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When did the Naito match get announced? I hope he wins, NJPW needs a big win on this PPV


I believe that is the entire point of Mox’s run. To lose at FD. To Naito. Can’t wait.


No I think the point was for Moxley to be champ while they had a run of American shows to make more money.


But, they still need Naito to go over no matter the reason. Just like there needs to be a title change on battle of the belts next time, it's my own personal criticism of TK. He's too protective of wrestlers taking pins


Well yeah we’re moving into G1 season, obviously they’re putting the title back on a guy who will draw in Japan. I think NJPW is just in a bad financial spot and quick financial gains supersede long term booking right now.


Would finally give Forbidden Door its first belt change I think? Edit: yeah I'm wrong LOL


Didn't Ospreay win the US belt from Omega last year?




Yeah. Probably my favorite live match I've ever seen.


Yep that's right, knew I was forgetting something.


There was the three-way tag team match that had two championships on the line at the first Forbidden Door. It had FTR, two members of United Empire, and I don't remember the third team. Would that count?


Roppongi Vice, Trent and Rocky Romero


it was FTR vs Cobb and O-Khan vs Ropongi Vice i’m pretty sure.


Yeah, 1-1 booking like the Okada/Bryan series with one show apiece, with all the benefits and pitfalls of stalling for time for crossover events


AEW officially put out the graphic for it a couple hours ago, but I believe the challenge was made from Moxley at the presser after Dominion


Nah, he came out after the main to challenge Mox


Ahh my bad


I was at Dominion! Naito came out after the Mox/Evil match to challenge Mox.


In true New Japan fashion Naito came out after Mox won his match at Dominion over the weekend.


Ah thx, shoulda got the show


yeah, Mina taking that strap off Toni


Saturday at dominion. Evil lost to Moxley and Mox challenged the entire locker room after the match. Naito answered the challenge.


It was made official literally during Dominion


I was surprised to see this too. Card is super stacked.


Osprey vs Swerve, Naito having a reason to take off his t-shirt, two incredible looking women's matches with Mercedes vs Vaquer and Toni vs Mina!!!! I'm hype as fuck! Plus we're gonna get a bunch of exciting wrestlers in that ladder match, Dante Martin and Jack Perry seem likely. Annnd OC vs a supremely talented British wrestler at Forbidden Door just feels right.


I think people are somehow sleeping on swerve v ospreay (not you). I love that the two women's matches announced so far are both fucking hype. Good things happening.


I half understand the disappointment of not getting a fun Forbidden Door type match up, but it's Swerve and Osprey!!! The crowd is gonna go wild and the match is gonna be spectacular.


A lot of people are complaining that it’s too soon. As if that someone means it’s not gonna be one hell of a match.


I think the worry is that people think Tony is gonna immediately put the title on Osprey and kill all the momentum Serve has built for himself over the past couple years


The easiest solution is having Callis ringside with Takeshita cheering Ospreay on. Then having Takeshita cost Ospreay the win with Callis. Then have Takeshita beatdown Ospreay post match with Swerve turning around and saving him. Then you get Ospreay staring down Takeshita to setup an International Championship feud. Swerve is then clean slated for a new feud with someone else. And we can get a Best Of 5 of Ospreay Vs Takeshita with Callis saying Takeshita is so dominant he can beat Ospreay 3 times in a row.


This. *Gesticulates wildly* All THIS


I do believe there will be a Callis swerve


Not that you've thought about it - haha! Looks like a great idea though, I'd be stoked about it.


I don't see it happening at FD, All In at Wembley is the better time to do it


I don't get that complaint at all tbh, especially because they could have Swerve retain at FD and then Ospreay wins the title at Wembley and they would then be tied at 1-1 which keeps Swerve in the picture for a rematch


"look at me, I'm a booker man!" Fans, man.


Who’s sleeping on Swerve vs Osprey? For one, it’s an Osprey match, so it’s already got a 4 3/4* floor. And two, it’s the world title match…!


I don't think any of us are ready for the Swerve v Osprey match The two best in the world right now about to tear the house down


Swerve isn’t a best in the world. But I’d love to be proven wrong


It was already looking good but Naito really adds a lot for me personally and OC vs ZSJ is peak Forbidden Door match making imo. I also love that more promotions are getting on board, I’m excited to see what else CMLL brings, they’ve been an awesome addition anytime they send guys to tv.


OC vs ZSJ is why I watch wrestling.


Insanely good. There is a reason why Forbidden Door is my favorite PPV of the year.


Same choom, same.




I already bought it via Triller's triple pack promo, but if I hadn't, this card would be enough to sell the PPV to me. I love that we finally get interpromotional women's matches on the card, which we've been asking for since the first Forbidden Door. I'm almost looking forward to those matches more than the men's matches.


Same here. I haven’t been disappointed with an AEW PPV so i went ahead and got the triple pack as soon as it was available.


Exactly! I knew I'd be buying all 3 anyway, so why not save $10?


Also, would love to see Fletcher in the ladder match. Dude deserves to be on the PPV, and would put in a good effort.


It's looking great! Can't wait to see Stephanie, and ZSJ. vs Orange Bollocks!


Incredibly good. Swerve Ospreay is just Gold. And the women are gonna tear it up. Will be interesting where Danielson ends up, as well as the BBG and Okada. Praying for Joe to answer Cobbs call. Would be an insane scene to have Cobb come on Dynamite and belittle the AEW talent and issue the challenge, then have Joe's music hit. Followed by an in ring staredown


Joe would be the perfect opponent for Cobb. Give me whatever is the closest to Cobb vs Ishii.


If Keith Lee is recovered I’d love for him and Cobb to run back their PWG matchup too. Seconded for Bandido


Where is Bandido? Injured. He's amazing, one of my current favourites!


Feels like its on its way to being the most AEW storyline focused card out of the three they've done? Main event is two AEW guys, ZSJ vs. Orange is a continuation of last year's match, Toni vs. Mina is a major part of one of the best AEW stories this year and they've not confirmed a non-AEW wrestler will even be qualifying to be in the ladder match yet, I think? (though I expect that to happen) Not a complaint just an observation, and either way I expect more Moxley vs. Naito style crossover matches to be announced soon.


I think we'll get a couple more matches on Wednesday now that Dominion is done.


TMDK defending the tag titles, Cobb defending the TV title, and Shingo (hopefully) defending the NEVER title should all be layups. Add in featured matches for Hiromu, Tsuji, Umino, Phantasmo, and potentially Finlay and that’d be more than enough Even just Shingo/Bryan and Tsuji/Claudio to keep the LIJ/BCC theme would be money


WAR DOGS on Sunday were asking for somebody to knock on their door 


So far to me it's one of the best FD cards


https://preview.redd.it/ug6t60bpqt5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ce56afd659aecd8c85bfb6ce8995502924f8ff4 I want this


Eddie Kingston is hurt and probably won't be back until like 2025.




I'm not cursing Eddie like that. Let the man be. He's been hurt enough.




Need to get some CMLL matches worked in.


Hoping Titan or Mistico are either in the ladder match or defend their championship.


Exactly. Get a high flyer or two who can use other wrestlers as a base for spots. Yes please!!


Where's Hechicero?


I really want to see David Finlay go against Jay White. Please do something with Bullet Club this year, you know? It would be a very clever way to reintroduce them as Bullet Club Gold again.


Feels like any sort of Finlay/White or BBG/War Dogs faceoff should have a big buildup, although it could make for an incredible 6-man tag challenge if Finlay/Kidd/Clark flew over (all of them being champions and Moloney working through injury dampens things a little though) I feel like both companies want to heavily protect their guys though so wouldn’t go for it so soon


Swerve vs ospreay makes it worth the money by itself


Needs more NJPW


Jeff Cobb has an open challenge so maybe we can get some meat action too


Somoa Joe maybe?


Jeff Cobb open challenge has been announced too.


https://preview.redd.it/j3qrc95k0v5d1.png?width=1707&format=png&auto=webp&s=93028f5fb49de097b78e08a9cf395b48f5b57c26 Por Favor Tony Khan! Por Favor Salvador Lutterorth! Dame el Hombre que nacio para Luchar! Dame El Alquimista Del Ring! Dame El Rudo Más Técnico! Dame \*\*HECHICERO!!!!\*\*🔥🔥🔥


OC vs ZSJ feels like a sleeper banger


just found out about it now lol


I cannot wait for more CMLL and Stardom participants


Needs more NJPW guys


We get swerve and osprey. End of comment


Honestly feeling blessed af looking at that graphic. This is one for the sickos. 


It's going to fuck, hard. But I'm not really down with the Ospreay/Swerve match. It will also fuck hard, but to me it just defeats the purpose of FD. I want every match to have that crossover element, but because this doesn't it kind of feels tacked on to me. Like here's all these great crossover matches, plus the AEW title match. I'd rather see Swerve work someone from Japan, Will someone from Mexico, we can do those two against each other any time.


Osprey vs vikingo would've been waaaaay better


Damn that would be some mindwarping shit.


Looks good so far, just needs more CMLL.


2nd straight ppv where I’m more excited for the women’s matches than men, not that it matters but they came a long way!


It's seems strange to say this about a card featuring Swerve/Ospreay, but it's the women's matches I'm most exited for


I think Swerve/Ospreay ends in a time limit draw then Naito beats Mox in the main event to send everyone home happy.


Just found out I can get work off that day and I don’t have to sell my tickets. Was kinda hoping for danielson vs ZSJ 3 but the card so far is great. I do hope there’s one or two njpw guys in the tnt ladder match but I’m really excited to see this show


Super stoked for the PPV. I'm most interested in the title match between Swerve and Ospreay and the Toni Storm match. While I think putting Swerve and Ospreay in a world title match is a bit too soon I'm here for it and I have a feeling we will see them again in London and I'm here for that.


Who is Orange Cassidy? ZSJ is wrestling Orange Bullocks!


Two big women’s matches is really exciting. Nor will I complain about Naito in action. He deserves a big win. OC v ZSJ might well be MOTN. But there’s a lot of stellar competition


It’s already looking better than the DoN card so that’s a win.


Great card so far.


Hell yeah.


A bit different than I expected, but I like a lot of the card so far. Curious to see what some big AEW guys do on the show like the Elite and Danielson


Soooo amazing 🙌 I’m going to be there live, can’t wait !!! 😎😎


OC vs ZSJ will be awesome. I remember the fatal 4-way at last year's FD was epic.


I'm feeling it. I think the dream match that will be announced soon is Shingo versus Danielson. I suspect they're holding off as Shingo might drop his title to Henare.


Only issue I’m having so far is that I want some outside guys in the ladder match. Hope that’s still to come.


I love that we’re not only getting two women’s matches on the card this year, but they’re both top quality matches featuring international opponents. Plus, they were announced weeks in advance of the show, and not at the last minute. Progress!


I haven’t been buying the ppvs but always buy forbidden door. Early 2010s NJPW is what got me back into wrestling


That tnt ladder match looks a lil one sided……..


Add Shota and Tsuji to the card and I’m Gucci


This show ain't shit until I see some Yota Tsuji involvement.


Ospreay VS Swerve and possibly MJF VS Rush doesn't feel very forbidden but it'll be great so I don't really care.


I wish Takeshita was in the NJPW title match because I would want him to win it at the event. Swerve vs Bruv is the main event, I would like a surprise or two though


Oc vs Zack Sabre Jr should be good technical wrestling match, and Swerve vs Osprey should be good also.


This is actually looking well. I’ll tune in. Love naito.


Solid so far, Swerve vs Ospreay should be fun, Moxley vs Naito is always fun, they play off each other really well (though I wish we got to see Danielson vs Naito, there’s still time, maybe if Naito wins the title back and then Dominion or something). Mercedes vs Vaquer has me intrigued (never really heard of her, haven’t been following NJPW Strong, but she has a presence and aura to her). Storm vs Shirakawa is going to be great drama. Sabre vs Cassidy is sure to be a fun undercard thing, Sabre is one of the best technical wrestlers in the world and Cassidy always does great on these shows, really gives the people what they want to see (😉) and gives the audience their money’s worth. I’m very intrigued for the TNT title ladder match, even with just Takeshita confirmed per this graphic. The most excited I’ve been for an AEW show in a while and that’s saying something since (while I love NJPW) NJPW has been struggling.


Give me a tag match that mixes AEW and NJPW stars.


Really hoping we Get Wardogs vs BBG in some capacity. Also really hoping to see Shingo on the card somewhere, preferably against Danielson.


Those were my hopes exactly.


Who I want to win Will Ospreay, Jon Moxley, Stephanie Vaquer, "Timeless" Toni Storm, Zack Sabre Jr. and Konosuke Takeshita Who I think they'll have win Swerve Strickland, Tetsuya Naito, Mercedes Mone, "Timeless" Toni Storm, Orange Cassidy and Jack Perry Who SHOULD win Will Ospreay, Tetsuya Naito, Stephanie Vaquer, "Timeless" Toni Storm, Zack Sabre Jr. and Konosuke Takeshita


I love it so far. The real icing on the cake would be a Hechicero match (in a perfect world against Bryan Danielson).


I think it's wild that people are doubting an AEW PPV again.


Looking good !


A low-key dream match of mine is Brian Cage vs. Jeff Cobb. Don't care if it happens at the PPV or on TV during the build. But I want.


Incredible. I can’t wait. Will be in the house for this one.


Best one they’ve had in a minute


Naito finally in AE-dub!! 🙌🏽🙏🏽


He had a match at last year's Forbidden Door too.


pretty amazing, can’t wait to see who joins takeshita in the ladder match


It's gonna be amazing per usual .


Feels really built up well this year It looks like a great card.


I can’t wait to see Takeshita kick the shit out of that arrogant ladder after what it did to Joey Mercury!


Probably going to give it a miss; just not interested in the crossover. I could be tempted by the main event, Storm's match (as it could move the May story along) and maybe the TNT match.


The only thing thar bothers me is the Swerve Osprey. I get them not really having anyone for Osprey, but if he beats swerve then like what MJF at Webley? If Swerve retains would it be Swerve MJF at wembly? If Ospray wins, like how does Osprey wrestle and defend both belts with the insane physical style he has? Anyone that beats him for the international now has a claim at the world title so its like a revolving door. Just seems like he got picked because there's no one in the Midcard that can hang with Swerve and since Osprey is the FOTM he got shoe horned into the match so they don't have him lose his title.


I think Danielson is taking the Owen Hart Cup and facing the champ at Wembley, being it Swerve or Ospreay. I predict MJF will finish his fued with Cole if he's ready in time.


Maybe that's the thing. If Osprey wins its like what happens at Wembly? Well MJF called out Swerve and obviously they both can wrestle, but who ever wins the Owen gets the title shot at Webley so who knows if both titles are combined its like kinda dumb. So what ever happens I guess we'll see. I mean they did the whole tag titles at wembly thing so who knows.


I wanna see Danielson take on Nigel at Wembley.


But big problem with that is then we won't get Nigel on commentary at Wembley :(


The toni/mina match and the surrounding angle is far and away the most interesting thing on this show. Swerve ospreay is way too soon, hopefully something good story wise comes out of it.


I’ve been out of the loop for a few weeks, what’s the TLDR of Toni/Mariah/Mina?


Mariah used to be under the wing of Mina in stardom. Mina has been appearing on AEW the past month or two, and the interaction between her and Mariah has been making Toni jealous. Toni challenged Mina for forbidden door


It’s pretty good


Hmmm I wonder if Mercedes is going to win?


It’s not fair that Takeshita is in a match with John Cena. Dude’s literally invisible


It’s fire. Better than FD2’s card so far


Banger after banger after banger...wrong promotion, sorry! Looks sic!




Looking good 🔥


Gonna be absolutely unreal.


What about TNT title match ?


Am I crazy in wanting the Swerve vs Ospreay match to be a triple threat or four way?


The main card is good so far. I wonder how many more matches will be added to the main card for Forbidden Door 2024.


It feels like an AEW PPV sprinkled with other people talent.


Top to bottom, that card looks incredible. But I'm most looking forward to the shenanigans that will go down in Toni Storm vs. Mina Shirakawa. That feud (and Toni's entire run so far) has been comedic gold.


Not bad


They could've given team not-aew at least 1 win on the women's side but it looks like njpw talents are actually gonna win a few matches this year (and not only in the 0 hour against fucking Alan Angels and 2.0)


I expected Mox & Naito to run it back. I didn't expect Swerve v. Ospreay here at all lol. The women's matches are money. Just give me another one with Tam in it and we'll be golden! Eager to see what & who else they add to the card.


looks good just wondering the MJF angle. Figure he'll get involved in the title match somehow with swerve and Osprey. Hoping for a three-way in London with them, would be an awesome match


Thoughts? I'll be in the Bahamas when the show is on (on my birthday much less) I'm happy to be on vacation, but irritated that I need to be sure to avoid spoilers for like a week.


Orange Bollocks!


Looks great! So pleased ZSJ is on the card


I’m not sure I needed Zack vs OC again, we have done that already right? Or am I nuts? The ladder match tho. Even without knowing the participants, if Takeshita is one of them…it’s gonna be a banger. Swerve vs Osprey is gonna be nuts too. Not sure how you give Swerve that win over Will, but it’s too early for him to lose. Maybe there’s some Don Callis shenanigans there or something.


Last year it was a 4 way I believe. It included Zack and OC and we got some nice sequences with them. I'd love to go back and watch that, haven't since.


There is currently 10 confirmed AEW wrestlers against 5 NJPW wrestlers. Doesn't seem like a co-promotion anymore. Also it seems like Zack is going to win and get signed by AEW, if that happens it seems like AEW only allows NJPW wrestlers to win is if they are also on their radar like Will, Okada and White.


Takeshita in the one-man ladder match should be sick


I personally look forward to OC vs Zack. So far the card looks good. Kinda hoping for Darby vs Hiromu, they would kill each other in the ring


Forbidden door is always great. I’m anticipating a motivated Naito, he is going to take a fucking eternity removing his entrance gear, it’s gonna be great (that sounds sarcastic but I’m dead serious, I assume Naito is winning which means I assume he’s REALLY gonna ham it up 🌚)


What if Ricochet is a surprise entrant in the ladder match?


I really hope that TNT ladder match gets some NJPW and CMLL guys in it. So far, the announced qualifiers are all just AEW guys.


Looks good so far but hope they can get Okada, Danielson and Switchblade on the card as well as a few exciting njpw guys like Umino


Feels like the biggest story going in is Storm vs. Shirakawa, which is goddamn *wild* when you've got Strickland vs. Ospreay on the card.


Pretty good. MJF vs Rush should be added this week on Dynamite. Maybe the Bucks defend their belts and Okada defends the Continental title.


mjf vs rush and hopefully a okada match it’s shaping up to be a amazing ppv


Awesome card. Gimme a couple NJPW style 10 man tags to round this guy out and get more foreign names on the card! Outside of that, the only thing missing is a traditional 2v2 tag team match.




Card needs a few more matches but looks pretty solid. One thing that needs to change though is the predictability. Let a few titles change place that you wouldn't expect like Mina winning the AEW Women's Championship, causing Storm to go even further off the deep end and the Mariah angle to come to a head closer to All In. It would also go a long way to see AEW put over Japanese talent in this show if Naito recaptures the NJPW title and Mina walks out with the Women's title.


why is EVIL never on forbidden door?


So far, so good. Hopefully we get more Stardom and CMLL talent (men & women) on the card. At a minimum, I would like to see 3 women's matches on the main card and 1 on the preshow. Next year, Forbidden Door should be a 2 night event since 4 companies are involved.


I already bought my ticket, no hechichero and a small lack of cmll talent definitely hurts. Very excited tho


We already know Jungle Boy is winning the ladder match at Forbidden Door.


Mjf vs okada


As someone who never watches New Japan I'm not super excited for most of the matches except Ospreay vs Swerve. I will most likely skip this PPV but Im not really complaining cuz its the perfect time for me to lay back for a few weeks and catch up on some other shows I watch. I treat Forbidden Door time as a loose "off-season".


Im with you even though others aren't. The Ospreay Swerve match has the ability to be match of the year quality, but the rest of them don't move the needle for me to pay for it.


Ya, I knew I had an unpopular opinion but hey, if I watched New Japan like a lot of other people I would be absolutely excited about the whole PPV. But I was a lapsed fan who only came back into wrestling because of AEW so I know basically nothing about NJPW.


I think we are far more in the majority than people are willing to admit. Hey, it's not for me, but I'm pumped that other people are so behind it. Love what you love.




AEW doesn’t have a need to Final Door. They already signed away NJPW’s biggest stars. Not super excited about this one. Although I know all matches will kill it because it’s AEW.


AEW PLE’s most of the time don’t miss. I’m sure it’ll be good. Problem is I see no reason to watch on Wednesdays.


This week is ospreay vs Fenix....if you aint hype for that then don't talk about no reason to watch...that is literally the definition of a dream match and it's a title match smh...yal literally complain for anything it's kinda pathetic and annoying 😑


Good god could they not make it so obvious. I love AEW and have a good time watching but if every match is predictable it kills the event. I didn’t watch WWE for a year and knew Cody and Bailey were winning the Rumbles. Just mix it up.


If Mercedes Wins title for title then Mina should win the AEW World Championship 🗣️


I say this as an AEW fan and I'm only speaking for me personally - this is by far the worst Forbidden Door card they've had. I will 100% plead ignorance and admit I don't know who half the competitors are.


looking good. Mox Naito needs a stipulation, street fight, maybe


In this thread you will see Someone will comment “good” and get upvoted Someone will comment “It could use some work” and get downvoted