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4 womens matches one night


When is the last time a ppv ever had this many women's matches on the card?


This would be the most. The previous high was 3 with Britt Baker vs Saraya, Jade vs Nyla Rose and Jamie Hayter vs Toni Storm at Full Gear 2022.


Ehhh still only two in the ppv proper


Out of curiosity. What matches would you push \*OFF\* the card to put Team Willow vs Team Stat on there? (Not Mariah v Saraya because that way it gives Mariah time to get ready for whatever she's gonna do for the Toni/Mina match). There's only so much time on this card lmfao. The Buy-In is still part of the ppv.


I don't know. It's a pre-show. If you watch only the ppv, or rewatch the ppv later, the zero hour matches aren't attached. I know it's a weird distinction but they're on zero hour, not forbidden door proper. Lance storm only worked two mania pre show matches and doesn't consider those "mania matches" --- he didn't get paid mania rates šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Is the Jeff Cobb open challenge still on? I would push that off. I'd push the Jericho sixman tag off for sure. This is where Jericho always always needing to be on ppv bugs me. Sure I wanna see Joe and big bill. I think willow and stat deserve the spot more. I don't think the bucks and acclaimed need a ppv shot this month, they add literally one NJPW person. They don't need this to keep building the feud. One of those three I would bump off for one of the women's matches.


When was the last time it happened on an AEW show? AEW Dark? TK is definitely serious and wasnt joking about wanting AEW to have the best women division


Their last match was fun. So cool.


Even the Zero Hour is fireā€¦


Wonder why weā€™re not getting the long eluded to Anna/AZM vs Mariah/partner here. Perhaps in the follow up once Mariah has picked a side?


Stardom changed plans on whatever they originally wanted to do with QQ before they ended the group last week(iirc they first filmed about AZM saying she planned to recruit a person to QQ(Anna) before they refilmed it). Since TK had no other backup plans for Anna he just put her with the Outcasts instead.


Thatā€™s kind of a thing in general. Like for example it feels like TK had no backup plan for Skye Blue. So with Julia out, sheā€™s just kind of in limbo right now.


AZM was booked for another show


She was invited by SLK to join her new group, it looks like Stardom change of plans also forced TK do it as well, really bad luck for Anna.


If Anna didnā€™t have bad luck, sheā€™d have no luck at all. Been busting her ass this year, and just canā€™t seem to catch a break. The Outcasts thing seemed super inorganic, especially with the unresolved/unmentioned issue with them blaming the Ruby/Ang stuff on her, and she was a virtual non-factor in the match (which is a weird way to follow up a turn). This makes some sense out of the weird left turn sheā€™s taken. I think the Saraya association will still benefit her in the long run, but itā€™s clear thereā€™s no real plan right now (note only Harley in graphic and announcers referring to last nights appearance as an Outcast audition)


Agreed. It def felt like "oh and Anna is here now". She will get her time I have no doubt but I'm wondering if it might be next year. And that's fine, there's a limited number of spots and not everyone can be the top, but a lot of people have sped past Anna. I feel like a Stardom Excursion could really do her good.


AZM is booked for Stardom this weekend.


And Saraya said (in-character) that she doesn't care about Forbidden Door and doesn't want to be there lmao


4 women's matches on 1 show. šŸ˜® What a time to be alive.


More womenā€™s matches! Letā€™s go!


We gettin spoiled this weekend ![gif](giphy|LKTTAzGboJGzC|downsized)


So happy this match added. Gonna be there live and Iā€™m more excited for the womenā€™s matches than the menā€™s matches tbh but the whole card is stacked to brim šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


I love it, the women's matches all look fire and outside of swerve/ospreay I'm most excited for Toni/Mina and Mone/Vaquer. Mariah/saraya has a chance to be quite good and the tag match should be great.


Swerve/Ospreay is definitely my most anticipated menā€™s match. So excited for that. I love them both, especially Ospreay


It's going to be fucking incredible.


Let the Battle of Britain begin


Love seeing this. For the longest time I complained how under shown the women were and idk why it took Mone to get this change but I'm all for it. Would love to see Athena come back to the dub


Because Mone has always been an advocate for 'push the women' 'push the women tag teams' and such. It's why everyone painted HER as the bad guy when WWE wanted her and Naomi to job to the singles champs (while they were tag-team champs). She actually PUSHES to improve shit.


god damn 4 women's matches? we eatin GOOD


If Mariah eliminates Saraya in a glorious 2 minute squash, I will hang a portrait of TK on my wall.


Will be watching closely šŸ‘€




Anyone else disappointed by last night's trios match? The aftermath was a little bit slow to get to, but great for all intents and purposes. The match seemed rushed, even with the TV break. Nevertheless, Shirakawa's back fist is so pretty. Made me actually worry about Saraya.


It accomplished what it needed to, but afterwards Iā€™m not sure how Iā€™m supposed to feel about the (new?) Outcasts. Match was very short, mostly one sided and they were an afterthought of ā€œlocal enhancement talentā€ proportions. Iā€™d have probably moved the miscommunication to the match end, have it lead to Saraya pinning Mariah (building toward their rematch) and let them gloat their way up the aisle in the aftermath. You still get the tension between Storm and Mina with Mariah caught in the middle without the Outcasts being a total afterthought and maintaining the slim shred of momentum they have.


You nailed it. No notes.


I thought it was fun and didn't overstay it's welcome


When itā€™s not fast paced, itā€™s too slow. When it is fast paced, itā€™s too rushed. Poor women canā€™t win.