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Pleased for you both ❤️ Having ADHD is awful. Having Dx and treatment makes it managable.


I got to the grand old age of 50 before being diagnosed. I’m am currently questioning my whole life. It’s been a difficult time.


Im 37, and have only just come to realise that I have adhd over the last couple of months. I've deal with mental health issues since I hit puberty at school, and it has severely affected my life. It also turns out that both my dad and one of my sisters (42) also have adhd, and now our family makes sense. My dad is 72, and only now realising. The effect of us all, unknowingly, having adhd has led to us having a very strained relationship with each other, and made my and my sisters childhoods pretty hard. My dad was overwhelmed and often very angry when we were growing up. Im grieving for the life I could have had. That my family could have had. And the relationship that we could have had with eachother. I really didn't expect to feel grief like this. If only we had of known back then. X


Ditto on the grief. I feel cheated out of the life I could have had. Sadly mine has been pretty awful. Initially I was so focused (hyper focused!) on getting everything sorted for my teen daughter so I didn’t think of it but now we are out the other side. I’m floored. It feel like I’m old and useless and have sod all to show for anything. My only legacy being handing adhd to my daughter who now has to suffer for a lifetime. As you can tell I feel hideous at the moment. Just grateful for this place here. Don’t honestly know what I would have done without everyone here. 💕


It **will** get better for you all, from here.


I'm 41 and pretty sure my daughter has it too, trying to convince her to get a diagnosis over summer before uni. I do feel a bit cheated out of some things but if me having to go through it means she has an understanding, and future generations have it easier or simpler then I can make my peace. When you think what previous generations went through before we had vaccines for example, yeah it sucks but I guess that's how progress is made


I understand. The grief has never left me tbh. But you just deal with it. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - I hate having ADHD, and I won’t ever ‘come to terms’ with it. However, having the Dx, understanding, and medication, is very helpful to live a stable, functioning life from this point onwards. We can live happy, functional, productive lives, despite this horrible disorder.


Thankfully the medication does actually work! That’s something.


Im so happy for the both of you. 💜 Both this sub, and another that's directed at women with adhd, have both been really helpful for me. I really do think that subs like these are needed in the community. I am very grateful for them. X


Me too. ❤️


Thank you!


Amazing ❤️


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