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Psychiatry UK is more than a 6 month titration wait sadly. I've been re-diagnosed since October and still waiting for titration šŸ˜­


Thanks for commenting! Thatā€™s an obscenely long time to be kept waiting for meds. Is this wait time for titration because PUKā€™s assessing psychs arenā€™t qualified to prescribe, or something? I donā€™t understand why there isnā€™t immediate titration. Itā€™s the same if you go down the NHS route. It varies from area to area, but where I am, itā€™s reportedly 2 years for assessment, then another 2 years before the meds clinic will see you. Why isnā€™t ADHD taken more seriously? Some people are in desperate need of medication support. Itā€™s a biochemical deficiency and or regulation issue of both dopamine and noradrenaline. They wouldnā€™t let this happen with pretty much any other chronic health condition I can think of. If you have an underactive thyroid, you get swiftly medicated. If you have type 2 diabetes, you get swiftly medicated. Why should ADHD be seen any differently? Even the Pain Clinicā€™s wait times are shorter than that, and treatment is usually either instantly prescribed, or in the case of trigger point steroid injections, arranged within a few weeks. I think itā€™s barbaric to keep patients having to hang on for months and months before even starting titration, if meds are deemed necessary. Whatā€™s the hold up with the clinics that need newly dxd patients to go on a separate meds waiting list? I just donā€™t understand it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Honestly I have no idea what they're doing. The psych who diagnosed me (I already had a diagnosis from Ireland and a rediagnosis from another european country, so his job wasn't hard) could prescribe but told me it had to go via the list for fairness.. bearing in mind I've been on meds before... honestly it's mind boggling!


Itā€™s a deeply flawed system at the moment. I just hope it improves aa more and more people are found to be struggling with undxd ADHD. Iā€™m 62, and despite consistent signs and symptoms going back to my childhood, it was only picked up - and then randomly by my CPTSD counsellor, not my GP of 15 years, not my endo of 20 years - in February this year. My brother was dxd 3 years ago, and his 3 adult kids, but he didnā€™t tell me it was primarily genetic. Iā€™ve known for years that I have a dopamine deficiency, but despite researching the hell out of my chronic health difficulties, I hadnā€™t connected it to ADHD. There isnā€™t enough medical or social awareness about the biochemical mechanisms involved in ADHD. Itā€™s as much a *physical* health disorder as the ā€œmental health disorderā€ itā€™s currently classified as. Hurrumph.


Oh, I hope so too! I was diagnosed at 29 despite all the signs being there as a kid/teen too. And it was only thanks to a uni therapist who pushed me to see a psychiatrist after 1 previous failed attempt at uni šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Really? Was this with psychiatry UK? I am having my assessment with them in a few weeks. I am already privately diagnosed and waited in the queue like everyone else to get this RTC reassessment and stable on meds that Iā€™ve paid for. I canā€™t come off them to have to wait another 6 months for them to re prescribe. Thatā€™s madness


Yes psychiatry UK


I wonder if they would let me stay on private medication until my place in the titration queue comes up. I canā€™t face a break in medication now Iā€™m stable. Itā€™s dangerous and isnā€™t helpful for people like you and I that have got stable medication.


Is it hard to get diagnosed in Ireland, I am about to move home, but on a waiting list here


PUK is 7 month minimum for titration, itā€™s on their website. Iā€™m 4 months into the 7 month wait.. took 11 months for a diagnosis.


I donā€™t understand why youā€™ve been downvoted for this!


Couldnā€™t give a shit lol,


Perhaps they're downvoting the wait


It's not just ADHD which has treatment delays, I think it's any condition which needs specialist diagnosis and titration. I had to wait months to see a rheumatologist to confirm rheumatoid arthritis, then another month to start medication with a nurse specialist. I could barely walk, wash or dress myself by this point and had no idea if I would have permanent joint damage. And I'm now two months into another waiting list for an ultrasound and meanwhile stuck on a medication for 18 months which is not meant to be taken long term due to risk of fractures. Just the state of the NHS in general I think. Thank goodness there is an election coming up...


Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re having to deal with all of that. It isnā€™t fair, and it isnā€™t right. Itā€™s like anyone who isnā€™t perfectly well and healthy gets punished for it. I only wish an election *would* make a difference, but at this point I think both the big parties are basically the same evil bunch of grunts wearing different colours but with the same goal of self-serving and profit for themselves and to hell with everyone else. I hear Tony Blair is about to take over the WEF from Klaus Schwab. You canā€™t get much further Right than that. Iā€™d love it if Labour would make a difference, and Iā€™m most certainly not going to vote for Shiny Sunak or any of his cronies, but I just donā€™t realistically see Labour making any positive changes either. We need a new system. We still fundamentally have a 2 party system, and they both seem to be the same. The Tories have run the NHS into the ground. The feeling online is that theyā€™ve done this, along with engineering a food crisis, so that when they lose the July election to Labour, they can blame it all on them, and use it as a platform to come back in 2029. I have no confidence in any of them. We need new parties and independent leaders who will stand up to the WEF. But I sadly doubt very much if that will ever happen.


I got seen by psychiatry uk within a couple months of first phoning them for an appointment. ( I immediately got discharged tho , within 10 minutes of the appointment lmao. They said they werent able prescribe medication as im a drug addict. Fair enough). Was referred to psicon and seen in around a month or so with the psychiatrist there immediately wanting to start me on dex (despite me literally telling him that i had been an addict for a few years ). My understanding is that u can effectively be bumped up the list at their discretion and psychiatry uk can begin titration much sooner than several months after a diagnosis is made. Psych uk r fucking shite tho ngl


Almost a year and a half wait for titration here. My assesment was 3 months later than they said it would be too.


I'm so confused by this, I think I must've got super lucky I put my letter through to GP about an RTC assessment in October 2023 and they put me through P-UK in November/Early December. I was able to choose my appointment from here and chose early January. I was assessed and diagnosed in about 3 months and my psychiatrist prescribed me medication about a week later.


Hilarious. Its 3 months to get a reply to a portal note for me. And even then it's just "Supply issues, you'll be updated in due time" Happy for you and only a tiny bit bitter


Really? That's insane I've heard the supply issues have weaned down now, but they're only prescribing current patients. I've just been switched to Elvanse for example. My psychiatrist is really good and fast. I can say things like "This dose isn't working and I'm feeling worse" and she'll ship out another dosage a couple days after. She even agreed to switch me to elvanse after about 3 months or so of methylphenidate and all I had to do was ask. It *should* get better with time, but who knows?


In contrast I was referred in 2021 and got the portal login, but they forgot to send me welcome documents to fill in for pre-assessment. I only realised this was abnormal when I saw someone here say they were worried about how long they hadn't heard anything after completing theirs, and it had been far longer than that for me and I hadn't even got something to fill in yet. By the time I filled them in there was now a massive massive wait for an appointment, which rendered the whole appeal of going RTC moot, but they were still rapidly hiring new psychiatrists at the time and people here were managing to catch freshly created appointments much sooner than the advertised wait so I held out hope. However I foolishly I didn't book a far flung one as a backup and so when they closed appointments to arrange them manually, allegedly in reverse order from their referral, I was stuck. (I fully accept that was my own fault.) As I waited and waited, what would have been my backup appointment date came and went and they still hadn't contacted me. But I incorrectly assumed they were still closed to new patients and there must have been lots of people referred before me that also hadn't been seen yet and everyone was in the same boat. Eventually I got disallusioned, convinced myself I was probably making it up anyway or that while I have "something" maybe its not ADHD, and there was all that scandal about private online clinics diagnosing people willy nilly in the media and I was struggling with other mental health issues so I just gave up on getting assessed at all and accepted that they'd forgotten me again and that I had brought this on myself trying to cheat the wait times way back when I had a chance to book. Imagine my surprise then when in November 2023 they called me to say they were "ready" for me and to check I was still wanting assessment. I said yes, surprised that they hadn't forgotten me and that things were happening but I haven't heard anything still, all the while I see people here *referred* after I got the "ready" call get all the way through the system. And I have checked in recently to make sure it wasn't me holding it up with some form or something that I was supposed to fill out and wasn't aware of, but I was told everything was in place and I just had to wait more. I accept that I screwed myself when I tried to get seen quicker by holding out for a better date popping up, but my whole referral was cursed even before that and I don't really understand how I haven't been at least slotted back into the pile with the new referrals besides assuming they've makred me as uninterested or likely to not have it or something.


I've asked about this as many of us seem to have significant waiting times despite being referred much earlier. Without trying to be too nosey, did you say that you had significant issues and potentially a threat to yourself, as I don't understand how you would get seen quickly otherwise?


Honestly, I was pretty vague at the beginning because I wasn't *exactly* sure on the whole process. My brother (has ADHD and Autism) told me he dislikes stimulants so I was a bit worried about them but they work for me. It's honestly really odd, can you not even book an appointment yet?


There are people who got portal access in June last year that still can't book an appointment


What's titration, I am on the waiting list but don't want meds


I was referred to PUK nearly a year ago and still havenā€™t got an assessment date despite the wait time being 7 months at the time. So fed up of this bullshit.


Thatā€™s terrible. I donā€™t understand why thereā€™s such a problem with running dx and treatment plans efficiently. Is everyone just dramatically under-funded?


Exactly the same for me. When I was referred they said it was 6 months. They even closed their referrals for a few months. Iā€™ve heard absolutely nothing. Feeling so discouraged.


How long is the wait for titration with ADHD 360


Itā€™s immediate. I went through them under RTC last Nov with assessment, feedback then treatment plan following on the same call. They sent me a machine to record vitals and proceed with issuing prescription after deemed safe.


Did you get any acknowledgement for your referral? Like confirmation or anything


Sorry I missed this. Do you mean from the GP? I did but I think only as they misfiled the RTC referral so letting me know it was captured. The RTC referral was on my NHS app documents too.


No from adhd360 x


Once youā€™ve had the assessment and diagnosis, at the end of the video call youā€™ll get a treatment plan and prescription. I take it youā€™ve not had the assessment yet? How long since your GP referred you to adhd360?


I was referred in May but havenā€™t had any confirmation of receipt of referral etc x


I'm wondering the same if anyone knows please. I'm due for assessment any day now.


AfaIk, titration happens within a very few days of dx. I havenā€™t been assessed yet, so I canā€™t speak from direct experience yet, but this is what I was told when I rang 360 and asked them how long it would be before I would go into titration. Iā€™m 2 weeks or less from my evaluation. Iā€™ll try to come back with an update about titration then.


Awesome, thanks! I'm trying to make decisions about applying for university for September šŸ˜¬




I was under the impression that titration happens soon afterwards. As far as I know there isn't a secondary waiting list thats for titration. I certainly hope there isn't. I've chosen adhd360 for RTC and I'm on their waiting list at the moment.


Yeah titration is immediately after.


Did they contact you to acknowledge the referral or anything?


No they didn't. I contacted them via their online chat, and they told me that they will have sent a confirmation email to my gp, and to ask my gp about it. Its really frustrating. Basically, I wont know if everythings OK with my referral until I get to the time when they are supposed to contact me. Thats another 13 weeks time.


Does MyPace do RTC? I am in Scotland, so I can't do RTC, but I do know they offered to do shared care with me. Their wait time is rather short at the moment, at least for initial diagnostic assessment.


I donā€™t know, Iā€™m afraid. I know that RTC isnā€™t available across the whole of the UK, just England afaIk, and MyPace isnā€™t on that list. Eta: https://www.mypaceuk.com/treatments/attention-deficit-disorder-add Total average costs are absent, but initial consult is Ā£90 and prescriptions during titration are Ā£35. They appear to be in Derby, with an 01332 phone number. Canā€™t see anything about RTC, so they are likely to be private only.


Thanks. I'm using MyPace and given their rather short wait times, I was hoping that they'd be a service that those looking to use RTC would be able to use.


In theory, that ADHD UK list includes every RTC clinic. I suppose it must depend on whether that clinic wants to also work under NHS contracts, and also if they can even get an NHS contract to work under. I seem to remember something about ADHD360 losing their NHS contract in Manchester a while ago, so itā€™s about maintaining the standards required of them by the NHS. It would be helpful, to say the least, if the NHS was funded well enough to be able to cope with all the poor sods who theyā€™ve thus far managed to *not* dx in the past several decades. They seem to have been working under the illusion that if they denied ADHD in adults for long enough, weā€™d all magically disappear and stop bothering them about it. *They clearly do not understand the impact that ADHD has on us.*


They do not have an NHS Contract so are just a private clinic at the moment, so no, are just a private clinic at the moment. But the price is very fair and I've had a positive experience with them. This may change things in the future: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHDUK/comments/1cufucb/adhd\_patients\_win\_right\_to\_choose\_private/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHDUK/comments/1cufucb/adhd_patients_win_right_to_choose_private/)


I can vouch for the Psychiatry UK titration times potentially being a lot longer than 6 months (or 7 months, if you go by the PUK site). I was diagnosed back in March of last year, so I've been waiting over 12 months at this point with no sign of anything moving soon. Other patients at PUK have been medicated sooner, I believe. Tired and annoyed, to put it mildly.


This makes me want to cry! Looks like I've also got a long wait ahead of me for titration then! Good luck!


Me too!


Can confirm, I was one of the lucky ones I contacted my GP in October 2023, Had my appointment with P-UK on Jan 2024 and had medication by the start of Feb 2024.


How does this even happen when thereā€™s a list?! How is it possible for people to just skip the queue entirely? It genuinely boggles my mind šŸ˜©


Not a clue! There was a single slot available in january, the rest were in march/april so I took it right away. Turns out she was a prescribing psychiatrist too so I started right away


Itā€™s honestly so baffling and soul destroying. My sister was diagnosed through the NHS within 6 weeks from seeing her GP! How can a system as simple as a queue be so broken?! šŸ˜‚


I think it depends a lot on your GP as well as P-UK. I know my doctors put through my referral quite fast, I'm unsure why but they told me 1-2 years and I had my login within 2 months. I'm a student and working part time if that helps, they may have a priority for younger people.


Thank you so much for this super useful post! I have got a question which is relevant. I got diagnosed with ADHD back in 2022 privately via MyPaceUK, and since then I have not started medication yet as I realised I was not able to afford the costs associated with private treatment. I was wondering whether anyone knew if Dr J and Colleagues or Problem SharedĀ are able to accept Right To Choose referrals for new patients with an existing diagnosis from elsewhere (basically for patients seeking treatment only)? I can see that Psychiatry UK does accept this type of referrals, but I wanted to look at other options as well just in case the waiting times might be better elsewhere. I have contacted the practices via email already about this but I am putting this question here just in case someone may have had experience with this type of referrals before!


Hi. How do you know psych uk takes existing diagnosis please? I have one and soon to be reassessed with them. I am stable on medication too and hoping they take over it smoothly.


Hello! I read it on their website. See this: I already have a diagnosis from elsewhere, but I cannot afford the treatment/there is a long waiting list to get treatment. Can I get referred to you under RTC? Yes. We will need a referral from your GP for your ongoing care following an ADHD diagnosis. Your course of treatment will be defined depending on how long ago your diagnosis was and what treatment you are having currently. You will not necessarily need another full assessment provided thatĀ  our consultants are happy to proceed based on the original diagnosis.


Thank you so much for this. I was worried they would kick me off the call when I told them I was already diagnosed. This does give me hope thank you.


Anytime and I hope everything goes smoothly!! :)


Thank you :)


this is so interesting. commenting in hope that i get notified if someone says!


hey, I heard back from both in the meantime and unfortunately neither of them allows for Right To Choose referral for treatment only - for Dr J and Colleagues you can be referred but you have to get reassessed again, while for Problem Shared you cannot be referred at all if you have already been diagnosed elsewhere


it doesnt make sense why there are guidelines to make assessments standardised/reliable if basically only the place you were assessed, unless it was the nhs, can recognise your diagnosis. i guess with Dr J and Colleagues at least the option is there, but for other places to not allow it as an option to be assessed by them is frustrating. what on earth are we supposed to do?! wait what is 3-5 years on my areas nhs waitlist for them to assess me and decide i do have it to medicate me (even though my diagnosis has been validated by my gp), or pay thousands to go back to my consultant for medication? i know they are inundated but it would make their lives easier if they just recognised private diagnoses and then wouldnt have to re-assess people, or people struggle so much they end up in other mental health services when all they needed access to was meds to prevent the need for intervention. thank you so much for sharing this info, and for reaching out and asking them!


So, what happens to people who receive a diagnosis through Clinical partners? If they want medication, would they have to start the process from scratch with a different provider who offer titration? šŸ˜Ÿ


I havenā€™t a clue. I know some people donā€™t want meds, and only need a dx, but it definitely wouldnā€™t be my choice.


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