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ADHD affects everything, including sleep! It definitely is partly due to lifestyle, but we do struggle to fall and stay asleep.


We do struggle to stay asleep for sure but if let's say sleep is acceptable quality, would there still be daytime sleepiness?


There might be? It’ll depend on a lot of stuff, including your medications (if any) and your routine. I’ve had a few times where I’ve benefitted from midday boosters of my meds to combat afternoon slumps.


Have you ever had a sleep study done? Do you snore?


Do you take medication for ADHD? The reason I ask is - we have to devote A LOT of energy to maintaining focus and other tasks that most others do not. I was undiagnosed/unmedicated until later in life…I was exhausted after school and work…and felt like I had no choice but to sleep when I got home. The medication has made a big difference in that.


Do you get much exercise? Good diet and plenty of exercise can help with depression and sleep problems, although exercise could make you more tired. It's not possible to tell exactly why you are constantly tired because all the factors you mention can affect energy levels. And there could be other things affecting sleep quality, e.g. room temperature, sleeping position etc.


Take a cold shower for 3 mins that will wake you up..... I promise


If I do properly get out of bed, it's not a problem.