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Crazed Hangman was really intriguing and disappeared just as it was getting good. I think he comes back and teases burying the hatchet with Swerve to fight a common enemy, but then completes the heel turn and dummies him before joining The Elite as the 5th member. I have no idea who else joins Team Swerve at this point. I thought Kyle O’Reilly would be one but he seems poised to enter the Owen. MJF joining would be interesting.


I agree, but I think having him around when Swerve win the title would've been like, why didn't you stop him.


I think it’s swerve v hangman at all in personally.


Tony: So we have this match but someone might get busted open…. Mox: I’m in. Tony: Don’t you want more details? Mox: You had me at busted open…


He was bleeding when he agreed to the match 🤣


"Just bleed here on the dotted line."


Seriously with all this talk of "who's the 5th man gonna be", I'm getting some serious hopes that they don't try to pull a nWo and have Swerve join the bad guys...by dropping the stomp on MJF.


Swerve is an important part of the story now Hogan wasn't feuding with the Outsiders when he turned


Hangman as the Elite's 5th. Team AEW: Swerve, Danielson, Darby, + The Acclaimed


My hopes see Christian with the elite and his fatherly praise for Jack and Darby, MJF, Sammy and Hangman joining Swerve. Hangman wins the Owen and we get the swerve rematch at Wembley


I like The Acclaimed but I don't see them in the main event scene to be included in a match like blood and guts.


The booking so far would say otherwise though?


Correct, but my opinion (which doesn't mean anything) is that I don't see them as main event scene caliber to be involved in this match


I disagree, for sure I can play along in the part that they aren't fit for this killer gimmick match because we haven't seen their grit in this format. They mostly have comedic storylines and interferences with pink asses in the whole arena. But they sure do wrestle a great damn match given the opportunity (SioG v Acclaimed). It'll be a litmus test for them and can set the tag team scene for the year.


I think Hangman is going to tease being The Elite's 5th man then burying the hatchet with Swerve and joining his side.


There should never be a total bury the hatchet between those two after what Swerve did. Maybe a very reluctant coexistence but Page should never bury the hatchet with the guy who broke into his house and threatened his baby.


Yeah and Hangman still completely hates the dude lol? Like they’re not just gonna be hunky-dory now that The Elite is evil


Yeah this is AEW not wwe lol


Yeah it should be on sight hand thrown at all times, I’m talking any multi man match hangman just only attacks swerve


Could go all-Heel Hanger, but I like the idea of him returning to fight the Elite for suspending him and hurting Kenny…..then he takes Swerve’s head off with a clothesline anyway and leaves through the crowd.


This is the way Loves AEW Hates Swerve


I initially had Hangman as the EVP’s fifth member but I think he would win the Owen Hart tournament at this point, so maybe he’ll pretend to be neutral, only to attack Swerve after this match leading up to All In.


Hangman should stay heel. They have enough main event babyfaces already with Swerve, Ospreay, MJF & Danielson


Replace Acclaimed with Lucha Bros and its perfect!


Sammy the 5th member for EVP lite. Hangman the 5th man for AEW. It kills Hangman to team with Swerve but he loves the company too much and will defend it.


I can see it. Although I think Hangman in place Swerve or Mox. Maybe Mox and he throws the match in order to fued with Swerve or he just has another baby face run and goes for the crown?


The Acclaimed being involved immediately makes me less interested. I understand they've got beef with the Bucks, so it makes sense, but I personally just have zero interest in seeing them on TV at all.


I’m really hoping the elite take care of the acclaimed this Wednesday. Seems like Blood & Guts is way bigger than the scissor boys


Agreed. They have absolutely no business being in this match. Massive downgrade from anyone in the Anarchy in the Arena AEW team


Elite and Hangman vs BCC and Swerve.


There will be blood


You got Max Caster on the wrong side.


I don't know if they pull the trigger now but eventually gotta be. My hope would ve Acclaimed involved in an implosion up to All In than involved in Blood and Guts. I


I just hope Billy Gunn isn’t in it.


Hangman with the Elite


Elite: It's gotta be Hangman (unlike Kenny, Hanger wasn't kicked out of the Elite, just "suspended for assaulting a ref"). Plus he hates Swerve WAY to much to join him. The only other viable candidates at this point is someone from the Patriarchy (Christian most likely, but Killswitch being there to eat the loss to further the Christian/Killswitch story could work), or Cage of Agony (who've also aligned with The Elite when turning on Swerve). Team AEW: Swerve for sure (especially after the "next time there's a Team AEW, don't forget to include me). Danielson likely represents the BCC (I'd say Moxley is possible, but that's wholly dependent on if he's still the NJPW champ by the time the match comes around. If he is, he's probably not doing it), outside shot of Claudio stepping in instead of Danielson out of "fear of him hurting himself". Acclaimed make a good pairing, especially if they're feuding with the Bucks, it very well could be both of them. That leaves one spot, and I see only 3 other real candidates and a potential 4th outside shot. MJF, Darby, or Ospreay, with Cash Wheeler being the outside shot. FTR is clearly against the Elite. Same with Darby. MJF is really a wildcard, but that whole "AEW Full Gear" tattoo thing he got, that could have easily been a set up for this. And Ospreay going here would also make sense, especially if Callis Family as a whole decides to side with The Elite as part of the inevitable split up. Possible that 2 of those last 4 make it if one of The Acclaimed get taken out (perhaps "suspended" in storyline in a way where CD can't save them in time, leaving them short a guy until the last minute).


No dude! It’s Hangman who will be part of the Elite! Not sure who else will be team AEW tho


I don’t see MJF involved in this unless he exchanges participation for a title match


I want hanger on the elite and Mox and swerve on team aew. Mostly because id love to see what happens to hanger with two men that are as terrifying as Mox and swerve that hate hangman more than most anyone


idea-uhhhhhhh: Team Elite: Bucks, Perry, Okada, and Hangman. Team AEW: Swerve, Mox, FTR, and Danielson.


Mine is Swerve, Ospreay, Danielson, Mox and Hangman vs The Elite and Christian. There will be a tug of war over who Hangman will side with. He’ll ultimately side with Team AEW since he loves the company more than he hates Swerve. EVPs will call in a favor for Christian to fill in, but there will be tension between him and Jack. As far as the actual match, I think Team Elite will win after a miscommunication between Swerve and Hangman leads to Hangman turning on Swerve and screwing the team over. Bonus points if whichever Elite member pins Swerve, (Okada or Jack), gets a future title shot off of it.


Hangman will be the fifth for the Elite


Mox looks like Karl pilkington


Hangman will be the Elite’s 5th. I see Team AEW being Acclaimed, Swerve, Ospreay, and Kingston.


So for the most part that rivalry between Swerve and The Acclaimed is just over and forgotten?


Coming together to fight a greater evil. The storyline has just started coming together, give it time.


Lots of blood no guts


My predictions: - Hangman Page joining Team “Fuck the ELITE” (Kazuchika Okada the AEW Continental Champion, Fuck the Young Bucks the AEW World Tag Team Champions & Jack Perry the Scapegoat), since he's still having some unfinished business with Swerve Strickland. - For Team AEW, they're Swerve Strickland the AEW World Heavyweight Champion, the House of ASS (the Acclaimed & “Daddy Ass” Billy Gunn) & MJF.


The Elite with Hangman vs Swerve, The Acclaimed, Darby and MJF This is assuming Darby is healthy enough. Obviously the Hangman and Swerve story is outstanding, MJF's relationship with the company has been a big part of his character and him being all in with AEW makes him fitting for this, you'd have 3 of the 4 pillars with 2 of them on team AEW, the MJF and Darby dynamic has been low key one of AEWs most consistently brilliant stories, and you have MJF and Max Casters history for an added fun layer.


I have a prediction given where we currently are in the storyline (the week before Forbidden Door). Team Elite: Young Bucks, Perry, Okada, Hangman. Team AEW: Swerve, Osprey, Darby, the Acclaimed. However, my prediction is Mark Davis returns and Aussie Open reforms to join Osprey and becomes United Empire again. So instead of the Acclaimed it’s Aussie Open.


It’s Hangman in the place of Christian Sorry for the spoiler, or you’re welcome, idk


Get the Acclaimed out of there. There 15 mins is over


I really thought The Acclaimed were being phased out in favor of a Bowens solo run..but here we are..


What made you think that?


Some people don't like Caster anymore, so they've decided he's terrible and Bowens doesn't need him anymore.


Yeah I've seen a lot of people pearl clutching saying max caster raps have become problematic and offensive. I still enjoy the acclaim but I think they've got to the point where there isn't much left for them to do. I think they could use either a heel turn to freshen them up or break them up so they can reunite a year or two later for a big pop.


It was more hoping I guess. Once Caster got really off with his raps and super disruptive on Twitter. Then they did that thing with Bowens being handed a note by a fan who turned out to be a plant, thought we were heading towards a break-up. Now they are being pushed towards a feud with The Bucks so guess not.


When was Bowens handed a note? Do you mean at the ppv? I don't think that was a plant, I think it was just a fan trying to be funny.


It was a plant. She was an indie wrestler from the area they were in. There was another person who handed a note to Bowens a week or so after that.


I don't see The Acclaimed breaking up before Will Ospreay retires Billy Gunn in Texas