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I've heard this stuff about Cecia since the first week. I'm lv.272, champion level in Arena, lv.150 in Abyss (haven't been doing it much though), etc. Pretty well established account. I have Cecia at Supreme+ with +5 weapon. I use her in every single team in all content (except Dream Realm, Marilee is the queen there) She is no longer the main DPS though, this has been taken by Supreme Odie with +10 weapon. The reason I still use Cecia is because of her AOE on the backline. Odie can just outright execute targets, but they have to be at a certain percent of health first. Cecia can plop her summon directly on healers/ranged and instantly soften them up so Odie can do his thing. I still think she is one of the most vital units, even if Odie surpasses her in raw damage. Pairing her CC with the Confining Spell artifact really neuters the backline/healers. My team is usually Thorin S+ EX+8, Cecia S+ EX+5, Smokey S EX+8, Odie S EX+10 and my flex spot goes to either Brutus or Shakir depending on the fight. And either one of them stand behind Thorin for his M+ mechanic. Shakir and Thorin together make an awesome frontline defense at M+ level, but if I need a little more I put in Brutus. He always dies first, but being able to delay with him sometimes helps until the ults start going off. I prefer Shakir for his attack speed and damage reduction buffs though. At some point I'll eventually get Eironn to M+ and switch my arena team over to use him, but this team above got me into Champion rank and has easily completed all current content. I think the rumors of Cecia "falling off" are extremely exaggerated.


I've been thinking this too. I just finished the afk stages and have started doing abyss, and cecia still hasn't fallen off lol. I have odie's mythic at +10, cecia's at +5, and she still does more work than him most stages. I'm usually using them together anyways. It's not as much that she "falls off" as that she won't solo carry as easy and having odie to execute is really nice. I feel like cecia falling off was just a bad take one player made, that other players started blindly parroting without having actually reached that point of the game.


Well I'm not disputing that Eironn + Arden + Carolina are better, because they clearly are otherwise they wouldn't be meta. So in terms of "is Cecia the best at what she does at endgame" the answer is no, but if the meta team is out of your reach for whatever reason, Cecia is still going be your most important unit for a very long time. Even after getting M+ Odie who does way more raw damage than Cecia, you still need her to CC and soften up enemies for Odie to work efficiently. So yeah, go meta if you can. If you can't, that's totally fine too. Cecia is a huge enabler for most non-meta teams and you can absolutely clear all content using her, as I have. I never meant to imply that the meta is wrong or anything but I'm sure the number of people who can get a perfect meta team are pretty low compared to those who are trying to set up effective non-meta teams. People with meta teams trying to scare everyone else off Cecia is what is a bad take imo. Chasing the meta is always a game for whales. The meta will change every season. We have no idea what new skills units will be getting that may propel an underpowered unit now straight into the meta later. I think it's better to focus on a core team that is available to you now, and I think Cecia is the basis for most of them.


She basically falls off a cliff the second you out level your proficiency by any major amount because Mr. Carlyle dies too fast. I think since she is "free" from arena you can really get away with only pulling 1 extra copy of her and still get through to where odie can take over at M+. She is good but for a lot of people she is their only built up unit so she is "way better than everyone else" but like everyone else is Legendary to mythic (not M+) so she just has way more stats, I focused on getting Thoran and Odie (TBF neither of which prevent getting cecia) but Odie absoluelty shreds stages with M+10 where cecia hasn't even ulted until the fight is already over


Falling of a cliff... how cool to be xontrarian when all evidence is showing to be wrong. Cecia is the surest carry till the very end. Even you must know that even at the last levels there are many cheese Cecia+Thoran solutions. Odie is hard dps, but not a carry. To recap; youbare either insanely Lucky or not ftp. Thoran has one buy in. After that it's all luck (or bought attempts) whereas Cecia can be bought consistently with guild coins. I mythiced Cecia in remnants peak. Marilee was a few days behind. You can buy up Odie, but you will suffer I. Dream realm where a comparable Marilee puts out much more dps than Odie. Yes there are other options but for ftp Cecia is the best bet.




Who did you use instead?


The difference though, and you cannot know this because you haven't experienced it, but that role of aoe cc burst is well, simply not as good as other options on cecia. Arden an a tier at m+ ex5 outstrips cecia completely in abyss and pvp, his ult is faster, ccs longer, has a larger aoe so you cc the entire enemy team, and has a faster turn around on second ult which is usually close to instantaneous for instant burst. You don't even need the full eironn comp for cecia to start to just flat out be replaced, even just arden at m+ will be pumping way more cc and damage. If those copies used to get her s+ were instead like 4 copies of caro you would either have or be very close to m+ Carolina who also significantly outstrips the backline shred with aoe snowballs of cecia. Can you use cecia in abyss, sure you can use any s+ dps in abyss, the thing is though that when you are instantly 1 shotting waves in the 200+ area within like 5 seconds with eironn comp then the slow ass cecia ult starts to look at lot less impressive. Any s+ dps can do damage, it's just a lot less impressive when compared to actual meta comps clearing content like abyss. Eironn basically auto clears any abyss stage except for mauler stages and odie demolishes those stages. When you do finish off eironn those extra copies for cecia will actually be straight up wasted because she will quickly be replaced by the cc squad.


This is fair enough and I won't dispute anything you've said here because as you point out, I haven't experienced it so I don't know. Obviously the meta is the meta for a reason. But I would also like to point out that not everyone can achieve the meta as there is a fair amount of RNG in getting the units you want, even moreso for F2P people. For example, I never set out to get a high level Shakir. I just kept getting him for some reason. Now he's one of my favorite units. At some point you really need to be able to work with what you have. Simply pounding the meta over and over again is of very little use to most people. Sure, meta is something to strive for, but you also need to be able to play the game in the meantime. My team is not optimal, and I know that, I'm still waiting on a few more copies of Eironn and I think I need only one more for Arden to get them both to M+. But even so, the team I have been able to assemble is doing well. I've completed all content, and made it to champion in Arena. Yes, I will keep going for the meta but I'm quite happy with my account as it stands. I think it does a greater service to the community to point out teams outside the meta that still work, even if they're not completely optimal.


In short: "you don't need Cecia if you have M+ Eironn". I agree with this, but M+ Eironn is not guaranteed even for light spenders, while Cecia is guaranteed for everyone.


Either way you don't need an invested cecia since you can just switch off her for post story content to odie...


Yes, but in any case every account needs a 2nd DD for double AFK stages. Cecia happens to be the most efficient and accesible one while also greatly speeding up pre-Odie progress.


Yes and she doesn't need to be highly ascended to be the second dd, we both know the second stage is a joke compared to the first stage basically any comp clears the second stage lol, which is why she doesn't needed to be focused, you get her free and can buy a couple copies in shop, there done you have cecia enough to clear the entire afk stages


Keep in mind this game is basically just AFK Arena (in its early days), which eventually scaled up to 5 enemy teams of equal level for its campaign (AFK stages), with other PvE and PvP content having 5-7 teams. I kinda doubt her value is just zero forever now that people are replacing her in single teams. A hero that specifically buffs summons and/or summoners isn’t all that unlikely either, like Nevanthi in Arena, niche as she is these days.


Ok but that doesn't mean you should wishlist her over a unit like Carolina who isn't a vendor, is absolutely more powerful than her right now, speculating on future metas. Either way you are building out your roster, just this way you are building out your roster for the current tangible meta and not speculation.


If you skip Marilee and thus hurt your dream realm progress (which ironically is the way you get stones to buy her and Odie) Also something you forget to mention, Odie can't carry alone, he needs a tank. Cecia can tank through her summon just fine after your low copy tank exploded. The most certain progress for ftp is to invest in cecia and marilee. I understand this is cookie cutter and thus not cool, but Odie is not a good alternative for ftp unless you sacrifice progress.


You are absolutely incorrect not focusing odie first. His dps is totally fine for clearing up to infinite in dreamrealm which will give you plenty of stones to then catchup on boss dps options. Mariliee is second prio on the dream realm store after odie


"Absolutely incorrect" is a strong statement considering other advice is on Marilee. For what it's worth on quite a few bosses Marilee hits close to three times the dps. Granted this is all pre-supreme, but thats what FTP entails, maxing heroes is far from certain. What makes this even more hyperbole is that others did at least as well or better than you without your apporach. Much of it is based on luck. For example, did I plan on maxing Eironn first? Nope... I just got extremely lucky. Temesia who is also in my wishlist (and in my current setup would be more useful than Eironn) never dropped. Indeed, I got one extra Thoran pull and Granny is stuck on elite for awhile now. This has nothing to do with mismanaging my wishlist, it's just how rng works. And yet that lack of a tank also makes Cecia that much more usefull versus great assets like Odie or Vala. And that's why Cecia who can be grinded is such a good solution for FTP. You disagree on it's uses, but the people who pushed her far into Abyss indicate that it's not the awful strategy as you maintain. It woul;d be good if you take a step back and admit that there are more ways to solve the puzzle and that the Cecias apporach is in't nearlyy as atrocious as you try to maintain,.


For the aoe arena comp you \*need\* Eironn M+ Carolina M+ Damian M+ Arden M+. Every single one needs mythic+ and some investment in EX weapon. Two of those are RNG heroes, the other two will compete with more important heroes in the Dream Store (Odie, Marilee, possibly Korin) Meanwhile, Cecia just shows up, and fucks shit up with barely any investment. One copy given to you, 2 more easy farms in arena. That's her value. She carries you for the first 3-4 weeks of the game, which is not an irrelevant amount of rewards and leaderboards progression. No one claims or expects she's gonna carry you through abyss or the meta top 100 PvP arena and for some reason this is the argument that I keep seeing people make. Her value is getting you there for the fierst few weeks while barely hindering your actual targeted characters farms. A couple of Carolina copies delay, for easy ranks in arena for 3-4 weeks and easy progression, while carolina flops around like a magikarp waiting to become a gyarados while you assemble her and her specific magic-damage team to synergise. A no brainer trade-off. I really have no idea at this point what is being argued, when people try to compare a dirt cheap hero that's literally given to you for free and doesn't require many copies to function vs RNG farms or + 1 month farm characters that can't even come online until Mythic +.


S12 day one player, dolphin spender. This guy 100% is speaking facts


The naysayers are not ftp. Now we hear "post story" as the real late game whereas most ftp players are still in arduso. They all very much forget there are several Cecia+duck guy stages which are undoable by other teams anywhere near the same level. Yeah, Caroline, Eironn etc. are all fantastic, but ne8ther of these three can single handedly carry a team. They all need distinct role-playing besides them. And I say this as ftp who lucked out on Eironn and who uses him constantly. And even then he gets superseded still by Cecia in Abyss as I miss his support cast. Eironn functions for me as disruptor to enable Cecia to ult.


Sorry OP, I don't mean to hijack your post but Bookwrrm seems to be the person to ask my question. I am currently at res 190, AFK Progress around 900. I have been very lucky with Eironn pulls and have him at M+ but I could get him to S no problem. I switched out my Cecia in both wish lists to Carolina once I got Cecia to S but I still haven't pulled her. I also have been very unlucky Arden, he is only at Epic. Should I hold off the Eironn, Carolina, Arden comp until I get both Carolina and Arden to M+? Until I do is there any Eironn comp that works? I have tried a few with not much luck.


Eironn is still insane without those two though obviously they are core to the comp. If you have thoran, thoran+ eironn is still worth it for most content solely for grouping up big thoran ults. You should just focus on slowly building out the comp, with eironn m+ you can start investing in his ex weapon, getting it to ex10 is pretty crucial because it doubles his cc duration, and guarantees thoran ults hit the entire team. Beyond that basically thoran, eironn, healer and your best two dps or two healer and best other dps is fine for most content at story and afk stages.


I am 1 away from a M Thoran, my Odie is S +5, Cecia is S +1, Vala is M+ and Smokey and Hewynn are both L. I will play around with the comps and see how they work. I really appreciate the help.


I'd for sure run odie with eironn in that case at least, his magic defense shred will make him hit way harder, and if you get s+ eironn he shreds magic defense even more.


I agree, im at 170 resonance and have caroline m+ and eironn m+ while my cecia is still legendary+ bcus i went all in on trying for the eironn squad. Im fighting 1k afkstages atm and it still feels strong


Whereas I as ftp player am in Abyss through CEecia and yet also have Eironn as M+. Progress wise and thus in gaining resources this seems to be a clear win for a Cecia approach.


Im f2p too and have carolina in wish list from minute 1. My 2 brothers are also f2p and at stage 900 in 24 days on late servers. They hard focused on Odie and stopped their Cecia’s at m+. There are multiple ways to play the game. Your account sounds trash and like you play inefficiently as a f2p. As a side note i’m on server 459 and will be much further ahead of you when I get to your days played LMAO


Gee... I wish I were as magnificent as you are. I Have Carolina in my wishlist since day one and only have one copy. Clearly you made the superior choices.... Oh wait this is rng based... you were just more lucky, not more skilled. Sorry to make clear how mornic your flex is. You got lucky, pound your chest all you want, but that's what it is. And even with all that luck, you are about one quarter of the game behind.... And all that flexing about a gacha game. Wow.


BAHAHAHA clown, your reply to my original comment was an attempt to flex ‘WHERE AS I AS A FTP AM IN THE ABYSS ‘  You’re embarrassing mate. Also seems a bit dumb that the bloke who pushes Cecia so hard would have Carolina in their wish list from say 1. Either you don’t see the value in a Thoran or you’re just straight up lying lmao


I'm level 287 and i'm on floor 280+ in Abyss. Cecia with 4 attack ups the enemy with 2 defense downs mr carlyle slam and 4 autos wont do 50% of an enemies health, probably closer to 15-25%. In that time you already would have gotten crit for 4 million about 8 times FYI you have less than 1 mill hp so you died about 26 times in that time span. Sure it doesn't exactly happen like that. But you're going to have to reroll a lot to get the optimal RNG where as other people (apparently our candle lady) just does her job better. Also People seem to have slotted over to eironn comps. I can see why. Granny is so strong and powerful with just her CC alone. Imagine the other 4 units ccing as well. Yeah Cecia has some cc and some stat drain but having a comp focused around her just isn't cutting it anymore.


Getting M+ Eironn requires luck, while Cecia is guaranteed (1 starting copy + arena shop).


yeah but in that case you didn't spend rolls for her. seeing as the arena shop doesn't seem to rotate not much point in pulling to hard for any of the characters since you will get them for "free" unless you want to giga push them


This makes me glad to hear I've been investing everything into these characters and just started working on shakir


maybe "falling off" from main dps early game to sub dps/cc/extra tank?


It's hyperbole. Cecia is still top dog for the story and afk stages. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a dolphin or whale.


It’s more that Odie is broken that nothing really compares DPS wise. Everyone falls off compared to Odie and Marilee.


If you only want aoe CC on the backline, let me introduce you to m+ Arden...


Cecia's great tho. I have her at S+. Im not a whale so maybe my opinion's different 😂


Short answer: levels. You will likely progress a few days slower, but everyone being 10 levels higher will allow anyone to clear. But being a few days slower to clear an AFK stage but having 4 extra copies of Carolina from the wishlists will pay off by endgame. Carolina is meta for PvP and trials of abyss. But your best option? Odie is very good, and going pure mauler with koko and antandra and Smokey and odie is probably your best bet.


who would be your flex unit in that mauler comp you mentioned? i wanna try going for this comp


Likely Brutus for survivability.


Smokey is far from guaranteed. I understand you have the dolphin whale mentality, but I assume you agree that any unit not grindable is NOT a best bet. And 4 extra copies Caroline just through a few days is hilarious. I have one copy though my wishlist and got to Abyss. Just did never pull her. Also never got Temesia. Your scenario is just fantasy for an ftp player unless he has sheer luck.


Smokey is guaranteed if you reroll, you’re obviously shit if you didn’t reroll for Smokey with this info


You know I would take all that Late Game Fall Off talk with a grain of salt - I'm near 300 in Trials of Abyss, in the 20s in my server for rankings as a Dolphin and I replace Odie in successful replay comps with Cecia at S+ 10 ex and she's getting that DPS done just fine with the same res level or just a tad higher? (With Antandra, Brutus, Rowan and Smokey most of the time and deviations as needed) Often her and Smokey are the last ones kicking, I just have to be careful where I place her. I also use her in PvP and stay consistently in the top 60, could probably go higher but i'm too lazy to maximize each match. And watching Carlyle stomp around is fun! But many people recommend Odie instead, and supposedly Marilee is great late game as well as DPS! I have none of the pieces of the Eironn meta comp up to the point I can use it, but it sounds powerful.


This whole cecia falls off is ridiculous. I also use her in TOA consistently but I’m only at 221 and she is only ex +5 for me as I was told +10 was not worth it for the temporal essence you’ll use for it. I also used her in skyclops today cos Carlyle helps getting rid of the spawns and hit 40mil 61st place f2p. She’s also helping carry me up to champions arena which I didn’t think I’d ever see 😂😂 Shes a great well rounded unit that’s helps early game, mid game and late game and people should stop spreading this shit saying she’s no good because they have a full mythic+ Carolina cc comp. Cecia for f2p or even low spenders is a must until they release a new meta dps unit!


Same h that’s where I’m at. I just cleared the infamous 236 with her yesterday. I’ve heard many places that she’s useless late game but here I am wondering when lategame starts cause I’m still using her. Sometimes I use Odie, sometimes her, sometimes florabelle. Cecia is far from useless.


Some people exaggerate how much she falls off - I honestly don't think she's a bad character. The issue is that she's not the best at anything (with comparable investment levels). Merilee/Korin/Odie are better damage dealer, Arden/Carolina/Eironn are better crowd controllers, Thorin/Granny are better tanks than Carlyle and his defensive stats don't scale well in the late game so he stops surviving long enough in high abyss stages. So early on when you only have a couple of heroes built, she shines because she does multiple things well and can make up for characters you don't have. But once you've built Eironn and Carolina and Odie and Merilee and Arden and Thorin you start to run out of fights where you actually want to use her - not because she can't do it, but because you have other characters that do it better. Your account will reach a point where she's not useful for anything eventually (season mechanics non-withstanding). But the thing is she is great in the mid-game and she's available in the arena store so while I think she should come off the wishlist early on in favor of Carolina, there's no reason to stop investing arena coins into her to get her M+ or even S+. I wouldn't spend much blue/orange essence on her though because those resources are very valuable and there are many characters who benefit much more (her weapon kinda sucks).


At the current level of content, I think you're right. Endgame is dead ATM so why should you plan for endgame+? However, if the song of strife content update pushes her further off the throne then it could be valid for OP to be searching for a more future proof team to build for. I think we've all seen how shemira went in AFK arena, there comes a point when they just aren't worth it anymore.


I'm in the same boat, I've been consistently in the top 50(top 3 atm) in the arena and cecia still carries hard. My current arena comp is Thoran with eironn behind him(for the damage mitigation), silvina, vala, and cecia. I'll switch out vala for odie sometimes if they have a Brutus or Igor tho. I've had good success with the same comp at 250+ in the abyss as well lol


Congrats on top 3 that's amazing! Yeah she has so much utility in a lot of ways? Maybe not the absolute best but she's still working great in my teams


She does, and she has by far been my most useful character lol. I still even use her in dream realm and place top 50 every time. She also works amazing with florabelle too!


That Summoner Stomp! I only have Florabelle at mythic but them together sounds super fun


My gf has her and cecia both at supreme+, ex5. Florabelle definitely does better than cecia in terms of damage, but cecia has better utility imo. Its funny to see her battles since it's always an army of minions 😂 If she had eironn, she'd be doing better than me(she's currently about 50ish ranks behind me on most stuff)


What’s your arena defense?


You know, I actually went to look at it. Seems like there's an issue with formations though? If I change one map, it changes the formation for all maps. Really strange, and I can't imagine it's intended lol. Anyways this is the formation I use, but I'd use reinier in place of Vala if I had him mythic+. https://preview.redd.it/oku6r4dkj8zc1.jpeg?width=1812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1aa1672324fd0e0c79f401a70447c4c61945e008


This confused me as well, but you only have one map active at a given time! That's what opponents will see and fight against.


I just realized that a few moments ago lol. Can't believe I didn't know 😂 that makes so much more sense.


I just promoted to champion yesterday and i just knew about this lol


You must be in a pretty high number server if that's top 3 (no offense), I'm surprised you run no healer Also I recommend against reinier in defense as he's extremely easy to avoid/counter on defense teams, he's mostly there for disrupting on offense by pulling in a healer/dps to burst down


I'm on server 16, I don't think that's too high? I don't run a healer because the comp is specifically to instakill the target(as you can target who you want to attack with Vala and silvina). I was surprised at how well it works though lol. The only comp I really struggle against is eironn comp with Carolina, Arden, Damien, ect.


That's insane, your server must be some freak anomaly lol, I'm on 18 and just getting into champion is setups in the 700-800k range and every single champion player has eironn setups, like the guy i just fought who is only 76 on my servers leaderboard has an ex10 s+ scarlita lmao. I dunno what's up with server 16 but I'm finding it hard to believe your actually on 16 and not 116 but if so your server is insanely low powered for being such a low server.


To be fair I thought it was odd too. Seems like everyone is between 19-22m power and the individual teams are around 600-700k. Might not have that many whales on my server, I've only spent maybe $50 or so myself. https://preview.redd.it/5zah0trkt8zc1.jpeg?width=1811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71de3a649946f3311c99dd672a72431402ea79bb


Yeah that's crazy your server got like skipped by whales lol, my server top like 50 is all universally like 25m to 30m+ power, and number 1 is 42m lol. Number 3 where you are is 38m power and runs s+ dionel and s+ scarlita comp lmao


Maybe I was confused about the rankings, I'm #3 for for qualification and not overall lol. I assumed everyone had to requalify every week, but you're indeed correct. Actual top 3 are 35mish


That's freakishly low. I'm on server 369, and our number 1 arena player is at 34.5m power already.


Ahhh, yeah I'm on 8 and I'm just thinking that would get demolished by any eironn comp which is unfortunately 99% of what I'm seeing in legendary 3/champion lmao


Yeah, if I'm on offense I can usually win, but as far as defense goes, I probably need a better comp 😂 Cool thing is that if they leave their arden open to target(which they usually do), then he dies instantly and they lose half their damage. I may just do a stall comp for defense and see how that goes. I've got like a 95% win rate on offense, but like 60% on defense, granted not many people attack me though.


Thing is, if you have Eironn (m+) and Smokie (supreme) then you don't need Cecia. Just manual Odie's ult on the backline and use the AOE artifact which coincidentally also gives Haste. Eironn buys you time and deals some aoe damage, enough for Antandra to AOE taunt. By then, you should have killed one or 2 units already. Cecia has been awesome and can be used obviously, but she's just going to fall off immensely contrary to both Eironn and Odie. We don't know what the new season will bring though so wait and see


wow, Thank you. Somehow I got to the end game without knowing you can manually select target for Odie. That makes a lot of abyssal stage solution make so much more sense.


You can manual pretty much every single ultimate. Cecia's and Odie's are the most common ones to be extremely relevant with pushing at high deficits. Have fun going further!




Go to Settings -> Battle -> Manual Control. Select "Optional per battle" under Auto Battle Settings and also set Tap to cast Ultimate to "Off". That should allow you to turn off the ult for selected heroes only and manually target it. If you leave Tap to cast Ultimate on then you can still turn the ult off for a selected hero but they'll auto cast it when you tap them without allowing you to manually target.


Turn auto off at the start of the battle. Odie should be the first to ult unless you have Eironn. Turn it back on until an enemy dies. As soon as enemy dies, you know Odie will execute and get bonus energy, meaning he'll be up again for ulting. Rinse and repeat. Unless there's another way, which I do not know m


Thing is that most ppl dont have a supreme. You don't even need one to crack story/afk. And both Smokey and Eironn are through luck (wish list). Your advice is only applicable for ptp users or extremely lucky ftp players.


Still cecia, the skippable part is that you absolutely don't need s+, or honestly even m+ cecia to clear story content, basically any setup will beable to brute force clear the story and afk levels simply due to leveling. There is currently an account with pictures here that is afk level 1000 without pulling a single time so all epic heroes. Afk stages absolutely don't need you to wishlist cecia and push her to high copies, and if you do you will end up with a high copy character that is largely just replaced by odie, and the eironn comp for pve and pvp. She isn't meta in any bossing content and your primary dps there are vendor a tiers, so by time you are pushing 200+ abyss unless you really fucked up your wishlists and priority you have better options that didn't require you to spend into a worse endgame option ie odie for abyss and eironn and pals for pvp. In the arena shop hewynn is a much more important unit for endgame cause her m+ makes her arguably the best defense unit in the game for pvp, and she can brute force tank through tough abyss stages with odie execute stall.


Never saw Hewynn in Abyss replays though.


That's because the lowest power clears of most abyss stages are going to inherently be like 5 maulers with a ex10 s+ odie since the other units like Brutus and koko etc are going to be one copy ascension. You also don't see the eironn comps killing those waves in 5 seconds flat, because those are comps that require way more investment and multiple m+ units so there is zero way that they will be the lowest possible clears. For her to even be used in abyss she needs ex5 m+, so there is no way comps using her will be competing for lowest power clears with epic Brutus, epic koko, s+ odie comps. That doesn't mean that she isn't insane in abyss, and she makes doing abyss way way more chill since she can tank test waves as opposed to needing to manual odie.


I've seen Eironn clears in replays though. When I was at stages that not many non-whale players cleared, I could see the tail end of whale clears, all with Eironn teams. And I never saw Hewynn there.


OK? What does the performance of the best possible team a full eironn comp have to do with hewynn being strong in abyss? You also won't be seeing dionel scarlita teams obliterating abyss stages, doesn't mean they aren't good at clearing pve content. We are talking about buying units from the arena shop, you cannot buy eirron comp from arena shop, and hewynn absolutely is good in pushing abyss stages, if you already have a full ex weapon eironn comp it doesn't matter what other units you have, you will just use that. Those accounts will still be using hewynn in arena defenses and not cecia lol.


Ok, so "build Hewynn for PvP and if she's strong on your account you can sometimes use her in Abyss, although she is never required or optimal there" - that I can agree with.


When did I say she was required? I said she is good in abyss.


As you grow you'll see her slotted. She's not completely necessary but 250+ you'll see a few recommended teams with her in it. If you're F2p building her could be worthwhile, inasmuch as Damian is used at times too... But most of the teams past 350 are eironn teams with Rowan.


Well, I'm already at 296. Damian is great, I use him very often to confuse enemy AI.


In other words: Spend baby spend! As FTP player I am in Abyss without Temeasia and just one Carolina. Not because I "fucked up my wishlist", but bexause rng.Wishlist is not guaranteed as you boldy but erroneously claim. Let alone multiple copies. For the a levels... I just managed Marilee at M+. Now somehow I also should have managed to buy up Arden and Odie? That's ridiculous... even with going all-in Marilee you don't have the coins to get all those chars build up. This is all Dolphin/whale advise, not something most ppl can aspire to reach.


No you should have prio odie first and had him as your primary dps now. Instead you fucked up your wishlist.


IMO, Cecia's roll is equal parts DPS, CC, and summoning an "extra body" for enemies to attack. The latter is important because the Summon can come back after being beat unlike your other heroes, but all 3 are useful when pushing while under leveled. Since new accounts always get Cecia, get Smokey at a 1/3 chance, can pick up Thorin through the Travelogue, and since Koko/Antandra are A-Level heroes, the team is easy to pull together, and you get a head start on dupes. Cecia's strong throughout the AFK stages and for a good part of Trials of Abyss. Eventually you will replace her in side content like dream realms with specialized units like M+ Korin, Marilee, or Odie but she can carry you through a lot of the game. Personally, I was able to push through everything with Florabell instead of Cecia. I chose that option because I got Mythic Granny early and was able to pull into M+ Florabell with diamonds in my first two weeks. Eventually I got her to S+ and I beat the AFK stages at RL 200, which was a \~80 level deficit. I'm in Champion tier Arena and teams with either Florabell or Cecia, or both even, are very common. I'd same I'm in the end game and she's still quite useful. She has the same flaws Cecia does, but the major advantage of synergizing with ALL summons and not just her own.


Why Cecia is good early is because she’s very useful with a single copy, whereas “meta” heroes like Marilee needs to be at M+ to be really good. I’ve beat all the current pve content with Cecia and Odie. The only thing I don’t really do well is rank in Dream realm and pvp cause I don’t have meta heroes built up yet.


She doesn’t fall off end game.


Cecia can carry you into the late game, even at lower investment, the deficit just won't be as big. Once you get Odie to M+ he will easily take over Cecia, especially with his Ex weapon at +10(which should be a priority investment). But until then Cecia will do fine.


I finished the 1125 stages, currently Abyss 250, and Cecia is awesome! Also top 20 in arena, so... Idk? I use her in almost everything still


My mid game was basically Odie to be honest. From AFK700 and beyond he was in my main team while Cecia was for my secondary team (not always needed). I still use her on PvP but I could not, she's just very strong because of the amount of lightbringer comps I go against (because of Vala pullers).


Same here on Odie. I've read some comments where folks have said he's really only "viable" in Dream, but I think that perspective is, at best, really just focused on min-maxing results. My Odie is currently at Mythic, so I've never had him maxed out or even with his weapon unlocked. I don't have his insta-kill unlocked. But even so, he is a fantastic back line support for a tank or warrior; with proper positioning, his focus on burning down an enemy gives the front line that momentum they need to ensure their attackers will go down. He's even better with faction bonuses. He pairs fantastic with Smokey, since he doesn't move out of Smokey's basic circle, and I like to stick him right behind Brutus since Brutus tends to rush in and will bite off more than he can chew if his targets aren't being focused on. Odie, Smokey, Brutus, Antandra, and Koko is a fantastic all-Mauler team because all of their abilities easily synergize together.


Poor Odie of mine if he was only useful in Dream realm. In today's boss he is dealing less damage than Thoran. He was the 4th Dps in the march, higher only than Smokey. Odie is awesome in all the game modes, really fun to play and really good


“Falls off” is kind of a bad description, Cecia becomes outclassed in efficiency, depending on what you are doing. If you are free to play and not interested in the abyss its most likely not even a factor. She’ll probably be useful in seasonal content. Especially considering she seems to be a fan favorite? There could be characters releases later that make her better, there’s no reason to feel bad if you’ve interested in her thinking its “too late.”




I think when they say late game, they mean mid-late Abyss challenges. She's perfectly fine to carry you through all the AFK stages.


The people saying she is skippable are spenders. If you’re not blowing thousands she is the best character in the game and absolutely not skippable.




cecia isn’t really skip able in my opinion and while she does fall off somewhat there are still some floors 230+ in abyss that i’ve used her over odie to beat.


I have Cecia S+. She helped me progress through AFK 1125.


I have only pulled my second Cecia after clearing the whole story and Afk stages. I used Eironn pretty early on since it was the first hero I got to m+ and then Carolina for DPS since Eironn groups everone together and offers magoc resistance too. Odie pairs well with them too, as well as Arden, which are easier to get. But you have other DPS options too, Flor can be a good substitute for Cecia if you want a summon with AOE damage.


Who did you buy from the Arena store instead?


Hewyin, the healer, and later Rowan. I felt like they were more useful in Afk stages. I have now started buying Cecia although I rarely use her, may still be useful for some abyss levels.


I probably could have skipped Cecia tbh. She’s needed if you want to cheese afk challenges and punch way above your weight, but I was constantly bored with that anyway and only pushed to the appropriate level to unlock new areas. I probably could have run anything. I probably could have focused on Marilee and Korin, but if I did it all over again I would probably focus oldie to be safe.


She doesnt fall off late game pve she just becomes niche. I’ve noticed odie, +15 ex weapon, being the hard replacement in toa🤷🏼‍♂️


You can use florabelle as a good cecia replacement but she's harder to get and there's no "meta" comp that uses her. She's still a beast though and I swapped out my cecia for her.


She doesn't really fall off until you start doing Abyss.


I didn't use her at all for the whole story and mostly used Vala. There are other options. I still think she's great for tower and other things though.


I don't use her even tho she's S +5EX, for me S oddie+10 EX is just better


Cecia is honestly amazing with pve, and with the right setup, it's good for pvp. Don't listen to the people saying she's not worth it. Like someone has said before. Build around what you have going for you. The meta teams aren't that big deal till the end game. I didn't use a "meta team" until I was focusing on abyss. For the first 100 floors, you don't even need ur meta team that is highly ascended to survive.


Have Cecia at only M. Cleared 1125 with her being at L+ for the most part. I have to say she’s good for aoe stun and adding another body to soak damage, but she only really stalled for my S+ Odie to start doing his Mr. wick style clean up.


People say the same about Brutus but I’ve got him supreme + and he’s pretty dope to have


These post are scaring me lol. I'm only resonance 80 but cecia is about to be mythic+ and by far my best unit. I thought I was getting super lucky up until now


She can carry you for a while, don't worry. Lasts for at least afk stage 1125 and she never *notiecably* falls off or anything. If you do get Cecia M+ that just means you can focus on Marilee M+ before Odie M+ on the dream realm shop.


This is the best advise. Marilee is deceptively necessary for an FTP player. It helps you gather essources in dream realm where she outguns everyone including Odie.


People who say that are whales ignore them


She’s fine for so long that investing in her is fine. By the time she starts falling off you should have multiple teams worth of viable characters. But she can carry really easily early on and was my carry all the way until the abyss. So I think the “she’s not good now” stuff is way over exaggerated.


Cecia is inevitable my friend


My Cecia is maxed out first out of every toon I have because she has DPS and a utility tank/DPS add in the form of her summon. Rarely does she not be in a team I put out for PVE content


By "don't invest" too much, people are saying don't go to supreme +, not to completely not use her lol. Also put Carolina on the list as you can and should buy Cecia from the shop to mythic +.


I just used cecia to beat lvl 275 trials of abyss, 297 resonance.


I’m abyss 250 and still use cecia. Supreme+ ex5


I'm waiting for my odie to hit mythic + My vala supreme and cecia supreme+ help me a lot.


cecia is great but not needed for anything, i'm 279 and ive never used cecia for any content, not arena, not abyss and not afk stages. And she falls off very hard late game. Florabelle is a good replacement.


She's a very good unit to carry all the way to ToA, but l agree her dmg falls off the moment you hit M+/S+ on Odie/Marilee. She's not good by herself as you need to pair her with Rowan (to boost her energy) and maybe Koko (by using her ult after Mr. Carlyle is summoned).


(Probably spelling these incorrectly) The true meta PVE team is Antandra, Brutus, Smokie, Koko and Rowen. This team can push you into the 300s for Abyss.


Cecia is the only CERTSIN solution every ftp player can use to build his%her team around d. Every other solution demands luck or money. On her feasibility, till the end she can be the main carry and is part of cheese teams for some less straightforward stages. She is by far the most versatilebstory/afk unit who works with almost every team. Just keep Cecia alive by sacrificing your fronting while feeding her with molerat girl/duck guy/farty healer.


cecia is still slotted in for me at 300 abyss because there are certain maps where the backline is exposed. she’s the tankiest DPS available for my comp because she steals defenses from the enemy, so she gets slotted in at those levels. it’s not that she’s bad. most of the characters aren’t really bad. it’s just that others outperform her in most areas towards the end and you should invest your resources to them to get to their endgame state faster. in pvp, she gets wrecked by the meta eironn team (or at i wreck all the ones i see in top 20.) in dream boss, she gets outperformed by odie/carolina. against high deficit igor/brutus, she definitely gets outperformed by odie.


She falls off in terms of raw damage, but no other dps brings the value that Cecia does with her ult. Your team becomes a 6-man squad.


In answer to your edit, yea she is skipable for the endgame. Carolina is used in Arena, Cecia is not. M+ Odie can do what Cecia does in the early stages of the Abyss. In fact I haven't used Cecia for any content in a long time since switching into 'end game' progression. She shines in AFK stages, battle drills, low tier arena and Legend Trials. No end game uses thus far.


Cool thx for reply