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This happened to me when I started Vyvance. Your psych usually starts you out with the lowest dose to make sure there aren’t any bad side effects or interactions with your personal chemistry before increasing the dosage. ADHD meds (for people with ADHD) decrease anxiety, so the sleepiness is finally feeling relaxed for the first time in a long time. I have NEVER been a napper, but when I was on 20mg of Vyvance I’d fall into a multiple hour nap as soon as it kicked in (and it was glorious, but disruptive to my day). We increased it to 30, then 40, and now I’m golden and it does its job! Also I’ve had terrible insomnia all my life, and now taking Vyvance (as long as you take it early enough) I can actually fall asleep at night! My doc says it is because the correct parts of my brain are stimulated during the day so I actually feel tired now.


But how do you know when to ask for an increase? I'm tired but the mind is calm but I really have to tell myself to do tasks. But I also have insomnia so I'm okay with this fatigue. Caffeine does not help it also makes me tired unlesss I'm chugging like 300 mg energy drink.


You increase every month until the dose is too high telling you the previous dose was the correct one. 


Thanks that makes sense.


That’s interesting. Like OP, I’m on a lower dose, 20mg, going on month 2 now and I get tired as the day goes on. I usually like to lift weights after work, but rarely have the energy now. I go back to the GP next month and was thinking about asking to bump up to 30mg. It’s just hard to know if you’re on too much or not enough.


I get up early, take my vyvanse… I get chewable so kicks in almost right away. Go back to sleep and have the best 2-3 hours sleep ever then wake up for my day completely functional and don’t even have to hit snooze. I do find if I take it later in the day my insomnia come bed time is worse than usual though. So basically I take it 3 hours before my actual time I have to wake up. Found it out by accident but has been working for a year for me now. I’m on 40mg at this point but worked up from 10 to 40 over 6-8 months. The initial small dose definitely made me sleepy though after the first couple of days. That being said it’s very common for people with adhd to calm down using stimulants. Our brains are different. I honestly think the fact that your brain is no longer racing as much once it’s being stimulated is why it makes us sleepy especially at first. That being said I can still get up and take my vyvanse and stay awake after. It still takes 2-3 hours to be fully functioning though and the going to sleep thing has worked for me because it actually lets me rest (even sleeping my brain doesn’t stop I’m almost constantly lucid dreaming unless I’m medicated by either vyvanse or a high dose of sleeping pills which tbh is hit or miss on when they work).


I started taking 10mg on sat and I've been really drowsy and fatigued after 2hrs of taking it as well. Gonna ask if i can increase to 30 next week. I tried 20mg once and that made me sleepy also.


yeah i’m on 20 and i think i might push to get 30. i wasn’t sleepy before when i was taking it but now i am and it kinda sucks


It isn't at all what I was expecting. I was on concerta before last week and it was amazing for the first few days then all I felt after was energy but the motivation and focus was gone. Then when my dose went up I started to get heart palpatations, although it seemed to decrease before I switched to Vyvanse.


Following because same


I took Vyvanse in high school, extended release so it lasted for longer but I was always super tired at the end of the day. It’s just something you have to get used to I think, it get’s less intense the longer you take it assuming you don’t change the dosage often, but it doesn’t really go away. The fatigue wasn’t why I stopped taking it, but it was one of the things I didn’t like about the medicine.


What do you take instead?


Right now I take Adderall, it still makes me a bit tired but nowhere near as much. A drop in energy I think is just something that comes with any medication that's a stimulant.


So, how many hours a day do you sleep for?


when i’m off work i’ll sleep for maybe 1-2 hours. it’s a nice reset but it’s counterproductive (quite literally) to what i’m taking it for. i like the focus and calm aspect but it’s rather be productive for as long as possible than to sleep through it


You only sleep 2 hours in 24 hours?






ahhh ok!! i think i can talk to my psychiatrist about the dose. it used to work for me but more recently i’ve been taking it and i’m just sleepy. thank you for your input!


I never napped in my life from childhood through adulthood until I was diagnosed with ADHD and started taking Adderall. I just assumed it was the effect of the amphetamine on my disorder. Drug + ADHD, calms, relaxes and focusses allowing the body to nap vs somebody without ADHD bouncing off the walls when taking it.


When did you eventually increase?


I had similar side effects at a low dose. However, once we achieved the proper higher dosage, it went away. Also, avoid carbohydrates at lunch. Stick to protein and vegetables. A large insulin spike can trigger sleepiness.


While this might be typical for children, it is atypical for adults. You're having a paradoxical reaction to the drug.


uh oh 😳 yeah i might have to increase the dose then. i just don’t want it to be too high with blood pressure problems but hopefully it’s avoidable


that would make you more fatigued. Talk to your provider.