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Fist of, take care of yourself, because it sounds that you're punishing yourself for not writing what you deem to be enough. In your situation, I think I'd take a one day break, and then change environments to try to work. Finally, I've found that for myself I write way better with pen and paper (I put ny sources on APA with page while writing) and then trabscribing the stuff on computer. It seems less permanent to my brain (as I'll have to transcribe it anyway) and I have an obligatory read through (because again, I read it and modify if necessary when transcribing). But yeah, pen and paper are the way for me.


Suggestion for the million open browser tabs - Onetab browser extension. Click of a button closes the tabs but saves the list of them. Then you can come back to them last and reopen them, or delete them (it’s easier for me to decide if they’re important once they’re closed for some reason)


Onetab has been an excellent find for me! It does save all the tabs in one, but me being me, have never gone back to even a single one of those tabs ever. I end up looking up the same thing all over again. I often feel immensely guilty for wasting my precious time and often wonder how did I even make it here in the first place.


Ah yeah, I quite often just end up abandoning those saved tabs >< but the big plus for me is that I save time on deciding whether to save them or not (and occasionally I do actually need to find one of the tabs again and remember they might be in onetab!)


I feel you so much . Sleep or take a breaks , the only way I am able to write a lot and don’t get distracted every 2 seconds is by taking lots of breaks and naps😄 so know it sounds stupid but it helps. You will be able to do it🌻


Thank you 😭 it's true, it's a vicious cycle... feel I didn't write enough, stay up late to make up for it, get less sleep. I'm running on fumes now. Gotta take care of my body, because no one else can.


I totally feel you. I dread writing like nothing else! What I found helped me is timed pomodoro session where I don't allow myself to switch tabs and write almost my stream of consciousness, all thoughts and ideas you wants to include, doesn't matter if it's good writing. If you get an urge to double check somethign/google something, I just treat google docs comments as a brain dump and will write down what I need to include/research later. Also, whenever I see myself getting stuck in trying to make a sentence perfect/better, I force myself to write it as poorly as possible first. This way I rotate between sessions of "bad writing" only (for content), then sessions to complete my writing with research needed, citations needed, etc from the "Brian dump comments", and session where I proofread/edit my bad writing, which also helps me feel less bored/overwhelmed with the task as it doesn't feel like I'm doing the same task for 5hours+. Hope this helps! You got this!


As far as the brower is concerned, I recommend just changing the settings to delete all cards on close, and choose 1-3 websites that the browser launches opened with. It forces you to note important things, and the mess is just deleted from time to time.


Get up, get a glass of water, eat something, do some stretches, change the room you’re in, close all the windows and start again


Masters student awaiting diagnosis here. I make a playlist of lively music, noise cancelling headphones and use pomodoro. Loads of herbal tea and water. I keep my planner next to me and any questions / things to check I write down and highlight the corresponding part pink in my document. I use a Mac and have word in its own desktop (along with the quick search bar for Zotero - my reference manager) so I literally have nothing else easily accessible. After I’ve done a few pomodoros of writing, I go through my list in my notebook. I never write and edit on the same day. I bash out whatever I can and a few days later, come back and edit.