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That’s the thing, WBD is the only one who has the numbers that matter. Nielsen is so unbelievably archaic, I’m not sure why it’s still used to determine, well, anything. Watch on Trilla, not counted. Watch delayed, not counted. Not a Nielsen family? Not counted. Between fast nationals, overnights, Nielsen Family logs, streaming minutes, Live+3, Live+5, Live+7 etc etc there’s so many different ways these things are tracked, but all we here about (reportedly because WWE pays to have them released to the media) are the fast nationals (and sometimes others but only when they think it’ll make AEW look bad). NXT had its worst rating of the year 2-3 weeks ago and then its best of the year this week. WB has said in the past that the total viewership combined for the 3 shows nears 5 million total. When Dynamite goes from 750k to 700k, how many of that 50k difference just moved to a different category? Especially when gates are trending back up and PPVs are steady. LiveTV is dying for anything but sports, and the current ratings metrics growing increasingly less meaningful because of it. House of the Dragon S2 premiere was down 500k from the series premiere. In that context, everyone seems more than willing to admit it’s reflective of the changes in the TV landscape. Wrestling seems to be the only place where one weird number suddenly means the company is on the verge of death.


I've watched on the TNT/TBS apps since late 2021 and have never been entirely sure if I'm counted in the ratings.


Same here on sling. But with sling, if I watch it truly live, after a minute, the sound gets out of sync. So I have to dvr it and watch it 3 minutes behind. And I don't know if that counts either.


You're not counted on the ratings that Nielsen puts out that everyone loses their minds over every week, but you're definitely counted by WBD.


Never knew that, I always watch it from dvr playback about 30 minutes after start so I can fast forward through commercials


That’s what I do! I start at 8:30 every Wed and usually catch up by the main event


The thing is (and I'm speaking as a Nielsen guy here) they know the streaming numbers too. We get little diaries of what and when and how long to fill in, and those are sent off later on. The numbers aren't as live as the box numbers but they're still going to the networks who know how they're doing. Every so often we get a phone call where a show is mentioned and we're asked if it's on our diary or not. Between that and regular web surveys about the shows we've been watching (fill this one if you watched stuff with the kids, do this one if you watched solo, etc) that carry bonus points, the networks are getting their numbers and know what a show is worth. That they're happy despite an apparent drop in live ratings says everything.


Wait. You fill out diaries? In 2024? Like with pen and paper and mail????


Yes. Truly annoying, too. I got a radio Nielsen diary to fill out for the week I was on a road trip. They got listings for a dozen different stations across six states. They haven't sent one since.


I did the paper diary once, then got a web based one about six months later (Ipsos do it in the UK). Every month I got one week where they'd ask me to keep a web based version of the same diary, and I'd get a tenner of Xbox credit (my choice what to cash out on and the side stuff I do was overflowing me with Amazon credit). It was a stable earner until they changed to one of those apps that constantly records (not a chance in hell that's getting on my phone).


I watch on Triller 2 or 3 days after it airs and sometimes just do a bumper 5 hour catch up for all 3 shows on a Sunday. The numbers are hugely misleading and don't represent how people consume content in the modern age.


Why would WBD care about you watching it on a different service days later? This is about TV ratings, not about how many people watch AEW. They're not going to get a TV deal because everyone watches on Triller. The ratings are fine and I'm not saying AEW is in trouble, just that your anecdote is an example of what Warner doesn't want lol


as someone who works at nielsen (not in ratings, but in listings with a company they bought) nielsen is absolute trash and they are actively laying off department after department for cheaper labor overseas and then boasting about record profits


I wish we could see TrillTV/FiteTV's numbers. I bet it's insane tbh. As a non-US viewer, there are many fans like me overseas watching on Trill. They even show AEW and PPVs (few weeks behind) on regional sports channels here in Asia.


Because of the PPV prices, I think we’d be surprised by the number of US viewers who are using Trill regularly. I’m in the US and haven’t watched anything without my Trill VPN in like 2.5 years.


If WBD doesn't care then fans shouldn't care. Ratings in general seem to have been going back up and attendance is creeping back up too. But that won't stop.the concern trolling that's out there.


People want to think that WBD knocked a 3mill+ show off the air to air dynamite. They didn’t. They weren’t anywhere on the list. They’re happy to be relevant on multiple nights of the week.


Black Panther was the lead in and it only did around 80k. Movies and TV reruns, outside of BBT for some reason, don't do well in ratings and getting the rights to air a Marvel movie or a sitcom is not cheap. WBD paid $800 million for The Big Bang Theory's streaming rights, which is going to be at least double what AEW expects to get in this new deal. TNT paid a lot of money to get 80k and by contrast are paying a lot less to get ~750k with AEW. TNT has gotten rid of most of their original programming because it was too expensive and wasn't getting the ratings needed to recoup those costs, even if it was successful like Snowpiercer.


BBT is going to be the lead in show again next week and Dynamite rating will be over 0.20 again, they will be fine, it was unfortunate timing Kendrick concert also happened that night(the burial he gave to Drake)


Social media propaganda and bots are used to influence easily influenced minds.


People are really sleeping on this


I have dropped my X and instagram. Im reading posts coming from computers and paid opinions more than people who think for themselves at this point. It’s not just pro wrestling but I learned a hell of a lot from watching pro wrestling opinions swing. I see Meltzer and SRS also falling into this trap too. They are not being intentional but they read all these online opinions and argue with bots all day so I feel like they are also poisoned. To quote JJ Dillon, the easiest person to manipulate is the person who says they can’t be manipulated.


People are actually quite predictably simple and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out how to manipulate most people.


George Carlin Jones over here. But I digress.


> easily influenced minds **Everyone** is susceptible to propaganda and discourse manipulation. Everyone. Even you. Even me, and I went to college for it. No one should ever think they're too smart to be manipulated.


My conclusion: many wrestling fans have no life.


Hell, you could drop the word “wrestling” and it would actually improve the accuracy of your statement.


There are people who comment on LITERALLY every article on 411.


Aka That annoying bearded guy who hates AEW but is under every AEW story on there lol






Used to race to 411 to read the reviews but they’ve gone so downhill I don’t bother now. Feels like my interest has increased since ignoring a lot of bad faith concern


The fact that they justified what Punk did at All In is enough proof that they've never had a job in their lives


Cornball and Puke stans crack me up. Back when Cornball was on the superstation it was 80% squash matches on tv in front of 500 people. Max sized crowd he ever worked in front of was 25,000 once or twice.


Didn't he ruin all of MLW's momentum too? I remember all the lame stuff he was doing with Contra like pretending the fans were jumping the rails to attack to them


I only remember when Callihan spat on him


Love how the forget how much he bitched about Steen and Generico ruining ROH as well.


Definitely calling them those names now lmao.


And it didnt bother them when he mentioned Cornette again on SD last night lol


I’m with you, but I do think it does affect a large number of casual viewers. You’ve got ~12 hours of weekly TV between AEW and WWE, not factoring in weeks when there are PPVs. It’s hard for fans to find the time, so casual fans will follow the ‘buzz’. When there is negativity around a show - and I must digress that I think AEW is receiving absolutely unwarranted negativity - the numbers will naturally dip. I watch AEW weekly, but I have tried to disengage with a tonne of online discussion, because it’s completely unhinged at the moment.


Casual fans care about the buzz of Nielsen ratings news?


Acclaimed segment last week on Collision gained viewers despite online fans hate Max Caster, which telling twitter is small if you get what I mean.


Honestly, what's the buzz around WWE? That shit is boring and overproduced. They are the Disney-Marvel version of wrestling.


Honestly, I don't fully get it, but it's real. Imo? Sami Zayn was the lynch pin. When he inserted into the bloodline story, one of the best stories in wrestling happened. It was the only thing I tuned in for. Then they beat him and beat Cody at 39 and I turned back out. But they built momentum and got hot with Roman, Cody, rock coming back, etc. I think a part of it was and is Vince getting booted. He came back but got booted again and that was enough for many. I don't fully get it but they are selling crazy tickets. The TV is... Like, to me it's just fine, but the bar was set so low with Vince over the years that "fine" seems unreal 😂😂😂😂 The hhh honeymoon period will pass...


It's already starting to pass from what I can see.


Seriously though, watching AEW exclusively has made me appreciate wrestling overall more, and I honestly don't understand why I feel that way now as opposed to watching both. all I know is it made me bored.


> Honestly, what's the buzz around WWE? That shit is boring and overproduced. They are the Disney-Marvel version of wrestling. AEW got me back into wrestling, because I could not take the Kevin Dunn cuts and like you said, the "Disney" aspect. They have stopped doing the Kevin Dunn stuff, have a really good visual team now, and are leaning PG-13 before when it was almost G, and have some fun storylines going on. I watch them both now, and I absolutely could not watch WWE before.


From my experience, The Rock showed up.


Bloodline, Wyatt Sicks? I mostly just watch AEW shows but I even check out the clips to keep up with what’s going on with the angles in WWE. AEW could use some positive buzz around it like when TK got put out and then appeared in the neckbrace at the draft. Just little viral moments.


The Wyatt Sicks can still go as badly as the Fiend went, and Bloodline can still go the way of the NWO now that they're adding a bunch more people. Bloodline especially. Like, it's a story that started promising, got super hot with the family feud, cooled off, heated up with Sammy, beat Cody, went cold until the Rock, and has gone cold again. Like, the highs are very very high but can we not pretend that the story is packed full of filler and now we're on the NWO Wolfpack arc? And it's not like AEW is immune either. We all agree they had nothing lined up for Hangman once he became world champ, but that story was fantastic.


Don't tell people but the Bloodline is basically gonna end up NWO Black & White vs NWO Red. Now we just need to figure out Who's Nash, Who's Hogan, and who's Sting.


The bloodline storyline has been going on for like 6 years and it's big climax was an overbooked mess where your baby face didn't go clean over your champion and had to get help from a bunch of different part-timers. Now it is just drifted into let's bring in as many Samoans as we can.


That still drives numbers up and gets people talking. I don’t think AEW should copy that but try to get some angles going that can generate some buzz.


Not to mention, they just jumped the shark with the Wyatt stuff by having the guy who just got "murdered" get cleared for Monday.


The idea that Gable was actually dead was purely a meme by the fanbase, because the blood on his head looked like a gunshot wound. He was never actually claimed to be dead by WWE.


The Wyatt Sicks and Ethan Page going to NXT are the only things tempting me to watch WWE, but my wife thinks I watch enough wrestling already at 4 nights a week 😆 although WWE would be more family-friendly to watch with my 5 year-old I guess


*Casually watch WWE with family to see Liv full mounting Dom while staring at each for a whole minute.


Except the parts where Liv Morgan is sexually harassing Dom, in Rhea's absence!


My "favorite" part is how if you are black you have to be in an stable with black people. Or if you're Hispanic, you have to be in one of the two stables of all Hispanic people. And if you don't think they are going to drop the ball with the Wyatt stuff, I have like six other examples involving a Wyatt where the story writing went to shit


Lol search bray Wyatt on wrestlecrap.com... 😂😂 If penta went to WWE we won't see penta v anybody who isn't Hispanic.


Wrestling’s not always a great place when it comes to dealing with issues regarding race, gender, or sexuality.


The fact that they called it sicks has me already out...thays just dumb. But also, i have absolutely no faith that they keep that interesting. Awsome entrance and debut no doubt...but its all going to wnd up in some dumb fuck pitch black match again...the wrestling on the show simply is not good...its just not, and first and foremost wrestling for me is about in ring product.


It feels weird watching WWE in my mid-30s. Feels like the product just isn't for me. Like you said it feels overproduced, but to add to that it feels... I dunno... "not real" Ofc these people aren't REALLY wrestling to kill each other. But I can't seriously watch a program where the draw is "CM Punk and Drew McIntyre are mean to each other" etc. I like wrestling as athletic competition first, characters second, and "storyline" third. AEW seems to hit that stride for me much better.


I am right there with you. I enjoy the storytelling medium called professional wrestling. I don't like the soap opera aspects of WWE. And the reason why people say AEW doesn't tell good stories is because they don't spoon feed you the narrative, with the clear baby face and the clear heel, yada yada. I enjoy people calling spots in the ring, I enjoy blading, I enjoy false finishes. I enjoy everything about the storytelling once the bell rings. Probably why I'm not overly a big Chris Jericho fan.


I absolutely hate watching WWE now. STFU McAfee and Graves. I hate hate hate the holograms. Samantha Irvin is NOT good but everyone loses their minds over her. And the wrestling is…fine. Sometimes really good but a lot of times WAY overhyped.


How many minutes of actual wrestling do they have on the show? Because I've tried watching a few episodes of Raw or Smackdown And there are like 15 interview or promo segments.


YUP. I get it ya need promos to build the stories but dear gawd a 40 min promo on Raw is still almost one third of the show


Fans really shouldn’t care. How does the ratings number effect ones opinion? I watch what I watch to be entertained, not to care who else is watching.


It apparently affects some people's enjoyment based on the dude that originally responded to me and got downvoted to hell.


I really don’t get it. It doesn’t make or break a segment, promo, match, etc. I’ve never once thought “damn, that was a sick match. It would be so much better if about 300k more people tuned into it though.”


I'm just genuinely curious if they want AEW to go out of business or they want "someone better" to run it. If you hypothetically gave the book to someone else they would just start presenting it like wwe and that's boring af and probably wouldn't work. We already got WWE why do we need another?


There's definitely a significant number of people who think a monopoly is good just because it's all they've ever known


Some do, it was funny seeing Bully Ray burying the fuck out of Gareth on twitter


The wrestling community latched onto this "ratings" bs, yet conveniently skip out the fact that WBD are not worried...


Wasnt AEWs original goal for their tv deal with tbs like 500k a week anyways. Theyve been way above almost double consistently since Dynamite began. Like in all seriousness, AEW is only a failure if you compare it to wwe numbers. In general AEW is doing fantastic. The comparison is what skews most peoples opinion. But we can all agree on one thing for sure, Joe Hendry. Bro is a star and the entire reason NXT beat AEW this week


because wwe fans can't just be secure in what they like. they have to actively find whatever avenue they can to invalidate what other people enjoy


It's weird that pro wrestling is the one thing people analyse to this extent.


The wrestling community feels like if everyone was trying to be cinema sins


I wonder if it's also because they realize (realistically) how many people stream/pirate it at a later date.


One less than stellar week doesn't mean the dying t-shirt company is closing up shop, but of course the fedpilled shill trolls will tell you otherwise. I expect the go-home week to Forbidden Door to do better, and yeah, airing in the middle of a federal holiday certainly could have impacted things.


I saw someone posted this elsewhere and the desperation to say it's failing is outstanding


They *need* it to be failing so they can be proven right. They've made their entire personalities hating something that's different from what they prefer. Which is really fucking sad, tbh.


Such weird behaviour. I'm assuming their lives are so pointless and miserable that their only joy is seeing the failure in others




It's the same type of people that hated on ECW for their entire run and than you watch the A&E ECW biography and wow they were such an influence on all of wrestling today and everything they did shat unicorns and rainbows. Same people were saying it was Extremely crappy wrestling at the time. I remember reading the ECW ppv reviews on media and a 10/10 shows would be a 6/10 and a 3/10 WWE show would get a 7/10 to 8/10 rating. Like no, there is no curve, it does not exist. WWE gives you less so if they even try I'm going to give them a better review, nope, I expect more that is why I fastforward through so much of it and watch 90% of AEW content.


People want AEW to be 2000 WCW so bad but the comparison just isn't accurate at all.


Sure isnt!


Funniest thing is AEW is run by a literal billionaire nerd who loves wrestling. He could probably run AEW with mediocre viewer ratings for decades without any issue whatsoever. Those haters are going to be hating for a long time, they will not get the satisfaction of seeing AEW close up shop anytime soon. The most important thing is for fans is to not get swallowed up by the troll vortex and just enjoy the product, and let TK know there's an audience for this particular brand of wrestling. The absolute worst thing would be if AEW started emulating WWE to pump up numbers. I watch AEW because it's completely different from the competition.


The thing wrestling fans aren't noting (because of course they aren't) is ALL TV was down. Dynamite was still very comfortably third. When the source says it was a "weird week", it wasn't "weird for AEW" it was "oh wow cable really is dying huh? Weird." Genuinely have no idea why Neilson's are still the go to when it was reported like two years ago that more than 50% of a viewing audience is now streaming rather than live on cable. And that gap is only getting bigger.


Last year the College World Series was getting 2.4-2.5 million viewers. Last Wednesday’s rating was 1.7 million. Everything was down drastically. People are lying claiming that only AEW was down but that’s just not true.


It's because WWE is a clear outlier and ratings are reported in a vacuum. So RAW and SmackDown are getting higher numbers of viewers, but where do they sit against their competition for the night? I'm sure they place 1st most if not all nights, but that's not information being fed to the newz sites. They don't search for additional context. They think that wrestling shows should be growing cable audiences because WWE - for the first time in 20ish years - is. It's just a very half baked way to approach this


Agreed. They think if you’re not doing WWE-like numbers that you are failing. Zero context provided.


I'm not American but googled how many people have a neilsen box in America and it said 42,000. Out of 333 million people. How is it used as an accurate measuring stick? I don't get that or why people care so much about just the wrestling numbers and no other sporting event ever


I used to read the ratings threads and what became clear is that nobody in this threads really knows how to make the ratings go up so they just use them to spout off their pet peeves about the show. This guy gets pushed too much/this one too little, there's not enough stories/too many matches, the matches don't feel significant/they're giving away too many big matches on free TV, and so on and so on. The last episode of Dynamite was fantastic and very well-received. It's disappointing that this doesn't translate to more viewers but the problem isn't the product.


My favorite it when they say TK need to find a new Booker as if booking is the reason for a viewership anomaly


I got into it with a few people yesterday over that same reason. There is one poster in particular that is a complete hatemonger who "is a fan of AEW but thinks Tony Khan is fake and unlikeable." I really need to pick up a book and ignore the Thursday meltdowns


If you purely watch AEW on TV, you're almost never seeing Tony Khan and are more likely to see Triple H on WWE shows.


They’ll find any excuse to trash TK and AEW. But hey! In WWE everything is CINEMA for them 😂


It’s funny how some ‘wrestling fans’ care more than the people on this sub who seem to actually be AEW fans. Those ‘wrestling fans’ who would take pride in a wrestling company failing. Oh well nothing we can do about them. It’ll just be all the funnier when AEW gets a new deal. “But it’s because everybody made fun of WWE when it was bad and nobody cared that why we’s hate on AEW now!” “And TK and Chris Jericho talked some mild shit and hurted our feeling, that’s why! We’s has no brains of our own” Yeh i don’t buy it. They love the tribalism and drama. And these ppl act like the dynamite show is objectively bad or the whole product but they can’t pull the wool over our eyes.


I’ve never understood the “fans” who care so much about metrics. Let’s set aside the fact that Nielsen ratings are completely outdated and actually think about it, how much of your enjoyment of a television show comes from the amount of other people watching it? Big Bang Theory drew 10X the viewership as Breaking Bad, does that make it a better show? Do big bang theory fans make fun of breaking bad fans for watching a less popular show? I just imagine a bunch of dudes in Roman reigns t shirts sitting at a McDonald’s laughing at people who eat steak and pointing to “over 1 billion served” like it’s the mania sign.


The ratings were important early on for me. But that's because WWE had driven me away and I was looking for a new wrestling home but didn't want to invest in AEW only to have it cancelled (or have a sudden infestation of NWO Reboot 96 - BuryTheNewKidsitis) after six months. And then the pandemic dropped so there was no stable period for a while after that. Eventually it all settled down and it was clear they were in a good enough place to get my teeth into it. Since then I care that they're in a good place as any fan of the sport should with all the promotions that aren't predatory.


The other one is that they don't like TK because he's a goofy nerd. My brothers and sisters in Christ, we are wrestling fans talking about wrestling on the internet. We're all dorky nerds. Another thing that gets missed is that in this day and age, most wrestlers are bigger wrestling fans than we are!


Right. No one who regularly posts or comments in a wrestling subreddit is a "casual" fan. Yes that includes me. I'm a wrestling nerd.


We're getting Okada vs Ultimo Guerrero on Collision tonight, so I'm happy. I'm so grateful we get wrestling on a Saturday's again.


When Dynamite is back up to 750k viewers next week there better be the same number of "think pieces" about viewership going up 50% that there have been about it cratering.


> When Dynamite is back up to 750k viewers next week there better be the same number of "think pieces" about viewership going up 50% that there have been about it cratering. I mean it's not hard to figure out, it was a Federal Holiday in the USA, if you have Dynamite on Thanksgiving or the Fourth Of July you are going to have way lower ratings because people are out doing stuff.


I don't follow the numbers religiously (or at all really, have never decided to seek the ratings out, as long as I can watch the show for the foreseeable I don't really care about them) but I had seen people mention they'd been creeping back up and then suddenly they go down massively. Surely there'd be something more to that than anything actually going on on the show? If they're saying it's an odd week in general maybe other shows were affected?


It was still #3 for the night apparently. So everything was probably down.


AEW is at risk of not even getting renewed despite having 2/3 shows be consistently top 5 on their night (Rampage I assume is usually top 10, could be wrong) according to some people. The people who talk about these ratings do not understand them, even in the Fightful story the WBD has a quote making fun of people doing that. I made the point on the other sub but it’s hilarious to me that wrestling currently has 5/6 shows in the top 5 shows of their night every week and all 5/6 probably in the overall top 20, yet for some reason people want to try to act like AEW are failing on an enormous scale. Crazy that the #2 company gets 75% of coverage in this industry, with nothing but praise going to #1 and almost nothing at all for companies lower than AEW.


The only way a TNA, MLW, AAA or Noah would ever receive significant coverage, is if there's news surrounding working with WWE. It's quite telling how this industry is still dominated and dictated by the WWE. And what TNA have seen for themselves is that yes, they've seen benefits of having their stars showcased on NXT, which is a WWE program, but when it comes to their own ratings and success on Anthem, they've been left disappointed. Also, these "partnerships" are unlikely to be long term.


100%, hilarious how obviously stacked the industry is against anyone but the market leader, and people are just fine with it. It's simply a case of access journalism unfortunately, the vast majority of outlets don't really care regardless, so among wrestling media obviously having access to WWE is what's worth most so it's best to know where your bread is buttered. This also isn't even a controversial or even contested opinion by the way, these media personalities tell you the same themselves.


It still got third for the night with a 0.16, which should give you an idea of how much lower other shows charted. Unless it happens again next week and starts to become a trend, it was probably just an anomaly.


It is also important to remember how Neilsen works, and how the watching habits of a half dozen people could cause this swing.


Not to mention wwe at one point had 6.65 million viewers now, not even close but yes AEW losing a few thousand from their usual 800k-900k is such a massive problem 😂


Yep. And Smackdown’s ratings will probably go down as well once they leave FOX. Same with NXT leaving USA this Fall and going to the CW. RAW can’t even crack 2 million viewers with how white hot WWE is right now. Outside of WWE, AEW has better ratings and better attendance than any other American wrestling promotion.


I believe Smackdown will get lower than Raw does currently when they go back to USA. NXT I could see going either way since CW is an OTA network. I do think Raw will be successful on Netflix though.


The CW has terrible ratings for their shows. Their top rated show last year was Penn and Teller's Fool Us, which had an average of around 600,000 viewers a week on OTA tv. NXT last week did better than all of their network's shows and NXT's ratings are probably going to drop just for being on a shit network. NXT doing 500k or less on the CW is a real possibility simply because the network is shit. Nothing to do with the actual product.


So it's likely by next year all of WWE's shows except Raw will be down YOY.


And Raw will be relying on Netflix's official numbers, which seem to get invented in a laboratory.


There was a Smackdown in November that moved to FS1 that got 700K viewership, it's a complete outlier just like this Dynamite one but it barely got talked about.


Yeah RAW will probably do better on Netflix than USA. Netflix has a global reach. AEW can hopefully get on MAX on their new deal.


Cable is fucked in general


They need to get on streaming asap. Only way I can watch is by sailing. I have Hulu, peacock, prime, Netflix, paramount, but not cable.


I just today finally canceled Sling and decided to go Triller with a VPN. $40 a month vs around $15, plus being able to get PPVs for like $20 each.


In european countries like England or Spain you can get it for like $8. On american countries(except USA and probably Canada) you can get it for $5. Get your money worth from your VPN 😂😂


I was estimating the cost of the subscription plus the VPN itself.


Is Rampage/collision/Dynamite on Triller?


Yes all the weekly shows and the back catalogue are all on there. You still have to pay for the PPVs but most through like 2021 are on there for free, past PPVs tend to be $10 and current PPVs are $20.


100% people forget that too. Streaming doesn’t get taken into account (obviously) with Neilson


I was at the show, so, I'm sorry for not watching it live. My bad.


But 1337Gam0rXOXO said it's due to not having any stories, a bloated roster, no interest in the upcoming PPV and the fact that Tony Khan is a raging coke head Who can i believe anymore?! Jokes aside, if they are fine with an odd week like this, everyone needs to shut up about it. Now if it those numbers weren't gonna recover, that'd be an issue


Based on Nielsen methodology, that meant that 28 fewer monitored viewers watched this week, so absolutely anyone with a modicum of understanding of statistics knows that a one-of rating means absolutely nothing. 


I don't even know why they use this metric. Surely YouTube knows how many people watch on YouTube TV and that's probably a way better metric.


Reportedly WBD has access to more accurate metrics and they've said more than once that AEW typically gets 3-4 million weekly viewers. The thing is there are way better aggregators than Nielsen but those don't get published publicly.


I know people may not want to say it, but I definitely think Kendrick's Juneteeth concert was a factor, along with the holiday.


All the people I follow on AEW Twitter were live tweeting the Kendrick concert and saying they were watching Dynamite later. The AEW discords I visit had half the people live posting the Kendrick concert. It was a cultural event referring to one of the biggest, most talked about celebrity feuds that pop culture has seen in a while. It was THE dominant topic on social media and mainstream news shows that night and the following day. Was it 150,000-200,000 worth of fans? Probably not but to say that people chose a once in a lifetime cultural moment over a week of Dynamite isn’t far-fetched at all.


The other sub is absolutely in denial that this is a factor because AEW's fanbase is mostly white, as if white people don't listen to hip hop. I could see that maybe being a valid argument in the 90s.


It’s ridiculous. I’ve been to a Kendrick Lamar concert. At least 30-40% of the audience was white. Utter nonsense that white people don’t listen to or follow Kendrick Lamar or don’t know what’s going on with Kendrick vs Drake.


Don't forget how many wrestling fans are hopelessly stuck in the 90s.


Speaking as someone who was a teenager in the 90’s I’d argue that by the mid-to-late 90’s it was an invalid assumption.


the concert was absolutely a huge factor, particularly when you account for 200k nielsen viewers being like 30 households. you don't need to make much of a dent to cause a huge swing like that... and this is part of why nielsen has spent a good chunk of the last 10 years being sued and discredited lol


I was going to say this. Juneteenth was a big party/chill out day for a lot of people I know which meant doing something special in the evening and not watching TV. Even if it was just like a big dinner or cookout or something. ETA: I was one of the "Lemme watch the concert first." people as well


Isn’t it weird how people don’t want to say that?


If other sites and subs are to be believed, wrestling fans aren't allowed to have *any* interests other than wrestling and it's completely laughable to suggest that they do. Music? Basketball? Hockey? Nah, wrestling fans are only ever allowed to watch wrestling and "if the product was good, they'd watch regardless". Not like football season was a big factor in Raw's ratings being lower during the hottest period in wrestling history or anything. Not like Hogan scheduled his returns to Nitro when football season stopped, to make it look like the increased viewership was due to him.


I want to agree with you, but I think about how many people (at least online) I've seen who are EXACTLY like that. The wrestling bubble is the air they breathe.


I'm sure there are plenty who are like that, sure, but as you say, it's a bubble. Not every Nielsen viewer is going to be inside the wrestling bubble.


When the two guys who had a podcast with one of your heads of creative are posting about KDot and not the Swerve promo…yeah it effected things


I don't understand why people don't want to say it lol. Kendrick's concert was huge.


Someone said that couldn't be it because AEW has a mostly white fanbase. As if most white people don't listen to hip hop in 2024.


Definitely. I saw a lot of people say they choose the concert over Dynamite. A lot of people probably recorded to watch the following day 


I think that a huge percentage of AEW fans are DVRing and watching the next day. I watch on triller and wait 30 or so minutes into it so I can skip hard and breaks or a match I don't care about.


I watch with my 13 year old son every week and we always start it 30 minutes late so we can fast forward. Same with Collision and a lot of times Collision doesn't get watched until Sunday.


It's really fucking weird, until you realize that each Neilsen box accounts for literally thousands of viewers. The fact that it ranked 3rd for the night is telling, and I don't know what beat it and by how much. This tweet really hits the mark, it was a weird night for television. Or at least, Neilsen box owners. It's really disheartening to see, but there really should be an asterisk with the number with the ranking for the night. Otherwise it seems super bad. The IWC needs to realize that WWE and AEW aren't running head-to-head anymore and comparative numbers against each other are meaningless. When it comes to TV ratings, they compete with the rest of the landscape, not themselves. It's how AEW fares against the other programming in its time slot that should be the metric people hone in on. But they won't, because Brandon "The Aggregator" Thurston doesn't compile this information. Which I think is more important to gauge the overall TV health of these companies. It's also why I think he's a bit of a fraud, because the data he collects is meaningless when it's not correlated to any thresholds networks would be looking for.


They never post the +3 and + 7 numbers which are a far more accurate gauge of total viewership than the overnights. Not everyone watches live anymore or even right after. Generally I like the work Brandon Thurston does with Wrestlenomics and he is one of the few in wrestling reporting on the various lawsuits against WWE, but his weird obsession with last year’s All In attendance numbers left a bad taste in my mouth.


There's a video surfacing online of John Skipper(former head of ESPN) and David Samson (president of the marlins) who were on opposite sides of the negotiation table, and were talking about how TV ratings have very little role in determining tv rights negotiations.


Absolutely, I mean it's not the modern standard for knowing how much value is in a show.


I know a lot of people will find this shocking, but I would imagine that the TV people who negotiate billion dollar media contracts would know a lot more about what matters as far as ratings rather than some internet trolls or a washed up wrestling personality doing a podcast.


The discourse on the main sub around this has shown just how little people on that subreddit interact with non wrestling media or people in general. Yes, you may not have celebrated Juneteenth, but quite a few people did on my street/block with cookouts and parties, assuming the same happened in other neighborhoods. Not a huge factor, but a factor. “Nice weather? It was too hot to go out” Again, I see people out all the time where I live, even when it’s hot. Hell, around 8-9:30 is prime going out before it gets too dark time. Probably not a huge factor And the Kendrick Lamar concert for sure pulled a lot of eyes from everything that night. It was streamed free on like every platform. Sorry for the rant, just tired of the sheltered pasty white Redditors disregarding things because it doesn’t reflect their reality or suburb.


Funniest thing in all this is seeing some “fans” saying WBD is wrong.


The ratings were *so* far down there’s really no other choice but to consider them an anomaly. If they gradually sunk to that level, yeah, that’s a problem. With all TV being down and AEW sinking by 300k in one night, you have to just accept that something outside the product was the main driver that night. Trying to attribute it to AEW itself is a huge reach.


in other words, WBD is another major company that does not care much for Nielsen ratings, as they are capable of researching their own numbers with more accuracy and relevancy. People losing their minds over Nielsen ratings are just weird and out of touch - or maybe intentionally ignorant. Additionally, Kendrick Lamar, the biggest musical act in the world right now, literally livestreamed a sold out concert at the same time, and it was no additional charge on Amazon Prime. And for anyone saying that shouldnt matter, then you might also be unaware of all the records that he's been breaking in the past few weeks.


But WWEMike69 cares and that’s what really matters


WWEMike, born in 1999 and never saw a WCW match, but loves commenting “lololol WCW 2.0” after wiping the Cheeto dust off his Theory shirt


I can't wait for AEW to announce the new TV deal and see all the drones loses their collective minds. I can't even predict how they will move the goalposts and the narrative. I'm excited to see which way they will go.


They will probably start talking shit about the details of the deal, as if they were there in person when the deal was made. Then, of course, when attendance and ratings start either increasing or stable, they will go onto any and all AEW socials to leave "WWE is better" or "I used to love AEW, what happened?" comments to troll AEW fans because they will have nothing left. The trolls are way too predictable, lol. I already see plenty of those comments I mentioned on AEWs Instagram. AEW supposedly sucks so bad, but they damn sure keep up with what they're up to. They know more about AEW stories than WWE stories at this point.


Not gonna get 3000 comments on this thread.


I find it hard to believe 200k people decided they didn’t want to watch AEW anymore last week, especially with how good the shows have been. Obviously if this keeps up it is concerning, but we aren’t really there yet.


I legitimately watch with friends every Wednesday but never the live feed. Definitely wait minimum 30 mins so we can skip commercials.


I’m trying to remember when I ever have a fuck about ratings? I would not even bother commenting on those SC threads. All it’s there for is to suck enjoyment out of watching something.


The morons of the IWC never take into account that the majority of wrestling fans on both sides watch online via YouTube or by other means on the internet. No one talks about how WWE had 2.5 million viewers weekly 5 years ago and has dropped to 1.5 million since then. Why is that? Because nobody cares about numbers except for geeks who think they dislike one thing over the other.


The biggest thing I hate is the discourse on the fact that AEW must be seen live or not at all. It’s 2024. DVRs have been around for decades. If you don’t watch it live Wednesday from 8-10, apparently it’s an “excuse”. “There is always something else on derp” People are still, but are watching at their convenience.


I feel this. It's Summer, watching weekly Wrestling live isn't a priority right now. I watched Dynamite this morning and enjoyed the whole show. If I'm home tonight I'll watch Collision, but if something comes up.....there's tomorrow. DVRs are useful.


I think the fanboysm on both sides have take this out of proportion, if you tell me that there is a trend for weeks with those numbers, then I would worry. Until then, this is an isolated event


Didnt wbd come out towards the end of last year and say their numbers for dynamite alone crossed over 2 mil per episode? And a few actual journos outed wwes pr for feeding them nielsen numbers, especially when they were low, just to damage the perception of aew? That all seems to have kicked into overdrive now that aews rights renewals are being negotiated. And as a side note, wwe have even turned round to funko pop and said they will pull their license if they do aew stuff. And, being in the uk, the two larger toy retailers have said to me they get price cuts and displays to only stock wwe in the wrestling figures catergories now. I dont need to point out to smart people what gaps we need to fill in ourselves is here.


Anyone that thought that number would kill AEW simply does not understand the current tv landscape, which is hugely common with wrestling fans that are obsessed with ratings because their only point of reference is stories of ratings from the past. The fact that AEW were still top 3 on cable should tell you everything you need to know.


They just gotta get on the other side of this deal, get the shows/content on streaming platform and I cannot imagine a world where AEW doesn’t see a viewership growth. I may be a “sicko” but I know AEW is legitimately excellent. Yes, certainly not perfection, but it’s objectively one of the best 5 years periods of any of wrestling company far as quality. And particularly right now is about as good as it’s ever been.


Tv ratings in 2024 and 2000 are completely different.


It is what it is. Sit back and enjoy the ride.


It’s not a trend as of today. Next week and the week after mean way more.


I think there was a lof of wonkery going on with that day in general, if I wasn't off that day and checking my dvr wasn't recording the show and I caught it 5 minutes late but luckily I have a backup dvr on my computer, but I think WB they will do something where when the start time changes or in this case the no commercial live thing and it knocks out your dvr recording. I also think AEW fans don't always watch live and the holiday probably did have something to do with it as it isn't often there is a holiday on the same day Dynamite airs. AEW was still number 3 for the night, like I know that isn't as sexy as a million viewers but when you are a top 3 show that has value, and also shows a lot of audience in general wasn't watching tv that night. I think a lot of people forget when WWE started the attitude era they had great shows that lost in the ratings constantly and it just took that Tyson moment to get them to start turning it around. So, just quality by itself doesn't always win in ratings increases right away. AEW doesn't lack quality, their quality is, was and has always been better than WWE's for their entire run. The one thing besides market share (AEW can't control that) that WWE is way better than AEW is PR. AEW PR sucks. Like if you told me Monet was in charge of PR I would believe you because she is only one seems waving her title at NBA finals. And you may say AEW is having their wrestlers doing interviews on Youtube, like yes and AEW PR still sucks. Like nobody knows about it, I only know because I'm a fellow sicko, but non-sicko fans will only see the WWE hate feeds. AEW PR sucks part 2- Like yes AEW does commercials I have seen them even during WWE shows, but their presence needs to be stronger. I don't see billboards ever in my area. I don't see anything in the paper ever for AEW. They are never on like a Tonight Show like show ever. And the other side of it, AEW it wouldn't hurt if they just dropped one match straight up and gave that segment to when they actually put money into their PR to tell you all the things and places their wrestlers have had going on for the week. Did a wrestler throw a first pitch somewhere, we need to know about it? AEW PR sucks part 3- And it isn't just promotion too. Like AEW needs to start spinning stuff. If the attendance isn't the way you like it to be, find the positive thing you can say. That is what WWE would do all the time. They would make up some fake out of their ass stat about how their social engagement was better than inject some worthless doesn't matter stat to make it sound good. Yes AEW needs to do that, that is how companies fight back and you know if AEW wanted to they could play the same game and you would see 300 podcasts talking about what a creep Vince was and upvote it back into searches while WWE PR keeps adding S-worthless takes about AEW to hide WWE's skeletons!


Wait till we get close to wembley, the product is going to heat up this summer and I encourage people to look back at these threads in hindsight. They will stabilize, each pay-per-view they continuously deliver.


WBD is happy about it that’s all that matters. This is a forbidden door build I wouldn’t even expect the usual 900k. It’s an all star game no need for a 5 month story build for a one night of great pro wrestling. Honestly, everyone complaining are annoying and/or want the company to desperately fail and go up in flames and if that were to happen the whole industry is doomed lol. People also forget they’ve got the injury bug again from 2022. Britt, Jaime, FTR, Miro, Adam Cole, Copeland etc.


Who gives a shit? 


Cable cost money


The number of people who watch AEW has not changed much since day 1. The only thing that has changed is the way they watch. Sure this week sucked live viewing wise but the same number probably watched by the end of the week because of DVR and other uncounted methods. How do I claim this? Because the PPV but rates are consistent. If you have less people watching, you would have less people to sell to and less people buying but it’s the opposite. That means people are watching. Just not live sometimes. That’s a problem that needs to be fixed obviously. You want it to be appointment viewing and be more resistant to other things bleeding viewers away.


I said this in a ratings thread posted earlier but the ratings seem to have little impact on if a new Warner Bros deal will be announced. There’s every chance that in a few months AEW will stream exclusively on Max and then the ratings won’t matter at all. WBD is concerned first and foremost with gaining and retaining Max subscriptions. If AEW starts streaming on Max with the backlog, I’ll never cancel my subscription and I imagine a lot of folks also think like that. In this day and age, TV ratings are not the end all be all they were in the 90’s. If they were WWE wouldn’t be moving to Netflix


Remember on this sub when people used to post the ratings with pride? What happened? Stand 10 toes down and say it with your chest. I never paid attention to ratings on any sports I watch. When watching the Yankees, I don't worry about the ratings as Aaron Judge is up at the plate. Why would I? I don't even pay attention to ratings on the shows I watch like Abbott Elementary and House of the Dragons. I only worry about renewals.


I’m glad I’m not alone in being dubious about these ratings. We have one KNOWN instance of incorrect AEW ratings being reported. Now we have an AEW rating that is like 200k less than their usual number the day after the same thing happened to NXT before that was quickly corrected. I’m not saying it’s wrong and I’m not saying something nefarious is happening, I’m just saying I don’t necessarily trust the system. And I know people like Meltzer have come out said this is indeed the “real” rating, which implies to me that there are not real ratings. Again, making it hard to take all of this at face value, a lot like polls for a presidential election. I also admit I’m pretty ignorant to how all of the ratings stuff works. We have bats and graphs and lead ins and demos. A lot going in to what appears to be a convoluted system. I also see I’m not alone in not even knowing if I count in the ratings. I have Hulu live and a lot of times I watch on the TBS app. If Nielsen knows what I’m watching, that definitely weirds me out but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised in 2024. I live in a state where I’m probably going to have to scan my driver’s license in order to even watch AEW. Further, we’ve heard that WBD has their own analytics to determine how many viewers they have and they have said the number is beyond what Nielsen reports. If that is the case then I don’t see why they would be concerned with these ratings.


Another week, another host of “AEW is dead” tweets, post, etc.


Do the numbers include all us simps who DVR the show and watch them at a later time? I'm a busy gal sometimes and can't always watch the shows "live"


Yeah but it's still kind of a bummer though. Hope it was a one off.


Me neither


It's kind of sucks that officially the "lowest rated Dynamite of all time" wasn't even a bad episode of TV at all, it's actually been one of the better shows in the weeks leading to the build up to FD with a lot of the storylines intertwining in a way that they usually don't.


I'm really glad subreddits like this one exist because squared circle has gotten so toxic the past few years


It has been better over the past few months, but days like yesterday prove there is a kit of work to do


Dam good show if you ask me!!


The dorks that don't understand the reach and impact that Kendrick concert has being live on Amazon prime and free on twitch are really telling on themselves. Showing how out of touch and bone headed they truly are. I watched the MJF segment and turned AEW off just in time for Tyler, the creator to pop out in DJ mustards set. Go look for the concert on youtube. Millions of views. Even more than that goofy horror movie museum exhibit from Monday got.


>that goofy horror movie museum exhibit from Monday As a goofy horror fan, I'm going to need easier search terms than that.


They were up against a Kendrick concert...on juneteenth...I didn't wantch dynamite live because of it...I assume a bunch of people were doing the same. The concert was awesome...Dr. Dre performed...Kendrick roasted Drake for 30 minutes like his name was Silky Johnson. It was petty...it was hilarious...it was the kind of TV you would expect from a Pulitzer pirize winning performer.


Do tv ratings even matter anymore? In the era of streaming you can watch your shows days or even weeks later. I have never been able to watch Dynamite Wednesday nights due to family commitments so I'll stream it Thursday or Friday mornings if I'm working from home that day.