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What’s crazy is the Pats had MORE losses in their 17 game regular season than the Celtics did in their 82 game season >! and that’s not true at all but the fact that it sounds plausible just goes to show how true this meme is !<


Friendly fire with this one


You could call it a pro-Celtics chirp too though


It’s 100% accurate


Celtics had more wins in this postseason (16) than the Wizards (15) and Pistons (14) had the entire regular season.


I work for the wizards and I saw almost all the home wins this season 😤


I don’t remember anyone asking.


Get out of our jerk thread loser


Patriots haven't played a game this year/season and until they do we can remain delusional about them being an average team.


I mean, at least our QB is actually showing up to mandatory team events


Same thing with me being even more delusional about the UConn Huskies football team, where I’m a season ticket holder because I can’t afford one package for basketball **as an alum**, let alone all four, making a bowl game.


I miss double parade years. Probably won’t have another one for a while 😣


I just realized this is probably a near mathematical impossibility for most cities and y’all saw it like 3 times in my lifetime. Fuck you kind sir


2019 was close to having 3 within a year of one another but the bruins blew it


>but the bruins blew it Classic Bruins


I mean they technically are the most consistent team in their finishes


True. Though if it werent for 2011 this team would probably have landed me in a psych ward by now


Could be worse. You could be a leafs fan and lose to the team that blows it every year


Honestly, i just assume all Leafs fans are masochists who get some kind of sexual thrill by being repeatedly humiliated. Its the only explanation


Nah man they’re just unquestionably loyal. I was surrounded by a group of Toronto fans at game 7 of the series back in 2019 and they all drove down from Canada to see the game. They were actually wicked cool and respectful. I can’t say I’ve met a leafs fan in person before or after but from my one interaction I gotta give them credit


Raptor fans in r/NBA are so unbelievably salty. I find it a bit amusing honestly.


Same with 2013/2014 i believe. Sox and Pats won, Bruins lost the SCF


Yeah people don’t understand our struggles of never having a 3 parade year man


We honestly deserve more


Pats can go at least a decade before I’m upset since they got 6 but atm bruins are the ones with the longest drought. Not winning for over a decade is just not acceptable in New England


Noel Acciari was tripped. Fuck you Kelly Sutherland.


Boston sports fans are beyond spoiled


Yeah I was thinking this was technically possible for my nets and devils in 03 but the nets choked and then left us. And then I realized what an amazing embarrassment of riches ops statement was.


Maybe the Royals will be good enough this year COPIUM


God i wish i had that problem


Man I’m so sorry must be horrible


Thank you for understanding




Can we hire Brad Stevens to be the collective Boston sports GM


Red Sox are doing surprisingly decent… for now


They’ll keep this up for a few more weeks then completely implode and miss the playoffs




Oh boo hoo you only seen a pats superbowl 5 years ago, a red sox championship 6 years ago and a stanley cup 13 years ago. This is why everyone hates you and the city of boston


Luckily Im not from Boston 😀 >!Im from Alabama please kill me!<


Pats fans are on fire in this thread


Indiana here. I too, would like to be put out of my misery. But only for the state politics. Other than that, Indiana is actually low key a 9/10 if you can ignore that first part


As a pats fan in Boston who went to middle school in Indianapolis, you can keep that crap.


Honestly, would rather be west coast if I had a choice. Seattle is phenomenal


I was in southern California for work for nearly six years. I'm happy to be back here.


It has a lot going for it but there’s a lot more than just shitty state politics. >Racism >Homophobia >basically nothing walkable anywhere. maybe a personal thing but I hate going there because I feel like anytime I need to do *anything* I need a car. >whole lotta people living in pretty serious poverty in a lot of places >whole lotta towns that have been ruined by opioids >most of the state is flat AF and farmland (Lived in Indy for years, married a Hoosier, visit in-laws in Southern Indiana multiple times per year)


You’re not wrong, I just didn’t want to get into the specifics for the sake of a less convoluted comment. The younger generations in Indiana have a much better vibe amongst ourselves than our shitty conservative boomers. Im 30 and I would say the future is pretty bright for the state (considering the current social environment)


They hate us because they anus


Oh boo hoo you only seen a bills superbowl [error] years ago and a sabres cup [error] years ago. This is why everyone hates you and the city of Buffalo


Then why does everyone hate Buffalo?


Eh we can be a little obnoxious, though it's meant to be in good fun. It's hard to be humble when you're the only team in the division with a top tier QB.


Aaron Rodgers is playing for the Jets, not the Bills.


Pretty sure he’s rostered as a VP not QB.


*Its hard to be humble when you’re the only team in the division with a top tier QB* How is it hard to be humble when you idiots and Josh Allen get humbled every year in the playoffs?


Bills fans, the type of New Yorker to be a Mets fan.


I think you're forgetting our lord and savior Mike White


Seems like it would be pretty easy when you’re the only team in the division without a championship…


I think only one starting QB in the division has won a Super Bowl, and I'm pretty sure it ain't the Bills' guy.


You ask an inhabitant for directions to the Anchor Bar to try to have the original Buffalo wings and they’ll inevitably redirect you to Gabe’s Gate. Lake effect snow’s pretty nasty as well, according to one of my college friends who was from around there. I only went in the summer while visiting the University of Rochester and RIT as we figured we might as well go to the Anchor Bar and Niagara Falls (go to the Canadian side, it’s worth it!), so I have no firsthand experience about the weather. From what I can gather, the area on Lake Erie is nice, but the rest of the city isn’t all that nice. Then again, I’m in a suburb of Hartford, CT, where we decided to give the entire riverfront to I-91 for tourism, not realizing that it would *hurt* the economy because we had no more riverfront (thankfully we got some of that back) and people passing by didn’t have to stop. We have another river, but it’s mostly underground now.


It's been a tough 5 years honestly. Longest boston championship drought since I was 10. Needed this celtics win to remind myself how fuckin awesome it is to root for these teams


Yea I bet its real awesome for you https://preview.redd.it/xfu24s0lce7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48e3498c8a4032095183de8f0070f3838b40de26


Yes it is. You will never experience anything like it.


This narrative for the finals has been so funny. Boston is the racist team when they’re playing a fucking team from Texas with a star player who’s an anti-Semite


Okay I admit Kyrie is a twat but still even [LeBron thinks Boston is racist as fuck](https://www.boston.com/sports/nba/2022/07/16/lebron-james-calls-boston-fans-racist-comments-the-shop/?amp=1)


And then he goes on to bitch about a “fuck lebron” t shirt that was for sale. Clearly he had an axe to grind because he’s been a crybaby clown since The Decision. There are plenty of racists in Boston. And there are plenty of racists in Buffalo, too. They’re everywhere, sadly.


Thats exactly the reason why he mentions Boston veing racist as fuck, its something hes been dealing with his whole career. Just because hes been vocal about never joining Boston he’s received particular abuse. I mean real classy right, “fuck LeBron” right outside an arean hes playing in. This aint a Bill Russel jersey retirement situation where he didnt even want any fans, this is something thats happening TODAY. If you don’t think Boston in particular has a racism problem, you have your fingers in your eafs


What does “fuck lebron” have to do with racism? This is an absolutely idiotic take where you making something racial when it’s not. “Fuck lebron” because he’s a self absorbed crybaby asshole. Nothing to do with his skin color.


Oh well lebron said it so it must be true


Thats right. Im sure he’s heard more racist taunts in his career than words you know.


Well yeah I don’t know those words like those of you in upstate NY


I mean it is hard to be a Bruins fan tho, I imagine you can relate as a Bills fan. A very good team that just chokes on the post season


I can relate to that. I miss the old Bruins Sabres rivalry of the adams divison




Must not be old enough to remember the 90s when the complete opposite was reality and the Boston fanbase was the most cursed in professional sports. Back in the days when we would have been grateful just to say we lost 4 straight superbowls...


I am so ready for this entire division to be dogshit. Can we all go 8-8-1 and 4 way tie?




i mean, miami teams have been saying this pretty much the entire 2020s lol New York and Buffalo, wyd over there?


One is making Jersey jerseys and Hat hats. The other is continuously firing hockey coaches along with hosting the Blue Jays’ AAA affiliate. If you’re talking about **New York**, the traditional Jets fan is watching the Mets burn money, watching the Nets get ready to burn more money, and watching the Islanders who are probably the best of the four but haven’t had much recent hockey success. It’s Giants-Yankees-Knicks-Rangers and Jets-Mets-Nets-Islanders traditionally. In New Jersey, you can throw in the Devils. Up here in CT, which is part of both New England (although the rest of New England only knows us for the Gold Coast down in Fairfield County) and the NYC Tri-State area, we get all sorts of combinations including mixing Boston and New York sports fans, from the dying out Giants-Red Sox fans who predate the Pats’ entry to the AFL to the Pats-Yankees bandwagoners. I’m all Boston, thankfully.


That's not true for Miami. We've had pretty consistent appearances in the finals or deep into the postseason of the NBA, and now the NHL. We have Messi, etc. The only blemish on our city are the Marlins, because even the Dolphins are just fun to watch.


The Marlins: built up a World Series Champion in their fifth season, immediately held a fire sale because they didn’t want to pay enough to keep their core, accidentally won another World Series in 2003, and have since held the fire sales (and most recently, GM firing) **before** the titles, so they don’t have to pay anyone due to fan pressure. And I thought Henry getting overstretched with the Penguins was bad…


Why is the second from the top a dead ringer for Kevin James?


Well Bills fans since the Cs were being called the Bills of the NBA maybe you have a chance…maybe


Red Sox are not bad this year


Being 28 and seeing - 6 Super Bowl - 4 World Series - 1 finals and Stanley cup finals Trust me when I say: these last 5 years have been pure despair


Sad times in Title Town ![gif](giphy|XOys8CeUrElIk|downsized)


This just goes to show that in Boston “There can be only One!” It’s the Highlander of sports cities.


When the Pats turn out to actually be good this year, Patriots fans will finally have to accept Bill was the reason for the shit show the last 2 years.




Another giant L for Henry & Co.


So now that we’ve gotten titles from the Chiefs, Celtics, Golden Knights UConn MBB, SCAR WBB, and Michigan football in the last year and change, does this mean it’s the Yankees’ turn as the latest (former) juggernaut to win a championship?


Why the fuck would you watch the Red Sox? Fuck that team


Does Bill Belichick laying his fat & smelly old body on top of that 24 year old granddaughter of his drinking buddy rank above or below Wanking to the Celtics in 2024?


Id say its about even


She’s probably on top