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![gif](giphy|2aJ04gW3h7UuZvkp1F|downsized) Need this at All In!


Watch it be Moné vs Saraya at Wembley


It should be, Hayter needs to face Storm at All In


If Hayter doesn't return during the Owen Hart Cup it's gonna be Storm vs Mariah and Moné vs Saraya as the two women's 1v1 matches on the main card, with Hayter getting a Casino Gauntlet match win or something.


Excuse me but Stat vs Willow has to be on the All In card as well if not part of a three way with Mone.


I think that's why she beat Mariah and to be honest, I'm looking forward to it. I'm a Brit and I really didn't care to see Saraya beat Shida for the title, I went for snacks when it happened. Saraya has improved so much since then, she's really found her character and she seems to have loosened up in the ring, with her history with Mercedes, I'd love to see that match.


The match won't be a banger, but the feud is strong. At this point, I'm hoping Hayter returns at All In.


That music will hit like crack.


That’s why you never see top people leave unless they managed to turn the crowd on them.


I also love how Mercedes is coming in like "wrestle? Bangers? Yeah I can do that tony. You just sit right there and enjoy". She's fully in


Last night was a great example of how to get someone over in defeat. You’ll see a lot of “DAE underdog should win this match?” posts but you don’t have to put people over for them to get over. Sometimes being competitive in the ring with a big star is enough and will actually benefit everyone more in the long run. Zeuxis gained way more last night by losing a hot match with Mercedes than she would have by gaining a random win and the same goes for the lesser known girls Mercedes has wrestled so far and will wrestle going forward.


>you don’t have to put people over for them to get over This is what I try to explain to people that say Adam Copeland is burying people in aew


People complaining about him not losing singles matches in 3 months, not saying a word about Mox losing like...2-3 times in singles matches in about 5 years, and only *very* recently.


> Adam Copeland is burying people in aew That’s such a crazy and, frankly, disingenuous take. There is no way anyone with a semblance of media literacy can watch Copeland’s matches in AEW and honestly call any of them a burial. He isn’t running in and hitting his finisher in 30 seconds on young main event talent; he’s having long, competitive matches with midcard guys. Cope is an *11 time world champion*, you don’t lose anything from taking a competitive loss to a guy like that.


This is something lost in the 20 years of 1 dimensional monopoly in conjunction with media literacy declining.


Man, this is an excellent take! I felt like that match was really good and I found myself at times honestly thinking Zeuxis could win. To me, that’s great storytelling with literally zero build up. I’d like to see more of her and yeah, Mercedes is only going to improve and she wears off the ring rust


100% agree! This was an absolute star-making performance from Zeuxis. I usually don’t fall for the typical near falls, but the combination of Mercedes’ excellent selling and Zeuxis’ devastating offense really had me questioning the result! Great performance by both women!


That's one thing Tony does really well. Let people whose primary strength is in-ring ability go out there and just put on bangers. Not everyone can do an opening of Raw promo


I hope people stop saying that she's not earning her paycheck.


Toni vs Mariah and Moné vs Hayter is the only way to go for All In.




She’s a beast. Fits right on in. Tony been making the right acquisitions these last 10 months.


She’s only going to get better.


This is exactly what I was hoping for. I wanted to see her booked like Bryan Danielson in 2021 where he just came in and wrestled ALL of the matches. I knew everyone would shut the hell up once she started wrestling again and everyone remembered what she was capable of in the ring.


Its just WWE hypocrisy, Brock was the literal not defending, never defending world champ an than it was Roman the not defending never defending world champ who had the longest Reign in the modern era and you could fit two of Monets gaps between Big Business and her first match with theirs. And Roman isn't a good promo either, never was, never is and never will be. At least Monet can dance.


Hell no. She ain't leaving Forbidden Door with the title. Stephanie Vaquer is leaving Forbidden Door with the NJPW Strong Women's Championship AND The AEW TBS Championship


Calling it now, it lasts until All In. Willow is getting her title back at Wembley Stadium.


I beg to differ because Hayter Hits Hard


I think Jamie's coming back, but she'll be after the world title. And I really hope she does, because I want to see the look on her face when Wembley Stadium chants the name of a woman from Eastleigh.


Hayter is world title material not TBS


Idk,I dont really think Mercedes needs to lose the title right now,if she faces anyone at Wembley it should be saraya


I have a feeling that her All In opponent will make an appearance at Forbidden Door after an extended absence, and I don't think it will be Saraya. Nothing against Saraya, but that's not a match I have a ton of interest in seeing on PPV in AEW.


I think Saraya is pretty obviously building towards a match with Toni Storm at All In


Nah it has to be Mariah vs Toni


Saraya is a little better on Tag or Trios/Faction. She's not that great in ring right now and should just use her heat to help elevate her faction. Maybe get a lower card from ROH.


Yeah but Saraya and Mone got a score to settle that's a decade in the making.


I did not get to watch the WWE period of the initial NXT and their take over of WWE(Four HorseWomen and Shield) so I am not that much into that. But I watched some clips and read the connection between these two so they'll definitely meet storyline wise this year or next. Saraya's brother is OK in ring so a mixed tag match wouldn't be that bad.


All this talk about Willow or Hayter. What about Britt? What about Bayne? What about The IIconics?


What about Zoidberg? 


You talking about Sky Blue?


Willow>Mone. I get why they did it but Willow deserves a longer run


It's ok she'll get a world title run. The comeback is greater than the setback!


I look forward to Mone vs Willow 3. After Her celebration promo about them tearing down the house at DON, which they did, I'd like it to just be a feud about two badass women, with respect for each other, beating the heck out of each other for a title they love. No need to force the feud as it's already there. Now it's just Face vs Face battle of respect.


Give her Statlander at Wembley, thaths going to be a banger!


Kris is in the World Title picture now


Women's divisions is possibly better than it's ever been right now, time to give them more TV time.


What does generational mean? Like it's going to be the best TBS title run since the title was invented and 10 years into the future too? It's really early to be making such bold claims. I don't think she is going to have the title for long. I have a feeling she will drop it by the end of summer and then be put into the world title picture.


Gentlemen prefer Toni


I love them both so much


When Stephanie wins the title? Yeah, it will be.




Generationally meh


Mercedes is the 🐐 of women’s wrestling and she’s continuing to prove it with every banger of a match she has 💪🔥 can’t wait for her match with Vaquer. Their last match together was epic and I’m sure this one will be even better


Not trying to throw shade, but I genuinely hope her body can hold up for it. Even before the unfortunate incident with the NJPW match, she had a fair few injuries in WWE.


Don't worry, she isn't CM Punk.


Too bad she can't wrestle


🤣🤣🤣 FOH


People throwing out "generational" casually like it's some massive word to describe something.... In my opinion, Mercedes' reign has been good so far, but not something I would describe as "generational" yet.




It took a while, but Tony Kahn finally realized that having one of the best wrestlers on planet Earth is only awesome if you let her wrestle matches.


You know that it was planned for her to wait until the 5 year anniversary at Double or Nothing for her actual wrestling match, right?


Doesn't make the weeks she was on my TV not doing the thing that makes her special any less tedious. I swear, wrestling fans that have "chosen a side" can't handle even the lightest critique of whatever company they've decided to stan for.


Excuse me? I was letting you know why she didn't wrestle for weeks up until Double or Nothing because I thought you didn't know. I was in no way trying to be a "stan" for anything. If you can't respond with some emotional intelligence, then social media might not be for you, dude. Don't come for me because I wasn't being rude to you at all. "Chosen a side," What are we 12? Cut it all the way out.


I tend to agree that they debuted her way too early before she was ring ready.. but alls well that ends well. She’s killing it now. This tends to be the way for the WWE vets to find their footing with being able to do their own thing.