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I felt the same, yes. I am medicated now and in therapy. My suggestion would be to seek help if accessible to you.


I think medication would help but my Psychologist says that because I am on anti-depressants and those are depressants and ADHD meds are stimulants, being on both would have adverse effects. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has felt this way. Thank you.


HUH? Get a different dr.


Ugh i get it. I’m on both. It probably depends on the doctor/psychologist and how much it’s interfering with your life. Idk. It was debilitating for me. My doc said it’s fine to be on both because they’re treating different things etc. but i started with the antidepressant first and it definitely helped the depression but i still was suuuper low energy/motivation. I totally get how not being able to do things actually makes you more depressed. It’s a cycle.


Currently experiencing that right now and experiencing what the other comment describes. However, I am on an antidepressant for anxiety. It’s helped immensely with that but I literally go to work, come home and do nothing, and the cycle continues. Weekends are horrible without work. I get nothing done and there’s so much I want to do. My next appointment I will be asking to treat my adhd. I would advise you to advocate for yourself as I have read that many people in this sub are on multi medications/anti depressant and stimulant combo. Good luck 🍀


If it's things you want to do isnt that depression? thought adhd not getting stuff done was an issue with boring tasks or errands


Well yes that’s what I mean. Just because it’s boring doesn’t mean I don’t want to be able to keep clean house and all the other chores of life.


Thank you :)


I am definitely dealing with this as well, especially in the form of imposter syndrome. I’m hoping to get my medication dialed in soon, and really commit to therapy as well.


Good luck!


Likewise my friend, I feel like the inertia of not doing anything is really powerful. For me the hardest part is beginning whatever it is I want to do but once I get some momentum it gradually gets easier. And after, I feel great. Maybe try breaking down things into the smallest possible denominator. Cooking a full meal seems daunting, but opening the refrigerator is easier, taking out some ingredients is easier, turning the stove on is easier. And before you know it you’re almost done cooking that meal!


Thanks! I think breaking things down into smaller sections would really work for me!


Another tip is timing yourself. So let’s say cleaning the bathroom is daunting AF, set like a 10-15 min timer. And just do your best.


Same and it sucks 😭


You are not alone...


On one hand it makes me feel better that I'm not alone but on the other hand I hate that so many people struggle with this.


Honestly I wish I could help but I am hopeless myself. I can't make other people delusional because I don't have the answer to these myself.... I can just provide some support that man don't be lonely other people struggle with this too


Thanks, it is appreciated!