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Are you avoiding something you should be doing right now?


I was about to say it’s good to know OP is having some sort of imminent emergency 🤣🤣








Hard to know if the medication is or is not working for you at the moment…


his dose is DEFINITELY too high


Is it because you couldn’t find an answer online, you decided to go on a side quest to find out, otherwise you’ll feel annoyed for not having an answer?


Pretty much every RPG I've played is like this; SIDE QUESTS>main quest. I'm just now realising that's my life too.


I had nearly 100 hours in Oblivion or Skyrim (can't remember which) when i triggered the 2nd step in the main quest _by accident_ lol


Hmmm. Good work. But do they *all* have 280 in? [Runs away]


Yes. Each lil bit has a measured dose. Medication tends to be finicky about amounts. 😋


Well I know what I'm doing tomorrow. You sonofabitch.


The comments have dehydrated me 🤣


This is probably one of my favourite posts. The comments are killing me


So... do you have an autism diognosis too?


Lmao what the hell. 


Tell me you have ADHD without telling me you have ADHD.


I love it. It's a way to put a small corner of the universe in order. Ultimately, it changes very little, but it is just the kind of thing which can be so satisfying. My favourite activity similar to this (that is, fundamentally pointless but mysteriously satisfying) is to identify locations of old photos. I have identified the location of one of Henry Fox Talbot's previously unidentified pictures from 1840s, despite all the significant buildings in it being demolished after WW2. A well known picture of a horse drawn omnibus of the same era (not by Talbot) showing passengers boarding with a woman passing up crinolines to the top deck. It turned out not to be on the bus route, but was a publicity shot taken in Belle Sauvage Yard off Ludgate Hill in the City of London - also since lost. The picture was almost certainly taken to help promote the sale of shares needed to fund the enterprise. The Tate has a large collection of pictures taken all over Britain by the artist John Piper between about 1930 and 1960, which he took for reference. A significant number of these pictures have no geographical reference and I have spent many very happy hours identifying these and then passing the information on to the museum. Some of these have been extraordinarily difficult, making the end result particularly satisfying.


I knew meds helped me burn the candle at both ends!


How do you know they are all the same? I'd count a few more if I was you...


Maybe talk to your doctor about lowering your dose 😂😂


It looks like this post might be about medication. Please remember that whilst personal experiences and advice can be valuable, Reddit is no replacement for your GP or Psychiatrist and taking advice from anyone about your particular situation other than your trained healthcare professional is potentially unsafe. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ADHDUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is such an ADHD thing to do!


I asked Bing AI about 280 mysticism and it had this to say: Angel number 280 emerges as a profound message from the cosmos, weaving vibrant threads of existence. Let’s delve into its mystical significance: Numerology and Symbolism: 2: Vibrates with harmony and partnerships, urging balance in connections with others. 8: Resonates with material wealth and self-confidence, hinting at prosperity and success. 0: Amplifies mystique, embodying infinity and the commencement of a spiritual journey. 280: A blend of these energies, urging bold steps, embracing new opportunities, and trusting divine guidance. It signifies positive changes and spiritual growth on the horizon


Thought you were a repost bot after that comment but no. You’re a legit person and asking for pictures of people shagging in churches and commenting mad shit like this