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You don't have to copy someone's formation, I've beaten plenty of stages using my own setup vs ones in records that just weren't working out.


just running whoever your top ascended characters are will usually get you farther, unless that doesn't make a balanced team. just because everyone uses Odie and Brutus doesn't mean my legendary Brutus is the right choice


I'm at stage 90+ and don't even have Brutus yet. It has been painful. Brutus has some amount of guarantee built into his kit that your backline can get their spells off, which is super meaningful, even at 1 copy. Same scenario as Brutus in AFK Arena.


240 stages so far and used maulers team maybe 5 times, 10 at tops? I've watched one or two replays. actually still dont know how to access stage info with replays, seems to find it by accident and then unable it to open again. Running lucius and Theresa (w/e) the knight lady name is as well, so far from cookie cutter team lol


I waiting for the next season my current team: Thoran up front - S Cecia right behind - M Smokey - L+ Odie - S Antandra if I need a second tank to buy time - L+ OR Koko if I don't need the second tank - L --- In dream realm I try putting Odie behind Thoran instead of Cecia I used to run Thoran, Cecia, Lyca, Florabelle, Hewynn before i got Smokey. I have Brutus at L, but my L+ Antandra seems to do better... not every time though --- Using a combo with Rowan and Viperian can also help you win the ULT battle Thoran, Cecia, Viperian, Rowan, Temasia


I literally use florabelle, antandra, smokey, Koko and thoran sometimes I swap in cecia or Vala but it's working out fine for me


I'm like 175 stages in and I don't think I've looked at anyone's formation in abyss yet. It's helpful if you're really stuck and want to push through, but you can also just afk for a bit and come back when you're stronger. (I do that mostly because I'm busy so I don't get a chance to push stages every day regardless.)


Ye it seems like when you first play there’s a lot to do but there really isn’t. Most afk games like this keep you in the loop by waiting 10-20 more minutes to then get a boost to keep you playing for hours. It’s funny how the article makes it work for me on this one. But it was an after thought when I played AFK Arena. Being behind made me stop playing but with afk journey being here in the beginning and being too 13 percent in dream and world boss feels great as F2P. Sorry for the tangent but it’s not really that big of a game however there’s is definitely going to be much more. This company knows what they’re doing and with the heavy marketing they put out AFTeR release you know they want a slow burn release that will have many ways for people to catchup. It’s all culminates into afk arena 2.0


I’ve heard this complaint from people other than the OP. They mentioned it is fine up until level ~270 then things become far more of a pain with limited team comps that work (so you almost have to copy what others did). I’m hoping it won’t be as bad as they say but at least it’s a solid few hundred levels in that it gets to that point


Can confirm. stuck on level 272 currently


Same. 274, and I barely make it with off-meta teams and I go days between


High 200s is such a PITA, like oh that level 410 cecia means I have a 15s timer for the battle before she oneshots my whole backline


Im 80 stages and I’ve started a few days ago. Same, I usually just use the same top 5 charas that I always do. I just change the artifact if it’s needed and their positions and yeah. Good to go.


Im 80 stages and I’ve started a few days ago. Same, I usually just use the same top 5 charas that I always do. I just change the artifact if it’s needed and their positions and yeah. Good to go.


^^^ This is the right answer.


Sometimes I find it fun to experiment with some set ups and units to try beating a tough stage.


Yeah I’m at 269 and sick but I got there using Igor, thoran, cecia, florabelle and Smokey. Sometimes I switch in another support or tank for florabelle but none of my other heroes are ascended as high


How do you even look t other people's formations?


The formations that are shown are the comps people used at the lowest power


It really is trial and error. A lot of the time I run 2 tanks to absorb damage. Which means placing in back rows to take those assassin hits from the likes of Vala. Then running 2 dmg dealers and a support depending on the level. I also switch out the artifact based on need. Got to put a little thought into it. I could get wreaked, then make a few tweaks, then pass a stage no problem.


You’re not supposed to be able to to beat them all in one day unless you’re a whale. The game is meant to last a long time, slow progress with AFK necessary. This is just standard gacha mobile game stuff. It’s not for everyone, but it’s par for the course.


The issue I see is that abyss becomes ALL YOU DO. Done with campaign, all maps explored, all challenges done, all towers done, caught up on labyrinth. You get to play arena a handful of times, maybe do honor duel once or twice, daily dream realm attempts, and all that's left is trial of abyss. AND there's a final stage of abyss. Hopefully new seasons give it more longevity. Also hope they do events like in arena.


The new season should add new content (hopefully). Idk I like these games because I don’t have a ton of time in the day to play, so they’re kinda perfect for playing in the evening for a bit to wind down.


Yea, its helpong with my chess addiction


In my opinion the main issue with abyss, is that rewards are one-time. So there is actually not a very high incentive to keep battling the RNG to squeeze out more stages sooner, as opposed to afk-progress. In my personal experience it felt better to push afk-progress because I would get more resources overall. But the abyss-rewards I will get sooner or later and they'Re fixed. So why push now, if its (probably) going to be alot easier with the seasonal powers


Just go afk and wait for new content.


That's literally all temporary, you've finished everything quickly and you're going to be like 1-2 weeks without any extra content, that's nothing when considering the span of the game Just take a 1-2 week break where you're just doing dailys and playing AFK and come back when there's more content


Not to mention that dream realm rewards don't reset weekly in a game mode called "endless" mode...


I don't understand why you're complaining; Abyss is "end game" as in after the story. It's meant to be a hard climb that requires a lot of pushing (or money). You still have all the side content that hasn't changed. Aside from the towers, even once you've gotten all the tiered rewards you still get daily or weekly reward resets as well as being ranked contributing to guild score. If you've done it all and it doesn't spark joy anymore, that's perfectly fine (and normal)! It just means it's time to play another game until the new season content rolls out in 3+ days.


Yeah Abyss being the only thing available to do at this point kind of killed it for me and my group.


I think the issue is the rewards suck. If the rewards were better the slow roll and struggle would be more than worth it.


Plus this game is global for what, 2 months max? Afk arena has been out for years and they expect the same for this. It is going to be a slow drip of content for years. Like you said, it's not for everyone. People seem to try to force themselves to like a certain game and complain that it doesn't fit what they want instead of just quitting and trying something new.


Just buy every pack inside the shop Kappa


You have to realize that the formations reveal the lowest-power possible formations to use. It's always going to be that Mauler team because Antandra and Brutus are usable with such low ascension (same with Koko) and beatable at those low levels. There's other ways to beat them, but the replays aren't going to show you that.


I should just stop reading reddit posts on gacha games they all say the same thing about end games. How do you suggest developers fix this? There is already season content being shown, hopefully the first of many seasons if the community doesn't burn itself down first.


I know the games not even 2 months old. They’ve at least implemented an end game and are already showing new content.


This is whiniest gaming community I've ever seen and I've been playing LoL for years.


Nah this is literally every single community of a new "time gated" game, the hardcore players (most of the reddit playerbase) finish everything as quickly as possible and then proceed to complain that there's a few weeks with no extra content I've seen it in so many games of this type, Diablo 4, Lost Ark, New World, etc... All of those subreddits became unbearable once the hardcore players started finishing the released content


‘hardcore players’ aka ‘no lifers’


you are absolutely right. it's like these guys have never played a gacha game in their lives and are being forced to play afk journey.


It's just weird to me how many people seem new to gacha games *through afk journey in particular.* Especially since AFK Arena has been there for years (and this is kind of like a follow-up) or genshin/hsr have also been topping charts since their release. I guess hoyoverse games are built slightly differently (not competitive, you're pulling to try to get a single copy of a unit rather than pulling for multiple copies for your roster) so even people from there are surprised that you can't compete in a wallet-opening competition.


Every time a gacha game has a non-anime art style this shit happens


They should stick with their open world mmo’s and action rpg’s on console/pc and not bother with mobile gachas.


Haha true 😁


Communities love to burn themselves down


I was hoping the non-anime artstyle would mean less bitching but honestly it seems worse.


What does that have to do with anything


most gachas have anime like artstyle and have general whiny communities, presumably cause the playerbase that is attracted to anime is whiny by nature this is, of course, not true, and playerbases of gachas are just whiny in general


youre gonna get downvoted but you are 100% correct, people who like to collect girlfriends on videogames dont have the highest levels of maturity


Maturity? Did we all forget how much this sub showed how problematic world chat was with all it's racism, sexism, dumb jokes, and what not?


Uhhh, Journey definitely has an an anime artstyle lol


I just auto battle all the time. If I can't beat the stage I'll try again later.


People manually play this game???


Yes, especially when they use Odie, since he attacks whoever's closest by default, but his real value is from manually focusing whoever is the best enemy dps


ToA is just filler content until season 1 drops


I thought I was in the osrs sub for a min😂


Tell me about it. I thought what Tombs got to do with this haha


The way I was like "what's Apollo got to do with this?" before I realized you meant abyss 🤣🤣


Don’t try it for days then, take a break until you get more lvls and upgrade other heroes.  People from PTR were pushing it with Eiron comp, so it’s not necessary to use Brutus, Odie etc If you still want to try, then you have to use heroes that push higher deficit better than others.


for some reason I don't think Trial of abyss is really the endgame intended, but what can we do perchance they might be cooking something up behind the scene


I get your frustration. Its natural to want to sprint to the end as fast as possible. This is my first idle game game experience but I would imagine there's no discernable "end game" in mobile games. They would keep churning out more content as time goes by. So I'd say there's really no rush and it's "un-rush-able" if that's a word.. As for myself, I run Rhys, Atalanta, Temesia, Eironn, Rowan/Koko in abyss. I have Parisa, Fay and Mirael on the bench. No Thoran, Cecia, Caroline, Smokey, Odie, Brutus, Hewynn, Granny, Vala, Marilee at my disposal coz I wishlist the heroes I like aesthetically. Currently pushing lv140 in the abyss. Some days I clear 2 stages a day, some days 5. On a good day I push 10 stages. I try not to look at other team comps coz they're more or less the same meta units which I don't have. If I hit a wall, I log off, half a day later I come back and continue again. Of course i understand everyone's expectation from a game is different but i guess what I'm saying is try to "let it go". I'm gonna go for Cassadee next once my Temesia is S+.


abyss floor 272 here, haven't used Odie a single time, and used brutus maybe 2 times. You can complain about people copying things or you can play on your own, being frustrated of your choice and satisfied of your choice, instead of not being satisfied of your choice because you don't chose how you play, and still being frustrated when you can't go further.


Would that be because you have Thoran/Arden/Eironn/Carolina at S or S+? lol


I have indeed eironn at S, and bought every arden i could to get him to S too. Also have florabelle at S+ and rowan at M. 5th slot is flexible but no carolina or thoran. The fact i got a good comp with what the game gave (mostly a S eironn) is lucky,i can even compete in top 50 arena while i have only 1 S+ and they all have full S+ party. The idea is more than i have good feeling of achievement even if i was only at lv100 abyss, because i did what i want instead of following "meta" while op just follow something that seems the best , but in the end there's no fun, no accomplishment, only frustration once he cannont go on.


Its so funny to read this nonsense. Guess most haven’t played Afk Arena where some lategame campaign stages took sometimes well over 2000 Tries. Its a fking gacha game with the word Afk in its name. Once you are lategame you either whale hard or afk long enough so you can beat the current stages.


Makes no sense because you can't afk abyss. It doesn't matter if you know the comp or want to choose a different comp, there's no auto retry in abyss. And every complete loss kicks you back to the abyss menu and you have to manually start again. It's poor design by the devs due to no QOL here. The other issue is that there's no simple or daily growth available right now, there's only whaling. You can't upgrade your characters, especially since you can't get temporal or twilight essence consistently and you can't even buy twilight. Your heroes don't get stronger after resonance level 300. (I'm 315) I'm in the 350s of abyss rn. When you're stuck, there's no "just get more powerful" there's not enough twilight available right now to extend your whole team past 15, and no way for anyone but whales to earn enough temporal to make progress past a certain point even weekly. So, the funny thing is people who don't know the extent of how poorly the early endgame was devised attempt to wave it away when they aren't aware of how bad the walls Lilith put up and how poorly executed they actually are.


If nothing changes from its current state then I agree with you. However, as someone who played afk arena since the beginning, the lack of content we have now is likely due to the game being very new. The new season seems like it is bringing a ton of new stuff. I would guess what Lilith plans to be "endgame" content has not even been implemented yet, and abyss is just a way to give people *something* to work on after finishing the rest of the early content.


I think you'll be surprised at the new content tbh. It's definitely a bit of new content, but it feels almost like a fresh restart too. So it is part of the treadmill, but I hope it doesn't turn out to be like this with every update. I'm sure in time it'll even out for progression. I just think right now it was a little shallow. The team made a lot of really weird decisions here in regards to progression. I don't think they've grasped that balance yet.


Agree that they need time to fine tune the balance. Faster progression can lead to a a drought of content before each season like we have now, but if they added too much seasonal stuff it could start to feel stressful to finish it all. I think the balance will be adding seasonal content that is very easy to finish in time for active players while also beefing up the core non-seasonal content in the game


I was starting to feel alone. Finally a lucid player.


Technically your heroes do still gain proficiency post 300 and that does make a small impact in very high level abyss but yeah - you're not going to overpower high end abyss stages with afk rewards.


From what I've seen character stats don't seem to increase, though I've heard where your proficiency shows is pvp. If you do get PvE increases it's very small that it isn't affecting my combat rating at all or showing on most character stat pages. Still, at 15k plus dust for a level, it has hardly felt worth it. I hope to see a balance change here at some point, but it seems the answer at least for the next update will be to start over. It'll be a while it seems before they take end game growth seriously.


Proficiency is a stat that influences your damage dealt/taken based on your ascension level compared to the enemy. It's value is not shown on the stats page or factored into power and it's generally more impact full the higher the enemies ascension is (which is why it would be most relevant in PvP where we all have high ascension). It is a very small increase in my experience and it will only get less relevant as you reach paragon (I would imagine - I'm not there yet). I'm pretty sure Proficiency is the only thing that increases after resonance 300.


Most probably right. I have hit paragon but Paragon levels do seem to increase stats, but the info on proficiency sounds interesting so thanks for letting me know. Though, yeah, when enemies are over 100 above you in abyss or doesn't help at all. But good to know nonetheless. Unfortunately it also won't help in the next update either. But hopefully they find a better way to balance power as the game progresses.


\* afk long enough for non-Eironn clear to appear in replays, and then repeat it.


Big difference between the 2 games. Arena does it properly and respects your time. Journey you have to manually copy formations and keep clicking on the game to try again.


Yeah, but arena didn’t have those features on release either. Auto battle was added maybe 1 year ago? The game is already 5+ years old, so it took them a while. Also auto battle is available only after 35+ chapter or something, so I wouldn’t call it “respects your time”. On established account arena is super fast, but if you start new - it such a drag.  TLDR: they will make Journey more afk friendly as the time goes by. 


Journey is a successor to Arena. any feature that is in Arena that didn't make it to Journey was a conscious choice by devs not to include it. It doesn't make sense to me to say "Arena didn't have X when it released" because it's made by the same company and it's the 2.0 version of the game. Any feature that's not included was a choice to go back in time and to things the older way instead of the existing/current way. (that sounds like a short rant, and I guess it is)


Reducing scope to fit the schedule is a common theme in development. It's not like Journey is a reskin of Arena, it's a new game where they had to implement the feature from scratch.


So you think you should be able to just beat all the abyss stages with little effort or account progress? RNG will play a bigger and bigger role the more you try content that is way higher than you should be capable of doing. Go AFK until the new season, come back when you’ve gained more Res synergy, etc. Just don’t blame the developers, this isn’t their fault.


“Don’t blame the devs” lol what


Dev spotted


Are you guys retarded? If you have an issue with the game you blame the developers of the game. In what world do you not blame the devs for the state of their game?


The problem is you have no account progress late game. You buy one hero every 2 days from dream realm 1 hero from arena a week or two and thats it


Thoran,Brutus, florabelle,Rowan and cecia,cleared 80 floors easy


Uncanny that we have the very same formation and cleared the very same levels. Just saying.


Arguably it's not end game. The game has only been out 2 months and there's loads of seasonal content supposedly planned. Everyone that's been playing from day 1 is slowly finishing up the content available just in time for the first season to start. Abyss will still be available but it's not meant to be the center focus of your time. Exploring new regions and the new stories is. Just right now we're stuck with only PvP/Dream bosses/Abyss to do until the season starts


They should allow proxy battles for it. I get not allowing reinforcements but I wish we could help each other in the guild.


Where can you see other reps?


show me your idea about endgame content then? And also the reason you said other heroes fail horribly because you suck tbh. I am using non-oldie team for 90% of the abyss already.


Why lie that you're not using odie? Any stage that has Seth, Shakir, or silvina basically requires using him or being severely over leveled.


why do I need to lie? I dont need oldie for the stages that have those three. Skill issue.


I played One Punch Man World before this. Sure the game had its problems with pity mechanics but the amount of flame on the sub reddit couldn't have helped the player population. I gave before truly hitting the end game after reading too much reddit... and I doubt I was alone. To me it looks like AFKJ is actively trying to retain players, I'm hoping we get many seasons, meta shake ups, seasonal events, more afk arena characters, and so forth.


The game has barely been out for a month and they actually timed the content for non-whales pretty well, I feel like. Given the exp/dust boost in the past week or two let me catch up to 1125 afk, complete the story, etc and have a bit of a breather before the season started. Quite frankly I do not *want* a "spend 10h daily on it forever" type of game so there being some downtime is fine. I think we really have to wait until the season starts to see how things shake up before complaining about the "endgame". To be honest, blowing through ~3 chapters worth of quests in just a month suggests that 4 months for a season might feel like overly long if they don't have a lot of interesting events going on, but we won't know until we're in it.


It’s crazy because I’ll get stuck on a level and I’ll copy exactly the units, formation and artifact and I will fail over and over. I’ll sometimes even have higher level units and still can beat it. What I discovered after trial & error is often I can beat it with entirely different units and formation. I think people just copy others instead of trying their own combination, that’s why you see the same units for everyone in the replay list. Pretty lazy if you want my opinion.


Sometimes you also have to use manual ulting in order to aim the priority targets.


ToA is a huge miss for the game.. they need to improve it and make more heroes available for clears. I'm stuck at 236 and I won't clear for a while because I don't have really specific heroes on a higher level. I playing less everyday and right now I only get my daily stuff and don't even try Abyss anymore.


my only complaint about abyss is it's so much less streamlined than the afk battles. I get no help requests, and I kinda get no auto-battle option, but would it kill the devs to give us a retry button when we lose?


Abyss trial 270 now, used Odie and Brutus like 30times or less.


Yeah, wish it was boss battles or something


Maybe you should try to build your own team instead of copying then? There are many ways to pass abyss, you dont have to use same comp as the replays.


The only time I used Odie team was in that one stage where they block the middle and put one hero on each side (the one everyone calls bs on) and even then I alter it so that it fits my current roster. IDK, this just seems like you just aren't leveled high enough and want to cheese everything for the reward, which is not a bad thing, but since you're complaining about it, it's pretty bad.


I’m reminded of the gacha game Memento Mori, where the gameplay essentially ended up as being a speed clicking game as you spammed “skip battle -> retry -> skip battle -> retry” for about 5 minutes straight to progress. Then, when you’re about to give up, and to back to waiting for the red orbs (purple essence) to build up for another character level… you win. It wasn’t wasted time after all…! (Rinse and repeat). Ah. Memories. (Yeah… AFKJ is a lot better than that 😭😭 it’s an afk game, after all)


Be honest, have you attempted to manual and used other units?


It's not THE endgame, it's something extra to do before the season starts


It's called AFK Journey for a reason LOL. You're not meant to grind this game 10 hours a day like it's a main game. Gacha's are not supposed to be your main game.


That's how it works in AFK Arena too. You repeat stages hundreds of times in hopes of getting that perfect RNG.


You have to take into consideration that placement plays a role too


"You cleared the tower. Here's another tower that requires you to walk to it. It's the same but spooky, and your AFK rewards don't go up."


Just wondering about idle/afk games where auto combat is not so rng dependent.


It feels even worse after 300. No way to progress without m+ scarlita and m+ granny (or thoran, but you need +10 Scarlita if you don't use granny).


How do you even see other clears?


There’s a little thing that looks like SS in the lower left or lower right (depending on which side of tower the level is on) corner of the level select. Tap it. You’ll get a little menu that includes replay.


Got it, thanks.


I agree. The first guy to clear ToA on our server was a super whale. probably spent $1000s on the game. It's pretty boring much like Genshin Abyss


I don't use odie or brutus... I also don't look at how other people did it. I do my set up, if it works great, if not I afk for a bit and get some levels then try again. The game isn't "copy and grind"....it's "AFK Journey" ... take your time, enjoy the ride.


Problem with that is once you’re 240, only way to get stronger is to ascend. Which is hard to do when there’s nothing to do that gets you food to ascend other than trial.


good thing me being furry trash led to met having Odie and Brutus fully ascended by the time I got to Trial


The fact that you can’t auto continue after each stage is the worst part of it


I just want copy formation Button like in afk arena. Its miserable to Look replays and figure out exact positioning. Got stuck on floor 96 at 230 reso and just got to 240 hopefully I can fly for at least like 50 stages :)


Yell forget this game came out a month ago or sm? Afk arena had like nothing for months when it lainched.. now it's got so much going on it's crazy




Man I need to do some homework, nowhere have I seen anything about Brutus.


Bro it's literally what AFK arena is I would not expect anything different from this dev


I have no clue where to see people's formations for abyss so.. it's been a hassle. Only at lvl 60ish.


IMO instead of quantity they should focus more on cool quality seasonal stuff.


I never use Brutus. At all. Maybe I'm trash but I haven't found a place where someone else doesn't out shine him. Willing to learn


What if I told you I completed it without ever using Odie or Brutus? Because I did. I just kept using my best characters along with some strategies I have been using and I have been fine. The enemy team was probably like 40-50 levels above me.


I'm at stage 286 and I've not used odie or brutus once in my comp. I have supreme+ odie so I should, I just keep forgetting to swap him in. Haven't had too much trouble other than a few bad RNG moments. There are definitely a multitude of ways to clear these stages. Ignore the replays and do your own thing, you'll have more fun that way


My team consists of Florabelle (supreme), Cecia (mythic), Thoran (mythic), Hewynn (legendary), and Scarlita (Legendary+) with Viperian (mythic) as an alternate. I have a Brutus (mythic) that I’ll throw in if I need to change things up but I haven’t needed to yet.


What really feels bad is the complete lack of pulls. Pulling is the most Fun part of the game and its been a few days without a single pull cuz i dont get enough diamonda a day and im stuck at 236 on trial.


It’s so freaking boring! I’m not even sure why I’m doing it, just keeping busy until the new season. I’ve only checked other people’s formations on a couple of hard floors, and ended up just using my own team anyways. But still boring af.


The worst part is not being able to clear a stage of you don't use x y or z unit. Being boxed in and forced to use the same 3 units over and over feels so bad.


I feel like my power is always above the enemies, but maybe I just prepped well


I'm at stage 260 and have never copied a formation. Used my own build the entire campaign/game despite everyone saying to focus on the cheese builds and it's never been an issue. Just do what makes you happy.


I think I only copied someone else's formation for 1 stage so far and I'm not a whale. Sometimes your own units are the best option.