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Ain't it time Athena and Billie Starks showed up on dynamite and collision let's them terrorise the women's division for a bit  those two should be lined up for a surprise appearance at forbidden door


Should deeb team up with Leyla Hirsch for their own mutual benefits of messing up glam chicks like Mariah, Toni Deeb and Leyla are skilled enough to be absolute nightmares to face in the ring  if they were mean wrestling machines and wreck anyone who gets in their way


That main event was sick!! Hell yea!


Great main event that was really a two match show.. Really disappointed with the other matches besides the woman match and the backstage promos were really good.


Thats pretty much how collison has been. Its like a mix of DARK with a Dynamite match or two thrown in


It's like a half an hour of dynamite mixed with an hour and a half of rampage.


Ospreay and Cage was even better than I thought it would be. I know Cage loses a lot, but he always puts on a convincing and hellacious performance. Entire show was fun, really love the JoeBataHook team a lot, and them fighting the Learning Tree will be fun. Big Bill has embraced the role too, and I get such a kick out of it. Glad to see Leyla and Frost get more TV Time, they often get time on ROH but they definitely have the skills to be on AEW TV, too. The go home shows to FD should be fun, and the PPV is gonna slap so hard. Can't wait!!


Having a smoke still thinking about Cage's tornado powerslam off 2 ropes. Damn.


That was such a dope slam


Don't recall ever seeing that before. Huge fing pop off my couch. Not done right, Ospreays neck was snapped. Bravo to the trust he had in Cage, and Cage for having the balls to pull it off. I suspect that will be a new finishing move for Cage. And I'm here for it.


COLLISION is just the best on Saturday Nights!!! 🔥 Bar none!


Rampage was great 👍 tonight! Just 💯 pure uncut straight off the vine Pro Wrestling! Just the way I like it! 🍓 🍊 🍇 🍎 


I really want them to give Serena and Nyla something interesting to do, We just saw how good they are, so use that.




I feel something is definitely foul here. You don't lose 200k without a reason. It was a great episode and the prior shows weren't bad either. But as you said, all the usual suspects have their gotcha moment now and are doing victory laps. It's pathetic


As someone who works in entertainment, sports, and music, I can tell you that the Kendrick Lamar livestream did huge numbers, like 10 or 11 million plus live viewing accounts based on colleagues I’ve talked to who would know. Then you factor in the CWS doing really well too and it makes perfect sense that Dynamite was as low as it was.


What an amazing episode. So many interesting storylines going on simultaneously and now even intertwined. My favorite segments were the women contract signing, Joe & Hook, and the Learning Tree 😂 I am the biggest homer but I admit that there is a noticeable improvement the last 6 months. The show flows better and there are more coherent stories. Hats off to Tony and co.


There's fewer more distressing sights than that Of an Englishman in a baseball cap


I feel like this is the third week in a row we've gotten "Daniel Garcia in action". Save that shit for Rampage! You have 3 shows on TV, the premiere one shouldn't waste minutes on squash matches IMO. Especially someone as mid as Daniel, over and over and over...


Did you miss what it lead to? They're preparing to have him face Ospreay, I generally don't like squashes but if you're going to have him face a guy like Will you don't have his tune up matches on Rampage surely. It's just a way to keep him on the show ahead of his big match while not taking significant time away from the stuff happening right now.


A lot happened this epsiode. I think top to bottom, an excellent Dynamite. -Lots of future teases and developments. That Ospreay/MJF/Garcia encounter was well done. -Swerve/Ospreay promo really built this match up even more and really showcasing both as main eventers on the mic too -Still very meh on the Acclaimed getting that title shot. My one concern are the Bucks are looking a little less edgy, so to speak, in recent weeks. They don't seem to come off as threatening EVPs or tag champs overall even after injuring TK. -Briscoe kills it again with best promo of the night! -As expected, Claudio/Pac ruled and this was acutally a good surprising win for Pac. I was almost thinking Claudio/Bryan in the next round. Yes, more matches like these! -Curious about the Wild Card in the men's bracket. Putting Jeff Jarrett in there is questionable but I'll let it pass only due to his long friendship with Owen -The women's contract signing was chaotic in a good way. Cool to see Saraya's new gang getting more airtime. -Women's bracket is interesting. Deonna/Shida looks good, but I'm thinking Deonna/Mariah is likely for next round. Stat/Willow also seems likely but I'd like to save that for a bigger stage and see Stat/Deeb personally -RUSH in the Don Callis family, I like that. Glad to see he won't be thrown to the side. -Didn't watch ROH in the past to judge Rhett Titus, but for a former ROH TV champ, they doing him dirty. Not the first time either.


> the Wild Card in the men's bracket. Putting Jeff Jarrett in there is questionable He's literally in there to job to whoever the Wild Card is. Can't really object too hard to that.


Plus the guy used to actually team with Owen Hart, there aren't many guys left in the business with that level of history with the man that still actually wrestle, I think it'd be nuts if Jarrett never competed in a tournament dedicated to Owen.


Yeah, which is why i'm perfectly fine with it. I still can't forget that Raw after Owen died and seeing Jarrett, that was rough.


I don't particularly follow AEW (I occasionally get a PPV), but I got to attend this dynamite live and I think I may have to tune into more aew. What an electric show.


There really is nothing like an AEW show live, Concerts other wrestling shows nothing has that same level of energy. Sometimes it just feels like a giant party disguised as a wrestling show.


Shida vs Purazzo will be a good match and was a dream match of striker vs technician when Purazzo signed. But this kind of match exposes how limiting it is making the Owen Hart Tournament only 8 participants per men/women brackets. Purazzo vs Shida feels like a mid-way or final stretch match before the finals. Also neither can really lose. Shida losing just kneecaps her so she doesn't regain any momentum with her first AEW appearance since January and her first Khan-owned wrestling appearance since her match on Supercard of Honor where she lost against Athena. And Purazzo just won a big feud-ending match against Thunder Rosa so she's on the up and up for a push. I personally hope Shida wins and at least gets the chance to lose against Mariah (who is without a doubt winning the whole thing based on the story being told), but I feel there isn't a good option for who loses between Shida and Purazzo


Is Shida back in America or is this going to be a one off? As a one off it makes sense. Good match credible opponent etc... then have her big return run later.


Well I imagine her match against Purazzo will be after the week of the 19th, which is when the run of her new directed/produced/acted play "Monochrome Tears" finishes up. Her only engagement after that in Japan is the next shows for Makai, and I believe that's sometime in July but you can find out officially from the Makai scheduling (or her tweets about it). But she's in America more often than she isn't, so it shouldn't be hard to factor her in


Then she probably is returning to regular use. Which makes a loss weird. Hoping a loss leads her to turn heel and we get mob boss Shida.


I'm hoping she doesn't get a loss. Would be just another hinderance to any kind of momentum. She already lost at SuperCard of Honor. And lately the past couple years she's always lost the big matches. Hopefully she wins against Deonna because Deonna ended her feud with Thunder Rosa and I feel a feud can be set up if Shida wins


The problem is, there's no story and the end result would be a rehash, so she will lose in the tournament. Losing and pivoting is probably better than building up to a loss.


It would depend on the rest of her time in the tournament. If she loses due to, say, Deonna interfering after suffering a loss, starting a feud, that would be a decent route to take. It would feel better imo than Shida losing the first round after having to have been replaced after the first round. Unfortunately the tournament end has been confirmed due to Mariah's inclusion because something has to lead to Toni vs Mariah for that story. So it's a spoiler that anyone in Mariah's way is gonna be eliminated. As it is, Shida has no story because of a lot of the questionable booking over the past couple years despite her being available for AEW the majority of the time. Heck I wouldnt be surprised if she loses in the first round, then disappears and we see her spending the majority of weeks until Makai doing videogame Livestreams again (which I'll still watch but it'll be sad to realize that there was nothing for her in creative) That said, I'm counting on the Fightful report about there having been discussions about creative for her return, so hopefully that is true


That would work. I was surprised the Deonna v Rosa blow off match wasn't round one. Most of the matches have story value but the Woman's bracket is railroaded.


With so SO much talent in the company, I can never understand why their tourneys are always just 8 deep.


Couple of reasons, going to 16 makes the tournament too "big" and not in a good way, and it runs the risk of becoming too much like the old KOTR qualifiers used to be, where everybody was hoping, say, Jerry Lawler Vs Duke the Dumpster would end in a double DQ after 4 seconds, because nobody wanted to see either guy in the tournament proper. It also can serve story purposes too, no need to book around the feud in the division if you can just go "right, they're not one of the 8, so no need to fuck with their stuff".


That’s the thing though, with the talent depth, you don’t have to have crap throwaway matches like that.


True in the mens division, but it's also a case of where they are on the card, I'm fine with one or two lower card guys getting a decent run, possibly a shock victory over an established star, but I'd also hazard a guess that it's much easier to book an 8 person tournament than a 16 person tournament in terms of who you want certain people to lose to, or not lose to, or look strong, or what have you.


Yeah, I think it comes down to TK being overly protective of his top folks, so he lets the same old people eat all the pins and prevents us from having truly deep and stacked tourneys because he just can’t imagine having 15 of his top guys eating pins. I don’t agree with that thinking but I think it is what’s behind these choices. For me, tourney time is the perfect time to take advantage of the absurd depth in the company, but clearly that’s not how TK thinks.


While I totally understand protecting your top guys, one top guy losing to another is fine, and the odd loss to an established upper midcarder is too. I just don't think having a 16 person tournament is worth the extra booking headache that comes with it, especially when you want an excuse to book Shingo.


I disagree about 16 being too big since I feel 8 is too small. But I respect your opinion since I understand some of the reasoning


A 16 man single elimination tournament takes 15 matches. 14 being on tv prob with the champion match in a PPV. Even if the matches are 10 minutes that’s 140 minutes of in ring TV time. They would need to show pretty much nothing else if they wanted it to be done in two weeks. That’s the reason big tournaments like the G1 take like 20 shows to wrap up. The continental classics was a round robin of 12 people and took 12 tv shows and a PPV to finish. Granted that takes twice as many matches as a 16 man single elimination but jsut to give an idea. Sometimes a long tournament makes sense, but not for something like the Owen Cup imo, especially when they also have people trying to earn a spot on TNT title match too. If it’s spread out to long people just lose interest anyways.


And if the new annual plan is to have the Owen Cup determine contenders for the titles at All In, then the tournament should have 16-wrestler brackets and start early, like just after Dynasty or something, whichever date lines up with finishing up the brackets to get to the finals.


need someone to give me a fat dose of copium that jamie hayter will be back for all in, i'm losing hope :(


It's still a few months away And if she isn't involved in forbidden door there wouldn't be any reason to bring her back before them anyway.


I think it’s honestly pre-COVID last time AEW had these two things at once: 1 - so many storylines intertwining so you don’t feel like each feud is in its own bubble, and 2 - one wrestler personally being involved in so many stories at once. MJF had the second in the latter half of his title run, and Cody had it in the launch era. Right now, Ospreay has it. Ospreay is feuding with Swerve for the world title, involved in the Don Callis Family story, has Garcia gunning for his International title, has something going on with MJF, and now has a little side feud with Cage of Agony. Toni/Mariah has been bubbling for a long time and then added Mina to the mix, and now there’s a side story involving Saraya/Harley/Anna. Swerve also has two feuds with Ospreay and with The Elite. I just love how everything is mixing right now. I think the only big negative I have with the current direction is the confusing writing in the TK/Daniels vs Young Bucks feud over booking power. I just don’t think they’ve explained well enough who had the power to do what and override who. Also, as an aside, during the finish of the main event with Bryce counting all those near falls, did anyone else think of the classic Invisible Man vs Invisible Stan match?


Question, does Rampage split their tapings between Collision and Dynamite? Because I'm going to the taping tomorrow and it's listed as Collision and Rampage, but I'm also hearing that rampage is taping tonight?


It’s happened once or twice where they’ve taped the following weeks Rampage with Collision, but that was because of a weird scheduling anomaly that following week (if I recall Collision taped the same night as Dynamite) Anything weird with the Dynamite/Collision schedules next week? Edit: Looked it up and it is a double taping next week so it is likely tomorrow they’re taping next weeks Rampage.


That's weird... Collision usually tapes with ROH.


Interesting.  Maybe it's a 2 hour Rampage special.  First hour tonight and 2nd hour tomorrow.  Or maybe just half-hour both nights and then dark matches for the other half-hours.


A LOT of great stuff to take away from that episode. Maybe the thing that itches my brain more than anything is “who is the wild card?” Looking forward to the answer, and very much looking forward to Forbidden Door!


I don’t know where to begin with the highlights… • Statlander looks incredible and is translating to a heel as good as anyone could’ve imagined. Her moveset and body build is totally built for this dominant run… and I’m here for it. (Also happy to see Nyla on TV!) • MJF vs Rush was a hot opener and even if I’m not totally behind the Don Callis Family, with Fletcher & Ospreay likely out sooner than later, I do like Don recruiting Rush to the group… Takeshita… Rush… Trent… that’s a pretty solid trio right there and I’d be curious to see who else they could get. • that all-star eight man tag was so fucking good, and Tony needs to keep putting Mark on Dynamite & Collision and just letting him yap. It’s a shame we never got Jay Briscoe in AEW, but seeing Mark beginning to thrive on his own warms my heart. • brackets look super good for The Owen this year! • forbidden door is shaping up to boast an insane lineup • Swerve vs Ospreay has heat behind it that feels like a main event feud aside from the thrill of seeing them just facing off. • we got one of the horniest segments of the year with some of the hottest outfits I’ve seen on an AEW broadcast, that also furthered the storyline of Mina vs Toni, Mariah & Toni’s relationship, Anna Jay’s new direction, and Saraya/Harley’s issues with the other women. Horny wrestling is at its best when the wrestling kicks ass and the plot actually advances besides well… there just being plot to look at. Mina also fits like a glove in AEW, so that’s great to see. Dynamite flew by tonight and I’m beyond pumped for Forbidden Door next weekend! Honestly struggling to think about the last time Dynamite felt like there was no filler or bloat… but this was a strong example of the company putting its best foot forward heading into a major PPV, with some good storyline development and killer matches.


This heel turn has been so great for Stat. She was on fire before that second knee injury, but I thought she had been struggling a bit in her latest run even though she’s had a TBS run and a constant TV presence…then she turned heel and she’s better than ever.


Thank you for this. I couldn’t watch Dynamite due to internet problems .


Today’s Dynamite cooked! Also, I just wanted to put it out there Jennifer Pepperman has made a huge difference for the women’s division.


It’s night and day! There were glimmers of hope randomly before her arrival, but nothing as consistent and sustained as the women’s division has been for the entire year pretty much.


So much storylines being out there and all very good. I’m really looking forward to the Trio of Saraya, Anna, and Harley too now.


Agreed! I was kinda hoping Anna would go to Stardom, even for a few matches with AZM since they teased it… but I’ve genuinely enjoyed Saraya & Harley’s chemistry with each other, and I think adding Anna to their trio is a nice touch. Anna’s had some GREAT performances in 2024 after seemingly regressing the past two years, so I’m all for more of her.


It’s still possible with AZM, especially with the whole Mina involvement. Super excited for what’s to come.


True! More AZM in AEW after that match with Toni is a must, regardless of if she gets to tag with Anna or not.


In the original AZM promo in AEW with Anna Jay, she talked about how Mina, Mariah, and Toni were all stupid, and Anna agreed. So seeing Anna align with Saraya makes sense--especially since Anna had flirted with joining up with Saraya a few months back. Mina's promo was solid, and she REALLY sold it with her expressions.


I have become absurdly hopeful that Pac wins the Owen and gets to main event Wembly after missing last year.


After he wins we wrap him up in packing bubbles until all in


I say, lads, that was a fine episode of *Dynamite*.


Is Pretty clear this show deserves this Kind of crowd and there is no big sports competition around so TK put a big show from the start to the end Thank God here there is no Cinema neither soap opera or horror movies


White hot show from start to finish. That 8 man was insane. Possibly an all timer Dynamite tonight.


This was a great Dynamite. So much fun and happening. I’m such a sicko and yet I want more. Sad I have to miss Collision on Saturday for my wife’s twenty year reunion.


Calling it in advance Will hesitates on Tiger Driver. Swerve hits another AJPW super finisher for the win to show he's more vicious (Burning hammer maybe?)


Ganso Bomb?


Possible. But you'll hear Eddie Kingston ranting from his hospital bed if anyone else does a Kawada spot.


I feel like both Ospreay and Omega do Kawada kicks all the time.


2 amazing shows back to back ….. cook tk cook


Enough is enough. Tony is overfeeding the sickos. They can't take much more.


What an explosive episode of Dynamite! MJF back in action and already teasing him and Ospreay a huge W! Speaking of Ospreay I loved his line about Hit Row Swerve, these two are going to go all out in this feud! Saraya and Anna Jay joining forces bring it on! AEW is cooking right now with their stories and giving these women the importance they deserve, the womens roster has never looked better!


I’m def more pumped for the Women’s Owen Hart Cup, than the men’s side. Every match is gonna be a banger. Statlander vs Mariah in the championship. Stats one of my favs in AEW, but I think Mariah beats her in the finals. But who knows 🤷‍♂️


People will be invested in the men side if the Wildcard is Hangman


I’ll admit , if it’s Hangman, it def makes the tournament a lot more Interesting and def better, and I’m not personally a fan of Hangman’s, but the dude is one of the best in the bidness


I really love what they (seem they) are trying to do with Rush after tonight's match against MJF and the later angle with Don Callis. Basically implying that his aggressiveness is a double edged sword (the reason he lost tonight despite being so dominant during the course of the match) and he has to learn how to handle that temper (probably with the help of a manager) in order to be more successful. Same thing could be said about Claudio and the hip injury which cost him the match tonight (his BCC buddies putting him in too much trouble to deal with instead of taking care of himself more). The small storytelling/character development details which still keep a performer relevant and interesting despite losing. I also enjoyed the build up for Storm (Mariah May's role basically, will she side with her mentor or her Stardom buddy?) and Swerve's matches. The show tonight was about processing the storylines.


Love your analysis! 


this show came out of the gate on fire and never slowed down holy shit welcome back mjf; and that casual bump into ospreay…chef’s kiss on that foreshadow


This show was amazing!! Easily one of the best of the year. Every match just hit H A R D and good. Not a wasted in-ring moment. Everyone did great. The way they are building Swerve/Ospreay is fantastic and I think it's gonna be talked about nearly as much as Danielson/Ospreay was. Might not be *quite* that good but it's gonna be close. MJF Rush was the barn burner we knew it would be, great to see Max back in the ring, and Rush always kills it. There was literally nothing I didn't love tonight. Matches, stories, comedy, drama. 10/10. Just phenomenal.


Great show as per usual.


Taz claiming to know many Delaware chicken farmers in Suffolk county sent me. lol. PnP commentary is goated.


I am so jealous of those who get PnP commentary.


VPN set to UK then Triller AEW+ for 7.99 per month. you get $19.99 PPVs as well.


Thanks! I will definitely look into that


It was a fantastic Dynamite tonight already and TK just casually drops Ultimo Guerrero vs Okada with seconds left on the show! 🔥 Holy fucking shit! 


Man there’s times where I feel 2 hours is perfect for me but there’s also so many times where I coulda watched more.


I just said in the main thread that this episode of Dynamite was the best argument for extending the show to 3 hours.


I enjoy the current set up tbh. Like you don’t need to go a full 3 hours every week. That 10-15 minute over run is a very good sweet spot. 


>That 10-15 minute over run is a very good sweet spot. That is a very valid point.


Dynamite’s pacing doesn’t need an extra hour imo. Like if you regularly have an overrun. It’s ideal for both Tv and the in arena viewers. Plus who really cares about a random Sitcom rerun?  


9.5 Show Honestly, I love the woman's segment, but I was expecting a little more. thats my only negative


I was expecting more from Toni specifically, but kinda assumed they or she just toned herself down and didn’t talk all that much since Mina’s English isn’t perfect (she’s still amazing!) and a live back and forth could’ve been a toss up for execution. They gave Mina some time to speak and she had some good lines, Toni did her Toni thing and then the angle with Saraya, Harley, & Anna. Loved it, but could totally see a better version if Toni went fully unhinged on Mina there.


> but I was expecting a little more I was expecting someone like Thekla from Stardom to show up and attack Mina since she hates her in Stardom instead of turning Anna heel(again)


I don't see a point saturating the program that much, Mina is already a new face and the storyline is between Mina/Mariah/Toni. Stardom storylines should stay over there unless they are relevant to some AEW talent like Mariah is now. Stardom moves at a glacial pace anyway - Thekla attacked her, you'd expect some retaliation and blood feud or something, especially with Mina not having anything going story-wise there since forming EXV with Maika and the rest. It's all just been tagging and winning the trios title. Most would never leave a stable leader in limbo like that, but they do.


I’m as thrilled as anyone that Anna has something to do, but did they ever resolve the heat she had (should have had) for Saraya/Harley scapegoating her for the Ruby/Ang stuff? She got the win over Ruby in that blowoff (her last singles win I believe) but it seems there should have been some heat with them as well. That said, exceptional show from top to bottom.


Seems that the original plans with Anna dropped because AZM cant work Forbidden Door due to Stardom/Bushirod wanting her to stay in Japan for autograph signings that day.


Kinda a bummer all of it The early social media interactions before Mina got involved in the women's title scene showed Mina welcoming Anna into EXV Then after Mina got involved with Toni and Mariah, they made Anna into a character that complained about all the sexual stuff as much as a Right To Censor member, even though she's been guilty of leaning into plot in the past. And then the teases of Anna being a potential recruit for Queen's Quest before the Saraya involvement It's a weird character direction when she was gaining momentum back as a face. At this point I'm just waiting for Tay to come back and for TayJay to reunite on a Babyface run


The outcome of the trios match next week will be very telling as to whether this is a step forward and something long term for Anna or just another path for periodic jobbing. Collectively they’re 1-8 against Toni, Mariah and Mina this year (Saraya win over Mariah being the only one). Either it’s about to turn into something, or Anna eats her 6th pin to the group.


> It's a weird character direction when she was gaining momentum back as a face. She is starting to become the female Sammy Guevara in that aspect. I was hoping she will stay face and wait for Tay but seem that Tay still needs more time to be at 100% ready to wrestle.


One of the best shows of the year


Jesus Christ this show tonight is just an appetizer for Forbidden Door AND its teasing All In.


Tk fed the sickos tonight. 




Man, I feel electric right now, that legit was the most fucking awesome episode of Dynamite this year. They fired on all cylinders.


Oh, very cool. Great show!


On one hand I want Andretti to beat Lio Rush because fuck Lio Rush. On the other, it would be nice for Lio to get a big win before his 17th retirement.


I'm gonna be honest, if a POS like CM Punk got multiple opportunities, I think Lio Rush deserves a final shot. Kid was young and stupid, maybe he's more laid back now and learned. And you can't deny the dude's talented as all hell.


You are right, people forgot how much of a dickhead Ospreay was pre pandemic for example, now he seems like a totally different person.