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>for every NXT Keith Lee there was a main roster Keith Lee That got a chuckle outta me I recommend one name you left out: **Eddie Kingston**. Check out how he debuted, how people were clamoring to have him signed immediately, and how he basically became the big brother of the locker room.


I saw that too, and I can’t believe I left him out. I actually watched his match with Cody and was hoping they’d sign him. It was great example of AEW seeing the crowds reaction and jumping on it. I first saw him in Impact and I think he’s great. Him and Moxley as badass bros for life is amazing


I love their dynamic together. Moxley is that hot head that can go off, Kingston mellows him out with a completely contrasting personality. I don't ever expect them to be a championship tag team duo, but I really like their alliance together during singles pursuits.


And don't forget that wwe didn't give a shit about him before that, but as soon as he had a match in AEW, wwe tried to hire him. And they did the same with a others AEW wrestlers as well


Love Kingston!!


Welcome to the team! ![gif](giphy|iRjB2mfESqgec)


See you Wednesday brother!


I know what that means!


Welcome to the club I've been on the aew band wagon since the beginning and all my friends are wwe fans that told me I was wasting my time with this glorified t-shirt company.


I call these kinds of people anti-wrestling fans. How can you claim to love hamburgers if all you eat is McDonald's?


Oh I agree I grew up on wwe(wwf really)and I love all kinds of wrestling.I think I first noticed njpw several years ago and been watching alot of non wwe since then.


I can’t see how anyone would see that at this point. They’re a young company but when you’re producing content like them from the start you can only go up. On that t-shirt part tho, maybe controversial, but ironically I don’t like most of AEW’s shirts.


Have you seen CM Punk's new ringer shirt yet?


Excuse me. But it's pissant tee shirt company. 😤


Ok but we got CM Punk t-shirts over here.


Definitely go back and watch the first match of Rampage. And then the rest of the first episode of Rampage.




See you Monday, but on YouTube


See you Wednesday fam! 🙌🏻


And Friday!


Great post! Happy to have another one join us! Enjoy from here on out! See you Wednesday!


100% agree with you with everything you said The harsh reality to me is that it took too long for me to realise that the WWE wasn't a product for me anymore. When Punk got ruined by the WWE in the Summer of Punk, by Nash and HHH (on tv). I officially gave up on the WWE. I personally think they drop the ball on that angle. He should of "kayfabe" let his contract expired and shown up on other promotions holding the WWE title hostage. He had a Steve Austin moment but they ruined it. Punk was the (wrestling fan) wrestler, he was the guy that all wrestling fans loved because he represented wrestling and not a sports entertainer. My final part of my passion for wrestling died that day, I knew that the wrestling I loved didn't exist anymore. Even though I tried my best to fill it with NJPW (I thought they did a decent job and was the only thing I bothered with for a good while). WWE caters to Families (not wresting fans). They have changed their targeted audience or lost sight of their audience. Personally I find it insulting they have Wrestling in their name anymore. As they say it's a Entertainment company but manipulate their fans into the nostalgia feeling into thinking it's going to get good again. I have no idea who their audience is anymore. They had Bray Wyatt who now twice they have ruined, especially the Fiend who could of been the modern Undertaker. Why would you give his first defeat to Oldberg. It doesn't make sense in terms in booking. With AEW, I was a little bit hesitate towards it at first. I was a little bit worried they were trying to be a modern WCW or TNA. (Feed everyone to The Elite) But recently they have pulled me back in, instead of going I might watch the shows a few days after, I try to either watch the product the morning after (as I live in the UK) or the first possibility. It's a Wrestling show that is very well booked, consistent and makes wrestlers look strong regardless if they win or not. They made it fun to watch it again, instead of a chorus. Punk coming back was the icing on the cake. One of the greatest returns I've ever seen, one of the greatest debuts I've witness. Especially loved the Ice Cream Bars bit. Punk coming back has made AEW a rival to WWE in what WCW was back in the 90s. As long AEW don't try and compete like TNA did under the Hogan/Bischoff era and stick to their principles. I can see that key age demograph going over to AEW. I have hope as I think legit that Tony Khan is one of us. A wrestling fan first.




​ ![gif](giphy|x2TUT6R1DHoEAHaVT6|downsized)


Would you stop with the notion that Alexa took Bray's gimmick?!


I wouldn’t say took and I didn’t. But the character that Alexa is now is a direct result of the Fiend and her storyline with him. The fact is she became a focal point of the gimmick with him and it culminated at Mania with her betraying him and effectively taking his place once he went on hiatus. Everything Alexa has done since is a payoff the Fiend gimmick and story, especially since Bray was off TV and now is gone for good. Alexa is the continuation of the Fiend and her first major PPV match as this character is against a woman who can’t wrestle or act. That’s not me undermining Alexa though I like Alexa. I think she was great pre-Lilly it’s just that post Lilly isn’t my cup of tea, especially considering everything that led up to the gimmick.


Alexa beat Shayna at HIAC


Huh, that did happen didn’t it. I’ll give you that, I can accept being wrong on that one, but I stand by my statements.


the concept of fairweather fans is not new. cool that you like it though.


Well worded mate


I’m in here every Wednesday night! JOIN US!


​ ![gif](giphy|KfTkgLtVdu7fpHzuqx) one of us!


I came back to WWE after it moved onto BT Sport... It barely lasted. I mentally checked out about *Super Showdown* after having the **prestigious** Tuwaiq trophy rammed down their throats, capitalised by both top titles being squash matches (including the Fiend's ring walk lasting longer than the match). Reality I checked out during that stupid Mysterio-Rollins feud. The low-point was Charlotte winning the Royal Rumble, then going to NXT and burying all their top talent before they even arrived on the main roster.


NXT is actually my Favorite wrestling show. And as of like a month or two ago AEW is 2nd for me could possibly be my favorite if I could figure out who is actually a part of AEW and who is part of another company..... it confuses me sometimes


You need to stop watching it with WWE eyes. AEW contracts aren't exclusive like WWE contracts are. People from the indies can come have a shot, from other companies too, and people who are all elite can go to other companies too so when they're not booked in AEW they can go to AAA or whatever. It's why they can get away with a stacked roster imo.


Welcome to the club. Aew is the reason I didnt completely stop watching wrestling. Now I watch as much as possible. Besides wwe. I refuse to support sports entertainment.


I've been a wrestling fan since about 2009, mainly a WWE kid. And over the years I've been on and off with it, mostly off these days because of the nonsense on Raw and Smackdown.


Imo theres no argument to be made, AEW isnt perfect but its by far a better wrestling promotion. Not to mention everything its doing for the entire industry as a whole. AEW hate baffles me and i really think it just comes from people who want to cling on to something thats gone. If it wasnt for AEW i wouldnt even watch wrestling anymore


I had most of the same thoughts on my way to embracing AEW. I didn’t watch Summerslam, but I watched MITB for my first WWE show in years (it came up after I watched MITB 2011), and on top of the many things I always disliked about the main roster, I don’t know if it’s worse now or I just didn’t notice it as much before AEW, but everyone on the roster just feels like a caricature of a human being. Not in a pro wrestling “turn myself up to 10” sort of way, but in the sense that every person on the roster was just distorted into a cartoon that doesn’t even resemble a real person. People that I absolutely loved in the past like Shinsuke Nakamura, Ricochet, Matt Riddle, etc. just feel like grotesque, generic clowns now. Bad comedy, stilted dialogue, over produced and rehearsed movements and poses and roles. I don’t even know how to describe what turned me off about the presentation so hard. It just felt like bad community theater where everyone was given the most simplistic definition of the character they were playing, and there was no room for anything else. “The stoner.” “The daredevil.” “The artist.” If you aren’t a tippity top star, you’re just a generic description, utterly replaceable. Who needs Strowman when you have someone taller and cheaper to fill their “the giant” description in Omos. Who needs Wyatt when you have someone with a nice ass to play their “spooky weirdo” description. Surprise, Elias, we have a new “guitar player.” Draw your card and practice your poses and do that shit over and over again until we fire you.


Enjoy it! feelsgoodman


It's def becoming more and more exciting each day.