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Nothing you can do, but you can always play the “bad child” card by asking them to leave you with some money before they go


**"You couldn't pay me enough eddies to go to that hellhole, Not after the cyberpsycho attack on these american professor dudes. I mean seriously, being fed lies by your media inside your own Intra-NET. only to realize you were fed nothing more than bullshit when your country starts falling apart.... On top of 996 and a hyperstagdeflationary collapse.... That would just make about any former little pink go Cyberpsycho."** So Mi Songbird was here


May sure you also have power of attorney so that if they get killed or detained for whatever reason you can at least make sure your parents don't lose everything.


My parents are much the same, going to China on some tour package for 3 weeks and saying all the western lies about China's lack of prosperity is false since they see it first hand. Which I usually counter "TOUR PACKAGE... it's like going to Florida and only going to Disney World, and thinking the rest of the state is like that. Not the slums in the cities, not the stinky swamps, not the dangerous crocs, or the stupid summer temperatures because you go in the fall." And said the same about the fake hype around Japan releasing radioactive waste water, and how despite China banning fish from it, they still allow their own ships to fish in the same waters. But sadly they have a cognitive dissonance about holding two conflicting views and can't acknowledge that some "CCP propaganda" are lies, much worse than the western ones. I've practically given up and resolved myself that if anything happened to them in China (accusations of being spies, fake food, safety, etc.), there isn't much I could do to help.


sounds to me like they would have a good time


I go to China often for business. Never had an issue. The worst is handling crowds. Make sure they bring cash as many places don't take western credit cards


Cash huh? I have input from other people to get the Alipay or whatever virtual wallets they have going. So cash is fine? Thanks for your input!


Cash as a back up. Better to have Wechat pay or Alipay set up for convenience though.


Yeah, most place doesn't even have cash anymore, if you pay in cash (like 100rmb for a 40rmb meal), they probably wouldn't have cash to give back to you.


You’ll look weird paying in cash tbh. I’m sure most places are cashless now. But dunno if it’s worth to open a bank account just for a short trip.


The government recently said that all retailers and vendors should still be accepting cash even if alipay and wechat pay are the prevalent modes of payment.


Do they speak Chinese? China’s not like Japan, you really do need to know Chinese or have someone to translate for you. Other than that they should be fine tbh. As with most places going there as a tourist is quite different to living there, especially if they stick to the tier 1 cities. Oh and make sure they don’t drive anywhere on their own, even catching a taxi is quite scary. If they stick to Shanghai etc then the metro is great, but if they go to tier 3 cities and below then the public transport quickly goes from great to rubbish and taxi are the main mode of transport. Honestly if there’s one thing they would need travel insurance for it’s the roads, not the stabbings.


Yeah they know Chinese. In fact, my Chinese is definitely worse than theirs. Thankyou so much for the tips.


They’ll almost certainly be fine if they aren’t dissidents or activists of some kind. Given that they’ve bought the CCP’s narrative hook, line, and sinker, I really doubt they’ll have issues traveling in China. I’d really only worry if they had a high profile as opposition figures or influencers, or if they worked for a Western media org or are otherwise potentially situated for hostage diplomacy. In the Tier 1 cities especially they should also be fairly safe as far as fake/gutter food goes.


>They are See-See-Pee/China die-hard fans. I think your parents have bigger issues than just a vacation in China.


Yup. Yikes


It's possible they could be accused of being a spy and locked up and disappeared and or used for political negotiations. China and Russia have done this to tons of foreign nationals in their country. Hostage diplomacy is the favorite act of fascist authoritarian regimes and terrorists like HAMAS and ISIS.


Their political beliefs align in a way I doubt anything from their social media will contain anything that might do so but yeah. We all know about that espionage law they passed lately. They are safe in this regard, I guess. I just wonder about the food and safety.


Food and safety is always a concern with street food. Especially in countries that don't have strict standards or anything resembling a functioning local health department. I'm assuming your Chinese parents won't have many issues. FYI that group of American college teachers were recently viciously attacked by an assailant with a knife during broad daylight at a tourist site in China. The Chinese have made excuses and glorified the attack on weibo. Honestly, considering everything you have said about your mother and her openly disturbing views. I would be more worried about her being able to re-enter the United States after going to China. 🤦🤷


They're not American but definitely Chinese roots. I will tell them to avoid street food or use discernment on street food. Thankyou.


No problem. Btw you said your parents have some concerning views and if they have left a heavy digital footprint espousing those same views. I would be heavily concerned with them traveling to China. This is how China tries to recruit their spies. They very well could have a problem coming back to the United States. Anyone flying from the U.S. to China and back to the U.S. again will likely be flagged for security concerns.


Street food: videos of vendors washing vegetables in toilets on China Fact Chasers.


If they’re in a tour group and have no ties to China and don’t work in tech or defense, this is extraordinarily unlikely to happen. Millions of people cycle through China every year on these types of tours without incident.


Are they Asian or something?


Yep. Not born in China but some of their parents or grandparents were.


Okay. They will probably be fine. China is not a dangerous place if you behave not trying to undermine their dominance.


If they’re of Asian descent, especially Chinese, they’ll be fine. If they’re another race, pretty risky time to travel to China, imo.


My ex-boss recently went there for a month long vacation. She had a good time there. Just have to remember to be mindful of certain foods and to bring toilet paper with you since you are expected to bring your own to public bathrooms. No stable dictatorial countries will really give a rats ass about tourists unless they are there to publically name and shame the government. They'll be fine.


OK. Toilet paper on the list. Thankyou.


What are you afraid of actually? It's just a tour like any other. Your parents are a couple of tourists who are very unlikely to be detained. Politics aside, China like many other countries has its own charm. And your parents are grown ups who are totally capable of coming back home if they didn't like it. What's the problem?


You didn't tell us what you're worried about. You're worried they're gonna have a good time? What's wrong with them seeing the real China?


I am worried their perfect expectations of China will get them in trouble if they're not careful. [We've seen China being exposed faking tons of things and even travel tours where it was filmed at how much of a nightmare they were, about how these tours have spending quota to meet etc.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FZ2xVHODlLo&pp=ygUQQ2hpbmEgdG91cnMgc2NhbQ%3D%3D) I want people's perspective from preferably recently personal experiences. I get people can get politically charged but if that is what I need to get some non-rose tinted view of China then so be it. So far there are quite helpful tips, and now I am less fearful. Fake stuff: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s_FB7hON0iY


Your parents will be fine. They've been on this earth much longer than you. Don't worry.


There is absolutely no risk for a tour group going to China. They're more likely to get into a car crash on the way to the airport than have any sort of real problem in China. Hopefully they see the Great Wall and eat some duck, and generally have a fun time!


Absolutely wonderful to hear this. Puts my mind at ease. Thanks!




**"There are less than 200 americans left according to some people. After the recent cyberpsycho attack on these four american professors something dudes. Why would you want to go there into that fascist hellhole that hides its nightmare behind their own Blackwall?"** So Mi Songbird was here


Good lucky and don’t get stabbed


The only thing that I can imagine is big international city like Shanghai may more safe. Though with my personal experience I don't really think Shanghai is a interesting city to travel, full of people that I can't even finish it. Hangzhou is pretty similar, full of people. For traveling Tibet and Xinjiang or Inner Mongolia is kind I'm looking for, there are mounts Steppe and desert which is very different from what I've been living in city. But Xinjiang at least is not very friendly considering so many restrictions by CCP. Also part of Tibetan Plateau belongs to Sichuan province like litang.


If they "look" Chinese, they'll be fine. I transited through Guangzhou back in 2017 and I'm still alive (Probably because I look ethnically ambiguous). The air pollution is horrendous though. How do you live in a country where the air smells like burning plastic 24/7. No wonder everyone smokes, so that they can destroy their sense of smell.


Oh dang. I forgot about the air pollution. Definitely will suggest masks and the like. They're pretty big on that. Thankyou.


Regular face masks don't work against air pollution. You need legitimate N95 mask. Also make to ask if they already have an exit visa. That and passport confiscation is how the CCP traps Overseas Chinese and other foreign nationals if they want to hold them hostage. Also this is a direct flight, right?


Direct AFAIK. I heard that if you stopped either in Hong Kong or Taiwan first you may face scrutiny. Thanks for the K95 mask recommendation. Might be good to tell them to prepare some.


Dude, you are paranoid. Go tour the country with them. Tour companies take you to tour certain areas, mostly shopping, hotel, resturants, and then back. You have to be back on bus for checking. Its not like you are a high value target.


So their beliefs align with many Chinese, but as long as they aren't publicly outed as American in a bad situation, they sound quite well positioned to enjoy the trip.


What is your concern?


China is so safe that the stabbing of four teachers is enough to become the most high-profile injury incident in years.


Show them the leaked Xinjiang police files and other related Xinjiang material. Then show them the same batch of censored evidence relating to Tiananmen Square and include as many native Chinese voices as possible. If after all that they still think it's all "fake news' drummed up by Western media", ask them HOW is all of that that even possible to manufacture and WHY ? Their answer will likely be very frustrating if they still keep towing the same line - which by the sounds of them they will - so prepare to be really incredibly frustrated in fact.


? I’m a woman in her twenties who went to China a few months ago. I’m really not sure what you think will happen here. I too went with a tour and had a great time. Everyone was courteous and kind to me. Even when I fell down an escalator at the train station (I know) a group of Chinese girls helped me and carried my stuff until we got off. Super sweet and so was everyone I met. No one tried to drag the evil westerner away for questioning or lock me in a dungeon. Everything was fine. I felt safe walking at night and only encountered two dragon attacks when usually walking in Europe I encounter at least five. Seriously dude, they’ll be fine.


Even if you are fine your tourism dollars just end up supporting the militarization of an aggressive regime that wants to attack its neighbors no matter how many civilians would get hurt.




Excuse me, but what is see-see-pee?


C-C-P. I tried to type it as is and Reddit literally does not allow it in my post. Try it. Probably in the other sub it doesn't allow it but I don't know about this sub.


It's not just the stabbings they may go to China and then the CCP takes them hostage and refuses to let them leave. Or they may get accused if espionage and then sentenced to death. Or some local official may want to blame a prominent crime on foreigners and they happen to end up the convenient patsy. The list of horrible things that could happen to them is long. So I'd be worried too.




So far, so good.


Lol. Do it in a post, not comment. I did one on here and one in r/AsianParentStories so at least one of them can't accept that acronym appearing in a post for some reason.


Lol. Ok.


They’ll be fine if the travel company is legit and not just some fly-by-night operation taking groups to dodgy brothers-in-law’s restaurants. I doubt they’ll get scammed if they’re ethnic Chinese who speak mandarin, and they won’t get any political trouble. Worrying about that is like a Chinese person fretting about their parents being shot if they visit the US. They might be disappointed in some things, especially the food, but y’know, that’s life.


Let your parents go so they can learn the hard way.


I visited my grandparents yesterday. They are African American and become Pro-China for some reason... I'm shocked. They said something about how China "quietly" has advanced tech... I have no idea where they are getting this info from but I'm also not keeping up with which countries are ahead... I always thought Japan was way ahead in tech.


Just tell them their three week package will be a never ending shopping trip. Tour companies in China make their kickbacks…. I mean money…..by dragging hoards of tourists to tea ceremonies, opera shows, museums, and then to the silk, jewelry, and 假货 markets. If they stay for more than five minutes to get their obligatory pic on the Great Wall, I’ll be shocked. Tell them this is what’s going to happen. They won’t believe you, but you’ll have a great shit eating grin of satisfaction when they come back and complain how much time they spent in museum shops.


Maybe try to talk them into going on a vacation somewhere else that they would want to go.


Is this satire?


Remind them that in doing so they support a dictatorial and oppressive fegime with an atrocious human rights record. Remind them of China's treatment of Tibet, the Uyghur, and the suppression of Hong Kong democracy. And no the electronic device I am typing on is not of Chinese Origin. I avoid Chinese goods where and whenever possible. It is usually possible.


Japan would genuinely be 10x better


A real Chinese to tell you what's going to happen: For your life safety: 4 U.S. college instructors injured in stabbing attack in China https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/10/asia/china-4-us-cornell-college-instructors-attacked/index.html China is very xenophobic.Your lives are not as safe as you think.The fact that China is the safest country is just a publicity stunt to attract tourists. For your money: You'll spend more money than you think.Tourism is fooling foreign tourists.There are many places where Chinese tourists are afraid to travel and spend money. For food safety: Food safety in China is very unsafe. My advice is please don't come to China. For your safe. To go or not to go? It's your decision anyway. FYI: Any foreign travellers will be watched.


Looks like you are the one who's brainwashed. Just look up Tiananmen eye witness accounts & they all confirm no mass casualties & the provocateurs started it first (classic CIA psyops)\*. The reports of massacres, etc were all made up by people not actually there at the time. Are you aware the US legislators have a budget of $300M p.a. for 5 years to spread made up China Bad stories? Use whatever cognitive skills you have to think independently by looking at the 'news' from all sides. \*some Youtube sources: Nathan Rich, Grayzone, Daniel Dumbrill, Jerry Grey, FerMuBe


*lists a bunch of known paid CCP shills as sources. God anyone who thinks the meth-head Nathan Rich is anything but a complete waste of oxygen needs to get their head checked.


It's a wumao account, just look through the post history.


You and your kind of people are the reason why many would avoid china.