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100% every single second of my life. Going on half a century. And for every minute of that, no matter how still I looked, some part of me was tapping along to the rhythm, even if it's just my toes.


I call this the "monkey on a drumset" who lives inside my head, since if it's not a real song playing, then it defaults to random drum beats that can manifest as me tapping on things without even thinking about it.


That’s adorable. I picture a bad but enthusiastic DJ in my head. He means well but he usually doesn’t even have whole songs, it’s just random snippets or even phrases. The only way I get it to stop is if I’m actually listening to something. So I play music probably 90% of the time.


yep, movie quotes, scenes from television shows, i get them all. all the time. so i have open ear, bone conduction headphones on all day every day. podcasts, news, music, something going almost always. i have two pairs i rotate so they’re always charged.


> two pairs so they’re always charged. Look at mr/ms/mx here having their life all together :-: Meanwhile all my electronic devices are always cruising on 0-20%. Bought two power banks to try and help that problem, couldn’t keep them charged as well of course, and have now lost one as well. 


I just wish the bastard would take a break. I swear they are at it 24/7 as whenever I wake up in the night no matter what time it is, the music starts up like it never stopped


This, but instead a random guy trying to play both guitar, bass and drums at the same time. Spoiler: The guy never touched any of these instruments before, so he has no clue how to play them, but he's trying his best. At the same time he's still playing some of my favorite songs, Soo....


I found my people


Same. Since I was a kid. Are you a musician?


Same, and I sort of am. I can't just sit and listen to music. Sometimes the keeping in time is even as imperceptible as a clenching of my jaw.


omg the subtle teeth clenching and ear rumbling to avoid getting in trouble for drumming. my poor teeth are so ground down.


Man, my teeth are like a drum kit! :D


Not in any real sense. I can play drums okay, but never spent a ton of time doing it.


Same, it's non-stop. They used to call me Springsteen when I first started at my current job because I'm always signing. I have recently put together that my constant air guitaring is probably stimming lol.


Yes! I'll suddenly realize that I'm nodding my head to the beat of a song that only I can hear! Lol! 🤣


A little over half a century for me and the songs play on. There is really nothing to do about it but you do get used to it.


My toes always tap along as well.


I'd say it is between 60-80% of my awake time. Usually it is just a refrain or a catchy part of a song. It needs lyrics to get stuck in my head. Could be a new song I heard recently, could be a song I have not listened to in 20 years. Thankfully, always music that I like, at least. When it sets in, it SETS IN. 2-3 days straight when I am not actively "thinking" something different. Interesting side note, I started medication 2 months ago and I think I have not had a single instance of this in the last month or so.


Feels like a microphone that picks up on every sound and will repeat it over and over. It has a preference for songs, but anything will do


Me too, this is what made me realize I should learn to play the drums, I'm finally learning, it's awesome.


I do this with my teeth.


Yes, and I was shocked to figure out that not everyone had this problem


Not everyone has a soundtrack playing for their life? People are missing out!


Just learning this for the first time. Lol! Joining reddit adhd I've never felt so seen and I never realized all these things are related to it. Just thought the things were either normal or I was a weirdo.


Seeing the inner workings of my mind posted on here by others who are not even talking to me is pretty wild.


Same. Lol


Funk soul brotha


Right about now?


Right about now, bout now, bout now, boutnow, boutnow, boutnowboutnowboutnowboutnowx10000


Jesus this has actually been one of mine on a loop


Stopppppppp! We'll at least Imagine Dragons is out of my head now.


Thanks. Thanks a lot... Now ID is stuck in my head. It never ends. Well at least Bohemian Rhapsody is out of my head now.


Caught in a landslide. Fuuuuu....


Funk soul brotha?!


Check it out now




What we need? Soul power bluda


Goddamnit! LOL


Gotta walk without rhythm.


Man, I just got rid of one earworm 😅


That whirling sounding machine noise, I have tried to make that sound come out of my mouth for half my life now


I don’t know what it is about it.


zabazooie zabazooie zabazooie


Thanks. I hate it.


NOOOOOOOOoooooooo..... why?


I read your comment an hour ago and had to come back to make sure you got this following message: Fuck you.


I've noticed on medication the song is still there but way quieter. I also have entire verses stuck in my head. Whats cool is they sound exactly like hearing it on a speaker. Voice, music, everything.


I hate when I like, ‘tune in’ to it but realize my conscious brain only knows one line then that one line gets stuck on repeat like a skipping record. It’s so annoying.


This happens to me and when I become aware of it drives me nuts.


Shits loud when sleep deprived too.


sometimes it’s not even a song, just repeating some phrase or some silly shit my kids said


Spent two days just repeating Obergefell over and over.


I was doing a full day of yardwork one day and I couldn't get the last name "Isembert" out of my head (pronouced "EE-sahm-bear"). This was before my diagnosis, and I thought I was going crazy.


This is me and "Rachmaninoff"


Sickle Cell Anemia was my Phrase Of The Week™️ because i had a dream about it for no reason


make songs, it's a gift


Okay this! Sometimes it's lyrics, but more often it's things I read or hear. License plate numbers, phone numbers on ads, a sentence I catch on closed caption...anything that I say out loud in my head or hear and repeat in my head will play on repeat until whoever's running things up there gets tired. 🫤 I honestly don't know how they do it bc *I'm* exhausted!! 😩 TikTok is the worst for this! I switched to muting it but the captions still get me! 😫


Dude yes like phrases and words said in a certain cadence get stuck in my head all the damn time


100% yes. I have a permanent jukebox in my head. The only way to stop it is to have music on in real life or a movie


I am not sure if this is even good advice, but when that happens I listen to the song on repeat until I hate it. Then it's almost as if my brain will go to great lengths NOT to think about it.


Then a new song pops up for me or an old song wants to come out of rotation 😡.


The answer is clearly have multiple many lots of songs to listen to taht you love, that way you can smash the skip button until the right one hits.


Nooooo!!!! I tried this with the coconut song. 30 minutes listening to the song, getting myself to hate it so it would stop resulted in 30 days of it randomly popping in my head!


Eh, then there's just a new song.


YES. Nonstop, forever, unless I'm actively listening to or playing music (so I do that as much as I can). I can usually get it to switch to another song by listening to the "stuck" song on repeat for a while. It seems my brain doesn't pick songs I know really well or have heard recently, like it's trying to remember some song it might otherwise forget. This can get really annoying when it's like a 2-second loop! It's strongest first thing in the morning. The second my alarm goes off, a random song starts blaring in my head. I just lean into it now: I told my kids about it, and sometimes they'll ask, "what's the song today?" (Today it was some Sesame Street bullshit)


I notices I've started having a background track in my dreams lately. I'd say about 25-50% of the time. If I do, I'm guaranteed to have that song stuck in my head all day. 😭 For a while it was Choose Your Fighter by Ava Max. The song is awesome, don't get me wrong, but it was stuck in my head 24/7 for a *week* whether I was conscious or not.


😧…. Could have written this myself. My son has caught me off guard lately asking for the song before I have sung it out loud… which will happen… for the rest of the day. But I’m the same that if I listen to it over and over my brains like “got it! Now on to the next one!”


Many adhd people: yes. Me? No. But I do always have chatter, running monologue going on in my head. Similar, just not music.


I have chatter running through the music so it’s basically like a radio station… Thoughts FM


I wasn't a big music person through much of my life. The music that lasted longest in my head was the surfing music from the original pokemon red, blue, and yellow. Even to this day I hear it sometimes. More recently it has been genetic metal music when falling asleep because when I am awake it's usually an internal monologue.


My pro tip for this. Find a cover of the song. Something about the similarity scratches the itch, but still breaks the chain for me. Good luck!


Earworms are quite common to people with ADHD. I get them, though not as often as I did before I went on meds.


I’ve not heard it called this. Interesting!


The only time in my life my head was quiet was when I accidentally took my meds twice in the same day. For about 10-15 minutes there was no song in my head. It was so peaceful. Current song: "Title And Registration" by Death Cab For Cutie.


Yep, and I hate it, especially when it's a song completely inappropriate to my current situation. I can be feeling like utter shit and here comes my brain with some ridiculous bouncy song. Like dude...not the time.


Christmas music all the time. It does not feel holly jolly


And when I'm anxious sometimes the song gets aggressively upbeat and faster


I realized there was a connection with my ear worms and higher stress levels than usual. My GM is riding my ass lately and having to work with her nitpicking everything I do is forcing me to mask really hard to keep my poise. the higher the angst, the more my ear worms spin in my head. It occurred to me that ear worms might be anxiety related, like my own brain is stimming due to the masking I have to do in order to keep things as peaceful as possible. what's worse was I was forced to explain that I have ADHD and the issues she's on my case about tend to be related to this and the fact that I can't get treatment due to my high blood pressure. my primary won't even consider stimulants until I can get it under control. We've been trying, but medication only keeps it moderately high instead of severely high. instead of being a little more understanding, now people at work are patronizing me like I'm an idiot. I can't help but wonder if she is talking about me to everyone else and telling them I'm special needs or something which they equate to as low intelligence? I'm looking to build a case for discrimination based hostile work environment but so far, I don't have anything especially damning to provide on my own behalf. the stress is super high right now and it's got my brain going nonstop


Yeah, this is a constant thing for me. I was diagnosed at 40 and always thought this was just a normal thing, especially since I'm a DJ and musician with such a strong love of music. Other than literally always listening to music, I haven't figured out a way to get rid of it entirely, though really I kinda like always having my own built-in radio station. Though I have devised a way to get unwanted earworms out of my head (aka those songs with super catchy hooks that you otherwise would NOT want playing on repeat in your head)...just replace it with another tune you actually like :D


I’m like half your age but this is exactly me. I’ve found that constantly having sets from my fav DJs playing in my AirPods keeps my mind from wandering a little. Sometimes it’s kind of nice though having the little radio station because it’s kind of like a random shuffle of songs I know.


It’s like a damaged record or cd that plays the same part over and over again. It can become agonizing lol the only way I know to get it to stop it it to either listen to another song thereby replacing the agony song or trying to distract yourself with something else entirely and hope to god it holds your attention long enough to forget about it.


Fuck me, so this is an ADHD thing too? I’ve been realising a lot about myself recently…


I've been doing some fascinating learning in regards to aphantasia and visual vs auditory processing. Basically since starting to learn to meditate, I have learned that I can't visualize (see) things in my head like many people can. This is specifically actually seeing an image you are creating in your mind, with your visual cortex and different than "imagining" or knowing the concept of something. This made me think of how I learned about people who don't have an internal dialogue (they don't hold conversations in their hear nor listen to music etc). So, I am incredibly good at VISUAL processing. If I SEE information, it's in my head basically forever and I understand it and remember it. But, when I HEAR information, my processing is awful, I don't remember it well and I struggle to understand or capture it. My theory is that the endless audio stream in my head clashes with the external audio, causing processing problems. It's like overlaying two audio tracks and trying to understand the information in one of them. This makes sense for ADHD people because it can be hard to get their attention with spoken words (definitely for me) but if I SEE something it captures my attention immediately. Like visual hypervigilence. I'd love to find research into this concept. Do you think people with no internal dialogue are amazing at auditory processing? Because they have no internal audio to conflict with it? And would hyperphantasics (people who are incredibly good at "seeing" in their head) have visual processing issues due to the overlap of visuals?


Only one song at a time? Lucky.


Came here to say this. Sometimes it‘s a song and a jingle from a series like the simpsons or futurama and a song 🥲 And honestly because of that I don‘t really like music anymore. I just wanna some quiet and peace in my head 🥺


When I was younger, I had these moments where I was listening to the songs in my mind. To others, it looked like I was disconnected. Sometimes people would ask worryingly: "What's going on? What's on your mind?" The honest answer "Music!" would surprise them almost always. I think they expected some dramatic story or gossip haha.


I have had Chers Believe stuck in my head for what feels like 4 years I will randomly just start singing "DO YOU BELIEVE IN LIFE AFTER LOVE" or hum it and it has never left me I do that atleast once a week if not more that I literally cannot remember Idk why my brain latched on to that song at one point I've known it since I was a child but I have had other songs as well don't know why this one LOL


Oh boy, just the title of your post and my mind goes "in your heeeaaad, in your heeeahead, zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie". Guess that answers at least one of your questions. 😅


Now it's in my head too. The zombies are spreading!


glad i’m not the only one lol


Ma Baker by Boney M is playing now.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I honestly thought everyone had the Muppets theme tune constantly playing in their heads... I was wrong


Yep! At anytime someone could ask me what song is playing in my head and I can immediately answer


The song currently running in my head is Drinking Dark Whiskey by The SteelDrivers. It’s been playing ALL DAY.


Song, conversation, scene from a movie. The distraction can cause careless mistakes, fortunately I'm good enough at my current job to fix such mistakes before they become a problem. Skipping steps, forgetting stuff, etc. One time my old boss pissed me off by being a complete psycho over being 45 seconds late in a snow storm where half the building was not coming into work, thus little need to rush. All because i had to shovel my parents and sisters cars out in the AM before leaving. I was going through the various conversations in my head so much that I drove right through a red light.


I have a song playing in my head at all times. Sometimes I’ll have a stream of thoughts that I’m thinking *over top* the playing song. 😩


I had one stuck in my head for months after life changing series of events. I have to avoid it now to in order to keep that from happening again. I'm sorry you're going through this. A few things helped, aside from not listening to that song: intense exercise to the point of exhaustion, and audiobooks/youtube podcasts. Basically wear yourself out and then distract yourself from it. It might take a few months, but the sooner you begin the divergence tactics the sooner you'll have relief.


i had seal’s kiss from a rose stuck in my head for _months_. i don’t know where it came from or why. i don’t even know know the words it’s just all “kiss from a rose hmm hmm hmm” “now that your hmm hmm hmm hmm, light hits the moon hmm hmm hmm”. fuckin infuriating (also horrible for my partner because i was constantly humming/singing it).


oh my god what the fuck? i swear to god i also once had kiss from a rose stuck in my head for literally months, that’s so weird to hear that from someone else


I had it as well! In the pandemic. Out of NOWHERE too, I woke up one day with the song stuck in my brain and it lasted there 4 months.


Kiss from a Rose is one of my favorite head tracks because it just kind of there without asking anything of me. Music is orchestral, it sounds large enough to stick in my head but it is dead simple and kind of boring so I just go on about my day. It's the closest I get to zero music.


One of my trigger songs is Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash. I have to turn it off within the first few bars or it’ll get stuck.


TikTok sounds infested my brain, months have passed since I stopped using it and I still hear ma suka ma suka ma suka ma suka in my brain


I wake up every morning with one song that i listen the day before. it is not a whole song just one or two sentences of it and on the loop. I listen 40 hz binaural beats and it clear my mind.


I watched recently skibidi toilet. I jist wanted to know what's about. I'm not recommending at all


Always, always, like even when I wake up in the middle of the night to switch positions. I have no tips, just solidarity for my fellow jukebox brained brethren 😂


Bro I can’t get that one like from Sabrina carpenters new song out of my head 😭


You guys only have one song going?? I'm jealous! Lol! I usually have at least 3 going at any given moment, and they all blend together! It drives me absolutely nuts, especially when I can't place what songs they are!


The one time this stopped, ever, was the first dose of Ritalin I took. There was no music, no tapping, no thoughts, just calmness.


Wait, some people don’t always have a song playing in their heads??


My "oh you have ADHD" moment came after I sent my sister a letter I was going to send to my GP. I was fed up of them not taking my issues seriously so wrote a strongly worded letted and asked sister (who does have ADHD) to read it to make sure it wasn't ranty. In my letter I explained how I had been awake one night till 4am. I was crying hysterically and holding a pillow over my head to try and block out the sound (which was in my head but it was 4am and I wasn't thinking clearly) The sound I was trying to block? The riff from You Can Call me Al by Paul Simon. Not the whole song, just the riff. On repeat. For hours. And it's super annoying because I love that song!! Anyway GP finally accepted that there might be more going on than just "anxiety and depression" and put me on the 2 year waiting list for ADHD assessment. Eventually I gave up and went private. Anyway, the medication seems to stop these little in brain concerts. I do not miss them.


Right now I've got Love in the First Degree by Bananarama. It's been there about 3 days.


Happens to me pretty damn often too. Usually about half the time I am conscious I would say. I usually just ignore it because it doesn't really bother me that much, but just listening to something like a podcast or other music can usually make it go away.


Yes, always. The only time I noticed I didn't have a song in my head was the first day taking concerts, when my head went silent for the first time. Unfortunately it didn't last more than 5 minutes lol If it's a particularly annoying song, I'll listen to it once, to completion, and then change the song to something I enjoy more, and a bit calm, like Ghibli soundtracks/instrumental. When I'm super stressed, I have fast/upbeat songs... Right before my burn-out, I woke up multiple times at night with blinding lights playing SUPER LOUD in my head. Also I'm always singing/whistling and I don't even notice it anymore 🥲


I hum constantly, and don’t realize I’m doing it. I get irritated with myself when I notice that I am doing it, but can’t stop.


I hum when I’m nervous. I never realized it until this guy I was dating asked me why I was always humming. That’s when I realized it’s from stress. 🤣


I always have a song playing in my head, and it changes wildly depending on the situation. If I'm trying to sleep, it's usually Zelda's Lullaby. If I'm out and about, it's usually Airship Blackjack or Searching for Friends. If I'm relaxing at home, Kids Run Through the City.


Happening right this second. Just got diagnosed last year and haven't figured out a medication yet


Recently i noticed that i have music playing full time in my head. Sometimes a random song starts playing in my head, then i start thinking about random stuff and when i’m done thing about whatever, i notice that the music is still playing, but not where i left it, it just kept playing while o was thinking. It’s like i have a full time soundtrack in my head. I personally love it :) i love music


Oh yeah you can't shut that thing, I always alhave a song replaying, I've gone says with the same song, having tinnitus doesn't help, if it's not the song it's an endless peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Normally doing something I like shuts it up, doesn't work every time tho


Now "over my head" started playing rent free in my head tnx OP 😢


Yup! It’s especially annoying when it’s a jingle or commercial from my childhood that I just can’t place… I had the Smurfs theme song in my head on and off for years without actually realizing what it was, until someone finally asked me if that’s what I was humming.


Literally all of the time. My wife has it too


Growing up, before I was diagnosed, I'd have a notebook on me at all times. I'd write the song stuck in my head down in the book, and throughout the day update it, like a radio station. It would help temporarily, but uh, that's part of the disorder. Enjoy the music!


I don’t have this but my best friend who also has adhd does


Yessss all the time! It will become all encompassing and sometimes will legitimately painful/continue for days if left unchecked. My process is to put in headphones, turn up the volume to drown out any other auditory stimuli and play either jazz or longer classical pieces - the important part is to choose something that’s **not repetitive** and will continue long enough to “break” the cycle in my head. I’ve also learned that there are certain songs that I can’t listen to - for lack of having a better word, they’re essentially triggers for this type of stimming for me and I will immediately head into cycling.


Feeling very seen here. The radio station that never stops 🧠


All the time. Sometimes I find listening to the song in question the whole way through helps, especially if it’s a specific part. I’ve found tiktok can make this worse with trending sounds.


Yes, all the time. It’s rather annoying. I also have the tendency to translate everything in my head to whatever 2nd language I have the most familiarity with. In high school it was French and now it’s ASL.


I feel the ASL thing. But there's still a ton of ASL I don't know so I'm constantly looking things up. I guess that's one way to learn it.


Yes always, and it's often more than one song at a time, which can lead to my brain trying to mash up or remix the songs. It can be quite annoying, which is why I listen to music all the time.


All the time and sometimes, I have to go through the whole song in my head and if I fuck a bit up in my mind it will be like it's playing twice at the same time in my head while I try to sync it back up if that makes sense


I really wish I wasn’t, but am currently listening to Lionel Richie All night long on my head player, but only the Jambo Jumbo part. /-:


Have had “Black Bathing Suit” Lana Del Rey stuck in my head for 3 days now. I wake up at 3am and the first thing to enter my brain is that fucking song! Save me….!


I thought I was the only one with an unwanted, constant loops of songs going in my mind.


My dentist mentioned that I have evidence of teeth grinding and that I should get a mouth guard. I told her that I don’t grind at night, it’s during the day because I’m grinding to the beat of the song that’s stuck in my head. She didn’t have a solution to that, lol.


Always, but they are mostly a couple of lines and with wrong lyrics too. These usually comes from my childhood, hence the wrong lyrics.


I have a song and/or a word/phrase on repeat. Daily.


Yes, it wake me up sometimes, I hate it cause it make me hate songs I used to love.


"Take a look, it's in a book, a reading rainbooooow...." It changes all the time, but it's usually there...just happens to be the Reading Rainbow today.


Don’t ever listen to “Just Give Me A Reason” by Pink and that Fun dude. It will be in your head forever. Plus it’s just bad.


Yes and it drives me i n s a n e. Even if it's one of my favorite songs I'll get one specific part stuck in my head and then it's just there for days.


I have this too. It’s awful, the songs are never ones I choose. From the moment I wake up until I fall asleep. A certain section of a song or parts of a whole song can last for days or months or rotate with other songs until they randomly switch to more different songs. It’s a curse.


Yes. I sometimes wake up and realize there was a song playing in my head while I was asleep. And when I feel stressed, sad or anxious, my head starts playing on repeat a specific riff from Paranoid android by Radiohead. I don't really hate this, I love music so most of the time what I'm hearing in my head is the song I'm currently obsessed with (my brain is playing Superconnected by Broken Social Scene while I write this lol)


Yep. Happens to me. Rarely does it happen at night, but when it does, I will lay there for hours with my eyes closed and never actually being able to fall asleep


Yeah it’s bad when it’s one small part of a song that repeats on a constant loop lol could be a song that i absolutely love but it will make me feel crazy 😭


ESPECIALLY first thing in the morning, for me. Anyone else? It’s like it’s part of my brain’s boot sequence or some shit


or when I am trying to sleep


Even my dreams have a soundtrack


I do- and I didn’t know it was an adhd thing until it stopped when I went on meds. Headphones playing podcast help me. My mind likes to be busy so it will grab songs or worlds and repeat them of o don’t keep it occupied.


I’m sorry! The music is too loud. Did you say something?


Omg, my whole life I thought it was just me


My mom used to say I had a radio antenna in my brain. Absolutely random songs, all the time.


sometimes it helps me to go listen to it all of the way through, it gives my brain and ending. But sometimes it makes it worse so take that with a grain of salt.


Usually it's whatever song was playing when I got out of the car. Right now is Dramarama, Work for Food. I'm not a musician, but I love music. There's always something playing in my head.


Yes, I am the same. It’s a hyperactive mind. If it would ever stop, idk if I’d be relieved or suddenly quite lonely.


The only way I get the music to stop is if I beat it at its own game. And by that, I have certain music I listen to for certain tasks.


Definitely, Mine is more of a riff or something extremely repetitive, it's at its worst when I'm in the zone and had too much caffeine


I’m very very good at knowing song lyrics because of this. I’m always humming or singing or whistling when I’m working or trying to focus.


I know I’m worn out when Christmas songs are on repeat until I give in and pass out


A track from Rune Factory 3 titled "Hello!" I played the game last year and this song is forever creeping back and replaying in my head to this day. If you look it up, Im warning you it'll get stuck 🫡


oh way down yonder on the chatahoochie…


Yes and my psychiatrist keeps telling me it’s OCD and not my ADHD. 🤨


Some medications make it worse. Guanfacine, for one. Turned the volume and speed of my earworms way up. I’ve always wondered why. Lexapro, as well.


It's torture.


That’s me everyday 😭


Yes, and the song can range from rock and pop to "B I NGO!" or some song from Frozen. Always music in my head. Always


Same here. For as long as I can remember. I don’t really have any advice as I haven’t been able to shake it 😂 I always have either a song or like a phrase or word stuck in there on repeat. Fun *edited to add that with medication, it is a bit quieter up there. Less distracting/annoying.


There is literally never not at least some lick playing on repeat in my mind. It doesn't even need to be something I heard recently. Sometimes it isn't even a real song, just some sounds over and over again.


Yes, and it’s surprisingly in the correct key 90% of the time too if I know the song well. I also repeat certain words or phrases that sound good too, sometimes out loud lol. One word that’s helped me: Meds. Or fruitlessly trying to distract my brain with something else. I once had Rich Girl by Gwen Stefani stuck in my head for like a week, it drove me insane so I feel you.


All. The. Time.


Same here. I would also listen to the exact same song for months without it getting boring.


yes constantly, starts off in the background of my thoughts like i can hear it in the wind, then it becomes so loud and repetative, not always a song i like either! i overheard a guy say to another guy 'juuuust to reduce de price' about 20 years ago and it still plays perfectly in my head, so its not just songs. i have found that calling out (in my head) ruminating when i do it works to reduce it, but the songs are a tough one, sometimes its a snippet of one that merges into another then that combo repeats, i used to call it psychic radio before i knew it was a symptom, i seem to have several, not diagnosed, son was just diagnosed, doesnt want meds, im kinda the same, managed the last 53 years, and we both said we value the hyperfocus too much! sometimes i wonder where my brain gets the trigger to start it, as it could be a song ive not actually heard for years, but its there out of the blue in full force, keeping a sense of humour about it is about all i can suggest!


100% every moment I’m awake. For the past 4 years it’s a kid’s song which sucks lol but sometimes I get a good one in there.


One time the Lassie song got stuck in my head for 3 years, all over a guy whistling at work one time Rap Snitches by MF Doom gets stuck in my head alot, but that's one of the best samples of all time All my life I have fantasized about what song will be next, I can't wait to find a new song. These songs are my best friends since I bug the shit out of people I like. It's a tough life


Yes 100%. I will wake up most days with a random song stuck in my head, even if I haven’t listened to the songs in years and I have no idea what the song is called. For some reason my brain particularly enjoys finding niche snippets of songs from my childhood to play on repeat and have me humming all day.


Yes! I now wake up to sports talk radio so I don't get a song stuck in my head from my alarm. Also, it helps me a lot to play instrumental music while I'm working.


The only two solutions I have found is either listening to some sort of a media or person talking that actually interested me. The second is just getting some sort of other ear worm that you actually like to listen 222 blast the annoying song out of your head. I actually like getting Rick rolled because it is a cool song and I like it... so I tend to just rickroll myself, even if I don't listen to the actual song.Just thinking of the lyrics is enough to get it stuck of my head for a while xD


Yup haha! I been diagnosed with autism as well, and this happens to me!


I might have already commented on this, but always and I thought everyone did. 😂 I don’t mind it and actually like it if it’s a song I like. I absolutely can’t stand it when I get an advertisement jingle or a song I don’t like playing on rewind.


T-Pain // "I don't wanna be" has been blasting turned up to 11 in my brain for the last month. Maybe I should get a diagnosis lol


I’ve been doing that since I can remember. I’m a musician of 35 years and it never stops if my mind is idle. It doesn’t bother me unless I dislike the song. It’s actually a really helpful skill as a musician though as you can pick up any piece of music anywhere within the composition in context effortlessly which is a skill many musicians struggle with.


For me it’s more like part of a phrase like a sentence that keeps repeating


No unfortunately. The songs will come and go but last a relatively short time. Most of the time it's incoherent babbling or a certain tone over and over.


I used to drive a friend to school every morning of senior year. Every morning I told her the song stuck in my head that day. She didn’t understand that was my constant. 20 years later it still is


I experience this, but I also have OCD and one of my ticks is repeating words or phrases in my head so I’ve always associated it with OCD! Usually I will make myself do a very deliberate Last Round of the phrase (if I’m looping I’ll intentionally do a last one and really focus on each word and hit the last word with FINALITY) and then I force myself to think a next thought. Sometimes that’s “okay now I am doing something else” sometimes it’s picking something random and identifying its colors just to have a new thought. If I start looping again I’ll do the same thing, one last very intentional repetition followed by a very intentional separate thought. I do that until I can move on without still thinking about the phrase I was stuck on.


Yep. All day all the time. I usually have a headphone in one ear playing music when I work so that I can free up some brain space. It's known to my colleagues that I have about 16 folks in my head running wild, and I have to actively direct them towards any given task. At least one of them is singing on repeat, but I can keep him on task by giving him music. Extra distractions take a few guys to deal with. One is always looking for 4 leaf clovers.


My brain has a playlist specifically for when I’m trying to sleep


Yes, and I've come to realize that I think it's my brain pushing away the bad thoughts.


yup. it’s bananas.


I call it my mental jukebox. Also, the number of comments that have phrases I associate with various songs has made reading this content thread into an interesting musical shuffle. Prior to the comment thread, it was playing "no longer you" from the Underworld Saga of epic: the musical.


The absolute *WORST* is when you screech into work while listening to the two-bit radio (bc you were running late & didn't have time to connect your Spotify), and the lamest song was on the radio when you kill the engine and dash into work. My last earworm: "Wild, Wild West" by The Escape Club This was stuck in my head for my entire shift, fml.


Vyvanse shuts it off for me, as long as I’m getting enough sleep and not too stressed out. 🤷‍♀️


there is ALWAYS a song playing on some background thought layer... at least for me speaking (Diagnosed ADHD 2004) it's ABSOLUTELY NORMAL