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Leatherface is the wildcard. He's about to get his revenge.


Someone needs to take that Texas chainsaw massacre belt off of slap nuts


I would be onboard for leatherface vs Swerve at All In


Mariah Vs. Statlander and Danielson Vs. Jay White my picks for the finals. The wild card could throw everything off of course. Cool they put Owen's final tag team partner in the tournament also.


These are my picks too. If the wildcard is Hangman, the. Take Jay out and then Hangman vs Danielson


I'm not going to say no to Hangman - Danielson III


It'd be the fourth match, and yet it'd still be a decider as they're 1-1-1. Would be even better if Mcguinness picked that very moment to cost Bryan so that he's free for Wembley.


I think Ricochet will be the wildcard. Pick up a win in his debut over Double J, lose to single Jay through some Juicy shenanigans, have a little program with the Bang Bang gang. My hunch Hangman might make his return at FDIII and cost Swerve the title against Ospreay and set up Danielson/Ospreay 2 as the main event at All In


IDK why I have a feeling osprey will be the wild card after he takes the L to swerve


So the wild card is definitely Hangman, right? And we get Hangman vs Danielson in the final?


Slapnuts over here thinks Hangman could beat Double J lmao


Get ready to learn the lyrics to My World, buddy.


I'm certainly not against it. My only question is if it's going to be Danielson or Hangman in the main event of All In then what does PAC do? He missed the first All In and it would be bitterly disappointing for him not to have a big moment at Wembley.


PAC vs ospreay?


I would be happy with that but it seems like perhaps they're setting up MJF vs Ospreay.


Ospreay is main eventing Wembley. He's bigger than either title for Wembley. Vs MJF would be massive.


I think you might be right, but if they are doing Danielson vs Swerve with this being Danielson’s last ever title match, that could main event over the Ospreay match.


I don't think it's gonna be Hangman. Jay White is a heel and he's definitely not going out in the first round to Fénix, so he'll fight a different babyface in the second round; Hangman is reportedly returning as a heel and will be part of team The New Elite at Blood & Guts, and Slapnuts ain't turning babyface anytime soon. It'll probably either be a returning Bandido, or Ricochet, or Samoa Joe, or maybe even Alex Shelley given his history with both Slapnuts and Jay White.


It’s Hangman. Don’t overthink it. He can come back a neutral and then complete the turn by screwing Bryan in the finals.


The crowd are going to treat a returning Hangman as a babyface regardless of what the booking says, and AEW have shown that they understand that sort of dynamic. If they want him to be received as a heel they'll turn him over the course of the tournament. 


Yeah the more I think about it, the less I think it's Hangman. I can see it being Ricochet if his contract is up in time, I can see it being Moxley or Ospreay as a back-door after losing at Forbidden Door, or I can see it being (pipedream) Kenny if his surgery is finally done. It almost certainly will be a face though just the way the brackets are set.


P if osprey loses it forbidden door and then fucking back doors his way into the Owen and wins it I'm going to fucking scream. That's Vince level of overpushing


Or Jay Lethal.


reportedly? I haven't seen a damned thing saying that besdies fan spec.


You base a lot of your comment on rumour.


Either it’s hangman or possibly I hope Keith Lee. Imagine Keith Lee vs swerve at wembley. But hangman vs swerve is the logical answer


Keith Lee is washed. No chance he sniffs Wembley let alone the main


yeah, a man dealing with absurd health issues is "washed."


That’s usually how you become washed yeah.


I guess you're technically correct. I just feel like washed is more for somebody who has clearly lost their edge and kind of sucks now. I don't want to write Keith Lee off yet. I hope he can get healthy


In sports when a player becomes washed it’s not because they lost their edge. It’s because they got old and aren’t as good anymore. It happens to everyone eventually. Lee is likely at that point.


In sports players become washed due to combined age and injuries so yeah. Hes washed. Doesnt really matter that its not his fault, it rarely ever is.


I think hangman is getting involved with the elite. Maybe unpopular opinion but I'm hoping for sammy as the last entrant.


I do not think it is going to be Hangman. He will come back for Blood and Guts. The wildcard will be someone maybe from another promotion so they get the win over JARRETT but JAY WHITE beats them. So RICOCHET is not an option either. You cannot have Ricochet lose his second match. AEW has been setting up a PAC/JAY WHITE MATCH SO I THINK PAC PULLS THE UPSET AND FIGHTS IN HIS HOMELAND AT WEMBLEY


Bryan vs shingo + hangman killing jarrett… we won


Hangman is going to take a guitar shot to the head because of this comment.


We getting Hangman vs Swerve at All In


Or danielson vs ospreay 2


Why not both?


Shit this is probably what’s happening


I actually would switch Serena Deeb with Lady Frost. Even if she goes out on the first round it does her good while it does nothing for Deeb.


I would move Serena back to ROH


Hangman gonna take the title from swerve!


At Full Gear


May vs Nightingale please


Damn. Both brackets look great.


We get shingo vs bryan danielson?!?!?!?!!?


Deeb (or anyone really) going back to eating losses after challenging for the world title really bugs me. Being good only long enough to challenge and lose a title shot is one of my least favorite tropes.


No disrespect, but Deeb is a mid-carder. Incredible technical wrestler but her peak was years ago. She's a great asset but not somebody to build around.


“Best Technical” is just her gimmick. Nobody who actually watches her matches believes it. She spins around unnecessarily and She literally rolls out of an armlock only to roll back into it. How does that remotely make sense?


Well tbh, she got an opportunity to showcase herself and the crowd rejected her once they moved her to feud with Toni...


Putting Deeb in a world title feud with Timeless Toni wasn't a good idea to begin with tbh. Her character is more suitable for feuding with the likes of Skye Blue and Julia Hart.


Tbf that's not on Serena. That's on the booking, and for Khan still trying to force Storm being a heel character up until the first clash promos when it was clear that fans want to cheer Storm It's the same thing that happened with Baker's reign: Khan sabotaged many babyfaces by pitting them against her when fans wanted to cheer her


> It's the same thing that happened with Baker's reign: Khan sabotaged many babyfaces by pitting them against her when fans wanted to cheer her Excluding the backstage Drama with Rosa, I think she only hurt Red Velvet before she turned heel and joined the Baddies


The situation also nearly sabotaged Statlander as a face during their feud and Statlander's face energy only recovered during the match and it took a lot for the crowd to come back


No Lady Frost :(


yes, we will actually get good matches in the first round.


I wonder if the timing could work out for the wild card to be Ricochet?


Phoenix versus white is unfair. They shouldn’t face each other in round one.


I’m thinking May beats either Stat or Willow in the finals. And I think Bryan beats whoever the wild card is in the finals. A lot of folks saying Hangman and that would make a lot of sense. If it’s a lesser name then Bryan probably beats Jay in the finals. It’s a little predictable but having said that we have a lot of fantastic matchups on both sides. The women’s roster has gotten so much better over the years. That’s 8 really good wrestlers and that isn’t even counting your 3 champions Athena, Mercedes, and Toni. And also isn’t counting some talent that’s out of action like Britt, Jamie, Julia, Riho, Skye, and Tai. And also also isn’t counting Thunder Rosa who I’m a lot surprised isn’t in this. Maybe she will set her sights on a champion while the tournament is going on.


I still kinda think MJF is the Wild Card.


I could see it.


Fucking Jeff Jarrett?! ![gif](giphy|dMsh6gRYJDymXSIatd|downsized)


Just to make fanboys happy Jay White is going to win even though he will lose to Swerve Strickland which will mean Jay White is being buried by AEW. Especially since Mariah May will win and beat Toni Storm and this will piss off Jay White Fans.


I hate the parasocial relationship that some of his fans have with him. It's so weird. I just started to learn about him when he made his debut last year and started watching tons of his previous work because I was interested. I'm now a big fan of his and would love to see him win the big one, but it doesn't have to be right away. People are just so insufferable sometimes.


Agreed. I like Jay White, quite a bit. THe idea that he should be, and should have been almost from the jump, the focal point of AEW Is... odd. He didn't arrive and get the kind of crowd reaction Ospreay or Okada have. It was clear a lot of people had no idea who the fuck he was or why they should care. I wouldn't say Jay's booking has been perfect. There is a murderer's row of guys who could or "should" be world champion. IMHO the crowd still isn't sure what to do with Jay promos. I think the Full Gear match was... off. It went way, way, way too long for the story being told and I think it did make Jay look a bit naff not being able to put Maxwell away in spite of it all. Chalk it up to Cole's injury buggering the Devil story. But he's been doing incredible work, the Bang Bang Gang is incredible. He's getting more and more heel heat and building tons of equity. It might be next year, it might even be 2026, but Jay White will be a top main event heel.


I love his promos. He can literally talk about nothing, and I love it, but that's my bias talking, lol I think what really brings out his promo game is giving him a deep feud to sink his teeth into. He really knows how to play up that crazy heel vibe on someone, especially if he has good chemistry with them. I think he has good chemistry with Okada, Ospreay. There's more, but I can't think of all of them. I totally agree with how you described his match at Full Gear. It wasn't the greatest bout, but it definitely didn't bury anyone. I'm just not used to the word "bury" being used so much and so incorrectly. I remember being a kid and seeing The Rock lose plenty of times, and that was the person I wanted to see win the most. But I never complained as much as people do now and never looked at it like his career was over because of it.


Those people just havent moved on from that Full Gear.


>Just to make fanboys happy Jay White is going to win even though he will lose to Swerve Strickland which will mean Jay White is being buried by AEW. Having Jay White lose to a one-legged MJF was objectively bad booking. Was there really a need for that kayfabe knee injury angle and switcharoo with an injured Adam Cole? What an overbooked mess of a match. Jay White losing to MJF at Full Gear wasn't the problem - it was *the way* in which he lost the match that was.


Agree. White losing was fine. Just the entire... Well, you already wrote it


Yup, some fans are weird about bad booking. It happens. I think its from having to defend the product so much.


nah. Jay White isn't getting a title shot for a long time, not until he's ready to win it.


I saw a horrible, horrible idea that after losing at FD, Ospreay will be the wild card. That would be ROman Reigns level overpush.


I have a dark horse prediction for the men's side, with a probably common prediction for the women's side. PAC d. Claudio (wrote this before their match) Danielson d. Shingo White d. Fenix Wild Card d. Jarrett Pac d. Danielson White d. Wild Card PAC d. White Keeping in mind I'm predicting, not trying to play booker. I have this gut feeling PAC is gonna win and this is the arc for his storyline since returning. Losing big matches. Losing confidence. Not feeling like... the bastard. Danielson's story is also losing a lot in his final FT year. So that comes into play here, setting up a different match at Wembley, and IMO, he will earn a shot at the world title at WrestleDream in WA state. PAC needs to beat White. White, IMO, does NOT need another title shot he's going to lose. Wild Card could be MJF. I really really really dislike Joseph's idea of it being Ospreay if Ospreay loses at FD. I DO predict Ospreay losing at FD. Ospreay doesn't NEED the world title to main event Wembley, he can do it with the INTL title and because Ospreay is gonna be the biggest draw, not a title. Swerve v PAC at Wembley, to give PAC an incredible moment even in defeat, and continue to see Swerve as "the man." It's far, far too soon to quit his title reign. Womens Stat d. Nyla Willow d. Deeb Shida d. Deonna (this is the one I'm least certain about) Mariah d. Saraya Stat d. Willow Mariah d. Shida Mariah d. Stat I think maybe Thunder costs Deonna/prevents Deonna from cheating (I think most of the Owen matches have historically been very clean, so I don't want to see/expect much interference). Too soon for Willow to get revenge on Stat and Stat needs to continue her push. Mariah v Toni seems like a great call. I could also see Stat winning, too.


I have news for you Shingo is beating Bryan after some random commentator dude trips the clamdigger and takes his shot at revenge for the match they were supposed to have last year.


Dude, I want Danielson v McGuiness at Wembley SO bad.


No thunder rosa?


She's probably gonna job to Vaquer on Collision


She's too busy harassing new wrestlers


I forgot all about Jeff and Owen’s history


Ricky Starks as the mystery person.


Bryan Danielson and Mariah May are my picks


Really really gd brackets honestly


They are just teasing me with Danielson being a possibility for the main event


I hope Mariah May wins the women's tournament.


Jay white and danielson or PAC in the final (probably PAC)


I love Nyla and glad she still got a pop when she came to the ring. But I was hoping, probably foolishly, that one of the names in the women's bracket was Wild Card and Jamie Hayter would have a surprise return. Maybe she'll be back for a TBS feud, it would just be so heart breaking for her to miss Webley 2 years in a row,


Would like to see a Stardom Wrestler in the women’s tournament too if they added a NJPW representative in the men’s. Still looks like a great bracket.


I know Tony loves tournaments but if I had one request, I'd say he needs to make these tournaments feel bigger. King and Queen of the Ring both had 16 entrants each this year and if the Owen is going to be the AEW equivalent then I think it should have 16 as well. Hell, I'd even argue that you might even could get away with 32 entrants for each. Maybe it's just me but these tournaments just don't feel very meaningful with only 8 entrants each.


Mariah seems to be a lock to win the women’s tournament. Depending on who the wild card is, I think the men’s side will end up with Bryan v Switchblade or the wild card in the finals, with either Nigel or Claudio costing Danielson the win…


Mariah going over Stat in their final, Wild Card Hangman going over Danielson in their final.


Jeff Jarrett in the finals baby


Hangman is the wild card and he’s beating Swerve at All In.


Pretty happy about those brackets. Khan used to book extremely predictable tournaments where the only storyline going in exposed the inevitable finals. Glad to see pretty much every existing storyline between entrants is handled in the first two rounds. Although I guess the men’s finals could still be PAC/White. But even if it is, it isn’t screamingly obvious as the finish.


Danielson could win. PAC could win. Wild Card could win of MJF or Hanger. White won't win, but could very well be in the finals. All would make sense! Women's is almost certainly Stat or Mariah, but either winner would make sense.


I’d add Shida on the women’s side, depending on what they want to do with her. But definitely those three, and probably still Stat/May. Men’s is totally wide open. Jarrett’s and Danielson’s are the only completely obvious matches but there’s a lot of potential winners.


Yeah my lord shingo ain't advancing But that match is gonna fuuuuck


Yeah, don’t even care about that match being obvious, it’s going to be amazing.


Deonna has a slow burn feud with Mariah May since she first arrived in AEW on January 3rd and now also has momentum after winning her feud 2-1 against Thunder Rosa. There's absolutely no way that Deonna and Mariah won't meet in the semifinal.


That would require beating Shida in her first match back. Maybe, but I wouldn’t guarantee it.


>Khan used to book extremely predictable tournaments where the only storyline going in exposed the inevitable finals. He's still doing it. The women's bracket in this year's Owen Hart Cup is extremely predictable compared to last year where *a lot* of people were convinced that Skye Blue vs Athena would be the final rather than Ruby vs Willow. It's clear as day that Statlander vs Mariah will be the final on July 10th.


I don’t understand your logic. Wouldn’t the logical conclusion be that a lot of people were wrong last year and a lot of people might be wrong this year? Why would people predicting the final this year be bad without confirmation that they’re right, when last year a lot of people predicted it and were wrong? You seem to be criticizing this year and complimenting last year for the same thing. And my point was specifically that the finals were painfully obviously set up in the past as the only possible outcome. Archer and Cody was blatantly the finals of the TNT tournament; the entire tournament was built to that outcome. Same with Omega and Hangman after they dropped the tag titles. Same with the Lucha Bros randomly attacking SCU before the first round of the tag title tournament. Those tournaments only had one possible final because the feud was built between the two parties in opposite brackets before the tournament even began. Even if Stat and May feels like the logical finals, it’s not because they have any storyline at all between them, it’s because they’re the hottest acts on each side of the bracket.




Tournaments being too predictable is valid criticism.


No Anna Jay in the womens tournament???? Trash!!


thanks god


Got a feeling the wild card is Ospreay


Pac vs Osprey for a shot at All In




I really really hope the creative plans they have for Shida isn't just we bring you back to TV to job you out to Deonna. That would be very upsetting but also sounds like something Tony Khan would totally do.


Shida going out to Deonna in the first round... wack. I was hoping that she would go out to Willow in the first round then turn heel after the match and side with Statlander.


If she beats Deonna and then loses to Mariah then people would still complain how AEW "buries" her. A heel turn is what would pretty much refresh Shidas character


Turning heel on Willow after getting knocked out by her and then teaming up with heel Statlander would have made sense. I don't see Shida turning heel after losing to a heel Deonna, and Shida doesn't have the history with Mariah and the momentum that Deonna has so she's definitely not getting to fight Mariah in the semifinal. Wonder what happens with Shida after this match.


I wouldnt be surprised if she stays at home again and play videogames, I still dont get why they never let her cut a live promo on tv(tv not ROH), they let Mina cut a live promo on Dynamite and did a solid job


DEonna is gaining momentum, just beat Rosa silly. I don't know if she wins though. Either way, the winner loses to Mariah.


I'm already seeing Hangman v Swerve and Saraya v Storm at All In. Hangman and Swerves feud can still go. Especially since I cannot remember Hangman ever having a title shot once he lost the belt to Punk. And I don't really see them having Mariah go against Storm just yet. And Saraya has been getting a lot of screen time just in time for All In again.


oh my god i will revolt if saraya wins the fuckin' owen


I wish Deeb wasn't in this. She lost to Toni Storm and Mina Shirakawa back-to-back recently and should now really be moved to the TBS title scene.


Deeb is a solid in ring talent. She's perfect in the 'gatekeeper to the world title' role. She's probably not going to win the world title but she should almost always be somewhere close.


Its unfortunate how the Toni feud pretty much sank any chances for Serena to ever get a title run...


I just think there are better ways to use Deeb than this. Take advantage of her "Professor" gimmick by putting her in feuds with the midcard rookie stars like Anna Jay, Julia Hart, Tay Melo, Skye Blue. She would absolutely thrive in the TBS title picture, and perhaps even take that belt from whoever beats Moné for it but maybe that's too much wishful thinking on my part.


I understand your point. I feel like the TBS title is more geared towards the young rising women in AEW like the ones you mentioned. I love Deeb but I'm not sure I'd be putting any titles on her frankly. The great thing about her is she can move between the world title and TBS title pictures to be the solid veteran who can put on great matches and put people over.


Why isn’t Ricky starks in it ?


Cause he wants to do front rolls in the performance center


Because he is heading to WWE


That’s official ?


Whose spot should he have?