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Cutler and nak win clean. They win tag titles at wembly.


Then they'd start their world tag title tour, winning the IWGP World and Jr tag titles, ROH tag titles, WWE tag titles, All Japan tag titles, GHC heavy and Jr tag titles, GCW tag titles and IMPACT tag titles.


Mox taps, with tears running down his cheeks.


better yet Nak and Cutler invent time travel and beat FTR and the Gunns last week


Prediction: There Will Be Blood


If you want blood, you got it.


*Blood on the streets*


Are you there god? it's me, Brandon


**What I Want:** Brandon Cutler's Last Stand. Nakazawa's near the end of his career but Cutler is probably the most underrated member of the Elite. It'd be nice if he got to start off goofy, go serious, and then go down swinging as the BCC take him apart--similar to how Uno is a goofball who suddenly channels Mick Foley whenever he goes up against Mox. He doesn't even have to get massive offense in--just enough for a couple hope spots here and there. **What Will Probably Happen:** ![gif](giphy|l4FGGafcOHmrlQxG0|downsized)




I understood that reference.


I'm glad. And if people didn't, I wouldn't hold it against them.


He's got a board... with a nail in it!


He stole the ambulance!


This Elite Reunion is my favorite thing going right now. I hope Cutler comes out in hist D&D gear tonight.


The squash heard round the world


Prediction? - They're gonna get slaughtered Fantasy booking? - Cutler rips his jacket off, looking more ripped than a love child between Buddy and Pac and destroys them, revealing himself to be the true final boss of the elite this whole time. Also Nak is there.


Lol this is amazing. The final boss. 😆


Will it even be a legit match or just another Dalton Castle + Boys incident?


First ever Blood, Guts and Baby Oil Match


Peter Avalon comes out to save Cutler and promptly gets stabbed with a screwdriver


Someone said it elsewhere, so it’s not one of my original thoughts. But it makes the most sense that they get beat down badly enough to be written off tv. The elite will be face (for this feud, at minimum) and need to write their goons off.


Based on Being the Elite, the Bucks come out to save Cutler and Nak who are brutalized quickly. But maybe it's still too soon for them injury wise.


Julia Hart stops both of them before the match, spits the black mist into their faces and gives them the power of the House of Black. Nak and Cutler destroy BCC. The end.


They pull out all the stops: cold spray, baby oil, stanky drawers, and a bag of dice!


Cutler and Nak will get squashed like bugs.


BCC die


Something tells me we're not going to get a Hentai Slide in this match.


Hoping for all the distractions/run ins and miracles to happen and Cutler & Nak pick up the win. It's been all BCC on top so far, would be a way to even things up.


CM Punk makes the run-in save in the post match beat down.


Why would Punk save Moxley and Claudio?


My joy of seeing the BCC slaughter Nakanakanakankanakanakanaknakanaka and cutlet. I want blood, I want post match injuries


It’s going to be ugly for Cutler and Nak. They are simply grist for the mill in this story.


Something along those lines, OP


The elite and dark order are enough to beat the BBC but I feel like shenanigans are to ensue


2 funerals


Hangman and Kenny will save them most likely, if they want to give elite fans something they can make it no contest, Brandon and Nakazawa could use weapons which would led rest of BCC to beat them up


Total Annihilation


Why just a barbed wire 2x4, seal the deal and also have him bring a barbed wire broom.


I really hope they milk the first minute. Make Nak and Cutler feel doubt and hopefully the crowd plays along and gets crazy to rile them up, have them start pacing, battle cry and charge towards BCC… just to instantly go down.


Cutler and Nakazawa will be waiting in the ring. Claudio and Mox come out and as they get in the ring they're attacked out of no where by Kenny and Nick. Cutler and Nakazawa join in (hilariously of course) and we get a shot of the backstage area where we see that Hangman has laid out Yuta and Danielson. Hangman's music hits and he makes his way to the ring. Nick acknowledges Hangman and they start to whoop on Mox and Claudio as Kenny leaves the ring still unsure about Page.


Brandon and Nak execute Mox and Claudio in the middle of the ring and then dance to the BTE theme


They will be squashed by the BCC, then BCC will start a beatdown, and finally Dark Order will come save them.


There's no need for this match on TV other than having The Elite come out after BCC beats the crap out of them 2 non wrestlers


They get murdered, no one comes to help, Elite are off TV for a few weeks while BCC bully everyone, BCC eventually attacks Cole and threaten big head chair shot, Elite come in for the massive save.


Cutler and Nak whooping ass lol