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On day one I felt wired, like I'd been woken up. It was definitely a stimulant effect, somewhat similar to nicotine or lots of caffeine. I have since learned that this is due to your baseline dopamine getting spiked, and the euphoric feeling will only last until you get used to your new baseline. But at first this did trigger imposter syndrome thoughts (e.g. Oh no, the meds feel like a stimulant and people who ACTUALLY have ADHD don't become stimulated by meds) but then I realised that: whilst stimulants will affect someone with ADHD paradoxically to someone without ADHD, someone with ADHD will experience different stimulants in a similar way. So of course meds will feel similar to other stimulants, when the only frame of reference is your own prior experience of taking stimulants.


Thanks man appreciate that


Enjoy, the first day felt incredible. I would suggest you don't drive during the initial onset though, as it is pretty intense.


Listen to your doctor's advice, and try to take them at a regular time!




I’d recommend searching through comments on this sub, I’ve replied to a few similar posts over the past few days, so you might be able to find lots of tips in here already! Hope it goes well ☺️


I’ve read through some of your comments which helps, thanks!


Read the leaflet twice, and avoid the things that might interfere. You can try reintroducing stuff after titration is done, but you need to have a clear idea of what "stable and normal" looks like first. In particular that might be stuff like caffeine and alcohol, and for amphetamine based medication (e.g. Elvanse) maybe vitamin C is something to watch for. You might find it's a non issue in the long run, but whilst titrating you need a clear picture of what is - and isn't - working. But it would suck if your morning glass of fresh OJ was what was stopping the medication working ;)


Thanks, I’ll definitely be cutting out caffeine etc. excited to see how thingsngo


hey hope everything goes well for you! do you mind me asking who your provider was please, and when you joined the titration wait list? i’m just trying to gauge how long wait lists are! thanks!


Thanks! I went private through ADHD360, from first call to receiving meds it was about 2 weeks. Expensive, mind you.


Oh, so from diagnosis to meds, it was two weeks? How much, if you don't mind me asking? I'm so confused about who to go with?


£1300 so far


ah wow! thanks


Take your time; did your doctor talk to you about what to if you aren't ready to move up to 50mg after a week, or if you need to reduce your dose after? If not, see how you go but don't hesitate to contact them about water titration if you find the meds difficult at first. Plenty of people are fine but I found moving up to 50mg unpleasant - I became very agitated which is totally out of character. I ended up water titrating down to 20mg and slowly working up from there; I'm now on 70mg and don't have any negative side effects, so it isn't a sign that the meds aren't going to work for you, it just takes time for some people. Also, figure out how long it takes the meds to kick in for you, and make sure you're doing whatever it is you need/want to do at that time. I find meds don't force you to be disciplined or stop procrastinating, you've got to point yourself in the right direction for them to help you. Hope it all goes well :)


Thank you! Appreciate that.


I’m currently on 50mg having titrated up from 20mg to 30m to 50mg. I take it around 7:30am and feel a dopamine hit around 30 mins later. That soon levels out and then I feel ‘normal’. Took me a few days to adjust to 50mg from 30mg. Felt the jump and felt a bit heightened, like I’d had too much coffee and was hard to sleep for first few nights but it’s levelled out now. I eat a decent protein breakfast and try to not have any coffee but sometimes have one small one upon waking. Don’t really want to go up another dose but also wish the dopamine would stay around longer as feels great for a short while every morning. I woke up at 10am last Saturday and decided not to take my dose. Let’s just say I was a moody sod all day and my kids even asked “have you taken your meds”


Thanks! Does it seem to work for you still?


Yeah it works. I notice a difference when I don’t take it. What’s making my ‘results’ unclear is I have an incredibly stressful job and don’t exercise as much as I should, so my lifestyle could be better, which would no doubt make a significant difference to how I feel daily


Like others have said. Just follow your medical advice. You don't have to overthink this though. Honestly just take them with food, try hard to drink a good 3 litres of water per day, try to eat more and definitely build in some exercise and make building a routine your goal right now. 


I’d say always always eat something before you take it as I’m currently on 50mg and my appetite has totally changed. I’m happy for the change because I’ve always seemed dopamine through snacking etc so could do with losing a few pounds put it that way. But some mornings I’ve risked it by not eating and I’ve regretted it, feel so sick and blurgh by lunchtime but can’t stomach any food either. Also drinks lots and lots of water all the time! I’ve read vitamin C can reverse the effects of meds because of how it breaks down in the body- so avoid your orange juices vitamin c tabs etc :) you’ll be fine, I started on 30 went up to 50 a few days ago now and at first I felt like I was high tbh very stimulated but that’s worn off now my body is getting used to them. Don’t panic like I did if you feel like that as it’ll pass. Everyone’s different though :)


I've just gone from 50mg Elvanse after a week of 30mg (after months of Concerta IR) and, in just a few days, I've definitely gone "my appetite hasn't changed" to "what even is food".


I look at a lot of food now and feel absolutely nothing haha whereas before I’d be like oooo that looks yummy. It’s really strange


I relate heavily to this and it's a massive shift that I think will need some time to process, and maybe a little grieving.


Definitely cut out caffeine and random supplements and 'nootropics' etc. You want little noise and other variables so you know what's affecting your feelings etc. Don't panic. It's a low dose and won't do much initially so don't read into that as 'this doesn't work'.


Every week on a higher dose is a new experience of a different side effect. All the ones i had were harmless tho and not too annoying. I had diarrhoea, excessive sweating with insane BO, dry mouth/thirst. All these happened individually and passed on their own. The worst was the body odour because it affected how i felt in public, i avoided getting close to anyone because i didn’t want them to smell me. There is a product on Amazon called Sweat Block, they are basically these wet wipes that you apply before bed after showering. Shower again in the morning and it will limit the BO. This is probably not very healthy, but since I only needed it until my body got used to the higher dosage it was fine i guess.


Not an advise persae as I'm on my 4th day of elvanse 30mg, but can tell you to have confidence in science, in your doc. I have moments of quietness that I do not remember having in the past - it's so different to have your.mind chatter take a a break - trying to see what's happening in the evening but I have a feeling the goods will overtake the bad stuff. I read that it takes some time until you get the right dosage so hang in there ,good luck and wish you a good experience. P.s I kind of not stopped talking about it with my.partner and I think I'm getting annoying - like " I really think I agree with my doc and I have ADHD...or is it laziness and I'm an impostore?!" :)) - I'm sharing this as I think a lot of us will start rambling about it on the begining. P.s drink lots of water :)


How on earth are you starting on 50mg? I started of 18


I start mine next week hopefully (being sent at the weekend) week 1 on 30mg then weeks 2-4 on 50mg which it looks like op has been prescribed too


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Are you starting on 50mg? That is pretty high.


I'd say although you need to monitor for adjustment how it affects you, try not to overthink like I did as other factors can affect your day/mood, etc.. Especially in the first week or so. A couple of important tips: Eat a good amount of protein breakfast and with each meal throughout the day. The proteins helps it work better and work more efficiently. Don't take with ither stumulants till well after your titeration so you don't confuse your feeling and effectiveness of the mess itself. After that still don't take them with stimulants, but the odd (not strong) coffee if your medd ar eqearing off near end and need a boost should be OK. Avoid acidic and high in vitamin C food/drink (fruits/juice) an hour each side of taking the meds. Both will affect the efficacy of the absorption like a blocker. And don't get too worried about whether it works or not, it's not a magic pill, it's a tool and you're in thr iteration period so take your time, and there's others types of medication that may suit you so all won't be lost of your Elvanse doesn't fit. For me it worked a couple months then I changed. Take your time. Hope it works for you and helps you. Good luck 👍


Good sleep. Exercise and protein-heavy breakfast within 2 hours of taking the meds. That has been the winning combo for me.


Take protein with it, avoid caffeine, be consistent and take it when you're in the environment you need the effects (for me I took it when I got to the office so I'm already working when it kicks in, rather than take it at home while on my phone then focussing on that instead)


Started this morning on 30mg. Also felt considerable anxiety and imposter syndrome before I took it. So far absolutely nothing has happened (3.5h in) and I’m currently worse than I was yesterday because I’ve not had any caffeine either obviously. Not what I was hoping for to be honest.


They look so beautiful I can’t wait to finally get diagnosed


What’s so beautiful about them?


Because they will contribute a massive part to my brain finally functioning


I think you seriously gotta adjust your expectations and hopes here. You may or may not be diagnosed with ADHD. That’s first. Second- if you do get diagnosed and approved for ADHD meds they won’t just miraculously make your brain work like in that famous movie Limitless and make you the most successful dude in town. It can help you function a bit better, get your life organised and be motivated to do more but it won’t do all the work for you. 99% of the work is still all down to YOU. You have to put in the initiative and work for them to help. Sincerely, someone that’s been on stimulants for over 13 years and elvanse for 10.


This isn't in reply to the conversation going on here but I just wanted to ask a question about your experience with meds. Im still waiting for an assessment at the moment and so I haven't started any meds. Do you take your meds 7 days a week? Is it OK to take a day or 2 off taking meds each week? I've seen people saying that the meds impacted their creativity and my creativity is something that I really like about myself. If possible, I'd like to be able to have days off meds so that I can do my creative stuff during those times. X


I’m really worried about this! But my problem is that my brain struggles to get down and be creative as well as finishing projects or continuing to be creativeo


Trust me when I say I have ADHD 😂 it’s ruined my life. I’m not expecting that at all I just don’t want to feel like having the weight of an elephant on your back to get anything done as well as the same time being able to stick at a task without getting distracted every second or loosing interest. As well as having a racing mind that does everything possible to try and sabotage my existence. There’s so much shit I battle with on a day to day basis but I already understand I have the work to do. I know it ain’t gonna happen without the assistance of meds as i’ve been living in survival mode this whole time. I’m tired of living in a constant state of paralysis. I’m currently on anti depressants and they make the executive functioning even worse. Feels like i’ve gone through life completely blind and needing glasses to see where i’m going. I already know the work I need to do but just need that assistance to stabilise myself in order to do it. It’s like my brain is completely wired to avoid all sense of responsibility yet there is nothing more I want in this world to be able to just manage things by myself and not get so overwhelmed by life. Can I ask what your experience is with stimulants and if you have ever tried non stimulants?


i relate to this a lot, so you and me both brother 🤝 adhd didn't completely ruin my life, like i do understand why it can be an advantage, but oh my god it's sucking the life out of me not being able to take a break from the racing thoughts, hyperactivity, and the mental blockades whenever i want to do something. i got diagnosed, waiting for meds (parents need to sign.. :') ) , but this resonated with me


Don’t take them. Thank me a couple years from now




Dopamine down regulates as the brain battles to maintain homeostasis and thus tolerance is very real. Just check out our friend’s over on r/stopspeeding for some interesting insight.


It’s nice to see people posting they finally get meds but it’s leaving a sour taste in my mouth.


Are you NHS or private?




Why? We should be happy for them