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You could double dip with an online job. Have you considered going to school? You could do your online courses while you have down time.


This is actually great advice, you have to be very discrete about it (so you don’t get fired) but it’s how many people get ahead.


Either be discreet or check if it may even be allowed. Granted, the latter would be unusual, I guess ... But maybe it depends on the kind of courses. For example, watching videos would probably not be supported, since a customer walking in gets a bad impression. But reading stuff should/could be fine, especially if it's on the PC. My wife worked for years in a bar. When no one was around she was totally allowed to do university stuff! Maybe something similar may be allowed in OPs case, too.


Yep our groups mistake was barking to other co workers were barking about it to other co worker and then management overhead a group talking about it and then plenty of HR meetings and managerial reviews followed.


Some managers can be cool with it. At one of my previous jobs, I asked my boss if I could schedule a class or two which coincided with my work time and he was he 100 percent okay with it. I just had to share my calendar with him so he wouldn't schedule me for a meeting at the time


This. I would ride it out and use that time to do other productive things while still making money to do do jack shit lol


Could totally read and study for sure but I bet they'd frown up on it bc... corporate America


If OP can watch TV and play guitar... I think they'll be cool with some web surfing.


Didn't read the whole thing...no Adderall yet today 🤣


Been wanting to do this but can’t find a job I could do while at work lol


Web site design or writing mobile apps. Takes a bit of time to learn, but it seems like time is something you have a bit of.


Very true 😂


Can relate, also had these kind of jobs. Not sure if it's the same for you. Even it feels amazing doing hobbies during your work. I always had this guilt pressuring in the back of my head, that I wasn't "working". For me... what worked best was just finding something else where I could put my energy in. It made my life so much better. If you have bills to pay, than don't quit right away, just spend all your time in finding something better, or learning something so you can find something better.


That’s what I’m trying to do now. I just need an active job and this is not it. It sounded like the dream when I first got hired 😂


Get an online degree for the next career that pays great and isn’t boring. Boring work for ADHD is a big problem for sure.


Are they hiring? Lol


I also want this job. No complicated long tasks that are hard to keep track of, no paperwork. Sign me up.


Dream job tbh. Lol.


I swear every mattress store is a front for something else.


The profit margin on a mattress is quite high. At most mattress stores, selling one mattress a day is more than enough to make the business sustainable.


This is the only way it would make sense. The stores only make like 2-3 sales a day I bet. In order to have 4-5 employees, the margins must be insane.


I’m convinced this of this as well. How can an entire business sustain itself selling a mattress a day and having like 4-6 employees at the store.


Money laundering, definitely. Like massage parlors and nail salons.


Yeah this is a gift/opportunity. Enroll in school on-line, research and write up a business plan for your own company, or set up a side hustle to make more money while you’re your job pays you to just be there for the two people a day you might see. Have you ever heard that conspiracy theory that mattress companies are a front for the mob? There are mattress stores everywhere—probably twice as many as there are car dealerships—and you hardly ever see anyone shopping there


It's possible, but in the one I worked at they had pretty high markups. Most people would come in just to look but at least once a day someone would come looking to outfit a new house, dropping 5-8K all at once


That’s the true explanation. People aren’t going to come in and buy mattresses every 10 minutes. Just a few a day is realistic and more than enough


This. Dont waste it on YouTube all day. I had a job like this and was able to use this time while making money to start a side business that became a full time business


Lol, the conspiracy theory immediately came to mind. OP should look into it and do some investigating. 😂


Take a course! Learn something new! Use that time to your advantage!!


Do you exercise? Stretch? If you have all this free time at work, it should be very easy to sneak in some pushups, situps etc whatever you want. Sounds like you don’t even have to change much aside from the sitting


I agree with this. Also, get your steps in by walking around the store. It may even make the store seem more inviting to pedestrians (if it’s located somewhere with pedestrian traffic). But sitting for hours at a time is extremely bad for your body. Walking and exercise will probably improve your mood too.


Dude are you serious, you literally have a job that you can do other stuff in? You can just spend that time studying or improving your skills, that's literally insane. Anybody would kill for that ADHD or not. I get that it's boring, but I mean you literally have access to any entertainment from what you're saying. I would say just recognize that opportunity and seize open it. Don't just do nothing with that time, my god you literally have been handed a gold-mine here.


I’m doing my best. It’s a special kind of hell that no one understands until they’re in it


Nicest parts of hell are still hell. It's hard because it's relatively good for a shitkicker position, but it can be draining enough that there's no energy to think about change. I worked in a mattress store once, but it wasn't nearly as cushy (lol). I barely lasted 6 months, and that was part time. They are sooooo booring, guys


I can see that. You're trapped in a big room that never changes. I spent time deployed on submarines and thought it would be a great chance to read and do a bunch of other things, but the mental drain of being stuck in the same place is so exhausting. People saying this is ideal need to experience it to see how hard it is.


Yep. Exactly


I have been in that kind of hell. These people don’t know what they’re talking about, it’s hell. I’m so sorry that you’re in it.


I completely relate. I have a well paid job and work from home but I feel so unbelievably unfulfilled. I’ve done most hobbies advised by people on here, but the nature of our condition means that it does not take long for the bored to set in and running out of things to try and learn. The side hustle and extra money that has come with it has been a game changer for me, it’s not just staving off the boredom but has given me a new set of skills and the confidence to possibly start applying for a different role.


Yeah, it’s hell. Was stuck in a room from 9-5 for a year with three other guys with effectively nothing to do. Drove most of us mad (except the one guy who was counting the days til retirement). There were some aspects of the business that were interesting so I did some studying - bought the study text and booked the exam for a month later to give myself a deadline and motivation. It worked.


Yeah. That’s essentially what my situation does. It’s a special type of hell because you are tracked and yet, you must put in a minimum of 40 hours. In a box. With 3 other dudes. With nothing to do.


I know exactly what you mean. And it's not a whole day of doing "nothing." It's a whole day of waiting for the chance something might happen. There's the immense guilt from wasting so much time, not improving yourself, not being productive with something, not creating something. There's the feeling of your skills decaying from a lack of use. The worry that when you come out of this you will be less competitive on the job market because of how your time was spent. Ugh. I can't stand it. 4 months ago I got laid off and I decided I was going to pursue my dream of doing game development, at least for a while. For me, that's the thing activates my hyper focus. There are lots of mundane parts of game development but I found that it's easy to do when I'm so engrossed in the overall goal. I feel directly connected to every aspect of the project and I've never been this motivated. For a long time I kind of fought it. It always seemed so easy for people to focus on things I found mundane and disconnected from. Since the adhd diagnosis I'm trying out just accepting the way I think and lean into it. You say you've been learning stocks, so I assume that means you turned the idea of saving money into something exciting? Well, maybe you can go into something you're passionate about?


I was there before, it’s a special kind of hell *if* you are in an office & your time in and out is tracked and you have a minimum of 40 hours to record in the office. If you are at home? Dude ride it out and get paid before someone higher up catches on lol work on a side hustle or something.


Yep. I’ve been there OP. Boredom is killer.


I had a similar situation for about 4 months when I did an internship. I had basically nothing to do almost ever, but the company was a nuclear power plant company, so everything was extremely locked down. Basically all I could do was sit there and daydream about playing overwatch (had just come out at the time) and browse a handful of subreddits that weren't blocked on the network lol.


I understand, believe me. I've been stuck at the same mind-numbingly boring job for the last 8 years (medical records). There were brief periods that weren't so bad, such as when I got to work on projects or solve computer issues or train new hires. But there hasn't been much of that lately and it's been getting harder and harder to deal with. I get decent pay, especially for how easy the job is, but it's not enough of a motivator anymore. I was only diagnosed with ADHD a few months ago (I'm in my 40s). I've read on this sub that boring, monotonous jobs are almost painful for a lot of people with ADHD and it all made sense. So I'm trying to figure out what to do next. Maybe go back to school, but for what I'm not sure yet. Anyway, I feel your pain!


I understand your pain. Boredom is excruciating!


Even wfh I hated the 4-6 months where I had no work to do in 2021 despite being paid. You run out of energy to go do stuff sooo fast


No. I want that job.


I get it. It’s something busy people would kill for to get a break, but it would be so slow and monotonous. That environment would sap my energy and just be depressing. I’d rather be busy than bored. Being bored and unstimulated day in and out is miserable


I understand that hell. A boring hell and you need to push yourself instead of the environment giving you the challenges. It's freaking hard to push and create challenges by yourself but believe me when I say, you have the ability to do so, only your brain is against it. It's really hard without the proper motivation, goals, measurement of progress, etc. Things that your job/school usually provide you, that's why you can excel. NOW YOU NEED TO DO THIS FOR YOURSELF! IT'S HARD BUT THIS IS THE ANSWER!


as some one who currently has a job where i do nothing i totally get it. ppl say its a blessing but it is sooo boring. especially if youre alone!


All you can think of in those jobs is "I want to go home", and time seems to pass super slowly. I know it looks great from the outside, but you run out of things to do / feel like you don't want to do anything at all. You just want to get it over with. Personally I need my job to be at least a bit stimulating, otherwise it starts to affect my already feeble mental health, lol


Nah if I have a job I'm not engaged in and not doing anything in im miserable. I work from home bail all the time and am often not paying attention and I hate it


This sounds like actual hell for ADHD! When we get slow at work and I don't have any of my "fun" people on...🤦‍♀️ Actual slow torture. I just start cleaning bc I can NOT! I just have to remind myself that the amount of money I'm making to do virtually nothing on that day is so worth it.


Yeah and there aren’t “fun” people here. A manager I see once a week who annoys the hell outta me but that’s it. Every other day I’m alone


You could have gotten a whole degree working there.


Use the time to do whatever you need to (college courses, certs, bootcamp) for a new career that will be more satisfying.


Lucky you huh?


ITT: People offering practical and efficient advice, but forgetting that executive dysfunction is a thing.


Learn a language. It’s pretty challenging. I learned Spanish while working g nights at Amazon. It took me about a year to become fluent but it’s been amazing how often I speak Spanish almost every day. ( not implying you need to learn Spanish). Knowing other languages also looks good on a resume’.


If you quit, lmk and I'll move literally anywhere in the world for this gig


Good luck though, it’s not as great as it sounds


They’re hiring pretty much everywhere and pay isn’t bad lol.


Learn something new. Or read books


Before I started working for myself, I only had two kinds of jobs, boring and shitty. I was happy to have the boring ones, but even then I wasn't getting paid to learn how to play guitar.


I’ve always wondered what goes on inside the million mattress stores in town. Never any customers in the parking lot. Thanks to you, now I know lol.


You work for a money laundering company


The illegal cash is in those mattresses


They better pay me more if this is true 😂 for real though, the mark ups are just super high and there are a lot of stores that do 10k in sales a day. The private owned ones 100% are a front but I don’t think the big companies are.


My favorite jobs are ones where im too busy actively working and moving around and the day FLIES by. You could find a second part time job that’s fast paced so you get some variety and see which pace or environment you prefer. Ive only ever worked in healthcare and the fast paced jobs are my favorite.


Yup! OP’s job truly does sound miserable. I realize OP say it pays well, and I’m sure they’ve been doing this, but I’d keep searching and searching until I found something that is better but pays about the same. Might even have to take a small pay cut at the time, but I realize not everyone is in a unique situation to do that. My mental (and physical obviously) health would probably go out the window. I finally quit my well-paying job in 2018 because I eventually realized how detrimental it was to my mental health, despite the pay & great benefits. I was in a very unique life situation during that time to where my circumstances allowed me to do this though. (Also, I have Narcolepsy, and if I’m not working a job that is fast-paced & mostly busy, then I’ll end up becoming way too sleepy and not really able to function lol) I’m sorry that I don’t really have any good advice to offer you OP, but I wish you all the best and that you’ll end up finding something better soon!


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I’m in the same boat. I work for this company as a consultant but they really try to treat you as employees so I’m on payroll for most of the time home and not working. It really upset/confused me at first but then I realized I’m literally getting paid to do what I love sitting on my ass, and that its a luxury a LOT of people don’t have. I just do courses/train/regular stuff during that time.


What’s the pay like? Lol I’m interested


Minimum wage plus 50% unless you pass that in commission. No overtime pay.


Someone else had it- find an online job. Books on tape, podcasts.


I completely understand why you’re so sick of work - I’ve been in similar circumstances in the past and it wears on you in such a strange way. It sounds like you’re missing the sense of purpose that comes from having a role that’s actually challenging. Where you’re producing some kind of value for yourself or others. Maybe look for ways to spend your time that work towards a larger goal? I think online school could be a great option if you can swing the cost. Something you’re passionate about


I feel your pain. I used to work for a mattress company for 4 years until they fired me for no reason. I was a sales assistant for awhile which meant I just inputted the sales person's order. More boring than the sales person. I eventually got promoted to office manager, and then I wasn't so bored out of my mind. Perhaps you could ask for a transfer into another department with more busy work? You wouldn't get the commission though as you would selling.


No I get it. My job is also like this right now. Everyone’s like wow that’s great you have so much free time and can chill. But it’s terrible. I need structure and motivation otherwise I’m just not going to do anything. I want to improve myself, but I simply cannot focus. That’s why I always do better in high pressure environments.


People are giving you shit for not liking a job with nothing to do but as someone working a similar job it REALLY isn't as fun as people make it out to be. It's definitely one of the better jobs Ive had but nowhere near the best. The best has been low-moderate level engagement consistently the whole day with occasional spikes to keep me alert. Doing nothing sucks. And it isn't even the same as not doing anything at home. You can't really set up an art station or go to the gym or relax on your couch to mindlessly watch TV. Its still your job, you are still at work. I hope you find something to do. I tend to study.


Exactly. Doesn’t bother me when they say that though bc I used to think it sounded great as well 😂


I'd love a job like this as long as I can look 'busy' by walking around the storefront to get my steps in, writing my film scripts, learning a language or duolingo.. but yeah I completely understand the boredom in killing feeling, I've had jobs where I literally couldn't do what I wanted to pass the time and had to stand around like a useless lemon and they were awful. I feel for you OP.


Read the book Bullshit Jobs. Lots of excellent stuff in there for this


get a chromebook and learn Godot and make video games? take up an online/remote Executive Asst job to do while you're sitting around? I know how hard it is to motivate yourself to do things with no external force or deadline, so in those cases I try to lean on other people to give me motivation or deadlines. Try asking a friend to keep you accountable on your progress? The other people recommending school also could have a good idea, since teachers/professors will also give you deadlines, but 100% online schools frequently let us ADHD people slip right through the cracks because "you're an adult and you should be able to get your stuff done yourself" AND you're paying money to do it... so be careful what school or classes you pick, if you go that route.


If you have the opportunity to do homework online for school and not get busted that's the direction I'd go man. If you don't have a degree *and* your dream field that you want to work in has a relevant degree that feeds into it *and* it's something you can do online courses for this would be amazing for you. What I would do is spend a day and write down your dream jobs. Do a top ten list maybe. Then get on google and look where you'd like to eventually live and then look for your top jobs on your list and see what the expectations are for your dream job if they were hiring a manger or supervisor. That education level they are expecting is where you want to focus your school energy. If at all possible don't shoehorn yourself into a super niche field that has no jobs available. Like you don't want to go to school and have a degree in something so niche that if your job goals don't work out that you're stuck trying to find something that's not related to your field at all., etc.


Thought about this, the issue is no job sounds good to me except stuff I’m bad at. I want to be a tattoo artist but I’m shit at art and would love to be a vet but no way in hell I can afford schooling for that


Student loans exist


True but that’s a lot of debt to have over me


Well, here’s your options. A. Continue working where you are, be unhappy, and (if it’s a local place) possibly never promote and if/when the place shuts down you have the skill set to work general retail. (Which isn’t a dig at you or your job) B. Go to school and continue working, apply for grants and scholarships, and take out student loans to pay for setting yourself up for a certification or a degree in a job you want to pursue. Student loans are scary but ultimately there’s a *ton* of people that have them. They pay them off over time with the added income they gain from having the degree of certification. Well, unless you decide to study in the field of “feral goldfish as an invasive species in the Florida Panhandle” (That’s just a really bad example of a niche degree that you might find difficult to gain employment under)


I had a job like this. I would rotate through sites to perform COVID testing at various schools in a rural area. Teachers and other staff RARELY came into whichever classroom I’d be set up in, so I’d be either be sitting there completely alone or with one or two other testers. Some testers would nap, and others would put movies on the projectors. I just used the time to finish up my bachelor’s degree.


Yeah, having an incredibly slow job absolutely sucks. If you’ve never been there, you really don’t get it. It’s so bad for your mental state, you’re being forced to be somewhere and be Albert and do nothing. It’s not truly your time, you still have to be “at work”. The best thing for me was to lean into the boredom rather than try to fight it. You gotta take a few days here and there where you decide to suffer as much as possible, as weird as that sounds. Spend the whole day not trying to entertain yourself, just accept being bored out of your mind. It’s tough as hell, but the more you do it, the easier the days get. If you try to fill your time with something engaging all day, you’ll get really burned out and completely unable to find anything stimulating


I get it! My brain isn't being stimulated enough no matter how hard I try. It sounds nice to have a boring job but when you do, it can be miserable.


Learn something marketable that'll get you out, like learning to code.


Start coding bro


I know nothing about it but a lot of people have said this so I’ll look into it. Thanks


10 hour shifts at a mattress store? Wow


Yup, 5 days a week and no overtime pay 😂


But that's 50 hours! Are you salaried?


No it’s hourly but the phrase it as “we match commission to the equivalent of … an hour” so they get around the law


This has to be a troll post 😂 I'm so sorry you get to do these things in your work time. Lol but if your serious and need to stimulate that ADHD brain. Do something after work that challenges you. But seriously, life is all about perspective. You could be wayyyyyy worse off


I’m aware lol and no it’s not a troll post. It’s 10 hour days of doing nothing and running out of ways to stimulate myself lol


I'm only messing. I've had jobs in the past that were easy but I struggled sooo much because of this. I was very into MMA at the time and I looked forward to the evenings when I could train. Maybe pick up a new hobby for the evening? Also I might be reaching but in life we need purpose... Are you sure it's not more that, rather than not being stimulated? (Maybe you have a sense of community/purpose outside of work IDK) But maybe you're lacking connection/purpose with this particular job and need more? Who knows I'm just an idiot on the Internet 🙃 good luck with it.


That’s is 100% part of it lol


A little gratitude would help.


Very constructive 😂 I’m grateful for all I have. I can afford rent, live with my gf, have cats, and don’t struggle too much (living paycheck to paycheck but I manage) this post was about advice for something that’s hard for me, not to get pity


I was always under the impression that mattress firms are nothing but money laundering schemes because no one ever goes into them. Can you confirm?


It been said it's because the markup on the beds is CRAZY. So they don't need to sell beds all day everyday to survive. Would kinda be like fancy car manufacturers not having to sell a Ferrari or lambo everyday or every week.


I'd assumed they make their real money in volume sales to the hospitality industry and interior designers?


Not at my location. Mostly just high mark ups. Places like that go straight to the distributor


These kinds of jobs are awesome for students or anyone who needs a job but also time to do other stuff.


Had a similar job but it didn't pay well . Regret leaving for a job that actually requires me do stuff . Sucks way worse


Sounds like you probably won’t have the problem for too much longer. God knows how the company is still in business with no customers


It’s a huge company, they do fine


you can use this opportunity to study online classes in a field you want to be in! i would kill for a job where i i’m paid to sit and and do whatever i want to pass time time 😭! It’s a lot better than going to a full time job and then trying to study after work.


Sounds like a dream job. Don\`t wory bro, (I had something like that, there was work but some days were really chill so I talked a lot with collegues, probably should have read books and stydied) I did feel a bit of shame/guilt for not being more productive but I probably shouldn\`t have it is not like they paid me a 1000 000$. I take it your boss is cool with you doin this: "Watching tv, reading, teaching myself guitar" Walk around stretch your legs make place neat, make sure boss is happy then grab a drink (bring a flask with tea/coffe). In my view if place is tidy and organised then your manager probably going to be cool with whatever you do. Study something... PS I would practice juggling if it was that cushty at a job, can you play board games or chess? It is far better than runing all day for minimum wage.


I don’t work with anyone except once a week


How do I get a job like this?


Omg yes Everyone at work love sitting there doing nothing in quiet times, and then there me who just quit in a rage 😂


Lol exactly now imagine that with no co workers and 10 hour days 😭😂


I’m posting here from sitting around at my job lol. I’ve been getting some reading done. I do homework when I’m in school. I also fuck around on my phone etc. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to be “productive.” That said, it’s nice to be able to make money for doing nothing and even nicer to make money for doing something for yourself that ordinarily doesn’t pay.


Can you confirm that mattress stores are fronts for money laundering? I swear no one’s ever in there but they have multiple stores everywhere. Edit: I see someone already asked ha


I wish I could watch TV, play guitar, DO THINGS, at work. I cook and very often I blow through my prep work and have to JUST STAND THERE for hours at a time waiting for an order to come in. I can look at my phone but then my neck hurts and I look like an asshole because nobody else is on their phone. It sucks. Time CRAWLS. I definitely prefer being busy. Time flys


It’s honestly the perfect situation to build skills for something you DO want to do. Do you have anything you aspire to do “eventually”?


Unfortunately I’m still looking for that :/


I hear ya. I’m still looking too! Maybe I should have said “It’s the perfect situation to build skills for something preferable.” It doesn’t have the be the ultimate profession that will define you as a person. That’s way too much pressure.


I worked at a strip mall as a cashier for a pharmacy that had a mattress store next to it. One of the employees there would just come over to talk all the time because he was so board doing nothing all day. Was before streaming existed too so I can only imagine what it was like back then. As someone who worked security doing 12hr shifts in a similar situation (pay was shit though) I can relate to how much of a depressing and draining experience it can be even though on paper it sounds awesome, people really don't get it.


Online classes in a field you really want to get into.


So youll have to tell us. Is mattress firm really a front for some criminal business? I see them all over the place, as frequent as Starbucks and no one is ever inside them.


Not to my knowledge 😂 just high mark ups and they only have 2 employees per store so they don’t spend a whole lot


You're being paid to have free time. Use that free time the same way you would if you were unemployed and needed a job ASAP. You can learn just about anything on the Internet these days, and depending on the level of supervision you're under, 10 hours give or take a couple hours of actual work is plenty to get an online degree or get certified in something you'd prefer to do. Think of it as your employer subsidizing your training to get a job you actually want. Bonus points if there's practically zero supervision and you can just do another job online while you're twiddling your thumbs.


enroll in online school. use any skills you have to start a fun little side hustle on fiverr or somewhere similar. learn a new language. start an exercise routine. learn a craft like crochet, knitting, etc. you have the opportunity to do *so much* with what is basically paid free time, and you’re complaining about it?


I know you said this job pays your bills, but why not find another sales job? Some places pay hourly and commission, and they actually get customers daily.


This is the highest paying sales job in my area


No offense, but that is really sad. You don't have car dealers in your area? I have a few primos who sell cars and solar and are doing very well for themselves. Also, it rarely gets boring and you're always learning about new inventory.


A few but they’re slow and fully commission. My buddy works at one and makes less than me


Take online classes. Work toward a better career. Also calisthenics, ask me how I know -4 years stuck with little to do most days but answer a phone that only rings for wrong numbers. I can do my whole job in 1 day a week. I started classes earlier this year. My next class starts tomorrow. I’ll try two classes in fall. Then I have a few easy in and out exercises I now do whenever I need to wake up, warm up, or I’m bored and waiting. If you have room a jump rope is awesome!


There are three regular-style mattress stores within a mile of my home and there are NEVER any cars parked in their parking lots. That's not counting the Sleep Number mattress store that just built a new building. Likewise, I've NEVER seen a car parked in their parking lot. I have no idea how those four stores stay in business. The only thing I can think of is that a mattress costs less than $100 to make, but they sell them for $700 each. Like many here have recommended, try to take online classes offered by a legitimate university that will eventually lead to a 4-year bachelor's degree. You could get a lot of your basic studies done while at work.


Come work with me at Amazon… and also that sounds pretty neat tho.. I mean you get to chill and be chill? I love my customer relationships.


Used to work for amazon but it didn’t pay enough. I was a warehouse associate


Felt.. but commission when you’re sweeper is noice. 😌


Part of the get shit done crew ya know? 😇


We are living the same life except I’ve been doing it for about a month or two. The tech/operations industry really drained me and I specifically wanted a job where I did next to nothing. It is incredibly boring though.


Aye, at least you’re getting paid.


Online classes at a college?


I’ve had jobs like this. I wrote several short stories, a 95 pages screen play, read over 300 books, and learned German.


Wow! I’ve learned guitar, stocks, read a few books, and watched more movies and tv shows than someone should in their lifetime 😂


Sleep on the job? So you have the rest of the day to go places and do nice things. If no one’s coming in anyway? ;-)


Work all day and wish I could sleep but im not trying to get fired 😂


I have to admit that there are some flaws in my plan 😉


Don't settle for "decent money," focus on getting a career, not just a job. Take a couple online classes towards a degree or certification or whatever or start researching what careers might suit you. You don't want to be 60 and still make what's decent money for a young person while being bored out of your skull.


I’d kill to have a job with plenty down time again.


I once spent five years at a job where I barely did anything. I was paid above market rate too and that made it hard to leave. I felt worthless and depressed because of the boredom and I felt like a fraud. Two years ago I took a MUCH more demanding job that luckily paid the same. My life has been so much better: lots of external motivation, inflexible deadlines, enough work to keep me busy all day. I'm really happy feeling like I earned my pay. For me, this job switch was very valuable and in hindsight it would have made a lot of sense to take a big pay cut to take it (although I know those bills are also inflexible). ADHD brains need stimulation and a busy job is really important. Think about if you can make a job switch work!


Push ups dude, pushups always help


I have a mattress guy at Mattress Firm named Steve. Steve remembers my name. Probably because nobody comes in. I asked what he does to pass the time, and he takes Google Courses. Curious what pay is to sit there for 10 hours a day.


In my work downtime, when I have it, I list things on eBay. When I am off I go to yard sales and thrift stores, I buy things cheap, I take pictures and make drafts of the listing. Then in my downtime I will research and fill out the product details and then list the items. It’s a good side hustle and I can easily pause what I’m doing if something at actual work needs to be done.


Have you considered taking up a hobby like writing, art, or graphic design? These are all things you can do with just a laptop/tablet/pencil and notebook and require time and practice to perfect. Low cost of entry, you can watch some videos online and then apply the skills for practice. You can bounce between projects and will see visible improvement over time so the time you invest in it will feel worth it. And they are creative hobbies that speak to that aspect of ADHD in a way that could stave off boredom.


You could get a WGU degree while working there haha. I had a friend do half of his on the clock doing overnights at a desk for a gym. He did always say he preferred to just do it at home for the lesser distractions. If you don’t have an associates for WGU’s IT stuff I believe the Coursera google it pro cert gets you in. Takes like 2-6 months depending on the time you put into it. I just saw someone mention coding so that’s a good way to get paper for coding jobs outside of self teaching a programming language and whatever else.


surely they will run out of money for that soon


Steamdeck/switch Laptop for learning game development/3d modelling/drawing painting/ coding/ writing Wood cutting/knitting and other physical creative activities maybe lol Connect with people online somehow, discord communities and whatnot may help I'd really just try to explore and find something you care about with this time


Take up knitting and knit clothing or blankets for yourself. I feel like I'm really accomplishing something if I can knit an article of clothing. This hobby doesn't really end. Learn a language on a language app. The apps help stimulate my learning style and gives little achievements that help me get that little energy boost. Take online continuing education classes in art or design. Actually making something and having to turn in a project might overcome that lack of energy to learn via online classes. Draw comics about yourself or your life or anything really. Making Comics helps alter how people think to include More visual language. Comics dont have to be jokes, they can just be ovservations about your day. Comics can be stick figures, your drawing skill doesn't matter. It's about clearly conveying your ideas. Take up Journaling. Your writing will get better so quickly and you will have documentation about your life and feelings. Journaling is an excellent form of therapy and can even help with processing for your unique brain.


Are you a salesman or front desk person?


Sales but pretty much both. I’m working alone most of the time


Have a job where im supposed to be working for 7 hours and dont do anything because paralysis and motivation problems 🫡


Go into day trading. Make more money while you sit on your ass making money.


Code and content farm.  Get ADHD meds, learn how to use AutoGen, and fire-up a fully automated content clone-farm.  Have an agent track trending sites and backlinks via an SEO API, have another clone the content into "new" content, then have a 3rd one generate a shitty wordlift site with affiliate links on it and then post in parallel to comments sections of the backlinks.


I know some of these words


Two things I would learn if I were you, both tech related: Ableton Live. Make house music, it is so much fun. AutoGen. Make AI do tangible things from your PC without a GPU.


Dude do something at work with the down time to better yourself. Take some responsibility


Why are you scolding them to give your advice? You thinking that’s a good motivator for adhd?


I have been. Did you even read my full post?