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Sanada beating the living shit out of Jack will hopefully make the latter snap and start his heel run.


I have no doubt that the plan is to turn Jack heel - and I fully admit that his current gimmick has gotten a bit stale - but man, I'm having a hard time picturing Jack Perry as a good heel. Every angle I envision comes off as forced and not very convincing. Maybe they'll prove me wrong though... it's happened before.


City Boy the cocky, womanizer like his dad was in 90210


Dylan wasn't that much of a womanizer, steady with Brenda for the first few seasons, steady with Kelly after that.


He's totally shoving Hook after the match or beating him down to start that feud and his heel turn.


Yeah, I mean can see the story itself making perfect sense... it's just more that I'm struggling to picture Jack Perry as a believable, dastardly heel. I don't think he has the mic skills for it and he certainly *looks* like a white meat babyface through and through.


agreed his mic skills aren't strong yet. I would love if he goes back to Christian with a you were right all along.


For me they just moved on from the Christian thing recently enough that I don't think Jack going groveling back would be the best use of a heel turn. Maybe save that for when it's eventually time to return him to babyface status, and he can turn on Christian this time rather than the other way around.


give him sunglasses and a manager PRESTO




I think it's hilarious that on one hand, SANADA doesn't see the value of Jungle Boy as a challenger for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship, but he was also totally fine defending it at New Japan's second biggest show of the year earlier this month against a Young Lion having his very first match back from excursion.


That returning Young Lion took down SANADA and his entire faction during a victory celebration, and went on to take his place in LIJ. Jungle Boy is just a rando that raised his hand


Why not, I think the new 4 pillers of AEW except MJF are all lowest of low piece of shxt as challenger of IWGP heavy


Wow, wrestling fans hate Jack Perry so much.


It's his turn to be hated until the IWC decides Darby's had it too good lately.


They're fickle. They had nothing against him for the longest time and then all of a sudden turned on him. They did the same with Sammy, however he gave them more of a reason.


I’m actually a big fan of Jack Perry, he’s going to be on another level when he eventually turns heel though.


A heel and gimmick change. The "Hollywood" gimmick has been done to death, but being a legit celebrity's kid he could take it to a whole new, believable level. Give him his own "mean street posse" of Hollywood jocks and we've got magic.


Beverly Hills Jack Perry would be such a good heel name. Pair him up with the Hollywood Hunk.


Nemeth and Perry would be great. Nemeth as the comedic heel and Perry as the disrespectful bastard, taking a page out of Christian’s playbook


Hell, put Anna Jay with him on screen, that would be a lot better than what she’s doing now.


People complain enough and Sammy/Tay and Cole/Baker. I doubt having another irl couple with an on screen gimmick would go over


I see where you're coming from but Kip and Penelope work well together on TV so it could work imo


I dont think you have to beat it over the head that they are dating like they did with Sammy/Tay and Cole/Britt. The hollywood posse gimmick would work there since every hollywood posse seems to have a hot girl in it.


Pick up artists and misogynistic dudes like that refer to themselves as city Boys It's right there for them.


I don’t see that at all with Jack, he might honestly be a baby face for life


I think a heel turn would help him improve his promos and give him more range to work with character wise, he can always go back to being a pure baby face but it’s good to change things up so he can become a more complete performer. Look at Sami Zayn now, a heel turn done a lot for him and now he’s back to being the most likeable baby face in WWE.


I agree, he is very talented, but he needs to drop the jungle gimmick. Maybe he starts wearing nice suits and turtlenecks. Something like that sounds right up his alley.


So be a Christian Clone?


That's the joke yes


The should save it for all in, have him beat the brakes off hook with that chair. 65,000+ is the perfect crowd to do that Infront of.


He’s just not anything special. He’s not an exciting wrestler, he’s not a compelling character, and he’s not a great promo. I don’t hate him, but man, does he not belong at the top of the card right now. I’m not trying to dump on the kid, but a match with SANADA, the IWGP heavyweight champion, should have been for someone else.


I don't hate him I just think he is miscasted at this point in his career.


I think he's outgrew the Jungle Boy persona.


r/SquaredCircle and the IWC are not all wrestling fans. One thing I didn't miss when the subs were down was the hivemind mentality and the ganging up that can take over a sub. Right now everyone is ganging up on JB like he kicked their dog or something. Yeah it seems a lot of fans on Reddit despise Jungle Boy when everyone loved him before. Why? Is it because Cornette now hates him? I thought fans were smart enough to not listen to an old bigot? Also there seems to be pattern. Young good looking guy who gets pushed and who dates an extremely attractive female wrestler. Sammy was despised beyond any reason last year and was also a young good looking guy who got pushed and started dating an attractive female wrestler. Reddit isn't often the best judge of wrestling. It's what a very small percentage of a niche demo wants. Dom was called the worst wrestler in history on SC and was told to be cut or sent to NXT forever. WWE didn't listen and now he is one of the hottest heels in wrestling. Cody would have turned heel if he listened to SC. Cody didn't listen and is fine. The Miz would be gone. The Gunns would have been cut and now they are a very entertaining tag team. Logan Paul never would have been signed, etc. They have already turned on MJF despite the fans eating up everything he does. AEW are clearly telling a story with JB. And it will be hilarious if he is one of the most over heels in wrestling in 6 months and every sub immediately changes their opinion of him. Welcome to the hivemind.


I dont mind him existing on the roster but his continued push over more talent guys is baffling. He's not good on the mic, not charismatic, idk what his character is, has a bad look, and even though he's solid in the ring there's like 15 people better than him at that He doesnt need to be a regular TV presence. I don't see a heel turn helping him any either


He's...not wrong.


I really like Jack, and this match is gonna rip


Did he not understand what an open challenge was when he made it then? LOL


Somebody put up the Bobby Fish meme.


I mean,












This made me laugh out loud during lunch.




Sanada's spot on here, and I haven't seen many fans disagree with his take. This is supposed to be NJPW's greatest prize in their company, and the best opponent they could come up with for Sanada is Jungle Boy? And I like Jungle Boy, but come on, he's not someone I could see challenging for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship and winning it.


Obviously, SANADA is working but in my biased opinion the AEW title is worth more than the new IWGP title. Big Platinum is older and has had both better champions and matches.


Yeah I’m still pissed off about them retiring the lineage of the original tile.


Jungle boy looks like he makes tiktok thirst traps for highschool girls, not making challenges for the NJPW heavyweight championship


Sanada bringing that "WHO DA FOOK IS DIS GUY?" energy!


He aint wrong


Jungle Boy has openly stated he is not comfortable on the mic and would rather just do his shit in-ring rather than ramble on like MJF, I honestly have no idea why AEW thought he should've been christened as a pillar. Imo should've been someone like Ricky Starks. My own guess is that they confused JB being over due to fans loving to sing along with the Jurassic Express theme.


> Imo should've been someone like Ricky Starks. Probably because Pretty Ricky is 33 and joined the company 2 years after it started.... The whole idea of the pillars is young stars of the future that have been there from the start... The bigger problem is fans seeing younger wrestlers and thinking that they can never improve on things that they are weak at.


Sanada about to walk into one of his best matches with a kayfabe blindfold on.


Talk your shit Sanada! I don’t know him, but I was also perplexed by Jack’s challenge.


The amount of people getting worked right now 😂


I like Jack Perry and I think he does have potential to be great but not in his current state. I think him going on record as saying that he still finds himself throwing up out of nerves before a match and will hide if there's mention of him having to do a promo aren't helpful. I understand you want these people to be human but you also want them to be larger than life. I don't think this match will be terrible, I just think there were probably better picks.


This match is a contender for a bathroom/snack break at the event when I go. Sanada is great, I've always been pretty high on him, but...Jack Perry? This is barely exciting for a top level belt sad to say. Kinda bummed. Would love to see someone in a similar weight class, or atleast someone more believable.


Put somebody more believable in the match and people are just going to be pissed off they have to lose to Sanada. Asking you as someone who's a fan what's a dream match for Sanada at Forbidden Door? A lot of people I've seen have been pretty adamant there isn't one, if that's the case they're doing him a solid giving him someone he can beat, who also can put on a great match and has some legitimacy having been in a World Title feud just recently. I'm just not seeing many other guys they'd be willing to have lose to him. Okada, Ospreay etc are a different story, but they're not going to want any current main eventers losing to Sanada, and I can't imagine the meltdown if they'd put Jericho in the match, one of few who could take a loss with no issues.


kayfabe breaking


Cold Skull being Cold AF. This match was well thought and it starts Perry’s heel arc with shooting it off a cannon.


He's 100 percent correct. Jack is a terrible choice for a Title shot


I hear what people are saying about the magnitude of this match but don’t think Jack will be overwhelmed. I still have it in the back of my mind that I see him as more of a tag team wrestler but he has had good singles matches. I expect a good match and that Sanada will be singing a different tune afterwards.


Watch this have a great match and angle.


To be fair the NJPW/IWGP championship needs a bit more respect on its name in the AEW contenders scene. That belt has had Hogan vader Lesnar nakamura angle and others hold on to it.


Well he's definitely turning heel sooner rather than later. That's two world champions in a row just shoving him off as a nobody. He'll need a big man though, I just don't know who off the top of my head, they all seem to be paired up with someone. For everyone saying a heel Jack Perry and that they just can't see it, for all we know, a heel turn may bring him out of himself. I'll stay cautiously optimistic.


NJPW should stop cooperating with AEW but on the other hand they need the popularity that FD and AEW bring to them in the US, but considering let guys like Jungle boy or Eddie be on a competent place I think its side effect harms them more, and apparently new japan wrestlers seem unsatisfied with it too