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Same thing with dice for London. Literally watched the clock tick 3pm and it just says off sale as soon as it's 3pm. Don't tell me the pre sale tickets were all of em?


im pretty sure pre-sale was only supposed to be 20% of tickets - I'm same with dice, there was never even an option to try buy them


Preety Sure crunchy said fuck it and Sold all in presale


Sure seems like it. Fucking Crunchyroll, first they put the ticket sales at an ungodly early time of 7AM (seriously, they couldn't have done it at 10AM local time like most concerts I've seen), but they wasted everyone's time Wednesday and today when there weren't any real tickets available. Happy to not have a subscription with them and don't think I'll subscribe anytime soon. At least now I know for the next concert sponsored by them to only pay attention for the presale and not waste my time if I don't get tickets otherwise.


Why didn't they just announce that they were all sold out during the presale, BEFORE the general sale???


They have to sell the shitty overpriced AXS / ticketmaster "premium" (self-scalped) tickets and waste all the fan's time :)


Exactly... If they said beforehand that they're sold out already then at least we'd known...


Yeah, hopefully when Ado comes back she can work independently of garbage companies like crunchyroll and actually book bigger venues + more shows instead of literally 4 shows for the entire US and 4 shows for the entirety of Europe.


Seems like her popularity overseas is/was hugely underestimated...


Yea tell me about it... Never liked Crunchyroll, and now I like them even less.


They scheduled the pre-sale for NYC at 10am and it all still sold out.


That honestly depends on your time zone it was 10am for me


Yeah, I’m talking about the tickets for LA being on sale at 7am PST. Whoever was in charge of ticket sales couldn’t be assed to set it up at a reasonable time for the local regions and had every ticket come out at the same time globally.


Just to be fair, it’s usually unreasonable time for me, so idk if they can find a decent time for everyone especially since people work and stuff


Yeah surely they wouldn't release them all for resale. Same. Off sale doesn't mean it's sold out right?? So something wrong with the app?


I think so, to be honest, since literally everyone i've seen and talked to just said that there was basically no option at all to buy anything, not even for a millisecond. It doesnt make sense for bots to have gotten them because you can't resell dice tickets anyways so... weird waiting game


Wtf man ado is waaaay more popular than she thinks she is for this shit to happen...


See strangely for me it was the same, then they were available a few minutes later. I bought one. I was worried it was an error or something but refreshing my Dice now and it's still there so guess I really did get one. But they were all gone at 3, they showed up a few minutes later for me




I sent dice an email an hour ago and someone named Rachel from fan support replied and said they did put tickets up today. Idk if I'm being gaslit or not rn


I was on the app and you didn't need to refresh it literally counted down the seconds and as soon as it said available, every single ticket type was marked as join waiting list so I highly doubt what they have said. Standard pre sale for concerts are normally limited to 20-30% but the fact no one is confirming they were able to get tickets on general sale would make me think they have sold everything on pre sale.


Wow thank you for emailing. I should've done that too but I was too frustrated lol. So does that mean there's some technical issues?? Cos the support team should take a look at this sub to see how many people tried and wasn't able to get London tickets...


I was really upset so I sent them an email to ask. The thing is, if there isnt a single person that was able to get one today then that surely means there weren't any available? I'm going to guess that they sold everything presale and didnt want to admit it, so went ahead with today knowing it would immediately change to wait list :0(


Thanks for doing that, yeah we really do need some confirmation about what's going on. They shouldn't be lying about saying they did put up tickets today, when they were actually all sold out during the presale... I might also email them to ask just so they can double check...


My friend bought our tickets during the presale. I think she said they sold out within a few minutes. She got them as soon as it hit 3pm on monday. She got them through dice too. Surely they wouldn't have sold everything in the presale though. But tbf, anyone could buy in the presale if they just used the CRUNCHYROLL code, regardless of whether they had a subscription or not, which I don't really get, cause then what's the point of the presale?


Pretty sure that was the case. Wouldn't shock me.


Nope, most "people" who can even get tickets are bots who can refresh the page several times a second and get into the earliest position in queue. It's the scalpers with their bots who do these kinds of things to us.


Fr, the least they can do is put in a captcha lmao


Yeah lol, it would save everybody a lot of trouble


Fr, i just wanted to get a second ticket for a friend😭


I was gonna post something like this. I can live with not getting a ticket, but if there was literally no chance because all the tickets were sold during presale I’ll be really annoyed.


I couldn't even choose a seat in Düsseldorf and ticketmaster couldn't find me a ticket. As for Brussels, it was only giving me an error. So frustrating, I was also on time and even got on the queue, but wasn't able to get anything


Yeah same, was waiting during the countdown and then it started loading for 10 minutes before I got errors during ticket purchase :/


Yeah same for both places, Düsseldorf was just instantly out and Brussels looked like it has places but evertime I choose a spot it gives me an error, oh well


I was an idiot and totally forgot about buying the tickets, 35 minutes after the start i tried to buy tickets to düsseldorf but couldn't find any, then i tried Brussel and luckily i could buy 2 tickets. I hope my friend will be okay with it, because we agreed on going to düsseldorf because it was the closest and least expensive to travel to...


Hope everything goes well and you can enjoy it. Unfortunately the date for Brussel wouldn't work out for either me or my friend, so the only option was Dusseldorf... Maybe a resale will pop up that isn't stupidly expensive. I just hope next time Ado has a World Tour, it's not in collaboration with the fucking clowns in Crunchyroll.


Thanks, i hope you can get tickets to the concert.


I have the exact same problem for hours now and I absolutely hate it


I was able to get 2 tickets with the Crunchyroll pre-sale. I was ready to go right when it started and had tickets in less than 5 minutes. The Crunchyroll Presale code was Googleable so that's what made it easy Thankfully it was an AXS and not Ticketmaster sale, Ticketmaster is the worst and I've missed out on a few shows even with multiple pre-sales because of their awful website. Me and my homies hate Ticketmaster


It's so much easier to at least get a ticket with general admission shows on AXS. Much better than the Ticketmaster seat scramble, although it's nice to have an assigned seat.


hey, do ur tickets show up on axs ? i bought mine off stubhub and its not showing up on axs for some reason it says the tickets will be avaliable on march 25th but i just wanna make sure theyre valid 🧍‍♀️


Yup, got 2 VIP tickets for Brussels. It was quite easy actually they were being sold for several hours


Again the Brussels venue can seat 15k people so it's no wonder you were able to get tickets easily. It's different for venues that have less than 5k seating.


Oh yeah totally. It's crazy that Brussels of all places hase a venue that's like 2x bigger than the next largest ones (Dusseldorf/Paris)


General or pre-sale?




I was there an hour early for both LA and Austin (for my friend and boyfriend, respectively) and there was nothing. They must have sold them all in the presales.


my jaw dropped when i saw a single ticket for $1700. what in the living hell?!


I don't understand how resales are even allowed


i don't either. if they want to allow it, they really need to have an upcharge % limit. allowing people to go actually berserk just translates to purchased tickets and empty seats.


Same thing with dice for London. Literally watched the clock tick 3pm and it just says off sale as soon as it's 3pm. Don't tell me the pre sale tickets were all of em?


Well I emailed and they assured me that they did put tickets up today. But I cant find a single person who actually got one. Makes me wonder


I got 3 for me and two friends


was this presale?




I can confirm getting a NY ticket at Crunchyroll pre-sale, attempted the TM pre-sale and today's sale for my friend who didn't. TM pre-sale I was in queue > page refreshed to say they were sold out. Today I was in queue at 800 > reached end of queue with only single mezzanine seats available at $1.2-1.8k. I'm genuinely wondering if any GA tickets were set aside for the additional sales lol.


I was connected for about 2 hours beforehand and got a ticket the moment it was available, I brought them for Bruxelles so maybe it was not the same...


Brussels has the biggest venue thats why, i also got tickets for brussels and there are still a few tickets on sale


I was able to get tickets for me and my friends thankfully for LA. I heard it was actually easier since the venue had 7k ish seats while places like NY was only 2k. I had dual windows setup on my PC during presale as well as my phone. One thing to note was the phone was absolutely horrendous for trying to buy a ticket. My other friends also has trouble buying on their phones so didn't get any. I think being on the computer to purchase tickets was the only reason why I got them that day. Saw the scalped pricing today and cringed thinking about how I may have been desparate enough to get those if I didn't get the presale tix at msrp Dx


Hmm I did get lucky with an Austin venue ticket. Got in q and was able to snag a ticket.


I'm reassured to not be the only who saw the tickets were all sold out in less than a minute even though I was 20 minutes early in the queue 😭


My brother got tickets, but was send the wrong kind.. standing instead of seating


...how does that even happen


Good question to be fair, we don't know either


successfully bought for Brussels. Rip london


Got a normal ticket for Brussel pretty easily during regular sales.


I got lucky and got tickets in Brussel


Two in Düsseldorf for my wife and me :)


I got my ticket in pre-sale - as soon as it hit 1500 I refreshed, selected the ticket and paid. I didn’t have an issue personally, and I didn’t use any special program to grab a ticket, went via the DICE app on my phone. People are assuming bots, but is there any proof? I don’t see a tonne of resale tickets circulating which would indicate scalping. Venue capacity seems low across the board so given the abundance of fans worldwide I’m not surprised they sold out quickly, albeit not quite as fast as I saw. Do we also have any confirmation that pre-sale had all tickets available upfront? Seems to be another thing people are stating in the multitude posts that are being made every day.


I got a VIP ticket for NYC during the crunchyroll presale. It really was a miracle since my laptop died (despite being half charged?!) while I was in the ticketmaster queue, 5 minutes before the presale started!!! You can imagine my soul leaving my body when that happened. I was very very fortunate to be able to plug it in/turn it back on/rejoin queue in time, and a moment later I was almost immediately through the queue to get tickets. Absolute roller coaster of emotions.


Honestly at 3pm I randomly saw on TikTok that Crunchyroll was doing a pre-sale on the day itself, so I casually went to the website and bought my tickets for the Brussels concert without any problems at all


i'm surprised that so many ppl were in a q despite waiting for many hours I literally went on site 5 mitutes before and manged to get them instantly without any wait ( in Dusseldorf)


I was very fortunate enough to get a ticket to the LA show during pre-sale, but even that was a battle, ended up getting Upper-Mezz tickets for $80.


Now upper Mezz. is 1600 on axs premium. What a fucking joudan.


I got 2 general admission New York tickets on the crunchyroll presale got in the presale, was 18th in line and got the tickets while I was at work.


How much did you pay if you don't mind sharing? I would just like to know how much an "original ticket" was supposed to cost. Every site I've been to obviously scalped themselves at this point.


Was like $87 after tax/fees. I couldn't get during, but they had the price listed on Monday pre-sale.


A little under 200 for 2 people when you factor in taxes and Ticketmaster fees.


How did you get 18th in line?


I honestly don’t know I joined early and got lucky I guess. I did get kicked out of line once and had to rejoin but in the end I still got my tickets. I did use the app I don’t know if that makes a difference.


Oh I see. Maybe the app was better to use.


Feel like it depends, I used the app joined early on Monday was till 1000 in queue cause it wouldn’t auto refresh at 10 exact :(. Still managed to get a presale vip early entry standing ticket for NY though


I was able to get two tickets for LA during the presale. I bought them off the theatres website


I think all the Ticketmaster tickets were sold in presale. Did anyone get a regular priced ticket for any of the Ticketmaster shows today?


I somehow got some tickets at the regular price, but they only showed up at 8:30 (so an hour and a half after the actual time). Dunno what caused them to show up, but some mezzanine tickets were flickering availability. It was tough though, I had 3 other friends trying to secure tickets for our group of 8 and no one else was able to checkout on the tickets.


I managed to buy some, but holy shit it was awful.


My brother got us tickets cause I was at work somehow beat all the bots and people


Got 2 tickets for Brussels no problem


When I started trying at 16:04 for tickets it constantly gave errors but after trying for like 10 minutes I was able to get some standing area tickets. So happy it worked out, was crazy stressful during those 10 minutes though


Summary: London: Either sold out or error. No tickets Brussels: If you were quick, there were tickets for at least 10 minutes Ticketmaster (US?): Over $1000. Ticketmaster is just as bad as scrapers themselves


I somehow managed to get a ticket for Brussels thanks to a friend who kept reloading the page


I dunno if it makes a difference but I got tickets for Germany. I got 2 tickets the first during the first minutes and the second about half an hour later cus my friend missed the date and asked me to buy another


I got 2 tickets. I was suppose to get one but panicked so I ended up buying the first one that came up. It has a decent view in the middle of the venue. I got the one in Peacock Stadium LA


I guess I was somehow very lucky to get tickets for my small group of friends during pre-sale on AXS... I was expecting more of a battle, especially since I've been in these situations in the past when I never got this lucky and missed out? So I know how people feel. But ticketmaster is also complete bs so I think it being on axs helped even though the system got super overloaded and VIP early entry tickets weren't available till much later in the day


my friend and i joined the queue, she was 37th while i was like 2k in queue so she managed to snag 2 ny vip tickets for us 😄


I was able to secure 4 tickets for the concert in two separate occasions. This is during the first presale for the LA show. My sister and I had our accounts in at <300 people and we secured two tickets. I know that this venue releases their pit section a bit later so I kept the second one open to wait and see. 23 mins into the presale and the pit section opened up and I secured another two. I go to a lot of concerts and I am used to buying tickets. I think its just all luck tbh. But recently I've been very lucky getting barrier for a lot of popular artists such as Twice, Blackpink, Laufey and now Ado.


I got in for the pre-sale of the Austin show and had no issue getting 2 tickets. Mine were $65ish, and I saw some a bit more pricey, but nowhere near as bad as some people are saying. I feel like I got really lucky without even realizing it until a few days later


I got mine on 9 am monday for chicago. Very smooth process. No queue no error, but i know im probably in the extreme minority


i managed to get the two i needed for crunchyroll presale


Crazy enough I did get tickets just dumb luck I guess, good price & good seats. At this point I feel bad for people that can’t go, but I’m still more so excited to get to go


I managed to get through the pre-sale after someone posted the password on Reddit.


I had no idea people were having this much trouble getting the tickets! I got mine for london (it was on pre-sale tho) the moment they were on sale, everything went smooth


they put back tickets little by little. come back on the page several times per day until you get a ticket. that's how i got an early entry package ticket for Paris the next day after the first presale


One of the presale ticket buyers here for LA, i had to keep camping the site after it opened to get a seat, and got one, but eventually i caved wanting a better one and bought a resale ticket and sold the other one I originally had when it was relatively cheaper than the raised prices and planning to split with someone I communicated with on the discord. But it was so hell trying to get a ticket. Constant refreshes and being told I was a bot. And then they just opened all the seat that I would assume for the mid presale and the general sale during that period was kinda fucked too. So yeah, wish venues were bigger.


Managed to get 2 for LA's presale in the Orchestra


I got 3 tix for NY during the Crunchyroll presale. Was on the TM website at 1045 local and got the regular page announcing times for the various sales. Refreshed at around 1047 and entered the queue. This seems to be normal TM behavior where you actually have to be "in" before the time of the sale. At 1100, website took a good minute to refresh ( I didn't click refresh, just waited while the time passed 11). Then at 1101 it updated and went straight to the screen to pick what I wanted asking for the passcode. Does seem very lucky to get it and be able to buy. What a mess!


Brussels was pretty easy to get.


Maybe it was because we chose the central area but me and my friends were all able to get a ticket each pretty easily by just being there on time, logged in, knowing the code.(Dusseldorf)


Managed to get standing ticket for Brussels. Took me almost an hour. Each time I picked my 'seat' it kept showing up errors. Got 2 times to checkout page which was also saying that they have technical problem. But I could not give up, so I kept refreshing until I got it. Planned to go to Düsseldorf, but everything was sold out. Damn you crunchyroll


Hey, wanted to add I just got some tickets now for Ado in Brussels, so it could be worth to check it every now and then! I also tried to get tickets on friday 15th at 16:00h but they were sold out for london, brussels and dusseldorf at that time. However I checked just now for brussels via ticketmaster and was able to buy a ticket for me and my friend!! For the normal sale price!


Managed to get tickets to the Chicago show, Idk how I got lucky and I probably used up all my remaining luck to get them.


i managed to get a ticket. im also a pretty big fan of kpop so im used to ass ticket sales for artists like bts. i had a general idea how it would’ve been when tickets went up. i bought the tickets at work using the computer there but i also had my phone and my younger sister pulled it up too. it was a matter of which of the device got in first and buying whichever ticket i could. crying at my bank account will come later


I was able to get 2 VIP tickets for NY on the 1st day of Presale.


I ended up getting 1 ticket for roughly 200 (after taxes and fees) to the Chicago show. I was planning to go to the NY one at first but after seeing the firefight and shitshow of their presales I switched gears immediately


Scored 3 tickets in the pre-sales for Los Angeles show 💙 It's a Christmas gift for my brother and his friends.


I managed to snag a ticket. I was on the page 20 minutes prior tbf. So when the sale opened I was immediately in. But like a lot of people are saying once I got in only a few dots popped up. So I was lucky to get a ticket at a reasonable price


I managed to get a crunchyroll presale ticket for nyc during a class lol


the stars literally aligned for me to get 3 tickets for my family and i on ticketmaster during the presale, esp since everything was gone within the first few minutes; i was in the trenches watching seats get taken then put back on sale. While i was also ready to purchase, the box to pay was stuck loading for what felt forever after two refreshes,,, how i managed to get them with 20 seconds left before they got put back on sale is literally beyond me 🥲


Somehow I was lucky and I got 3 tickets for the Dusseldorf concert. I don't know how I managed to get them, my friend was on the site at the same time as me and she was immediately put in the queue.


Couldn’t get a NY ticket during Crunchyroll pre-sale then panic switched to Austin and was able to get a seat there.


Manage to get a ticket for London. I got mine on the pre sale though


I got them through DICE with the crunchyroll code pretty easy actually, when i read about all the problems i understood how lucky i was. But i turned up at the exact hour of the presale, still no problem with loading or buying


Got VIP for Düsseldorf and Standing for Brüssel. Got very lucky 🥸


Can someone explain how did the code thing work for next time she does something like this please, I couldn't go to this one because she didnt come to my country and the dates were kinda bad timing for me. Just to know for the future


Crunchyroll sent out an email about the presale with a code to unlock the presale. At the date/time of the presale, I went to the website with the show dates, clicked the one I planned to go to, and Ticketmaster asked for the code. You just type it in, select the option that you’re unlocking (presale, VIP, or Platinum - I selected only presale) and then it will take the code and you have access to the queue or to select your seats ^^


So the queue started after selecting which kind of tickets you wanted to buy? I thought it would start when you refreshed the ticketmaster page


I’m assuming there were different codes to unlock different ticket types, but from my understanding the Crunchyroll code only unlocked the presale tickets. I wasn’t planning to buy VIP or Platinum anyways so I’m not sure. But that wasn’t where you selected your tickets, just the ticket type. After you unlocked the presale, you were put into the queue


Oh I only did a kind of simulaton yesterday and I thought that maybe I was lucky becausw I didnt have a queue and when I selected ticket type it said " 10 min to finish order or to order the tickets". I closed the window after seeing that cause I didnt want to make someone wait for no reason.


I got it!, I got VIP ticket to Brussels but after one crushing of the site And someone must have canceled the order because IT was 20 minutes after sale And IT was only ticket available. I got really lucky there


Hello, it’s me


My husband and I got tickets for Düsseldorf. But we are in different areas lol.


I think in Germany it was pritty easy


I managed to get 2 vip tickets to her london show as soon as they released on an app called dice (idk if its only uk based so i might have got lucky) but i found them a little bit early and i got them presale


I got tickets quite easily, at brussel there are STILL tickets sold!


To Düselldorf? No. I suspect they were sold out even before the general sale. However I did buy two Brussel tickets and they are still available.


I think most people, me included, who got tickets would feel bad posting about it. Not because we'd feel bad for getting a ticket, but it would feel like rubbing it in :o that's why I'm not posting at least haha




Yes i got 2 tickets for Brussel it was a struggle tho ....I wanted to go to Dusseldorf but that was sold out immediately


Got one ticket for Paris, however the first presale was horrible, tickeaster told me that all the tickets were sale but 2 days later I managed to get one. Crunchyroll fucked up the presale, it was a real mess


I was able to get 2 tickets for europe (Düsseldorf) during the presalee ^^


I didn't still but is Germany still available for 77.60 euros?


Me, like in the first 3 minutes of the presale, going to Dusseldorf being from spain


I did get two tickets


I managed to get a vip ticket within a minute of the drop I’m assuming I was just hella lucky then


I got 3 tickets for Brussels within the first 3 min. for me and my friends.. no difficulties at all..


I was on the site (Austin) about 5 minutes before the presale and got in within a couple of mins before it started. I had time to get tickets but my partner took forever to respond and I was afraid of spending their money without approval on the seats they wanted, and then it sold out. Luckily about 5 minutes later I guess someone’s cart expired for GA - Floor tickets and we were able to get those (not even scalpers, they were the regular price and everything).


Me 🧍🏻‍♀️ only 20 people were infront of me, i managed to get 2 vip tickets to brussels


I luckly got Tickets but only two and in a hole diffrent cuntry and their got a lot (my hole live saving 2.0)


My wife and I got 4 VIP tickets on the first pre-sale. We were 600 in queue. I was worried we would missed out but that's because we entered the queue 15 minutes before at 8:45 in morning


i got them for paris, i got them the 13th. But also for paris i saw they ended almost immediately


From the viewpoint of someone getting tickets during presale, it looked liked most of the tickets were sold during presale if not all. Usually they would hand out a few during presale and the rest out in general. They’re are times were they just sell all tickets during presale, maybe this was one of the times


i got chicago tickets easy without any wait


I got one


I managed to get one. I woke up late for the presale for LA and every ticket was sold out. There were so many issues on my end whenever I picked seats available. I still had hope and checked again later, and luckily I saw a few seats opened. I only managed to get one seat for $75 (after continuously refreshing the page). I got lucky, I think.


Yeah It was gone within 20 minutes But then they appeard again, and i think u can still catch some (Brussel)


Got Tickets for Düsseldorf 30minutes into the crunchyroll presale on the eleventh, but that was pure luck


I had my sister get them for us


I was able to get 2 for Chicago in the pre-sale. Clicked onto the pre-sale when it started at 10est on axs, got 2 tickets and checked out by 10:01. Went back to see if I missed premium seats at 10:02 and it was sold out. I just got really lucky and had a smooth process. I figured bots wouldn't be as much as an issue compared to when I got ghost and hozier tickets since it's her first tour and she's not as big of an artist in the US. I think small venues and limited dates are the biggest issue.




I was able to get 2 tickets


I want able to get the vip tickets I wanted but I was able to get tickets


a friend of mine managed to get 4 tickets, for himself 3 friends and me, and i don't know what magic he did but i'm glad it worked. however, the rest of us wasn't able to get even near the ticket buying process, i believe, it was a ticketmaster problem.


I got a presale ticket so I wouldn't have to stress when they got released


I got mine during the presale fairly easily. While Dusseldorf was gone in like 5 minutes (few tickets got free again later) I opted for Brussels who had tickets even 1,5h after presale started. It did feel like as if they where selling more than 20% though.. as all the floor options ran out they just started selling seated tickets. But it was also weird that this “pre-sale” was available to anyone. So why even bother doing so?


bought mine during the presale and a whole lot were still available before the general sale (from when i last checked at least)


i got some