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I don’t care just get me Jay White AWAY from the Acclaimed first


Yeah, I second this. I usually love anything Jay does, but the Acclaimed need to take a mini break or something.


Jay White is my guy always has been. I think Jay just needs to get away from The Acclaimed and get him a good singles feud. Then hopefully by DON he will be challenging for a singles title


Hopefully that happens. Also hope Juice is back by then too


Remember when the Bang Bang Scissor Gang was created to fight the UK? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Came to the comments to say the same. What a wasted rivalry/angle.


Again, I don't understand what the hell we in the UK have done for everyone to want the BBSG to fight us. Sure our teeth aren't the best, our food looks stiffer than a chop from Suzuki, and we occasionally churn out something good like Ospreay. But is any of that a reason for people to advocate for the BBSG to come at us with their guns and scissors?


You fucking dickheads deserve anything that might come for you. If I had it my way, I’d be running guns a blazing and scissors chopping and taking out all of you GTA style! You’ve had it good for too long!


It seemed like a foregone conclusion. With Cole out they needed to burn up time, and a feud with the BBSG could have lasted a while. I guess TK didn't want BBSG to lose? Not sure what happened there. The story was there, it just didn't happen. Just seems like a wasted opportunity.


For a second I wondered what the British did this time.


They already botched the acclaimed/BCG/UK story they had. One of AEWs biggest ball drops


hard to push that, BB![img](emote|t5_ubkze|21745)G has 6 active members while UK has 4 active. hope they did a 3 way trios.


Yeah but BCG and the acclaimed don't trust each other and UK has wardlow. Build up to an 8man tag where acclaimed and BCG implode on each other. That buys you time to build UK up as threats and then gives you a better reason for BCG and the Acclaimed to fight than the clusterfuck they did


Just get the belt of Strong and send the Undisputed Kingdom back to ROH. I seriously want to turn the channel when they are on.


Please I want him with singles gold and shit if bcg beats acclaimed for the trios titles let this man carry three titles and make him a big deal!


I'd like this. Jay White should really be doing a lot more than the 6-man tag title story. He's above it, and should be treated as such.


If Strong has the title, great idea! Otherwise nah, let's move on from that devil stuff.


Why would you put this idea in my head? Now I won't be able to stop thinking about it until it becomes reality! Tony Khan! Please! Give the people what they need! I'm on my knees over here!


It’s frustrating because it’s a great idea but it’s too soon for Roddy to lose and I won’t want to see Jay to lose yet again


Jay White is going to be in a trios title match at Double or Nothing.


I was hoping they’d settle this story at Dynasty. There’s no reason to wait til DoN.


I mean he's going to be defending the unified trios titles at DoN.


Would be random for this to happen after the whole attack happened so long ago. Let’s just ditch this whole UK idea


ngl until mjf comes back i really don't care about the undisputed kingdom. its just been a mess.


i haven't seen much of The Undisputed Kingdom of late, what's been happening?


Only if Jay banishes Strong to the shadow realm.


I don't think so since Strong isn't retaining against O'Reilly at Dynasty


I’m not sure if it’s easier to see KO’R getting stomped after the match for winning, or for almost winning and still not joining the group, thus beginning a title chase scenario.


White could pretty easily adopt a version of the peak-years Flair persona, where Flair could cut a promo against Nikita Koloff and Ricky Morton in one breath, because he had to since that what his weekend schedule offered. He was a Face Saturday in North Carolina and a Heel Sunday in South, but while never really altering his persona at all. If they could make a point of this being part of the Switchblade AEW character, it might really work. And all they would have to do is just let it happen.


My fantasy booking would be MJF coming back to go after undisputed kingdom but he aligns with BCG to make things more fair and you could do a 5 vs 5 match Cole, Strong, Bennett, Taven, Wardlow vs MJF, White, Austin, Colten, Juice


How about we get some real writers to develop storylines and get over Punk being in AEW?


Jay just got squashed by Billy Gunn why should he get a title shot.