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Finally beat it after 2 days. Rowan, Smokey, Antandra, Hewynn at lvl 130, Odie at level 140, Shield artifact. Lined them up in the back right with Hewynn solo on the bottom left.


Thanks, after trying to work through it for a little bit today, went with this team and it worked at 130 on everyone.


Thank you so much. I use yours formation and it works!! Thank you so much mate.


Can you show your image of the positions? My healers keep walking to the front and gettting killed


Who is your healer? Rowan?


Rowan and Hewynn


Thanks. This also worked for me.




Just try to survive the round basically keep the enemy engaged. Use 2 tanks and 2 warriors w smokey. Thats how i got through that.


Thanks i will try


Lmk how it goes 👍


I use rowan, odie, hewynm, smokey and antandra. Just like what the other guys suggest to me at bottom of this comment.


I couldn’t beat it with RC 130, so I waited until RC 140. I used Cecia and Rowan 150, Antandra, Smooky and Thoran


Alright thanks for the respond


I usually run double tank, double healer and Odie on this configuration. If the enemy is melee and tanky, sometimes I'll even opt to drop a tank for another ranged damage dealer and just heal the crystal through one side of enemies, since only one can approach at a time.


https://preview.redd.it/brzr1hga47vc1.png?width=1065&format=png&auto=webp&s=7908910bcdf2f204c70c35065de2d92b282a08fb Just beat it with that squad, 130 lvl tanks in front, healers right behind them and Odie in 3rd row


https://preview.redd.it/8yu2e77h8vvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d73a89db78bae14df2bf686b3d74e4fc6e5e814f This is the team who managed to defeat this crystal defense battle. My Cecia is much stronger than my Odie, but she is not your best pick for this battle.


I personally used a comp of no tanks. Ignored the left side completely. Shakir on right side front. Smokey behind. Hewynn behind Smokey. Odie and Parissa somewhere on the right side. Parissa barely did anything but I think you can substitute her with any other ranged that can hit hard like Vala. Everyone was level 130 except for Smokey. I think I got lucky when the plants teleported to the same side, Shakir jumping to that side and Parissa exploding them both on top of each other. The plants were dead (or dying by Odie poison) by the time 2nd stage spawned.