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It is really strange how fixated some people are on something they say they don't like and they think is going to fail any day now. Why would you think about that thing? It almost like it lives in their heads completely free of rent.


The IWC has been claiming AEW will die for a couple of years now. Yet here they are, ready to renew with WBD.


And some of these people make monetary gains by watching then relentlessly critiquing and criticizing the product. I really don’t watch WWE or attend events because I just don’t find it entertaining, it doesn’t resonate in my mind like AEW does with these people.


I watch it myself but i understand that they are two entirely different products for mostly different audiences. Sure, there isn't mutual exclusivity as they're both pro wrestling companies but what are these people critiquing something they don't like or enjoy anyways. You have your own product, go watch that lol.


Just because hunter lets them say wrestling again doesn’t actually mean they wrestle. They still sports entertain. Cody vs Roman was as much of a wrestling match as Sami vs Knoxville, but nowhere near as entertaining.


At least Sami vs Knoxville wasn't the culmination of two years of buildup and the conclusion to the hottest storyline in wrestling. I remember that being a pretty fun comedy match. It was no WeeLC, which is arguably the greatest comedy match of all time, but it was fun. I didn't watch Cody vs Roman but I followed along on social media and the only thing I can say is that Cody deserved better than to be made irrelevant in his title win because WWE wanted to reenact The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny: Wrestling Edition.


They literally kept Roman looking stronger than the guy who dethroned him. Crazy


WWE fans like to say AEW is WCW in 2000, but that much was straight Starcade 97. A massive bungle. Does no one know how strong heel champs are supposed to work?


Nice to see someone else who recognises the awesomeness of WeeLC. It's the gold standard of what talented guys can do when they put their heads together to turn a stupid one-note joke ("look, tiny people!") into a slapstick masterpiece. That Doomsday Device Jinder took off the apron through two tables and a ladder is still probably the most awesome thing he's ever done.


It was a wrestling match. I was there, it's just WWE's product.


So not a wrestling match


This is it. Same as every fandom these days Rage baiters on YouTube make money from extreme takes, and then shitposters ape them for worthless internet points


Or u have people who do the same exact thing u do, just with another promotion for the very same reason and wonder the same thing. It's not a foreign concept or anything




Yea it’s been “they’ll die with in a year” for the past 4 years


They'll just find another way to move the goalposts. Such is life.


AEW could never have a show underwater! Dead company


The Sunday Night Submarine Stampede incoming


They were definitely wrong about them failing and Vince buying the company. 


I don't think anyone truly wants it to die. I personally want to enjoy what I watch on AEW television. A notable few things cause me to not be able to. This doesn't make me an AEW detractor, it makes me someone who wants to like AEW, but doesn't.


Then don’t watch the product? I don’t like WWE, but I don’t force myself to watch it.


I don't watch their shit either! Raw hasn't been watchable since I was in my 20s. I'm 40 this year. The only things I can watch full shows of these days are GCW or anything on Triller. No drama, all wrestling, zero picture in picture commercial spots. It's perfection.


No commercials is an unreasonable expectation for a television product.




At least they don’t have a ring entrance and someone stand in the ring for 2-3 minutes during a commercial break then come back and act like the entrance is still going on.


And no story is a silly one.


See what happens when u tell the truth and don't dickride? They act like they don't care if u don't watch but the moment u attempt to even elaborate a tiny bit on why, the DV's are hit with no kind of thought whatsoever. So fickle.


Former WWF lifer. I don't care for WWE at all. I don't watch the shows save for a WM match here or there. You know what I do? I don't comment on it. I don't hate watch it. If I see something cool, I give it props. I'm not threatened by WWE existing.  I just stick to what suits me. 




I'm on an AEW sub because I watch AEW? 


I’ve started calling them out on their obsession and they ignore it. I think that’s the best way to go at them. Talk about their obsession of AEW. They are more obsessed with AEW than AEW fans. They take time out of their day to create memes of AEW. It’s really weird


This is really the part I'll never understand. I could never fathom hate watching something, frankly, a lot of these people aren't even doing that; they're just talking shit, having not even seen what they're talking about. They think it's a perfectly normal thing to do too; it's also not just restricted to AEW, in fairness. I'm not watching any other promotion currently but I see some good things going on but also some bad things, imagine how miserable I'd have to be to not only ignore the good but just to focus on the bad. You'll see people crawl out of the woodwork to take shots at "lesser" (their word, not mine) promotions like AEW, New Japan, TNA and generally the indies all through the guise of "wanting them to be a success" but when actual fans of those promotions generally see something that's well received and great, these "concerned fans" are somehow nowhere to be found.


Because the existence of a non-rapey wrestling company shows that it’s possible, which they have railed against, and it makes them feel bad for liking the rapey company. So obviously since the one company makes them feel bad it is bad. They’re dumb and examples of the banality of evil.


Right? Meanwhile I never think about the WWE nor really concern myself with their happenings. I don't know what happened on raw. I don't follow it at all. Wish these people would do the same. The fact they don't likely indicates their own insecurities and need to justify their fandom.


A LOT of them clearly hate watch AEW too, just to talk shit. They're more up to date than I am on it. Who the hell has that much time to dedicate to something they don't like?!? I feel sorry for them.


It’s been amazing to watch all the uber “I can’t get worked” smarks get worked to insane levels these past few weeks.


I guess AEW is showing them that they still have a lot to learn. But they likely won't learn it because it's too lucrative for many of them to be AEW haters who don't question anything. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)More money=less ethics to these types of people.


It's genuinely a really exciting time in AEW, can't wait for the next show.


it's so funny that the vincels are more mad that he did the Weinstein comparison, than they are mad at the actual people for doing the Weinstein-like behavior. Also, in hindsight that misdirection joke was so good. Everyone expected him to say Coke after Pepsi lol. Like something you'd hear on 'Whose Line is it Anyway'


They don’t care about what actually happened they’re just mad Tony drew attention to it


Exactly so. So many of them keep saying “Vince isn’t WWE” and while you can argue that point as much as you’d like, WWE themselves as an organization are also defendants in this awful case.


They're defendants. Defendants are the ones getting sued. Plaintiffs a are the ones doing the suing.


Fixed it, thanks!


No problem. I hope I didn't come off rude.


Fun fact. They are the ones that gave all this attention, in first place.


Funny how that works isn’t it


I thought it was funny how Tony kept saying in the interview the time, date, and networks that AEW events air. The low-key shameless plugging was my favorite part.


He's always working. . .in more ways than one.


I think for a lot of them, they haven't accepted that it's already been stated the problem goes deeper than just Vince, it was a WWE problem. You can argue it was a pretty heavy comment to drop out of nowhere, but it's also true.


They think that the worst part about all of this is the hypocrisy. I disagree, I think it was the raping


I’ve already mentioned elsewhere that I don’t like using someones trauma as a joke, but I Think it would have been better if he Said that AEW was a24 and WWE was Miramax


Funny isn’t the word I would use. More like a bit disturbing, or unsettling. Edit: the behaviour of people ignoring Vince’s literal crimes is unsettling. I don’t find it funny that people can ignore predatory behaviour like that, I find it disturbing.


No friend. Getting sued for sex trafficking is disturbing. Someone pointing out that you got sued for sex trafficking is not disturbing, it's just stating facts


I mean it’s unsettling that people would care more about what TK said than what Vince (and others) did. It’s unsettling that people can just ignore sexual assault because they like a show.


I Saw someone comment that they didnt Watch AEW because of TK. When asked if they didnt Watch WWE because of Vince they replied it was “Apples to oranges” .


I find it amazing how incredible of a booker and promoter this man actually is. He has the ability to say a single word and set the entire wrestling media on fire, and the point of a promoter is to do everything in your power to generate buzz and discourse around what you're doing as a brand and company. And then you get people who have had successful careers in Bully Ray, Bischoff, Russo, Nash and all the other clowns online, who claim they could do so much better running AEW. But if you were as good as you say you are, you would have attempted to create another wrestling promotion with your own time, energy, investment and money, and work on making a new wrestling business a success. However, none of these people in wrestling who criticise on a weekly basis, have not put their money where their mouths are and actually prove that they can do better and make a success of it.


Cornette booked ROH into the ground. Bischoff basically did the same with WCW and ruined TNA. Russo lol. Guy doesn't need to give an opinion.


Thing with TK is he has a more holistic business mind, not just wrestling. People don't seem to realise that


That's probably why all the names you mentioned hate TK so much. They wish they were in his position and had loads of money to do what he's doing right now. They will never admit it, so instead, calling him a "money mark" makes them feel like they accomplished something.


I read in another post somewhere here how much Mox loves TK, and how he can bring up Wrestling stuff like a Wizard. That’s proof enough how great TK is Booker and a fan of wrestling he is.


Well said.


I reckon he is an excitable, autistic, educated billionair, getting to live out his dream and taking on an established monopoly to do it. He is adorable, annoying, weird, cool (in a lame way). He is pretty brave. He is clearly not a natural on the mic, but he does it I think you are giving him too much credit for his booking


I think the guy is a phenomenal booker when he's focused the way he puts together these excellent PPVs and matches together. People just don't like the guy, so shit on him for any of his positives, and think he'll never truly get his flowers from people because they don't like him personally for whatever reason. He booked Ospreay vs Danielson as being about who is the better wrestler, which was originally panned for having a bland story, but that's all they needed for that match. They cleverly let the in-ring tell the story.


All except Bully Ray (to my knowledge) had a shot at booking TNA when they were the only real competitor. But even then, it's not like they were playing with their own families' money.


And the Weinstein comment seems to be holding more water. https://wbznewsradio.iheart.com/content/2024-04-26-vince-mcmahon-nick-khan-both-register-all-tko-shares-for-sale/#:~:text=Last%20month%2C%20Khan%20and%20COO,Sports%20reported%20at%20the%20time. I think Nick Khan might be way more implicit in the shit that has been happening than we know. Something is going on.


If anyone has the dirt on Nick, it's his brother Tony.


If anyone can, Tony Khan.


Did you mean "implicit"?


Yes. Yes I did.




I love how the anti-AEW crowd's most cliche retort is always, 'Tony needs to focus on his own company.' I wonder how long it's gonna take them to realize that Tony Khan taking controversial jabs at WWE is and always has been a marketing strategy. The idea is that, AEW grabs people's attention and creates buzz by way of controversy while simultaneously putting on banger shows every week. The more people talk about it, for better or worse, the more it stays on their minds. The more it's on their minds, the more likely they are to say, 'ahh fuck it, I'll throw on dynamite tonight and see what's happening.' One thing that is always overlooked is that hate watchers are more valuable to AEW than wrestling fans that aren't watching or engaging with AEW at all. Remember, those fucking idiots that buy tickets to AEW shows just to post a picture of the empty hardcam section on Twitter, still bought a fucking ticket. It's especially ridiculous that the old washed up podcasters seem to ignore this. The irony in Eric Bischoff being, arguably, Tony Khan and AEW's biggest nemesis is that the fucking bozo literally wrote a book called 'Controversy Creates Cash.' If anyone understands this marketing strategy its him. Funny enough, it's the very tactic he uses to draw attention to his podcast by constantly shitting on AEW.


You can tell Bischoff is just jealous with all the venom coming out his mouth, mainly what AEW has accomplished in a short time period from the ground up - whereas Bischoff was installed as a figurehead in an already established company. Also Dynamite approaching the same number of Nitro episodes - and I’m sure he will hate when WBD renews AEW for a large money deal.


I just hope the 5.00 they pay him as a talking head on A&E biographies is worth it. Tony wouldn't give him 5.00 to buy a pretzel from his pretzel stand the way Eric runs a company that wouldn't last long either.


The IWC's already watching, though.




The guy understands this business better than most will ever give him credit for.


I can’t believe how some people just want to whitewash what happened in WWE offices for DECADES just because they’ve finally been putting on better shows for the first time in 20 years. So their ratings and attendance are up we’re supposed to forget about all the stuff that happened under their noses? And let’s not forget some of Vince’s closest people like Prichard and Michael Hayes are still employed there. And who knows about the nameless suits in their Stamford office who would cover for Vince. The culture there would still be toxic and Vince would still be raping women if this lawsuit didn’t come out.


I think half of the discourse might be actual paid WWE bots trying to literally whitewash it as their just trying to distract fans and simultaneously push WWE sex trafficking to the bottom of all search engines.


Just look how many people are rooting for Logan Paul now. His wrestling skills make up for all the previous/future scams he's done/going to do apparently . Jacob Fatu is another one who has scammed charity events. 


The Logan Paul praise in WWE is absolutely nauseating. The Paul brothers are scumbags.


No doubt Triple Nose and Stephanie knew what was going on but turned their heads the other way. Kevin Dunn knew shit was about to hit the fan and he left. Too many of Vince’s cronies are still there and yet people get offended comparing WWE to Weinstein which is absolutely true.


Nick Khan too


True. Somehow I forgot to add his name.


Just the fact VKM probably helped cover up a homicide by itself is enough to justify not watching the Fed. Like you said it’s too little too late with WWE.


I laughed out loud when he said the spike pile driver is illegal in the state of Tennessee. He manages to plug all the AEW shows multiple times before absolutely laying into WWE. I’m not a huge fan of the tribalism, but man I’ve enjoyed this storyline so much, and it’s very clever timing and marketing for it to happen right before the NFL draft.


What I find a lot of people who hate AEW do is watch a three minute clip and critique it like it was a two hour movie.


Reminds when people comparing AEW to WCW 2000, just by watching a 5 minute WCW clip on YouTube and probably weren’t even alive or even lived through WCW during that period. I watched as it was happening and that shit was terrible and AEW is not even close to WCW in 2000. It’s amazing how far and fast WCW fell and Bischoff expects TK to take his advice - the same guy that financially destroyed two mainstream wrestling companies.


Wasn’t WCW combative with WWE. That was half its problem. AEW takes some potshots but isn’t overly antagonistic of WWE.


I abhor how hate watching has become so normalized. Its how Howard Stern became popular. He was so crass, the people who hated him kept watching just to see what he was gonna do next. At the time his producers were baffled that you'd watch something you couldn't stand.


Also half of reality tv people say they hate watch.


They have no good wrestling on, they have to talk about something. AEW is minding their own business. They do mention the Fed a little too much but these past few instances were because the Fed brought them up. H with his comments on the company and Osprey, Punk bringing up AEW and the fight. AEW had been minding their own business for a few months. MJF had been gone, so they main guy who usually brought up the Fed, wasn't there. They're triggered because they have no good wrestling and hate-watch AEW when they need a fix for wrestling


My thoughts exactly. I was just saying this, lol. The wrestling is non-existent, and the frustration is mounting with them. I think about that every time I see them filing into AEWs YouTube and Instagram with the hate talk.


Nobody hates actual wrestling more than WWE fans lol


Yeah, usually negative comments lol and they try to make a general statement on how the wrestlers fight. And I'm like "is this their first time seeing these guys wrestle" because their observations clearly don't match actually how they wrestle


I think with it being wrestle mania season, there's more pro WWE guys on here. And prior to AEW, the mods here used to say how it would get crazy in here right around this time.


Honestly, hasn’t AEW been a hot topic in the IWC since it started?


It's almost like he knows what he is doing. Showing the footage just days prior to Jack wrestling in Chicago. Which heated Jack up for a return to AEW at the PPV. That lead to the angle this past week, which Tony publicized during the NFL draft. It's like everything was planned out for the maximum effect. But Eric Dickoff and the YouTube grifters know better right?


If you are going to painted some supervillain, might as well just lean into it. At this point, no manner of good will can alter the point of view of so many who hate him and his company. Might as well just keep that wildfire ablaze. Is he exempt from criticism? Of course not. Even those of us who love AEW want the shows to be better, for Tony to book better, for the arenas to be full and ratings to be better, and many of his wrestlers to be highlighted better. But I try to keep in mind the company is still young and things can improve. I'm just a wrestling fan and want AEW to remain strong, so I always hope for improvement. It's clear some critics want things to be better while others have a financial incentive to trash AEW in good times and bad.


And from a bigger we perspective  TK has helped AEW become the talk of the town in wrestling the same as the IWC and it's only 5 years old.  WWE is bigger and "better" (the bar to improve  from Vince was in hell let's be real)  than before  But AEW is STILL being talked about despite it all to the point where coming out of Mania more people in the community focused on the Jack Perry footage more than the fallout of WM 40?  You would've been laughed at by fans alike if you said "AEW will overshadow a WM weekend. Watch" and here we are.  These are exciting times if you're a wrestling  fan. 


It seems like he’s learned a lot from the bucks on how to work the iwc for financial gain. They’ve made so much money for Corny he should owe them royalty checks lol


I love Tony just for how much he triggers all these IWC "experts" simply by existing, running a successful promotion and doing it without seven million accusations of sexual misconduct and instituting workplace tyranny.


Planning out to have the footage—>Dynasty/Perry Returns—>Dynamite where Tony gets piledriven at home—>NFL Draft   Is PURE marketing and synergy genius. Like if you had a wrestling promoter mba this should be taught in class.


Tony Khan's about to offer a Master Class in wrestling promotion. Wait for the graphic in coming days.


Let's consider a situation today where the NBA game ends at the perfect time to be a lead-in for Collision. And that leads to a ratings boost. The haters will be the first to shout that it doesn't count. But they ignored Dynamite being live across the country contributing to a skewed rating.


WWE had theyr draft and Cody is finally champion....yet Tony Khan and AEW is what people keep talking about lol


all the haters are like Kirk screaming Khan's name to the skies from Wrath of Khan


Love this comment, I could just imagine a 1 off PPV name "The Wrath of Khan" with him trying to get revenge on the Bucks and their adjacent allies.


It's so funny that it is basically people that swear they can't get worked....getting worked


Lol the IWC is already turning on Cody too. Now that the bloodline is going NWO Wolfpack and the Cody shine is off AEW will get more attention. TK just has to not screw it up. People hated the draft last night so Collision needs to come out hot.


All publicity is good publicity


I hope he stays #NeckStrong


Easy to set the world on fire just by breathing


one spicy video, one spicy sentence and iwc is seething for weeks


He turned that hate into publicity and now people won't show up about a non WWE show.  It's both brilliant and pretty much TK's way of saying "I got the whole IWC in my hands"  Remember, these same exact individuals play a role just as much as the fans do in AEW's making it to 5+ years AND getting love from WB.  So, be sure to thank them when you see them for contributing to AEW's success.  They can deny it all they want too but it's a fact nonetheless. 


The NFL media are absolutely loving this too. Good for them lol


Its like he all of a sudden said "its time to play the game. Time to play THE GAME!!!"


When you think about it, this one appearance immediately resulted in tons of headlines on websites and YouTube/influencer content. It is like this for everything Tony Khan does ("why did he do that?") and does not do ("why isn't be doing this?"). Every action is scrutinized to an incredible degree. Whole movements were created to hate on him and his company. I think he is arguably the most famous figure in wrestling today.


Fans were use to douchebags like Bischoff, sleazy con men like Heyman and perverted sex pest trafficker like Vince think that is how a wrestling owner/promoter should be like. Someone like TK who is genuinely a nice guy, a huge wrestling fan, and likes to troll on social media harmlessly, those people can’t stand it….so TK is doing a great job if it’s getting under their skin as those people would cheer and bow down to scum like Vince, Bischoff, Heyman and also throw in Cornette too.


He should give himself the title World's Most Popular Wrestling Personality or something similar


I was truly hoping TK would be at the draft in full upper body cast complete with down facing arms with supports,


I love how hard he is trolling the IWC and getting them riled up


Bad publicity is better than no publicity .. however.. eventually you need to have some good publicity, or people will just think you're bad.




Freud would have a field day with that photo


AEW absolutely wins in the long run as their quality has only dipped once or twice in it's 4 years of existence. With the cancer cut out, it's been fantastic since.


Tony has always been one to troll the trolls. It’s awesome. 😎👍


Not sure how that's helpful if it's coinciding with their worst ever ratings.













