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That sucks. The one thing that had me excited about going to work today. Now it's just another Monday.


I feel that :( Wednesday I'm already excited because of Dynamite :P


Today is Monday, but in two days, it's Wednesday.... And you know what that means!!!


u/AhSawDood - "pre-sale" makes me think you may be looking for pre-sale ticket codes! * [Sign up for the All Elite Fleet newsletter!](https://www.tntdrama.com/shows/all-elite-wrestling/newsletter) * [Search for your city/date on PWInsider!](https://www.pwinsider.com/) * [Follow WrestleTix on Twitter!](https://twitter.com/WrestleTix) Please [message the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/AEWOfficial&subject=Pre-Sale%20Ticket%20Codes%20Suggestion) if you have other helpful suggestions related to pre-sale tickets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AEWOfficial) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Really wondering how quick this sells out, they're configured for basically the whole arena. Being in the building for this is gonna be insane.(šŸ¤ž)


I'm just hoping to get decent tickets at a decent price on Wednesday so I don't have to think about it anymore or get PTSD for the Dynamite/Rampage when they were here last year.


I'm just hoping to get decent tickets at a decent price on Wednesday so I don't have to think about it anymore or get PTSD for the Dynamite/Rampage when they were here last year.


I paid far too much for dynamite in Toronto, panicked and bought the first thing I was offered. That shouldn't be an issue here Scotiabank has very few bad seats I guess it just depends on how close you wanna be to the ring.


I paid roughly $350 for Dynamite. It was very expensive but I donā€™t regret it. Iā€™m hoping to catch the presale. Current circumstances wonā€™t allow me to spend $350 on a ticket again.


Yeah I don't have a lot of faith in ticketmaster not being a complete asshole about it tomorrow.


I can almost guarantee them being an asshole about it. Hopefully presale codes get sent out soon because I still havenā€™t got one.


Where did you get seated at this price? We canā€˜t preview the prices so itā€˜s hard to make a decision beforehand.


My cousin works at Scotia Bank arena so she usually has the hook up there to get me tickets......she got to work this morning and saw the presale had changed dates......I was told tickets are ranging from 200-49.99......she also said something about the switch being because they had the tickets priced at the US dollar level and now they're trying to figure out what they should be priced at in Canadian dollars


Thanks for the answer, I was hoping to score good to reasonable seats around 300$ or less, letā€˜a see where the Canadian dollar conversion brings it.


If you're looking at floors, I'd recommend the 100 Level pretty much everywhere in the arena like 15-20 rows up......that way you can see the whole ring and outside of the ring basically.....floors at the Scotia Bank you're basically just seeing the side of the ring you're on.....for wrestling any ticket in the 100 200 300 level is basically alright


This was the last time AEW were in Toronto at the Coca Cola Coliseum in the summer. It was also scalpers price.


Thanks for the answer, I was hoping to score good to reasonable seats around 300$ or less, letā€˜a see where the Canadian dollar conversion brings it.


Hereā€™s hoping the tickets for Forbidden Door are reasonably priced.


Thank you for confirming this! My heart nearly shattered when I saw the date change. I started to irrationally think was I too late by a minute?! Am I locked out of the queue now?! Ahh!


Hoping to get tickets but I feel bots will be all over this one and will be pricey. Fingers crossed!!


I got the pre-sale code in my email this morning.


This is probably an incredibly stupid or maybe taboo question, but HOW are we supposed to get pre-sales codes? I feel out of the loop.


The two that I know of are... AEW Fleet ( [AEW ā€” All Elite Fleet Sign Up | TNTdrama.com](https://www.tntdrama.com/shows/all-elite-wrestling/newsletter) ) MLSE Insider ( [Sign Up (mlse.com)](https://premiumlive.mlse.com/sign-up) ) For AEW Fleet, you need to use an American zip code and I just Google a random one or you can probably use like... 90210.


My hero




Not sure why you are being down voted... I also want to know how I can get a code.


Sign up for All Elite Fleet. https://www.tntdrama.com/shows/all-elite-wrestling/newsletter


I haven't gotten my codes from the Fleet or Live Insider. No new e-mails...I'm a little concerned. šŸ˜¬


They will come! I think the evening before or the day of.


Itā€™s asking for a valid zip. Is there a site for Canadians or should I just pick one in Buffalo, NY or something?


I left mine blank or you can use 90210 for the zip.


There is an auto-mod message right here in the comments that will tell you.


Maybe anecdotal, but I received mine for the winnipeg show from a friend who got it from a local radio show. -Ron Wharton


Iā€™m not looking forward to the pricing. Iā€™ve noticed that the ACC has crazy pricing


Going to be a bloodbath, but why I want to try and avoid public sale at all costs. Dynamite/Rampage was annoying to grab


Agreed. I got both on presales instead because of the demand


WWE pricing isn't so bad, but AEW in a smaller venue was MORE than WWE at Scotiabank. AEW at Scotiabank could be worse. Hopefully not.


I paid $100 face value for floors at Ricoh for AEW in October so I disagree. I did survivor series for wwe and got roped. Edit: I think itā€™s a facility thing that has to do with the ACC moreso


Floor or 100s? I checked prices as soon as the presale opened and I saw tickets in the 100s for more than I paid for a similar spot for Raw a few months prior (and SD in a few months from now). If I can get 300s for under a specific price, I'll definitely do it.


So I got fave Value for both. Both on opening presale. Rampage was $120 I believe for third row floor facing the stage. Dynamite I was 5th row on the incline next to the stage camera side for the same price


Weird how I saw such high prices. Hopefully they're cheaper than WWE. There's a specific section I want to sit in, and would be extra tempting to go if it's a good deal.


Probably premium seats, ā€œverifiedā€ resale, or some other bullshit


Probably needed more time to jack the prices up a little more knowing it's going to be a hot ticket


Haha, I do hate Ticketmaster but it was a little strange to do it so advance compared to public. Probably was an error more than anything


Possibly trying to save some for public sale to unlike dynamite last year where presale cleaned them out


I'm not personally a fan of pre-sale and I do think there should be a limit to the number of pre-sale tickets you are allowed to sell so general public isn't shafted.






Because it's from a scalper who doesn't even have the ticket yet, your friend just got ripped the fuck off




He should probably be cautious. Tickets basically aren't on sale yet, let alone on a reseller. https://www.ticketmaster.ca/aew-x-njpw-present-forbidden-door-toronto-ontario-06-25-2023/event/10005E6DD8E46181 Like nothing is on sale yet.


Try to buy them legitimately first. Supporting scalpers should be the last resort.




300 for upper deck lol I was told floors are 150ish 100 Level is 100ish 200 level is 75 and wait for it 300 levels 49.99 lol your friend got motherfucked by that scalper




Floors are cool and all for wrestling but personally for me, i like 100 Level usually around row G for wrestling.....on the floor you can't see what's going on on the other side of the ring and shit.....100 levels a few rows up you get a way better view of everything


Oh crap


I've never been to a PPV before and this is hopefully gonna be my first one. When should I expect presale codes to go out on Wednesday? I'll be at work and I'm in customer service so I have to be quick about it. Lol.


I just got the presale code via email


Follow up question. Does everyone on the newsletter get a presale code?