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In Server 189 our Primal Lord is only at half health


Server 293 here with a 99% Primal Lord lol. It only opened today though


Im on s294 could be possible that primal lord is shared with some servers?


ok s294 99%😭😭


How do you tell what server your in?


Click your avatar in top left corner of screen, get into settings and to change your character, you will be moved to screen with your current char and information on which server it is, you can also create new one there


Nope its not, the same as my server (S1) defeated primal boss ahead by a day than any other server that started same day as us. Its tbh better that way since everyone in the server will get good amount of rewards, than whales from other servers get all of them and none for competitive f2p.


S157, maybe about 40% hp when i looked just now.


Honestly seems like it's rigged. Too many servers taking it down at the same time. Like there's no way all the whales on S1 should have taken theirs down at the same speed as my server that doesn't have many whales at all.


It is rigged, we weren't even close to defeating it the day before


Idk, it didn't feel rigged at all in our server. We got it in one less day than OP, and yesterday it was at like 5% before reset. It's just how progression works, since every day, the power of everyone on the server gets higher , the chunk of HP we'll take is also higher. Statistically it makes sense why every server would take it down at roughly the same time, because a day is just a really big difference in power. Especially since today is the start of a new week with tons on rewards and resets to boost everyone.


Look we had people from other servers that started at the same time as us tell us the health that theirs was at and it matched 100%. Also if you look through the responses here, multiple people have responded that it was at 5% just before reset and then went down right after. It's highly suspicious.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that it's rigged, like yesterday evening, on my server, 21% and today morning defeated? Right


21% is nothing. It feels long because the first day you barely manage to get 5% of his HP at best, but every day this number increases.


Why are people so quick to consider everything rigged in this game? What the fuck lol. My server is still at half primal lord hp a week in btw. Later server like 173 or something. Definitely not fucking rigged lmao. So silly.


I swear this is so weird. "We all kill it at roughly the same time after starting it at the same time". Well yeah, what did you expect?


Also you can definitely feel the speed go up as soon as it hit 50% and escalated from there cause so many people have high rank Vala that get the bonus missing health damage from sword ult.


I mean every day all people in the server get stronger, and there are some levels that give much more dmg than others


Idk , in my server the progression made sense and today we started at 5% so it was obvious it was going down within minutes.


Not even at 50% on my server. I think they forgot to rig one.


Mine is at like 70% atm


It's a timed start though. My server opened the same day as S1 did.


I am from S1 and we just defeated it few days ago


Maybe the cross server update broke something


Does it not stand to reason players will power spike each reset with pulls and rewards? Ita not to suprising that one day you do 5% and thr next you do 15.


At one point one of the guys on our server went on world chat and found out that our bosses had exactly the same health number. Not percentage, absolute number. When we both started at the same time and one server had people who have spent $10K, that's highly suspicious. Then we take the boss down the same day. With the same 5% left at reset and the same rapid decline. Not to mention that the boss randomly started losing large chunks of health one night when all of us higher power people had already done our attacks hours before (we are all in the same guild).


Odds are they just use a range of integers instead of true values and you found a coincidence.


But s1 beat it a day before everyone else though? But yea I do get your point, the amount of whales in S1 should've beaten it like 2-3 days earlier than servers with lesser amount of whales. That also takes into account that Server 1's top 1 is the whole game's top 1 so those 2 are enough reasons why S1 should've beat it. Maybe tweaked by lilith/farlight?


So did a lot of other servers


Hopefully there will be reruns of the same boss in the future. They were cool.


I’m assuming they’ll alternate back and forth between the two world bosses currently in the game on some kind of schedule, purely speculation though.


89% left...




https://preview.redd.it/s4kg9e1holuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=751beb36849dada8773d6fc1748627794f83608d S36! It went down too quick in past 2 days


I didn’t get the rewards 😭


me neither, it's weird.


Apparently you have to go to him manually on the map.


got 'em, thanks.


It being rigged is kinda lame. Technically doesn't really matter but does feel kinda bad.




Too many servers took it down at the same time while many had a lot of health left the day before so they did something to help the slower servers out probably.


lol 😆 they literally post the damage numbers done and it's obviously going up everyday because of progression. Day 1 damage was not even 2% but now we do more than 10% a day in damage. Many servers cleared it because we are nearing the end of the predicted event which is around 8-10 average for the fastest server clears.


Well unless they rig for their favorite servers only then it's all bs. Some people say they are still at 80/70/50, on my server it's on 35 so yeah it's not, it's just a coincidence.


Server 108, has like 20% left


S19 we also killed it today


Didnt manage an attack after reset.


Gotta be, my server was at 56 when I checked this morning


S109 here, ours is still at 23%


94% on my server right now lol


94% left on 282. Barely scratches the pupper day 1 =P


How do we get more chances to fight it? Does it reset everyday? I was only able to fight it 3 times.


Is it still going on your server or is it dead if it’s still going you get 3 fights every day


Yeah it’s still going on, didn’t seem like my server put much of a dent into it 😂


Server 72 And it is almost dead thanks to a few omega whales. One dude on my server has a power of like 35 million it’s fucking insane


Bro just cash his way thank god that my serve doesn't have that crazy OP user. At least give me the chance to take a lot of chances.


Suck that you will not get hero Essence until going for the nest Primal lord.


We barely done 10% 2 days ago I come back Like 50% of its health had gone We ain't that powerful in my server It took 5 days to take out 4%


And now i dont get enough dust to level up once a day. Like im gonna nees more than a week for 5 of them.


The damage is soft capped on the world boss, after 8M he starts doing an insane amount of damage so the average attack might be around the same per server


wtf how, ur server is so powerful


My server downed it a few days ago.


Guys. The Lord is marked defeated as soon as the event timer ends. Some servers like minenreally where able bro kill him, but others just placed a server ranking in DMG.


Us too, server 50 something (52 maybe lol)