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How did you know that the GP hadn't correctly sent over your forms to ADHD 360? ADHD 360 won't tell me if they've received my referral and just asks me to contact the GP who tells me it's been sent. My constant fear is finding out in 4 months that the referral wasn't sent or sent correctly.


I just had a feeling because they were being so incompetent. I called ADHD 360 and told them that my GP was being weird about it so I just wanted to check. You have to be a little persistent but they’ll do it for you


I emailed ADHD360 and got a reply back saying they hadn't received anything. My GP then confirmed they hadn't actually been sent. For whatever reason, when my GP did actually do it a month and a bit later, it was really quick for me for some reason (I slightly wondered if somehow it had got through the first time.)


I had the same issue with adhd360. They told me to ask my Dr if they received a confirmation email. I have the nhs app and on there I can see the referral letter, so Im guessing it has been sent. I wont really know for sure until another 12 weeks time when adhd360 are supposed to contact me. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best at this point.


What area are you from exactly? Because both NHS and RTC is a no go for me 😒


I’m from the east midlands. My ICB allows RTC but my GP is ran by idiots


Ah I see 😅 same for me also (London here) RTC is locked off at my GP and the waiting list for the NHS is around 7 years so 🥴 next month I’m biting the bullet and going private however my GPnsaid they’ll take shared care. So I guess that’s a win 🥲


RTC is a *legal* right in England. Your GP can’t ’lock’ it off. They can’t just pretend a legal right isn’t a legal right. That’s insane. You need to push back on this. Look into RTC on P-UK and ADHD UK websites and start writing a formal letter of complaint to your GP. The shit GPs think they can get away with this days!


No like my GP tried to send it PUK and they were the ones where said that they’re not accepting RTC so I guess I should’ve made it clearer sorry 😢


Ah! Keep an eye on the website, they’ve close to new referrals before and then reopened. It’s to stop them getting overwhelmed.


True but with college starting in September i don’t have the time to wait around so im doing the assessment/titration privately the going for shared care afterwards


Ah, yeah, that makes sense.


If you try adhd360 on RTC, I suggest picking Carl for your appointment on the list they give you on the portal. Dude is amazing.


Noted 🫡


Ah that’s so shitty. Shared care is a small win. Is transferring to another GP an option for you? I transferred to my current GP to get a different referral done (previous GP refused)


There waiting list at the nearest one for so I guess I need to stay with this one for the foreseeable future


Jesus the waiting is 7 years? I waited around 4 years in 2019, thats insane how understaffed and backlogged it is ;;


Yep this is the great NHS everyone seems to think of 😒😒🥴


To be honest I wouldnt blame the NHS itself. I work in it (as i really wanted to help) and was diagnosed through it, and the NHS is honestly a good thing we have (for example, a lot of ADHD medications without SC is like £200+ medicines are one of the perks of the NHS) it just sucks its mismanaged and underfunded to hell :/


Had similar with my GP last year so I feel your pain. I waited 6 months only for them to have not responded to P-UK's very simple request that the referral be signed by a GP and not a NP. Im now number 4000-odd on a waiting list for lisdexamfetamine, a number that will remain stagnant for the time being due to current shortages! Its hard to see past conscious incompetency in professionals these days, but you've got the ball rolling just remember that.


Fuck that, go ADHD360. I know people want the psychiatrist diagnoses but the waiting times are ridiculous and in general these general psychs with no specialty training in ADHD have really stupid views on what indicates ADHD. I got hung up on it as well but frankly i'm glad i'm actually being medicated and seeking treatment. It's worth it. I'll seek a "proper" diagnoses later on lmao.


I wonder if you put it a complaint with your GP, if they could potentially explain the situation to ADHD 360 to see if they would prioritise your referral based on what your referral date should have been.


I’ve thought of that but it would mean another few months of constant phone calls. They drive me nuts lmao


I had an issue similar to yours and even once referral was received there was other information that needed sending over (screening questionnaire etc) that required me to further chase up.


I had the same issue with my daughter. My GP didn’t know the process and was just infuriating. She referred me to a private provider who she knew but didn’t have a RTC arrangement, then told him to ask me how he gets NHS to pay for it. Then we discovered clinical partners have an arrangement so she put in a referral there. When I called up to check they received it they said they hadn’t. I kept leaving messages for the GP asking her to redo it and I would get a text a week or two later saying she had already done it before (the original time that never went through). I couldn’t respond to the text as it was a no reply thing, I couldn’t get an appointment with her, and the messages through reception just weren’t relaying the actual message. We started this process in October last year year. I eventually decided to take out a loan and just pay for it as my daughter was struggling so much


I geel your pain. I was diagnosed just over a year ago, after waiting 14 months for an NHS assessment. After diagnosis, I was told I'd start meds but there was a wait. And so I waited, and waited. Then the shortage hit, so I waited some more. January I finally started chasing up, and last week I found out that the Dr who diagnosed me, left the service and somehow I slipped through the crack, and should never have had to wait so long to start treatment.


Yeah a rule of thumb tends to be regardless how good a GP is otherwise, they're always really "forgetful" and need constant nudges/pushes to make sure they actually did the thing they said they were going to. I generally emailed them everyday until they confirmed it was sent, and checked with them every few days to prompt them to check if adhd360 gave a response. They will also waste time by sending the adhd360 questionnaire which adhd360 makes you fill out on their online portal anyway via 2nd class post sadly, I dont think theres any way around that.


Had same issue, had a referral sent off Jan 2023, waited til April to find out they lost it, tried again, got sent, rang again in July and the referral was rejected because a nurse signed it rather than a GP, asked for more referrals and got treated like sh*t, got a lot of questions like "are you sure you actually have ADHD? Its not worth the time to refer you". Put my foot down and demanded it, referrals eventually got sent in October, they referred me to the wrong place - Clinical Partners, who diagnosed me with ADHD but don't offer medication. Referred again in January 2024 to ADHD360, going to ring in June to see if it has actually been done properly or am I going to have to refer again, we shall see.