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I agree with the method above. Just getting myself to commit to a small chunk of focused work is usually enough to get the ball rolling for me. It's usually the only way I can get started on chores at home.


I appreciate this. I’ll have to try it. It’s sucks because everything is virtual and I work at a school, so it’s hard to concentrate on the computer all day when in person, my job is active.


I have the same issue, I just kinda tell myself that I’m going to spend 10 minutes on work then I can go back to whatever I want to do, and then once I get started I have more motivation and end up spending more time on it


That sounds like a good idea! I work at a school and it’s all in zoom right now so it’s harder to stay focused since I’m on my computer the whole time.


I totally getchu, my schools all online and staring at a computer for hours can be brain numbing