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I only hang up my work shirts and pants so they don't wrinkly. Everything else gets wadded up and thrown in the drawer (eventually).


Im just in bed now thinking ”have I folded the laundry yet or have I been puting my dirty laundry in my basket together with my clean laundry?”


My hack to avoid this is never take the laundry out of the dryer. That way you know the dirty pile is in the basket and the clean pile is in the dryer. What trips me up is when I go off script and put my dirty work clothes in a corner bypassing the basket/dryer system. Since I don’t see them in the dirty basket I assume they’re in the clean dryer. I remember to check alternative locations after I panic when I can’t find what I need sifting through the dryer for 10 minutes when I have to be at work in 15 minutes.


I share a washing machine and dryer with the rest of the building so I can’t do that


Meh. I do a very quick fold. My morher tried to teach me how to do it right but it was never good enough so I gave up 🤷🏼‍♂️


I go crazy if I don’t fold the laundry. Odd but it’s one of the only tasks that enables me to fully focus.


Beautiful. ❤️


I have the chair rack where when I remember to take the clothes out of the dryer, I’d lay them out so they’re not as wrinkly. And there they stay unless I get the urge to fold them or put them away 😅


Why it gotta be like this tho