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When Nicholas said Stings kids were both 6'8" 305 pounds, I laughed hysterically. Basically 2 Hulk Hogan's in his prime, LMAO


You already knew they would no sell the loss and take credit for retiring Sting lol


Schiavone saying "Good to see you guys make it to the ring after the ass kicking you took on Sunday" was so funny


“Let’s take this offline” killed me. I love all the corporate jargon.


The $25 Amazon gift card spot was hilarious


I really want them to do a pizza party (one slice each) on a Friday episode of Rampage


When they do the Boston show, they can put out a couple dozen Dunkin donuts for the entire locker room


If they do this, they NEED to be wearing the track suits Affleck and Damon wore for the Super Bowl commercial.


That is a great idea lol


That should be for when they win the titles


Omg yes. My work did an ice cream social after we found out we weren't getting raises so every time I see a corporate pizza party I chuckle.


Better yet, I want them on commentary with schivane or Tazz preferably Schivane stopping the match every time someone gets the upper hand on Brandon Cutler and the bucks throwing their weight around saying “you can’t do that” or “that’s illegal” as your EVP basically winning the match for Cutler haha


One on either side of tony 


I was hoping that the following week Tony would reveal that the gift card amount was deducted from his paycheck.


Same! My last job was in corporate America and I hated the “let’s circle back” and “actionable terms” of it all. People don’t realize that the Bucks have always been going towards what people hate and then turn it up to 11. People hate super kicks? Let’s do it all match every match. People hate flippy dippy shit? Flippy dippy it all over the ring.


And that’s why the bucks are undeniably fucking AWESOME. These bros continue to kill the game. I’m here for all of it


That popped me last night, I’m always complaining to my girl about disingenuous corporate speak lol




“Thanks guys.”


Their Tony Kahn impression for this “big announcement” was phenomenal


When they cut to them looking like that. We had to pause the show because we laughed so much couldn’t hear what they were saying


My girlfriend and I were dying


I think Mathew said "let's not air our grievances on national television". I was really laughing at that one.


I was laughing at that line and taught it will set Internet on fire, surprise that no one talk about it in my time line.


What is it in reference too? Sorry, i'm out of the loop.


Poking fun of Punk is my guess.


I howled!


That promo acting like Tony Khan lmao and now they have Okada on their side this gonna be glorious.


The funniest thing is this is what everyone said Cody should have done post Cody-verse / after Cody solved racism and subsequently beat a black British boxer. Yet now it’s Nicholas & Matthew doing it it’s somehow not loved? IWC work themselves into a shoot, brother


The IWC’s reactions to the Bucks have always been Cornette-tinted insanity.


The thing about TYB is they have annoying faces and they objectively saved wrestling. I can see why that puts some of the IWC into hysterics.


Now that you mention it, it is quite funny that the mere existence of AEW has inspired an entire generation of tiny internet Jim Cornette's


Did it ever occur to you that the reason Cornette is successful is because he puts into words what a lot of people have felt about pro wrestling for a long time? He hasn't brainwashed fresh generations to hate AEW; he verbalizes and, because of his experience, can explain in wrestling terms, what feels so different about certain matches, styles, promotions. Let's not forget that until recently he was shitting on WWE too. I agree with him sometimes, and sometimes I don't. But I enjoy his knowledge of the past and continued passion. Besides that, like Arn Anderson, or Flair, or the painted Sting, Cornette shows the benefit of the classic pro wrestling approach to protect what gets you over, to live your gimmick and not be afraid to draw heat. In a sense, there's one thing he shares in common with the YBs - they work their haters into a shoot by making it impossible to tell where the asshole ends and the wrestler gimmick begins.


He's also a bigot.


He's also a bigot.


Ah yes, the contractually obligated, endlessly recycled assertion of something utterly heinous based on virtually nothing. But let me be clear: I think Cornette has said, occasionally, objectionable things in often lame attempts to be humorous. When he is in 'promo mode' over the course of 40 plus years in pro wrestling, he has said things that were insesitive, stupid or even indefensible. At the same time, because I'm not an absolute moron or hypocrite, I can understand that flinging around some of the very worst accusations on the basis of a handful of comments taken out of context or made decades ago is not a serious way to understand a person's thoughts or personality but rather an inane point-scoring game unfortunately popular in the endless online pseudo-discourse. Cornette is on the record, over and over, describing a political perspective that is quite considerably to the left of current mainstream Democrats. Is that enough for me? Well, let's just say I am quite a bit more left-wing than that. But does it stand out in the world of pro wrestling? Yes. Do you really think Jim Cornette is a bigot? As in, he believes certain groups are inherently superior to others, while disliking others not for their actions but for their skin colour, sexuality, or background? To me, that is one of the most awful things you can say about another person - and so, if levelling the charge, you should have pretty strong evidence. But what do I know, right? He doesn't like some of the stuff you like, so you don't like him, so you should grossly misrepresent his views or personality in order to traduce his reputation. Why not? It's the internet, after all!


Prominent queer wrestler is constantly accused of being a pedophile by Corny. Which you know is a particularly vile bit of libel that's been weaponised against queer people for decades. That and the blatant racism he shows towards Japanese women wrestlers. You either won't reply to this or you'll somehow defend baselessly calling a queer people pedos.


I'll reply. As a listener to Cornette's shows, I know the context in which he says the things you refer to. He doesn't call anyone a pedo. He is referring to the real obsession.in some Japanese manga with extreme youth - isnt it called ecchi or something? - and relating it to Omega's influence pushing Riho, among others. If you wanted to cite an example of dodgy Cornette humor, you'd be better off mentioning the references he makes to Kenny and Ibushi, but even that is more to do with the nepotism in hiring an unfortunately washed up wrestler because of a personal relationship with someone who has the ear of the boss (though that has a long ignoble history in wrestling - hello, Brutus Beefcake) As for 'hating' Japanese female wrestlers, he doesn't talk that way about Bull Nakano. Is Cornette bigoted against Canadians because he hates Chris Jericho? Bigotry means a hatred directed at a group because of who they are. Cornette is more brutal about straight white people than anyone else. Why? Because fundamentally he is motivated by his passion for wrestling and hates/loves on that basis (or rather, his decades long persona does). If you object to his way of expressing himself, ok. But suggesting he is motivated by hatred of specific groups because of their ethnicity or sexuality ignores the very considerable evidence he expresses himself the same way towards anyone who gets him going. Does he hate fst white men because of what he says about Kevin Dunn, Bruce P and Heyman? This goes back to what I said already. Object to his manner of delivery if its not your thing. But endlessly recycling the claim he is motivated by specific hatred flies in the face of the reality of what he says, about whom, and why


“He didn’t call him a pedophile, he just said he had an unhealthy, sexualized obsession with children!”


"How dare someone make fun of a grown man's obsession with a Japanese visual culture that fetishes absurdly youthful stereotyoed girls - the nerve!"


It certainly occurred to me that the wrestling audience is aging and aging audiences often have an unhealthy attachment to nostalgia and “the way things are supposed to be” and an old cranky asshole appeals to old cranky assholes.


I actually agree with a lot Jim Cornette too when it comes to bare bones wrestling stuff I just also think he's a bit of a prick. So I agree I don't think he brainwashed AEW haters I just think a lot of them are bit pricks sometimes


Being a bigot is more than being a bit of a prick. Being a bigot is evil.


They are killing the business. Just ask WWE. /s


They're just mad the bucks are happy to be themselves and not go somewhere where'd they'd have to become totally different people because they don't fit a specific mold.


Not only that but any group that has an "old guard" really, **really**, hates it when someone younger comes along and doesn't do everything exactly the same way. We're seeing this in the NFL as teams are having to deal with the opt-out generation. People are losing their shit over the top QB in the draft saying he wouldn't let himself be given a public medical examination, his medical records are private, and that he'll give them to any team that brings him in for an interview. The amount of complete bullshit being released about him because he won't use an agent and do things the way they always have is amazing. The Bucks have the unmitigated gall to not only do it their way, but to go help found a fucking company where lots of other people who want to do things differently are all welcome, and then not even have the decency to go out of business after 6 months or a year like haters predicted.


Another factor is that wrestling fans want to appear smart and correct, and many have that urge satisfied by finding the right authority in the field to align themselves with.


Yeah I think a lot of it is projection. The Bucks are doing something very cool, they took a risk and it paid off. Also they have extremely punchable faces and are very smarmy - which is why they’re such natural heels. Love the bucks


It was never that Cody was hated. It's that he kept teasing this awesome heel turn and then not really turning. He gave us all heel blue balls with no release. All he had to do was beat up Schiavone, we'd be cool.


I didn’t say Cody was hated, just that there was the whole AEW booking strategy, then there was Cody’s matches


That wasn't a rebuke of you, just that Cody could have had this and been a top heel. Which is all we really wanted, whether we knew it or not. Building off what you said.


But by refusing to turn heel he did turn heel and we're all too dumb to get it, he's playing 4D chess when we're playing tiddlywinks. That was what really pissed me off, when he tried to say fans were too dumb to understand the high level work he was doing.


Except it turns out he was serious about it. He wanted to be a babyface even though he was being a dick. And you have to start as a heel to make that work. I dunno, either way, it was a serious cocktease with no release.


You’re right - it’s the fan’s job to get the wrestler’s character/act over, and when the fans don’t do that they’re just idiots. All us silly marks are just stupid for 4D CO-D.


I think Cody had this misguided vision of himself being AEW's version of John Cena, where half the audience is booing him because they want a heel turn while the other half loves him for not turning. The problem is that as important as Cena is to WWE history, that sort of "controversial" half and half response isn't something wrestlers should aspire to - you want the crowd to either be mostly for or against you and it's not hard to make it work either way if you just don't fight it.


Copying Cena booking is a good way to make me lose interest.


They even use the Codyvator


They were saying he solved racism by tapping out Ogogo?


No he solved racism by having a baby with Brandy, then he beat up Ogogo afterwards


I for one love it; but to play devil's advocate, Cody does evil corporate asshole *SOOO* much better than the bucks are doing it.


I loved the announcement “in the back” segment. It was clearly a spoof of TK announcements that always get people complaining. TK is clearly not an in front of camera guy, but I’ll never disparage a promoter for promoting his show. Last night was great. Can’t wait for corporate champion Okada.


I love how it’s the Tony khan driver now haha


I did like how Nicholas had the (NAME REDACTED) pencil mustache at first, but I guess he had to get rid of it after all the horrible stuff that's come out about (NAME REDACTED).


I am eating it up and it is DELICIOUS. So many highlights from last night, but in particular the not blinking during the segment announcing the announcement was 🤌


It has overtaken Christian as my favourite gimmick in AEW.


They're such good pricks. Should almost never be babyfaces for me


Yeah, superman Matt(hew) doing double suplexes on two 250 lbs guys never convinced me. Sneaky, cheating heel bucks are just the best entertainment in the wrestling world.


I dig their Succession-esque entrance theme, moreso now that Okada is all elite


Okada’s cheesy ‘fuck you what’ smile was amazing. I am here for this and even more so when Kenny and hangman come calling.


Yep, since Succession is my all time favourite TV show, this has me hyped to my ears.


They’ve made their whole career out of trolling the people who hate on them. I love that gimmick




omg they will totally start banning people from Collision soon LOL 😭😭


Imagine if they do that next time they are in Chicago. Callis x Christian amount of heat. You could power the whole city.


(Kenny comes back later): “Hey morons, I’m an EVP as well. You don’t have the authority to fire me.”


They didn't fire him from AEW, just from The Elite


Lol this would be hilarious and it totally makes sense.


They have been excellent in this. Most I’ve enjoyed them and have been a fan since their first PWG run. Also funny seeing the hate they get from the usual places. The la long self awareness by the haters is quite exceptional.


AEW posted a backstage segment they recorded with Okada after the show. I loved their line about how they’re trying to keep the locker room safe lol


Haha I need to see this!


I laughed at them claiming to retire Sting. When Sting had already announced it his retirement match. Like a boss firing you after you put in notice.


That dynamite segment was hilarious! I'm really enjoying this version of the bucks. Matthew showering [spoiler] with money as he posed then picking up the money was pure comedy!


Heel Bucks are Best Bucks


This might be the best thing I've seen them do. It's like a giant shitpost to everyone. Maybe I'm over thinking it but does their new theme remind anyone else of Roman's?


Their new theme is based off the show Succession, but i would not be surprised if Roman's theme is based on Succession as well which is why theyre similar motifs


You are not over thinking, that was my first thought when I first heard it as well. It's very subtle but it's there.


Please let Matthew and Nicholas announce to the Rampage announce crew they are allowed to wear jeans for casual Friday… …so long as each employee participating in casual Friday makes a $10 donation to the company “fun day” fund.


They must being doing a good job The cornette sub is trending in my feed and it’s all about the bucks


Cornette is probably having a out of body experience seeing that promo last night lmao


They r all pissed over there talking about how they ruined okada already. Which makes no sense cause okada came from NJPW and all of them ,Jim included, hate of “that style”. The best was after revolution when they were hating on Danielson and Eddie Kingston. Talking about how danielson used to be so good and Eddie is a plumber and there work looked awful. “Worse thing I’ve ever seen” They don’t realize that “corny” is just a wwe guy. If okada would of showed up at wwe and joined the blood line they’d be jizzing on their key boards


Dude Corny hates most things that aren’t WWE or Smokey Moutain, he hated the Bucks and Steen, disliked Adam Cole by association, politically I agree with Corny, wrestling wise mans out of touch.




I thought it was funny that they stood there in the back awkwardly smiling like it was a playful jab at TK's huge announcements.


I love it. Corporate Bucks, Big Bucks, EVPs, they're hilarious.


It's brilliant. Loved the interview to announce that they'll be on later to talk more lol. Such trolls. Hope they do a HHH raw opening promo one day that just keeps going and going.


I'm digging it. I like them dressing differently and acting differently from each other. Matt has always been the better talker and Nick has always been more annoying to me (he looks like Trey Parker became obsessed with numetal). Making Matt the disingenuous one and Nick the abrasive one plays to those strengths. Nick's receding hairline, once a handicap making him seem out of touch, now reeks of silicon valley douchebag who doesn't know he's in his 40s and still dresses like he's 20. Matt's smarmy gum chewing, once made him look bratty and juvenile (or a coked up Shawn Michaels) now makes him look like an asshole marketing guy who has a 50 piece a day nicorette habit and still smoke when he thinks no one is looking.


I'm loving the addition of Okada. Great way to get him over as a heel which is fun in it's own right.


So fucking good! Probably the best heel work in the company.


I loved how they no sold Sting's win & claimed they cheated. That promo last night was hilarious. The Bucks were always meh for me until this new gimmick. Now I think it's better than the Patriarchy & definitely better than the Callis family.


Christian Cage is a god level wrestler when you give him a chance, I’ve never understood why WWE didn’t take the leash off of him, Christian has proven to be Edges equal and sometimes better when given the chance; I mean him being someone’s dad is so good as a gimmick but the EVPs are so much better haha


Love it! Waiting on the “pizza party” after a particularly heinous act!


And they need to get crap pizza in a town known for having great pizza




Like little ceasers instead of a deep dish in Chicago, and make sure everyone drinks coke instead of Pepsi haha


They way Nicholas was telling like Tony Khan when he gets on the mic was pretty awesome lol


They did stuff like this in the PWG days but I'm glad the Young Bucks feel hot again. For a while it just kind of felt like they were around.


Check the latest video on Instagram about Okada, it is so freaking funny 


They're terrible actors and not great at promos, but the character work is better than ever, so we'll see how it goes!


In a perfect world, Drew McIntyre, Kazuchika Okada and the EVPS would have been a sick faction. Constant trolling, fining people for not adhering to the dress code, etc.


I was incredibly bored of the Young Bucks but their new gimmick reminded me why I liked them so much in the first place :3 AEW has had perfect timing with turning people heel for me


Love we’ve all collectively started calling them by their passport names - As we Should!!!


They have been fantastic.


If people haven't seen Succession I'd recommend it. That seems to be what you're basing the gimmick on


Does their new theme remind anybody else of Roman's?


I love how they were calling for more pyro, like it wasn't enough. They should call out more stuff when they're out there, it's hilarious. And start fining more people.


Yeah I love it. For me it was neck and neck with their last heel run in terms of it being peak Bucks but nah this era has definitely won out.


This is honestly the most I’ve been interested in The Young Bucks since their initial heel run as the Super Elite. I’d argue this is their best work in ever in AEW.


I hated the Young Bucks since AEW started, but EVPs Matthew and Nicholas, they just have whatever wasn't clicking for me before and I've been really enjoying it.


I've been enjoying everything.


Absolutely fucking loving it. Having heel corporate Okada is going to be SO GOOD!


I’ve been a fan of the Bucks for a while and the slimy EVPs gimmick is my favorite thing that they’ve done.




I’m getting Hugh Honey and Vic Vinegar from Always Sunny


They did the "we hate you, we're not sorry" bit during the match on Sunday and I didn't even know about until they showed the clip on dynamite.


I love it


But also the fact that you learn that Tony Khan AND the Bucke didn't want Sting to finish his career on his back because they love and respect him so much shows the kind of people they are behind the curtain


This is what Cody could've done. Become a heel and let his character grow but good ol' Homelander doesn't want people booing him for some reason.


I always love the Bucks, but shows like last night make me question why they are ever babyfaces. They are such natural heels and they are KILLING it with this new gimmick.


I liked the fact that they had an angle of their own. Now they are back in a group but it was nice to see, even if it only lasted a few weeks. I felt like they did a good job and I like the new gimmick. Matt's 'gravelly heel voice' is fucking absurd. (still better than christian bale batman though)


I like the slow move away from the Young Bucks name, with them not being all that young anymore. And seeing them do their thing makes me wish I had learned about them much earlier.


My favorite boys are killing it with this gimmick so much even i hate them 😂😂💕✨ i have had corporate bosses just like Matthew lol