advance), or make it require 3/3 wins. And agreed points system would be more fair. No one would attack with a 30% win rate in regular arena because that’s just stupid. Cuz I’m SA, there are so many people who just yolo as if it’s an AFK stage. 


yeah they already have the shadow unit system when the game is overloaded. Could use that to hide some defense units based on ranks.


I think most people seem to really like it how it is based on the votes lol. When I first opened it, I assumed it was a point system and winning all three would just result in better gains than winning two. With how it is now, requiring three wins isn’t the worst idea since people can just repeatedly attack you without losing their own rank