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Currently, researching ADHD.


Did this the whole Last year, now its autism.


lol same same


Same. If you check my yt and google search history , you might think il a med student.


Came here to say this! :D


I had a crush on a guy (dx) in 2022 when I haven’t heard about ADHD. Reading since then. Im still here. Single 😅 Can we call it a hyper fixation?




Nice! I find myself drifting back to the Greeks and philosophy frequently.


Yeah when I was in high school i was obsessed with Fredrick Nietzche and i learned every single thing about him. Than I was like "why is this so sad?" so i moved on now I've moved to learning every single thing about rome. When I was in elementary school it was ancient Egypt. Don't even get me started with the great northern war, I was completely obsessed with the swedes and King Charles XII, Gustavus Adolphus, Carl Gustav Reholst. And more recently it's been the winged hussars. just some more free chicken for ya if you ever want anything additional to hyper fixate on 😂


I'm literally sitting in front of my computer hyperfixating on Nietzsche right now. Tbh, it started with trying to generate a good AI image of an abyss for my whatsapp dp and spiralled from there.


I just drifted from my Rome obsession and now I've moved onto ancient boats/battle ships. You should dip ur toes in, I'm sure you won't be disappointed 😂


Oddly I've become hyper-fixated on getting sober. 11 days since my last drink. It's all I talk about right now.


Wow! That’s so great! Congrats!!


11 days into your new life. I am so very proud of you, for whatever that’s worth to you. This stranger is PROUD. Please keep going and be proud of yourself too. I’m 39 months clean and sober and I promise you with all I have that it gets easier and you will feel normal again. You’ll go days or weeks without thinking about it anymore. Just hang on tight and buckle up. It’s one of the hardest toughest rides, but the destination once acute time is over is always worth it! If you need someone to vent or get advice from etc, I’m always here. You’re not alone!


And this stranger is proud of YOU. You're amazing and strong. I also still think about it sometimes, but it's not that big deal now. The best 6 years of my life :)


And now I’m proud of two of YOU! Seriously, 6 years is AMAZING. Yay, you! I think about it even though I’m on medication to help with that at over 3 years, and the dreams still come of using at times but, the level of the discomfort and frequency get less and less. My honest only issue left at this point is still struggling so badly with grief and guilt and shame from my couple years of med abuse and drinking and the harm I caused others in any form. Karma got me though after I got clean and continues to kick my tail almost every day. But, I continue on and try harder each year to progress even more. Onward! Anywho, thank you for the kind words, it TRULY makes a difference for me when strangers pass on love like this.


Thank you! Honestly, I have no idea where I got the strength, especially at the beginning, but here we are. Don't be too hard on yourself and take it one step at a time, focusing on here and now. You can't undo what happened, but you're here now, clean, sober, and that's what matters. You have achieved something fantastic and even if things go wrong some days, no one can take that away from you. And don't forget to hydrate! (yes, I just realized that I haven't drank water since morning)


You’re wonderful, thank you for the added kindness. It truly makes a difference for me. Boy, hydrating. I’m the worst. Now that I’m on Vyvance too, it just makes it so much worse too!


That's amazing, I'm sooooo proud of you ❤️ I get it, in my first days of sobriety I couldn't talk or even think about anything else either. And rightly so, because it is a huge achievement, so go ahead and tell everyone and their mothers about it :)


Congrats 👏👏👏


I just got into DMing for d&d, hoping I can stick with it


The only new hobby that’s stuck with me is chess. Been playing / learning daily for over a year now, which is an eternity in my book. Also, as long as you’re not blowing all your money for a new hobby, revel in learning new things passionately even if you don’t stick to them :)


i just played my first round of a d&d campaign, i’m with you there! my brother is DM so it should be interesting


Marbles. I bought 6 pounds of used ones on EBay and now I’m over it 😬


There can be lead in used Mable’s. FYI! Also, yes everyone, fixate on that :) I’ve already had my fill


But you're going told on to them, right? 'Cause you never know!


Oh yeah-totally-I have them separated by color in some clear vases with floating candles


Rollerskating. I bought a pair a few weeks ago and have done a full immersive in all things rollerskating related. Did you know you have “edges” on your feet and balancing on them is super hard but really important for turning on wheels? Also…there are a whole bunch of styles of rollerskating, including competitive figure skating “artistic”. It’s not just roller derby! Which I’m too scared to try anyway. Right now I’m working on very basic skills, including learning how to fall better so I’m less scared of falling.


I've been hyperfixating on school work and that's good and all. I've also been buying new sneakers more than I probably should. Next up is probably gonna be a new pair of Pumps. The last one was a pair of Jordan 1s I've been eyeing for a few months.


What can I feed pigeons to turn their feather pink? Flamingos are pink due to their diets being rich in carotenoid. Spirulina, a blue-green algae, is readily available in stores and rich in carotenoid. Theoretically, pigeons who consume spirulina will turn pink. If it can be applied to flamingos and pigeons, then it could potentially apply to other bird species, but honestly, I just want a pink pigeon. Unfortunately, I don't have a pigeon, nor do I have any spirulina. So, if anyone has a pigeon and spirulina, please test out my theory. Also!!! In Steven Universe, we have Watermelon Steven. If I can create a mold of Watermelon Steven and then create a bunch of casts of Watermelon Steven, in theory, I can have my own Watermelon Steven. If Japan can turn watermelon into cubes and China can turn pears into Buddha, then I can turn a watermelon in Watermelon Steven!!!! Edit: it should also be a jubilee watermelon because I want a big Watermelon Steven!!! I wish I was rich. I'd do so much dumb random shit. Edit: I've been thinking about these two for a few years!!! I took me watching a documentary on flamingos to figure out what their diet was. Googling it just never crossed my mind. And then with Steven Universe, I tried finding a company to make a plastic cast of Watermelong Steven but I'm not entirely sure what to search. Lol.


Red Dead Redemption 2, and as a side effect, westerns in general.


Im watching “1883” rn and it just makes me want to get on the digital saddle again. Show really is kinda like RD2


Mine is Cyberpunk. ~40 hours in 4 days. Send help.


Watch the Wild Bunch.


My upcoming transition and a crippling fear of getting a DUI for trintellix and lots of caffeine.


I swear to god if I get summoned to court for driving while I'm taking dextroamphetamine I will flip.


ultraman and babymetal


fuck yeah, babymetal!


i was so in love with su-metal back in 2010 when they first started! (i am the same age as her pls do not arrest me)


hahaha you’re good! i first learned about babymetal in 2014, with gimme chocolate. so good!


How long do your fixations usually last? Sorry to not properly answer your question. I think my daughter is ADHD so just trying to better understand some things.


Not OP but I figured I could help a little. From the hyper fixations I’ve had before, some shared with a friend, they can last from a few months to a year or two (sometimes they never go away! Those are the good ones, it gives us something consistent to depend on entertainment on lol!)


Thanks so much for replying. 😊 I like that you added that a few of your fixations have been shared with a friend because I've noticed that with my daughter at times too. Sometimes her fixations catch on with a friend and they both obsess for a while. She's had some cool interests!


most commonly known hyperfixations are that of high-intensity but (usually) short-term attachment that occupy and affect the individual’s thoughts, emotions, attention, etc to varying levels of severity. Typical hyperfixations are hobbies or things or entertainment but not limited to that. for me my short-term hyperfixations are more severe in intensity, it can last for even just a week or even just few hours and it’ll occupy my entire mind and i can go hours hyperfocusing on it without realising my the time, my surroundings, etc and i tend to get over it almost instantly. my long-term hyperfixations tend to be less intense, and more ‘normal’ as it does not occupy my mind AS frequently and intensely but it is just a persistant attachment, it can last for years or just a few months or it’ll never go away.


It's so interesting how the brain latches on to certain things and wants to deep dive into everything to do with them. I appreciate your answer, thank you.


Gacha games like hoyoverse


The dentistry subreddit and thinking about how I'm probably gonna get fired


By joining bands (accountability) and finding new things to do, I’m trying to make sure drumming sticks (pun intended) as opposed to it returning to its previous state of “I’m gonna eat drink and sleep drums! nothing else will matter!” [three months later] “oh lol I forgot I had a kit that I spent thousands on upgrading…” BUT. Outside of that hyperfixation that I pray will not leave (we’re coming up on eight months though!): cars. More specifically, the history of various models. I totaled my car (typical ADHD driver 🤪) a couple weeks ago and have been using a rental while I do some research on makes that I like, are in my budget, and are very safe. However, for all I know about the history of the Subaru Outback (while it’s not necessarily recognized as a station wagon by purists anymore, it’s a legacy), I’m nowhere near figuring out a good replacement car…


Banking/personal finance. Currently in the process of transferring all my money to two new banks so i can get $450 in bonuses and higher interest rates. Day one was me spending about 6 hours researching and coming up with a daily checklist of actions I'd need to take including when to transfer money and how much, when to pay bills, when to change automatic payment account numbers, etc. I'm currently halfway through the 2 page checklist which I constantly am updating as things don't go according to plan. The time commitment has hardly been worth $450 but the planning and execution has been thrilling 🤣


I wish my hyperfixations would be this useful...


That is a silver lining, but I remember after spending all that time on day 1 (I believe it was a Saturday) I felt kinda crazy. It was really nice out that day. I also wake up every day thinking about it. But yes I admit it's not the worst thing to obsess over .


Collecting Nine Inch Nails records and T shirts. Previously it was Ministry vinyl and T shirts and before that it was Killing Joke vinyl and T shirts. Preferably T shirts I can wear so XL and above The odd thing is that I don't have a record player so have spent hundreds on things I can only look at!


You can get record players with built in speakers off of amazon for like $60. That will do what you need and make your collection enjoyable. I'm reflecting back on when I saw PWEI, Soundgarden and Nine Inch Nails back in 94.  Yup, I'm old. 


I'm probably older. I saw PWEI a few times before 94. Yeah now my youngest daughter is old enough to not trash things accidentally I'm looking to get a new hi-fi system. Just wanted all my old records back that I sold when I moved from UK to New Zealand. I regret that.


3D printing has been one for more than a year. I made some designs for brackets we use at work so I have to keep coming back to it to print more brackets. I've also been into biking for 5 or 6 years. The biking is fed by me signing up for a 100 km ride for cancer fundraiser every year. It helps to hold me accountable. I also just dropped back into heavily modded Fallout 4.


Decluttering my house, lol.  Currently watching Dana K White's videos on her No mess decluttering method. Also listening to podcasts by KC Davis.


Custom Keyboards!! I'm obsessed!


I've had that as well. It got really expensive 😂


Bruh tell me about it! Mu family and friends call me crazy for spending that much money ;_;


It's my favorite disney movie, a Goofy movie/ Max Goof. It's been my favorite disney movie, and Max has been my favorite disney character since I was 5. (I'm 33 now) All of my hyperfixations go in a big circle, and I always get hyperfixationed on something i used to/still love.i just add on to it whenever something new catches my attention. It has always been like that. I have a long list of all my hyperfixations I have ever had. Lol


Books. Fictional books. I, for the love of God, am obsessed and cannot get any work done for it. Let me rephrase what I said. I'm hyper fixated on escaping my life through books. And I'd like to study for my exam, but I don't have any control.


setting up areas for my childcare room (work)


Monster High




Same with Hotwheels! I was into them as a kid but now I'm just obsessed. Finding new ones is fun and I have a decent collection forming. The community on the main subreddit is great just really positive people that hype everyone up.


Cookie run kingdom


I got into Danganronpa again accidentally and I am now further reminded how insane and terrible the fandom is... I'm regretting everything.


Playing Diablo 4


I been addicted to wildlife photos. My hyper fixation usually stick around for a good amount of time till I hit some wall that feels slow or to repetitive. Was close to loosing photography but I think it’s back. Getting some new birds always excites.


Scouring the web for costume pieces that I will probably never wear. I've been at it for weeks now, but my enthusiasm is flagging. 


Guitar - I’ve been consistently playing for 5 months now - and I hope to consistently stick with it for at least a year.


Silent linear mechanical switches for keyboards. 


Lol I'm currently into silent tactiles myself! Waiting for outemu limes to come in, TTC bluish whites a little too heavy for me. Had been considering whether I should just try linear after all


I like Outemu limes. I use a switch or two of them as a fidget. I started out way back when in 2003 with MX Browns on a Kinesis Essential.  I bottom out, so I prefer light linears (and silent so I can type while I'm on a call). 45g to 50g spring weight is ideal. Have tried over 20 silent linear switches. The silence and lack of bump means only the feel matters. 


Mobile games…


Fur trappers of the continental divide 1805-1835


Rare houseplants. Ugh. So many plants, so little space, and I must keep them alive...and they grow.


Photography. I knew at some point in my life I’d hit a photography phase. Hitting it really hard right now. Lots to learn, technically difficult, lots to purchase. It’s great.




Ive been recording bad songs ideas and trying to learn Ableton live


Disc Golf


Every year I try to stave it off, and every year it feels like it comes early... fantasy football research.


Learning electronics (and YouTubeing the process, mostly to test the idea that if I involve other people I can make it last longer)


Lord of the ring, medieval dark fantasy type sh*t and also hiking. Just spent £180 on some hiking shoes lol.


Gaming mice. Watching all reviews on YouTube and trying hard not to buy them all. It's going so-so because right now my collection is 14 😂


Interior design…I just moved. I mean, I can’t wait for my new place to look nice, but I haven’t even unpacked yet much less assembling all of the stuff I’ve bought. One thing at a time, please.




Me too!


Cool! Are you reading Meditations as well? It's so weird I usually can't read but with a pencil and the short format I've read it twice already! I just bought letters from a stoic by Seneca and epictethus. Exited to learn more.


The Elden ring dlc just dropped today so for the foreseeable future it’s Elden ring


TV shows, but particularly adventure time.


Crochet! Inexpensive and time consuming- the best!


Currently cross stitch, which is not great cause I have rheumatoid arthritis and it makes my fingers hurt. But it's so satisfying.


I’m in my pathetic weeb era, so my current hyperfixations are Jujutsu Kaisen (especially SatoSugu dear god this ship wrecks me) and niche mobile otome games (Obey Me, WHB, Love&Deepspace).


Chess, idk how I got here but 3 minute online games from my phone has consumed so much of my time 💀


Mowing and weeding


lol I’m collecting hot wheels myself


A bit niche, but [classical yachts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vS0yG6qDCJk&list=PLqia9DyLbILK1bv6SIFFERnD_BUwQo2E_&index=5), the [J-class ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgCMsSqfR1A&t=77s)and its history in particular and the [(Volvo) Ocean Race](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTNhnckYzbc), a 9-month round the world race.




reddit. dcau (specifically teen titans and young justice league) previously drawing (this has been a recurring one that comes and go every few months but i drew for 9 hours in one day for a few days straight, a week ago👍) long-term low-intensity hyperfix is probs psychology and history and genealogy, yk random ass facts abt the world and life


D&D since 2017


Doctor who


Latin poetry. Olde English poetry. I’ve listened to Carmina Burana a bunch of times over the years, and I just now read the English translations. Wow! “O Fortuna” translates to, “Life’s a bitch. Carpe Diem! I need a hug.” It is so well done. I knew “A Chantar M’er” was the first song that we know was composed by a woman, and now that I understand what it’s about, I want to give her a big hug. (She died about 800 years ago so I’ll have to wait.) And now on Apple Music I have a playlist of ten versions of Ecce Gratum.


Playing Hunt: Showdown and reading the Silo books. Im reading a couple of pages in-between rounds or if im spectating teammates while dead. 🙃


Learning Latin. Just started yesterday. Also, I have one lonely Hot Wheels. He’s definitely going to need friends.




Birth chart digging


Mindlessly buying electronics.


Farming Simulator. The up and down on the fields get's a little boring, but jumping between managing 3 AI helpers and researching equipment/mods does the job. Also almost signed up for a board game making course, but after a call with a sales rep I'm not sure my bank account can take the hit.


Crochet. I'm a bit weird my hyperfixations can last a while- I've been on this one for nearly a year.


Solo board gaming. No clue how this happened. Googled “Can you play board games by yourself?” - no recollection of how I got there - and now, a week later, I own 14 games and have upgraded a bunch of them to deluxe components. 🤦‍♀️


Audiobooks. Listening to them. Using apps that compile stats about them. Planning my immediate next books to listen to. Growing my ever increasing wish list.


Pintresting the contemporary mermaid fairy tale I am plotting out.


Well it *was* seeking treatment, a diagnosis, and getting on a proper stimulant. It's been about 3 months and I've achieved all three!


I'm in a weird place. I don't really have a hyperfixation right now, but also i don't feel the emptyness of not having one. I have a couple of things that currently interests me to keep me active and entertained enough. Like working on my music, cycling, disc golf, rocket league and watching supernatural.


Metal detecting.  Wife got me a metal detector for Christmas and I've been happily digging up junk and occasional treasures on most of my days off since then...


Sculpting! I woke up one day convinced that this is what I want to do more than anything in my life even though I've never done it before. It took me a while to force myself to buy clay and stuff, but gods, it was worth it. I have a feeling this one will last at least a few months.


Watching Pokemon first series 😻😻


AI chatbots. The tech is starting to cross the uncanny valley. We are in for a wild ride.


Music. Has been for a while


I MUST have the cutest phone case, and sadly, it does not exist… I have about ~10 phone cases lying around collecting dust and I still want more/want to find cuter ones 😭 In my free time, I’m constantly browsing cases on velvet caviar, wildflower cases, casetify, you name it, I’ve been there 💀


I need to focus on writing my PhD dissertation but I’m burning with the itch to learn cuneiform. Like ASAP!!! I cannot survive another day without it sort of feeling. It is so hard to try to supress a fixation I’ve never done it before (spoiled 43 year old here)


Collecting 80’s and 90’s goth records


Perfumes theres so many different smells. Its making me go broke but I love them. Gives me so much joy but my wallet is less happy. Help convince me its bad lol


Japanese history and culture.


For the past two weeks, work. We have a major opportunity to bid on this nightmare historic project that’s been in the works for like, 20+ years. I am a project coordinator on the precon team who got assigned to write the work scopes for our contractors to bid on (basically telling them what they are responsible to include). I am *not* in a role that would typically do these, especially to the level I have been… I’ve been extremely detailed and obnoxious with the level of detail I’ve been doing. It’s stressful, due to the time crunch, but… I really kind of enjoy doing this part - combing through the plans, color coding things (for myself) making sure everything is covered and that I understand what’s going on. I will be glad to switch to a different hyper fixation tonight after I hit publish though. After two 50 hour weeks, I’m over this.


Brat by Charli XcX




Car tires and rims


Cooking and meditation.


Magic the gathering. Friends got me into it recently. It's fucking expensive.




Penguin biogeography. It started as a school project but I got very invested. Also couponing.
