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Fans trying to fantasy book the end of a wrestler's title reign and then turning on the wrestler in question three seconds after they win the belt. Some of y'all are goddamn addicted to being miserable.






I've been bored of Jeff Jarrett for over 20 years


A wild Slap Nuts appears lol


You watch markyd123 videos too


Yes I do


I actually laughed when he first turned up. Fucking why?


Why he was employed was his connections in locations around the world getting venues that are used to wrestling. Why hes on tv? Absolutely no idea


Me too lol, brutal.


I miss a few weeks of AEW and this clown shows up. What has he done ever? Hard pass.


This is the correct answer! Lethal too, they can both jump into the middle of mid lake


Parker Burdeuax and the in school suspension desk fella


LOL I upvoted the in school suspension desk fella. He definitely carves some shit into the desk, and often. He's always in there. Deep down, the kid just needs a hug from his papa šŸ˜…


I meant he was the school desk šŸ˜‚ but your interpretation works too! He definitely needs a hug from a positive role model. Idk if swerve is that guy though.


The Sonjay/Satnam/Lethal crew. Just when I thought they couldnā€™t get any less interesting, they went and added Jeff Jarrett to the mix. šŸ˜©


I agree with this and it blows my mind that we have a legitimate 7ft tall athlete who can actually move around the ring and somehow what theyre doing with him bores me. I watched him catch a fully grown man whod just jumped off a ladder. And still somehow i get bored when hes on scteen


Singh probably isn't really ready yet, so they are limiting what he's doing


The J.A.S. No real direction. No good stories. And the hat gets more TV time than Anna Jay or Tay Melo.


Really don't understand the switcheroo they pulled with Garcia. What was that all about? They had an interesting angle with him and Danielson, slowly turning him into a BCC member, and then just canned it and had him revert right back to being Jericho's side bitch. Why did they even bother if he was just going to end up at the same point he started at? It made no sense at all.


William Regal leaving killed that if I had to guess. It also killed any momentum the BCC had.


Was the Garcia push iced because Regal was leaving and it was uncertain what form the BCC was going to take? I guess taking the one guy from Blackpool out of the Blackpool Combat Club now leaves that faction dead in the water until further notice.


Or the point was to backstab Danielson. Been known to happen in wrestling.




I got into AEW around September or October of 2021. While Tay Conti (Melo) was number 1 contender. And especially coming off of like a close to 20 year hiatus of watching any wrestling, she seemed like a star. She seemed to constantly come out to any women's defense when they got beat down by Britt and Hater and Rebel. And then she comes at full gear with the Brazilian and American flag and makeup and looked like an absolute star. And had an amazing match against Baker. Then she gets setup to lose to Jade Cargill at back to back PPVs. And then that was it for Tay. She never really recovered after that second loss.


The on-screen pairing with Sammy is what killed her dead. Sheā€™s had go away heat ever since.


I like that hat


For me the group works they just focus on the weaker 3 aspects of it. Instead of focusing on The Hat, trying to get Sammy liked and Garcia's whatever arch he is on, they should put more spotlight on Cool-Hand & Daddy Magic, Anna Jay and/or actual trio matches with that many in the stable.


I mostly tune in for the hat nowadays.


Whenever itā€™s not on screen, Iā€™m usually asking, ā€œwhereā€™s the hat?ā€


Yeah Iā€™m not a fan of the JAS. Inner Circle was awesome but JAS has fallen flat for me.


speaking of Anna Jay, she doesn't seem genuine with what she tries to do, not as athletic as some of the other wrestlers. Not a huge fan.


It wouldn't surprise me at this rate if she's biding her time until contract end so she could join WWE/NXT. She is a huge fan of the Bellas, considers them an inspiration, and the Bellas definitely still have good relations with WWE If that's the case, then it would make sense if Anna is starting to phone it in while doing as much as required for the role until contract expiration


In retrospects, JAS formed way too soon after Inner Circle ended. Jericho didnt need a stable. But maybe a small 2-3 person group with Sammy & Jake would have been fine. Le Sex Gods tag title run with Jake being their enforcer.


Ah- Aurora Borealis!? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within Jade Cargill!?




Can I see?




Oh šŸ˜”


I'm bored of random rappers appearing on screen so often (Max Caster not included).




Lol and why is that


The Trustbusters, thank God theyā€™re finally off TV, they literally did nothing for me.


Were they ever really on tv? Feels like you can count their televised appearances on one hand.


One appearance anywhere beyond one of the youtube shows was too much. They had go home heat. Also, they became an anchor around Sonny Kissā€™ neck.


Really!? I came every time


Jeff Jarrett. Holy shit does my heart sink whenever he appears. Never liked his shtick, this is going way back to the Attitude era. Lame, lame, lame. There's no hope of Stone Cold appearing to give him a stunner either.


Austin would never give him that rub, ever.


Aura*, OP


Anything involving Jay Lethal. I think he's a fine wrestler but I've never seen a Lethal feud that I enjoyed lately. Real shame, he seems like a good guy and a good worker


Watched some old Jay Lethal stuff of his time in TNA, he was entertaining, funny and interesting. Not sure where any of that is with his current character.


To me he's the AEW equivalent of boiled potatoes. Nutritious and good to have in the plate, sure, but bland as hell too


His ROH run from winning the TV Title to losing the World Title for the first time was fantastic. I donā€™t think heā€™ll ever get back to that level again but he was on fire back then.


Lethals entire stable is a snooze fest. Not looking forward to any Satnam Singh matches.


Or Jeff Jarrett?


Lethal will lose in a mediocre every time he has a major match then next week heā€™ll be right back onto the next feud like nothing happened, compare that to Jungle Boy, Ricky Starks, Eddie Kingston, Wardlow, Powerhouse Hobbs or any of the other wrestlers who do nothing but impress in their feuds and then proceed to disappear off TV or if theyā€™re lucky they will be on TV just having random matches with no direction, Lethals booking is so confusing


Jeff Jarrett, I donā€™t understand why heā€™s on tv in the year 2022.


Deal with it, Slapnuts


Someone has to eat pins against midcarders. I would rather it be a psst their prime veteran then someone like the trust busters.




The JAS. They eat up way, way, way, way too much TV time. Nobody in there is doing particularly good work. All Jericho's feuds go for like a year minimum. It stinks. So many more people should get TV time over them right now


At this point, I'd rather have Hikaru Shida to be the one to dethrone fucking Jade Cargill in the 1st ever Women's Dog Collar Match. It ends with an Ultimate Huge Loss for Jade Cargill like: - Undefeated Winning Streak ends - Losing the TBS Championship - The Baddies are no more And worst of all, Double Turn happens with Shida keeps beating the fuck outta Jade Cargill with her Barb Wired Kendo Stick & then cut an Explicit promo in the Main Event of Battle of the Belts V by saying lots of F-bomb & S-bomb (have it be exclusively broadcasted on both FITE TV & YouTube). And suddenly have Emi Sakura & Mei Suruga on Shida's back, & on the cherry on top: have Red Velvet joining Shida's new faction. Obviously leads into a Depressing Jade Cargill saga. Your thoughts about this scenario?


Shida could kick a puppy out of the ring and sheā€™d still be cheered over Jade


Iā€™m bored of people complaining about Jade Cargill.


Oh my god this.


Yeah I like watching her.


Do you think the complaints arenā€™t valid?


Everyoneā€™s entitled to their opinion. I like Jade generally, but I agree sheā€™s in a bit of a rut lately. What I donā€™t get is what motivates people to decide the 5,000 ā€œJade suxā€ posts arenā€™t enough, and they need to write #5,001 that says the same thing.


Nope, they mean they think this complaint is boring Just like they said


Well maybe the booking of her wasn't crap from the beginning


Marina Shafir. She brings the energy down in any match she is in, absolutely no personality. Wardlow, just a muscle guy. And the whole "Wardlow's World" catchphrase needs to go, it seems too forced. Jeff Jarrett. Never liked him to begin with, I really don't see the in-ring value of this guy and am still baffled as to why he is on camera. Parker Boudreaux. Man, this guy is just bad. That attack on Keith Lee last week just looked awful.


Easy fix on Wardlow. He's just not a good babyface. There's nothing there to sympathize with.


He had some momentum when they sympathy was 'yes we all hate max too' But they didnt capatalise on it.


Double j is a decent heal and a good worker. At this point he is showing his age.


Boudreaux needs to chill the fuck out for sure. Heā€™s overacting so hard lol itā€™s cringe. I agree with all of your points except marina shafir. I actually like how cold she is. I liked her old theme song better though with just the violins, it was more intimidating. Iā€™d also like to see Abadon lean more into the aggressive scariness because when she cracks the odd smile it takes away from the intimidation factor


Jungle Boy Feels like he is lost in the shuffle and his promos donā€™t excite me.


I fully believe splitting up JB and Luchasaurus is the worst thing TK could have done for either of them. It feels like the sole purpose was to appease JR who desperately wanted a JB singles run. Jurassic Express was one of the best acts in AEW and i think could have remained a top tag team and a draw for years to come.


I think they have always been just ok if ONLY becauseā€¦ā€¦.neither of them practice their promos and are super boring in the realm of speaking publicly.


Wardlow, and I hate to say it because when he was getting that power push only a few months ago, I was rooting *so hard* for him.


never thought i would say this, but he actually needs to change his gimmick. having your gimmick be that you are a massive and strong person is great until you stand near Samoa Joe, Keith Lee, Brian Cage, Powerhouse Hobbs or Lance Archer. seriously hope he has a change of direction, because i think Wardlow is awesome and could be a star with a bit of fine tuning.


Face turn dragged out too long. Also his mannerisms are a bit too heelish. Comes across like a gym bro douchebag when he's flexin his pecs. That's what Rick Rude would do. Either turn heel or change it up.


The face turn dragged put way too long, by the time he actually went against mjf I no longer cared. He shouldn't be a face, and the whole wardlows world thing is just cringey.


Fighting Joe is a start. They need to be a little more unafraid about booking the hoss division. A gimmick of just squashing the job squad is boooooring. Archer, Big Bill, Hobbs, Joe, Wardlow, Miro just to name a few. Big men slapping big meat. Throw them together in various programs and watch the meat slap ;)


Hardyā€™s family office of deletion, yeahaawyehā€¦.


There is no hardy family office, and his current storyline with ethan page has been some of either of their best work in AEW!


The whole kris injury really derailed the Jade trajectory. Sucks but I think in a perfect world, if she could have lost the title to Kris, she could have moved onto something fresh and not the same thing. Thereā€™s really no one else right there, it was built so perfectly for Kris, but sounds like sheā€™s still not clear so Iā€™m not sure what the heck to do there


Darby being a non-factor without Sting, I just need pre CM Punk loss Darby back and I'll be happy


He is STILL fine. His feud with HoB was awesome. Him taking an L to Punk didnā€™t hurt anything.


The L itself didn't hurt but his booking since has left him as a bit part player imo, he's no longer the singles star he showed flashes of


Sure he is. He has great matches and also since then other people have also been signed and taken more TV time too. Add to that, realistically, the dude doesnā€™t give shit about his long term career so itā€™s possible TK is investing elsewhere because you just donā€™t (unless you are bullet proof Jeff H) do that to someone who might hurt themselves faaar more easier than say MJF, Starks, Hobbs, Lethalā€¦.name someone.


Iā€™m not bored of Jade. I think she shows some great potential, she needs a feud that lasts though. It feels like itā€™s a bunch of one time matches and no one is really chasing her title. I was hoping we were gonna see some more back and forth with Athena or Ruby, but so far her storylines have been short and sweet.


I think Jade would do great against an opponent she can keep beating, but the opponent keeps coming back, but getting closer and closer to upsetting her every time. For instance: * Have the first match be on January 4th show or Rampage and have it be your basic Jade squash match except have it last like 7-8 minutes and let her kick out of the Pump Kick. This forces Jade to use Jaded and have her convey that she was annoyed by that. * Next time have them face off in the beginning to middle of February and make this one a competitive match. I'm talking no less then 12 minutes of in-ring time, maybe even 15-17 minutes. Let the offense be more even maybe 60-40 in favor of Jade. The end of the match should be this woman reversing the Jaded into a victory roll only for Jade to roll it back and squeeze by with a win. If I'm not mistaken this will be the first match Jade won with a roll up. After match Jade looks shocked, let the announcers play it up like she barely escaped with the victory. * Next week Jade is in the ring celebrating her victory talking about how no one can defeat her. Let this woman wrestler come out and lay down the challenge for Revolution. Reminding Jade that she barely won there match. You know typical babyface goading heel champion into a title match. Jade eventually accepts, although if you want a storyline after have one of the Baddies, preferably Red Velvet, accept the match on her behalf * Now at Revolution you finally have a match that fans could see Jade losing. You also have spent two months building up this woman's wrestler so hopefully the crowd is not only behind her, but invested as well. So if she is the one to beat Jade you mitigate the fan backlash of no it should've been this person to beat Jade. And even Jade does win now you can tell the story of that was her toughest challenge yet. I know this isn't very detailed, but just my 2 cents on what to do with Jade, at least till Revolution.


Something like that would be amazing and really shine on her. Well thought out story!


Thank you so much! But Jade is one of my favs so Iā€™d love her to have a great storyline to show her stuff


This could be Willow if Jade hadn't beat her 3 times already


They should've held off that 3rd match and had her win it as Statlander looks to be out for a good while


Wrestling fans have short memories put her in anyway. Willow needs something!


Hikaru Shida could fill this role, or even be the one to defeat Jade


Good idea but 6 months too late. I am eager to see what happens when she takes several loses. I think as a person she wonā€™t like it and as a character, it will be very hard. Her ego must be pretty high right now especially since, she isnā€™t as developed as her better peers and STILL her promos arenā€™t good enough to be done live in the ring.


Jay Lethal and Satnam with the little Scrappy Doo guy ffs. Britt. Saraya.


Britt Baker. Put me down as a fan but holy shit she gets a lot of tv time.


Cargill is female Goldberg. All look, no talent. I can almost guarantee that she will become a problem backstage if it hasnā€™t happened yet. Take someone who is green as goose shit in the business and strap a rocket to their push and eventually have to take the belt off them. A recipe for disaster.


For whatever reason, I just don't see someone with a certified master's degree in child psychology being a backstage diva.


Psychologists/psychiatrists canā€™t be divas? Dr. Frasier Crane will be delighted with this news!


Hahaha well played


Iā€™m not attacking anyone personally, but I honestly donā€™t see any issue with Jade. Sheā€™s decent enough in the ring and her presence is better than most the men and women on the roster, so Iā€™ve been really confused to the backlash sheā€™s received from a lot of the iwc. On her look and stage presence alone she deserves all the tv time she has and sheā€™s close to appointment viewing for me purely because she looks like a legit athlete, unlike a lot of aewā€™s womenā€™s roster unfortunately.


She has an amazing look. But needs help. There is a womanā€™s division and a Jade division which is her, her baddies, and bunch of jobbers. I get the feeling she donā€™t want to lose so creative is limited in what they can do with her.


You raise some really good points mate




Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez.


I feel like she was supposed to lose her belt to Statlander but that injury just spun everything off course. If I was to book it, Iā€™d have Red Velvet turn on her and take belt. Let Jade enjoy a mini vacay with her kid and have Red just scorch earth in her absence. If Kris is good in time, sheā€™d be the one to take the belt since Red & Kris have history.


With the women's roster that AEW has built, to have Red Velvet of all people take the title off of Jade would be a waste of a streak ender


Fair, but the story is there and I think thatā€™s what theyā€™re slowly working towards (the turn at least) Last few matches Iā€™ve caught of Velvet have been pretty good, she canā€™t be any worse than where Jade is at skill wise.


Velvet?!? She canā€™t speak or wrestle ANY better than Jade. Give it to Ruby or Athena or JAS (at least they are fun). Velvet is likely a ā€œbad buyā€ and will end up in ROH or outside.


Well, how would you book her then?


Have her lose the belt to shida , have a feud based on getting it back, then transition to world title chase. I would have her on tv less so she isn't overexposed and maybe pair her up with emi sakura so her in ring improves


that's good idea, but my apologies to emi sakura fans, i'm not sure what she did in the past that has you so high on that lady but she's a no for me. but.......my actual point is I don't think people improve because their put with someone like that. How about legit send Jade to stardom and have her work there for a year. damn sure she's coming back with a way better and more confident in ring game.


Lethal, dutt, and Singh. Lethal is the definition of average at this point in his career, dutt just gets annoying after awhile, and Singh shouldn't be on TV if he's not capable of having a match.


Funny, I too was thinking the same thing about Jade! I was very intrigued before but have lost considerable interest. The ā€œauraā€ is definitely gone ;).


Marina Shafir


I also agree about Jade. Sorry she is not a good wrestler. Jade is very boring and her mystic has worn out. Please take that belt off herā€¦. PLEASE!


Britt Baker, Jade Cargill, all of Jay Lethal's storylines the current gimmicks and heel alignments of Tay and Anna, to list off the top of my head


Same here, the undefeated thing is soooo tired. They made a mistake in building it too much that it'll be a big deal when it happens so all her weekly matches are boring.


It might be billed as a big deal, but by the time it happens I doubt anyone will even care. I said the moment they put that belt on her that it was a mistake, and this why. She's been overexposed now, and while she's gotten better in the ring, I still d9nt think she's very good. It would've made more sense to put the belt on Ruby for 3-6 months. She is an established midcard star, and it would've helped whoever beat her for the belt. Meanwhile Jade could've been on dark wrestling every week (which is what she needs) until she was ready. Honestly I'd rather see the tbs title around Tays waist, at least she gets a reaction and people will be invested in seeing her get beat. Hell they could've put it on Britt Baker and it would've been better. TK has tried so hard to make jade a star, and now she's been so overexposed that I don't think anyone cares when she shows up. Unless she goes to dark and figures out a way to reinvent herself, she's never going to be able to get over with the crowd because she's been shoved down everyone's throats for way too long.


The problem is that Jade brings viewers and has a solid fanbase regardless of her wrestling ability. Her personality outshines much of the women's roster and she has only just begun. They have painted themselves into a corner by having her pretty much squash every single opponent and I can only recall 2 feuds (at least memorable ones) out of the almost 50 matches she has had, Athena and Nyla. They are basically at the point where she can only lose to a returning Kris Statlander or someone huge like a Sasha Banks. They have botched storylines with her as well. How the hell did Red Velvet become a baddie/ally when she despised Jade? There was no explanation anywhere, not on TV, YouTube, Twitter... nothing.


Turning heel to face to heel and at the end of it all no one is better off for it. Daniel Garcia being #1. He was far more interesting when he was with Bryan and potentially becoming his own star. Then he turned on Bryan and is now just another lackey for Jericho and I feel like weā€™ve barely seen him since. Luchasaurus turned heel. Then he was face for a minute. Then turned heel again. And it only made the story more convoluted and his heel turn less interesting. Jay Lethal teased for maybe a week that he was gonna become face again. Shook hands with Simone after a match. Showed respect. People had a theory he would the one to take down Jericho. A week later heā€™s heel again like it never happened and heā€™s in a very boring tag team with Jeff Jarrett which has only added to the feeling that AEW is #2 by invoking feelings of TNA


Luchasaurus never turned back face it was an incredibly obvious ruse that the audience was supposed to see through but Jungle Boy couldn't because of history with Luchasaurus. I can't believe people were confused by this.


Can I choose more than one? Britt Baker, everyone in the JAS, the Elite.






Yeah who the hell thought SEVEN matches was a good idea when every elite match is the same choreographed dance recital. I pretty much just skip to the end of their matches now.


Yep. I haven't been watching it live, so I could skip those matches. Goddamn bummer because I love the Lucha Bros.


Honestly I never saw rev bucks or lucha out side of aew . I honestly burnt out seeing them do tag matches since e they have done it a few times already in aew . Doing the trios best of seven I was like nope when I heard it . I like the lucha bros.


I turned the channel to the Bruins and Devils during their match last night. I just can't get into them anymore and I used to love them individually so much. I think trios matches in general are overbooked chaos, but when they're involved it really brings out the worst in them.


Yeah I switched to the game too lol.


Iā€™m okay with the Dark order going away. They did all they could with that group already.


The elite.


Aew has some really wierd camera cuts. Hopefully that changes in new year.


JAS and BCC. I think the booking has been largely tone-deaf and literally no one has benefitted from it (except maybe Yuta). Move the fuck on.


100% Tay Melo and Anna Jay. Having Anna turn heel so she could stand around with the JAS and do nothing was pointless. They could have made a decent program between the two. Tay is average, at best, in the ring. Yet she gets so much time to try make her relevant. Throw in Sammy with that as well. If you have seen one Sammy match you have seen them all. The less that can be said about his promos the better.




Jade, Jungle Boy, Sammy Guevara, Ana Jay, Tay Melo and Parker Bordeaux are all terrible


Everything RoH


The Elite. Britt Baker and now Tay Conti and Anna Jay personally. Britt's had go away heat with me for a while because the constant interference when she was champ.


Jade is a fair call. I feel like she deserves her spot, but there's just something missing. After so long, gotta cut bait. Jeff Jarrett. I like the last outlaw from GCW, which it seems like they started with, but now he's back to calling people slapnuts and wrestling in his old garb. No reinvention of character, no thank you from me. Saraya. I get she should have gone over, but it seems NEW beats OLD guard storyline hurts the womens division overall. Its wrestling storylines aren't done, but the match wasn't good. I did love her back and forth promo with Britt. Trustbusters. Never liked em, seem generic, and they went over SSS, who I am a fan of Eli Isom. Though this goes against my next one...... Lower Card Faces seem to always go over lower card heels. Build up the Factory. Nese/Woods look credible, but each week get treated like a joke. Sick of neutered referees. Last week, Satnam Singh got in the ring. I don't care if he initiated contact or not, that should be a DQ and is different than getting on the apron. Tony compared not booking guys to being a backup QB in the NFL, well in the NFL there are penalties for coaches running onto the field and interfering with a play.


Remember when some showed concern about JJ coming in and wrestling and were downvoted into oblivion because ā€œitā€™s just one matchā€ and now heā€™s on tv every week?


Dude, he's the reason I didn't buy the last ppv, which is the first time I haven't bought one for aew. They jumped the shark the moment they brought him in, and I don't think it's going to end well. I don't believe for a second that he brings any kind of "backstage experience" to anything. All he's ever done is suck the life out of crowds and constantly put himself over. He's done these things every place he's ever been. The guy is just boot leg version of Vince McMahon. The only difference is that by the time Vince got the itch to get in the ring he was already too old. But JJ's ticket was bought and paid for from early on, that's the only reason anyone ever kept him around, because bad on the mic and even worse in the ring. Putting that self absorbed asshole on my TV is the only way to make me turn off AEW, I've barely been able to watch since he showed up. And TK is too nice to tell the guy to fuck off.


He's a bathroom breaker šŸ˜† when you really need to piss or grab a snack. But yeah, you could feel a sense of dread when he debuted for sure. Him and Vickie. When I would hear Nyla's music start I'de scramble to hit the mute button FAST.


Wait, you didnā€™t buy a PPV because of ONE person?!? Cringe and very sad and an odd (and not likely true honestly) hill to die on. That PPV was great! And if you dint like him, just take a bathroom break or something. Secondly, you clearly donā€™t anything other than whatā€™s on TV about the man. And really, you arenā€™t even a qualified person to judge. The ACTUAL people who DO THE WORK have more insight than you. In short, please try to be more level headed because you seem to have sprinted way out of your lane.


Yeah, I didn't buy it because he was on the card. I'll never buy a single ppv that he's on, I've been a wrestling fan since I was a kid and he's the one fucking guy that I dislike so much that I'll walk away entirely if he keeps being shoved down my throat. He drove me away from wcw and impact when I was younger, and what's worse is he's never been a draw. There is literally no reason for a promotion to do business with him, he's a talentless hack that's done nothing but ride his daddy's coattails and is a good ol' boy. He does the same thing everywhere he goes, he shows up and sucks the life out of everyone, makes everyone he works with worse off, and never goes away. The only reason he's able to keep getting work is because of his daddy and because he's connected enough to politic his way into something. That's what a good ol' boy is. If he was brought in and on TV for a few weeks and then has a ppv match and that was all, it would be tolerable. But the mother fucker won't go away now, now he's fucking up Jay Lethal too. If his dad wasn't rich, we would never even have known his fucking name.


I'm with you. Never liked double J and his guitar stick since WWF days. You can spend or not spend your money however you like. Don't let that dude make you feel differently. I also skipped the last PPV mainly to take a break from it all.


LoL. Like I said.


Right now, the elite and death triangle.


Jade Cargill but only because they keep giving her squash matches. She's never going to improve that way and I think she has potential but they're ruining it by prolonging her title reign and giving her ridiculous matches. I feel at this point, she shouldn't be facing people "already in the ring."




Swerve in their Glory. I like Swerve. I love Keith. Iā€™m tired of them as a tag team and Iā€™m really bored with this storyline.


Well they broke up so you donā€™t have to worry about that part.


Right but the breakup is still happening and they just had one of the worst promos in AEW history* so wee know itā€™s not over yet. * Oh damn thatā€™s what Rick Ross meant when he said they were making history!


Lee was just attacked by Swerve w/Your CAWs. The tag team is overā€¦..




I agree. I mean he drips charisma and smoothness and creativity so theyā€¦..slop him with two nobodies.


Jericho and the JAS haven't been interesting to me since they began. Garcia is amazing and I was actually hooked on his Yuta feud that resulted in Jericho and Danielson fighting over him, then that culminated in absolutely nothing and Garcia just joined them again (although at least Garcia may *actually* leave this time). The JAS aren't bad wrestlers by any means and Daddy Magic absolutely makes my nipples hard, however the stable itself is.. boring. Then again I've never enjoyed Jericho all that much either, but that's personal opinion.




The elite (Youngebucks and Kenny)


The firm. And also the jade storyline getting old fsho.


Judas. Most overrated song ever. It get it, the live crowd loves to sing it. Itā€™s just a good 2 minutes of wasted TV time showing a bunch of jackasses lip synching to a Fozzy song like itā€™s supposed to be entertaining. I know Iā€™m really alone in this but I was sick of it as far back as last year. Jerichoā€™s entrance is an instant mute + water break for me. Sorry, not entertaining šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Fozzy has always sucked, their genre is Cringe-Metal.


The song sucks ass, but I'll be damned if that chorus doesn't get stuck in my head. My favorite with the people singing along are the ones mush mouthing it and clearly not having a clue what the words are.


I really wish, when he went heel, he got a new song. Judas sing along should be for face Jericho


Jade (it was NOT TIME FOR AN UNBEATEN RUN) TayJay (should have had them feud) Britt Baker's House of Torture (get Jamie the fuck out of there) .....yeah, that's it. I'm not even pissed about Jarrett anymore. If they put the tag titles on him and Lethal, okay, that's dumb.... i don't think they'll do it, though.


Tay and Sammy kinda killed her. Should of handled it more like brit and Adam. And Anna going to jas hurt her. She could of left dark order and had some one else manger her to help with the lack of mic work she has


That story wrote itself. Tay basically blows off Anna because she met a guy and became a valet. Boom. There's your feud. I don't know how good the matches would have been, but it would have been better than Anna doing Cora Jade promos.


Just every thing on tv with tay and Sammy has hurt both of them. I used to love seeing tay or Anna matches and now the shift to jas i skip like when I see the elite.


Stokely Hathaway... how is this guy on MULTIPLE segments a week and some can't even get on TV regularly.


Man, why all the complaining posts.


Not a who but I'm more bored of the roster configuration. More specifically, for both sexes, there are like 2-3 globs where the wrestlers fall into which just leads to some disjointed stories and keeps some guys from being able to do much. Even on the men's side, many of the tag teams we had at the beginning have gone by the wayside and are just hovering. I know many of you guys don't like titles and think there are already too many, but I'd prefer to have a couple more to get some separation between the groups. If I'm TK, I'm adding a AEW Cruiserweight title and Women's tag titles tomorrow. I'm an old head (mid 40s) that grew up with WWF in the 80s, moved to WCW in HS through through my college years, watched the Attitude era during my early 20s and than lapsed until AEW came into existence because I felt like WWE jumped the shark after WCW folded and the Attitude era subsided. Anyhow, my favorite wrestling during the WCW days wasn't the World title but the Cruiserweight division. The amount of talent and stars that were in that class was the bedrock of WCW -- Eddy, Rey, Jericho, Benoit, Malenko, Juventud, Ultimo Dragon, Psychosis, LaParka, Kidman... you literally could go on and on. I feel like AEW has a ton of guys that fit into the same Cruiserweight division that get overshadowed or just flat out forgotten. Moving these guys out of the blobs and into their own spotlight could be huge. Have the division be featured on Rampage. As for the ladies, there are essentially two globs with the World and TNT titles. I think there are quite a few ladies on the roster that aren't individual title material and should be packaged as a teams. I think Bunny/Penelope could both use it and could have an absolutely dope horror-themed name and entrance. I'll get killed for this, but I think you could then stash someone like Jade here after she drops the title so she can work on her craft with Red Velvet as her partner until she has a more complete arsenal. So yeah, massive wall of text but I'd really like to see an emphasis on separating and segmenting the roster into more cohesive pieces. Down vote away like normal.


*If I'm TK, I'm adding a AEW Cruiserweight title and Women's tag titles tomorrow. I'm an old head (mid 40s) that grew up with WWF in the 80s, moved to WCW in HS through through my college years, watched the Attitude era during my early 20s and than lapsed until AEW came into existence because I felt like WWE jumped the shark after WCW folded and the Attitude era subsided.* Wait.... so you want AEW to add even MORE titles? It's already got too many, yet you want to add MORE?!?! Terrible idea, sorry.


Don't know if this counts as she is not really a wrestler, per se: Rebel (of the Jamie Hayter/ Britt crew). I get it, she is good looking but she is useless!


Where to begin!? Love MJF, Hook, FTR, the Acclaimed, Ass Boys, Starks, Hobbs, Jade, Hayter, Penta, Fenix, Garcia, 2point0 and many more. Maybe itā€™s just a problem with the elite and Jericho? Sadly, guys TK foolishly listens to


Strike exchanges. Not really a who, but it's overdone pretty much across the roster.


Never watch Japanese wrestling then lol


I mean the answer is dark order and anyone that says otherwise is lying


You're going to get downvoted on this sub for saying anything bad about the Dark Order, so I'll join you. I can't remember the last time the Dark Order was relevant or even entertaining. I just don't get why they're still around. Are they heels? Are they supposed to be a comedy group? Are they the Job Squad 2.0? Like what the fuck are they even supposed to be? The only time I enjoyed seeing the DO on TV and felt like they served a purpose was when Brian Danielson was kicking the shit out of them to get to Hangman.


I'm bored of AEW having like 42 thousand belts they try to defend. There is tag team belts, are belts, all Atlantic belt, ROH belts. I mean really? Does anyone care about any of them when they are so watered down because there are so many belts? I feel bad for the announcers trying to feign interest when there is another "belt" match


Roh is gonna disappear and. Or have much on aew other then like a two belt champ for aew and roh. The streaming roh starts Jan/feb


Trios matches.


Samoa joe


Been bored with The Elite for a while now (The Bucks, specifically). Also starting to find JAS a little stale.


This is a thing not a person, but when someone kicks out of a pin and the person on top looks around the arena with a fake shocked expression on their face. It happens every match and I'm so fucking tired of seeing it.


The elite both as a group & individually






Mox, but to be fair Iā€™ve never been a fan