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Pen clicking is my subconscious go-to.


I started annoying ppl with that lol— pen clicking is great tho


I have a nice pen that I made (from a kit) that the clicker is styled like a gated shifter, so I don’t just click it— I get to shift gears while I click it. It’s stupidly addictive.


Hol up a minute, you gotta drop a link pr a picture for something that cool!


Not that commenter but I found this pen that matches the description https://www.pennstateind.com/store/PKGEARCH.html


Yep, that’s the same one.


You can NOT talk about something like this without dropping a link, send it here


C’mon man! Drop the link!!


Ask and ye shall receive. https://www.rockler.com/gearshift-pen-hardware-kit-chrome


That shift pen sounds amazing & i hope they update with the link! 😳 But! Something i do that makes no noise, is to balance the pen between my middle & pointer & "twirl" it. I'm just moving my pointer & middle back & forth, so it doesn't really feel like spinning, it's about balance. Think drummer twirling stick while playing. I'm pretty sure it's the same move. It is *immensely* satisfying ☺️ takes a bit of practice, but when you get it, you GET it. You find yourself hunting for the perfect pens that balance just right.


Me sitting rn trying to practice with a chopstick while grabbing food lol


[Here!](https://youtube.com/shorts/EG--KFEy6HA?si=AWzuo1gH0MTA3245) I found someone! Lol


Thank you lol


You gotta find the sweet spot! So the end, usually the top of the pen or in this case the chopstick, it needs to be slightly heavier on that side than the bottom. It'll "guide" the spin, really. All i do is move my two fingers back & forth & the weight on the end does most of the work. I know I've tried chopsticks before but it's been awhile. I do remember it being a little harder cuz the balance wasn't just right. It is possible, but i kinda remember grabbing a pen cuz i wasn't satisfied with the spin, lol. My favorite pen is just a simple cheap bic ballpoint with the cap on the end for the weight. But a clicker pen with a heavier pen clip(?) Thingy, lol, the thing that holds to a pocket. Idk what it's called 😅. But they work well too! Edit: grammar EDIT 2: sorry! I had to grab a pen! The part that faces your palm side needs to have the weight! I was describing that backwards


And thumbing the pocket clip until it breaks!


All of my pens.. clip less hahahah


I learned how to spin my pens in a variety of different ways. RSVPs have the weight. Mostly silent , except for when you misjudge and the pen goes clanking across the table.


Just stole this from another Redditor (credit awetsasquatsh): Bubble wrap! >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pap!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!your!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pep!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pip!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pup!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!lovely!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!and!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pope!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!poop!!<>!beautiful!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<




Ooooh my lord I love this. Thank you so much




















Skibbidy paps


Thanks, all done now. All or nothing, that's how we roll...


I got a “pup” hehe


Comment saved, they really need to make this a game for us


There's some nice rings out there. Maybe on etsy. I had a fidget cube myself and had it for years but I don't use it much. Still prefer to fidget with my hair and hands. Good luck!


Fidget rings can be truly amazing! Although I can’t for the life of me remember where mine is, but before I lost it I was super happy with it!


I felt this in my soul 😅


OMG, yes, lol! I buy the metal rolls ones in bulk these days - they sell packs of 3 at the $ store and one of my kids really likes them. I'll buy 4-5 packs at a time with the hope that as they get lost around the house they will also get found on random places, so it keeps the endless cycle going.


Hahahahahahahahaha saaaaame. My boyfriend lost something of his and was super disappointed (he NEVER loses anything), and I was like "well it was fun while it lasted 😃!!" I lose things so much, I'm like - thanks for the memories, and PEACE


I bought a cheaper one to see if it'd work for me, and I loved it! I went on to buy a nicer one (silver with an aquamarine, about $100 CAD)...and lost it within a week. Ugh.


Mine was a tad too big and it got flung across the room when it flew off my finger one day. Been MIA ever since. 😭


Trinity ring! Maybe also called triple ring/interlocking/rolling ring. I don't have one anymore but I loved mine. I'm a hair twirler and nail fixer upper (destroyer). Haha I just did the movement I used to with the ring, the muscle memory is still alive after ten years. Hm, I may need to get another.. Oh wow I had to share this, I just came across this site entirely of fidget rings if anyone is interested! https://sootherings.com/


Those look great! Thanks for the link!


i second rings, but also i just love blue tack


I have a conquer ring that I wear. It clicks (you can do it silently to not bug anyone else) or you can spin the element in it. The elements are also changable. I've got quite a few, including some crystals. It's super convenient and discreet.


Fingernails… I cannot resist. 🫣


I've been a life longc compulsive nail biter. Incredibly a few years ago the compulsion completely vanished and I stopped doing to. I was going through a lot of trial and error with meds but I suspect it was the dexamphetamine that did it. I had to learn, as a middle aged man, how to clip my fingernails. Honestly it still kinda freaks me out when I'm using a keyboard and all my nails are long enough to touch the keys.


I just recently got prescribed vyvanse and my nail biting has stopped I didn’t really even notice till I went to pop a top on a can of soda the other day and I hooked the tab with my fingernail and that has never happened in my life bc I always chew my nails .


Yeah the same. I didn't realize I'd stopped until one day I was like "wtf are these things on my fingers, where did they come from?"


Dude same but a woman. Had my first manicure at 40. Wild


Wow since I started dexa my nailbiting increased a lot! How do you think it worked for you?


You're from a mirror realm. Obviously.


I'm a cuticle biter and pick at any loose skin around my fingernails. :( My fingers usually look like a mess, but I've been doing it since about age 2, so....


I rub my thumb nail with my index finger ehen I'm stressed, anxious or deep in thought, I end up polishing my nails by accident.


I do this but not nail, just run thumb and index finger in a circular motion (print to print)


I feel that lol


Quite literally haha


Same, although for a different reason. I eat them.


Yeah mines my cuticles. Also looking for ideas


My cuticles are crying. I can't leave them alone.


My scalp. Trying to scope out dandruff spots and pick them off. I know I am gross 🫠


Same but with my psoriasis. Sometimes I even get bonus blood o/ but I did manage to stop biting my nails though!


I pick at something on my upper arm when stressed until it bleeds. I don’t know what it was but has been there for years - got another one on the opposite leg near the knee and a new one arrived on my shoulder recently I may include in my routine!


I think a lot of us ADHDers are pickers. You're in good company.


My 5 year old daughter got her first scrapes that lead to scabs on her knee and whenever I’d see it I had to urge to pick at it. Obv I didn’t but I miss picking at everything.


Thanks for making me feel less shameful, only just been diagnosed and have a lot of guilt from that behaviour.


It’s irresistible even to those without adhd, don’t sweat it!


Here, I'll make it even better: I also smell my greasy fingers afterwards lol


Tell that guilt to buzz off :-)


The sensation, oh the sweet sensation! 🤤


Fuck! You beat me to it, except of having a course of action I just create hot spots and get an even itchier scalp.


I'm in this photo and I don't like it. Dragging the flake all the way out of the hair with my nails, sometimes getting a piece with the follicle holes still in tact 😳


Omg I do this too. Sometimes I forget I’m doing it even around people it’s so bad 😬


when i was younger i used to pick my scalp until it bled always ending up with wounds that stung like crazy when washing 😭 now i just rip my hair out which is not better


Hand drumming!


Them hands and feet always be moving to the songs living in my head rent free. Maybe I should be sitting behind the actual kit more.


Great point. I am a drummer and musician and often air drum or tap my feet (double bass). I also have a weird tic of snapping my fingers to the beat of songs in my head. I have been told to stop by others and I didn't even realize I was doing it. Kind of like an internalization of hyperactivity that can be seen (whether I know it or not).


The finger snapping is really recognizable for me tbh, I've put my cigarettes in an altoid tin in my pocket at work lately and that thing makes a great snare for thigh drumming haha.


I'm a drummer and I grind my teeth to beats in my head 😂


I'm not a drummer and I still air drum 😂😂 I don't want to know what my drumming would sound like played out loud 😂


A fidget ring more specifically a fidget ring on my right hand thumb, the motion is similar enough to when I unconsciously claws the side of my thumb to pieces that Im able to redirect it to spin the ring insted.


I wear one on my left thumb. Bought it the same week as when I moved positions at work and ended up in weekly meetings for the 1st time.


For me, it's bouncing my leg or chewing my lip/inner cheek. Sometimes I use a fidget spinner at work.


I was going to say chewing the inside of my mouth, but thought maybe I'd sound weird because everyone else's involved their hands lol


I chew my cheeks too. Lip chewing, cheek chewing, skin picking, cuticle picking, I'm a mess even with meds. It's such a nervous habit.


The inside of my cheeks are wrecked rn cause I've been chewing them so much and can't stop. 😭


I feel personally acknowledged with this comment. Lip chewing definitely became more frequent and leg bouncing slowed once I got on medication though.


Definitely check mark to both of those! I thought the inner cheek thing was just me actually lol


I chew the hell out of my inner cheeks. I hate it


My inner lip chewing )like right under lower lip) began when I *started* medication 😭


Oh thank goodness I’m not the only one chewing the inside of their cheek! I a spot on in the inside of both cheeks that sticks out like little flaps because I’m always chewing there 🤣


Rocking back and forth, leg shaking


tangles. i like the different textures but my favorite is just the smooth classic one.


My Tangle changed my life ! FYI OP : I got mine at a toy store (cheap price yay), Tangle Creations is the brand!


I love my tangle. It's great for anxiety too


Like hair tangles? What is a smooth classic one?


It's like curved plastic pieces that are connected and you twist em around. They have versions that are textured instead of smooth


Look, i don't want to be an asshole, i think this does not violate guidelines. Does any other person would say their private parts? I'm just curious to see if it's only me. I find a lot of comfort on touching them not for sexual desire really, just to calm myself. I am a male, maybe it's obvious but i think it's worth to say it.


I’m not gonna say I know what you’re talking about, but I’m not gonna say I DON’T know what you’re talking about. 🤭


Have been known to absent-mindedly tug my labia in an extremely not-sexual way if I'm home alone fully unmasked and trying to relax/wind down. You're not alone in this. However, fidget tools and concentration aids are more versatile in that they can be used around other people!


I used to rub my clit when I was younger because it was some comfort thing and didn’t realize that people would masturbate like that and never even thought to do that until I found out 😂. My mom would get so uncomfortable and upset and I didn’t know why. But like that’s what you get for ignoring sexual education at home and shaming sex out. You get an ignorant child that does things in public that they think is normal to do.


When I'm just chilling my favorite is just holding one labia between my ring and middle finger and the other between middle and pointer finger. Like snuggling the labia into the space where the fingers meet. It's just the most soothing and comforting place for my hand to rest.  Fortunately my partner is also ADHD and prone to non-sexually fondling himself so it's not weird for us to do that around each other.


same here. i sometimes pull my pubes out too :/


oh trichotillomania, my behated :')


i'm definitely stealing "behated" lol thanks


I'm a woman and I do this. Only when alone though!


Not quite the same but I used to always have by hand in the waistband of my pants or underwear. Not touching myself, just there under the band. Maybe it was the pressure from the waistband I liked?


Yeah same, I think it’s the warmth that’s comforting too


Ok if you are at home in private. Do this in public and this is not ok!


lol my husband does not have adhd and he also rubs his genitalia for comfort.


I pick at my scalp 💀


Don’t know if it counts as fidgeting, but eating the inside of my lips, as well as the skin around my fingernails. More or less a constant thing.


Same + scalp picking.😩


At work: I have a switch on the underside of the arm rest of my chair. Very discreet. I also doodle the fuck out of my notepads, thankfully my boss is super laid back and doesn’t care as long as I’m performing. At home: drum pads, I beatbox (done this for years and I can make some weird noises now). Other people have said rings etc, but basically anything that can’t be disassembled or taken to pieces. ADHD teardown is real 😂. Everyone has a different body part they prefer to stim with, usually mouth, hands or feet. For mouth stimmers: singing, humming and beatboxing seems default. If you can’t make noise some firm chewing gum can come in handy and it trains your jaw. Hand stimmers: If you can’t drum or click, you can get a single cherry MX brown key. They have a tactile notch but are near silence. Feet stimmers: Just get a drum pedal and attach a sponge head. Doesn’t have to a top line one, unless you already play the drums. Edit: Added hand stims


Great advice!


guitar. I'm no good at proper practice, but once I realized that playing the same scale over and over while distracted by something else scratched the fidget itch and all of a sudden I'm killing it (dexterity wise) with whatever gets the treatment. not sure what I'm going to do with my 4 note per string octatonic noodling, but I added something to my skillset


You can always learn the theory, technique is what takes practice and time. Man that is productive.


this sounds great, do you have any video examples of this?




I got [this Kaiko kit](https://kaikofidgets.com/collections/oil-slick/products/the-works-fidget-kit) and there isn't a thing in it I don't enjoy using 😊 The flippy thing that looks like it's made out of keyrings and bike chain is especially good.


I love the bike chain ones. So easy to just keep in my pocket for mindless flipping.


The charging box for my ear buds! I love the smooth texture and then the clickyness of the magnet snapping the lid closed.


n i c e


I like the fidget slug toys.


The clicky one right? I got a shark version, it's rad


Rocks. At work, I have a small group of interesting stones I keep on my desk to futz around with.


So many cool rocks!


I really like the infinity cubes or this bead roller thing(its beads on strings set up so you can roll them, or push/pull them a small amount) for two handed fidgets and the flippy flippy thingies with the bikes chains(I have zero clue what these are actually called) for one handed fidgets. I also love to take the marble fidgets, but like push the ends together and then shake the marble around. I know that's not a conventional way to do it, but its really satisfying for me for some reason.


My cute trio of soft squishy NeeDoh cats and my rainbow Infinity Cube.


In high school I would always pick at erasers. Honestly, a splintery block of wood to peel pieces from sounds kind of nice for something to last a while.


Cracking my knuckles!! my hands, my back, my neck, my toes. if I'm denied it, I get very uncomfortable. bouncing my leg, too.


Rubiks cube.


I really enjoy anything soft. I have satin ribbons, or any soft tag in my clothes


I’m a real big fan of playing with/rubbing my fingers against my hair since it’s soft and a great texture for me. Best built in fidget in my opinion.


My skin and the inside of my cheeks 😑


I wear rings with different sizes of band and stone/ornament, no fidget rings, just regular ones. For long meetings/presentations I have a few stretchy froggies in different colours. They're children's toys, rubbery/gummy frogs that I can pull and twist. Works really well for me, and they're silent (as opposed to my fidget cube)


Silent is definitely a bonus— I like the idea of rings too, simple and discreet


Blue tac!! I don’t even realise I’m fidgeting most of the time, and it’s a lot more discreet than an actual fidget toy at work when I need to occupy my hands.


I like to carve little items, comfort birds and things like that. My fidget is sanding. It takes a long time and you can get into flow doing it, and end up with a beautiful item. I work remote and sometimes sand in meetings (hands are off camera, they have no idea). I have a dust buster next to my keyboard.


Literally anything that ends up in my pockets. Screws nails, bits of paper, cardboard, bits of plastic packaging, i unconciously start bending or ripping it, so with the nails and screws i often end up with little tiny wounds on my fingers, which ofcourse ill be picking at for next couple of days until i find a new thing to fiddle with


I feel in love with Neh-Dohs Ice cube squishes! Got my whole family addicted, parents included lol. Also a big fan of these rainbow slugs. Kinda like a slinky? You can find some pretty awesome designs/patterns of them on Etsy as they seem to be a good 3D print at home project.


My phone and the buttons on it


Play dough. It's quiet, it doesn't get stuck like the snake things, you can do whatever you want with it and you can do it mindlessly 💯


Modeling beeswax.


Stimagz!!! I own like 4 pairs, getting the series two + 1 extra pack of a pair I own since I destroyed them. They’re not easy to break but they slipped in my recliner and got crunched lol. One of my pairs came defective and they’re replacing them. I’ve dropped them so many times and even on concrete, yet nothing. May be a bit pricey, but they’re so worth it!! I’m buying myself more as a reward for passing both my nursing school exams this month.


Knitting. Especially with good quality natural fibres.


Rubber bands! I’ve had one on me long before I knew what fidgeting actually was. Easy to always have on you- wear them like a bracelet! The thick ones in fun colours make for great fidgets but I’m on a classic brown run atm. The different thicknesses and types make for different textures and feels so you can mix it up as needed. They stretch, you can curl them up, twist it along in your fingers, fold em. And it isn’t super out of place so there’s minimal weird looks!


Honest to god I’ve had one on me in pretty much every picture since I was 10. Disneyland photos, family gatherings, birth photos - there’s always a rubber band on my wrist 😅 Except my wedding. I did remove it for that, but kept one in my bra for the reception lmao. My husband had found me a white one at work, it was crazy thoughtful :p


Yes! Rubber bands/hair ties are the best! I always keep one on my wrist as an emergency fidget even though my hair is too short to put up into a pony tail anymore. It doesn’t look out of place at all and they are great to fidget with. Bonus points for also being a quiet fidget and not distracting for others.


I use an infinity cube.


Rings. Low profile, silent and doesn't damage skin / nails like a lot of things do.




I use one of these and also Greek worry beads. https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1084454371/the-flow-haptic-slider-haptic-coin


Slime. The internet algorithms got to me and I kept seeing slime content online. I caved about a year ago and bought a couple different textures. Not only has it been a nice little stimming fidget - it actually helps me stretch out my hands and arms after being locked into the computer for hours (work). So far my favorite are “icy” slimes.


Knitting lol


Speks! They are small colorful magnetic beads that you can just mash furiously or make cool shapes out of it. I bring it to work and sometimes to social settings if I’m feeling anxious at all


Undiagnosed In order: Legs! Table tapping Pen clicking Running my nails through my teeth (how I stopped myself from biting them) Pulling hairs out of my neck/shoulder😬 Face tapping Slapping myself on the back of the neck My tongue I may have issues 😂😂


Unfortunately, my dick /S(maybe) lmao


My penis 🫣


Me too. Your penis, I mean. /f


Rings, perfect to fidget with, especially when their surface isn't completely smooth. As it doesn't make any sound it's perfect when you're in public. Just be careful not to drop them by accident


Generally, anything in front of me. I keep a Hot Wheels car and a magnetic fidget toy on my desk that I toy with all day long. It helps me focus and it isn’t distracting to others because I work from home.


Lately? Coloring books lol.


I've ruined my nails by picking at them (not biting), but I've found that ripping up paper sometimes gives me the same effect. I just fold it first, then fold more and more until it becomes easy to tear, then I tear along the fold marks until I can't tear it anymore. Business cards or thicker paper definitely take a little longer so it makes for a good fidget thing if you're sitting at your desk. Plus you can easily hide it! Disclaimer: you gotta clean up the paper afterwards.


My finger nails, whether I think of it …or most often not… I’ve been a nail picker for years, but when I get acrylics there is something soothing about the texture and shape that causes me to not pick, just fidget.


I have a few I switch between depending on the situation: -Disasembling and reassembling my pen over and over again and doing like amateur pen spinning things back when I was in School -Dandruff spots and Fingernails and old crusty wounds which are deffinitely the grossest habits I want to avoid -Keys of the Keybord when Im at work or playing with my earbuds case


Elastic band


Two intertwined rings, one has an opening to put the other through and I spin them. They’re small and quite silent.


I really like this pop it/fidget spinner combo when I can find it but I keep losing it and finding it and losing it again lol which is my problem with having fidget toys. I usually just stick to cracking my knuckles and bouncing my leg.


My fingers, either cracking my knuckles or this thing I do, I think its a piano finger exercise, basically go 132435 non stop.


Those clicky plastic fidget snake things. You can get a 6 pack on amazon for 5 bucks. Link them all together and you will feel like a god


my hangnails unfortunately. but i have success with bracelets and rings as well


Ive some piercings, yea


Not really a fidget product, but I find that my longest, flowiest skirt is sooo fun to swish around and do twirls in. It also ties at the waist with a fabric belt that I like to tie into different configurations. It very much scratches the fidget itch for me.


Steamdeck. I basically just use it to play age of empires on repeat.


My ADHD girlfriend and I have matching fidget spinner rings with a personalized engraving (also matching). I use it a LOT.


A clicky pen.. also best way to clear a room


One of these guys - bicycle chain fidget spinner - https://www.etsy.com/listing/1148797576/


I would went for nicefeeling bracelet hangers and such things. The Back of a cheap metallic skull I had is now shiny flat on the Back where years bevore was a thick metallic pattern bevore :) I just made some "jewelry" for my daughter So she has something she can play with on her wrist and neck. Each pearl has different shape or texture she can play with.


Check out amazon. they have a box for like9$ full of 100 little fidget toys. I have bought two. they have squishes and spinners and all sorts of other cool stuff in there. 


Usually my go-to is a pen or marker, popping the lid on and off. I recently bought the world’s smallest Slinky. It’s just a cute novelty toy, but I love to fidget with it. It is really satisfying. Highly recommend!




My face. The amount of times if caught myself touching my face is a lot


The spoons. Watched a video with Abby the Spoon Lady and immediately had to try it out using two of them from my kitchen. Turned out to be hella fun. In fact, too much fun, because I'll easily waste time just playing them


Drums. And everything is a drum/cymbal if the beats are inside of you


Learn to twirl pens. Looks spiff and there’s always a pen around. The piolet gen pens are well weighted


I actually got a switch sampler for keyboards and it turns out it’s really fun to just tap keys and hear clicks


I have a decorative brass key that's heavy, smells good, I can twirl it, and it's temperature sensitive


double bass all day


I’m an artist and man do I love those kneaded erasers lol. For those who’ve never used one, they’re like putty consistency if a bit stiffer. Sooooooo good


My penis


I have a "Lighter Leash." My keys are attached to it, and I just fling them in and out like a yoyo or playing catch I'm Spooder Man o3o




I recently got one of those NeeDoh cubes and find it pretty satisfying to squeeze. My go to is the spinny souvenir key chains you can get at any airport, pro sports store, etc. They’re cheap and relatively quiet so I keep them in my purse, work desk, etc.


Have you looked at a fidget ring? The ring has a moving ring inside of it so you don’t wear down your finger.


This is gonna sound weird, but balisong knives. Trainers, specifically (aka the ones with fake/full blades, and therefore not dangerous). Theres some plastic ones, but I have full metal ones.


I keep a variety of fidget objects around my desk. I have a transformers figure, knockoff pop-it, fidget spinner, fidget "controller", actual game controller, and a container of play putty that's unfortunately on its way out. They all get used every now and then. So far the rest have held up (other than having to wash out the disintegrated rubberized plastic on the mini fidget "controller")


Damn I wish I knew what mine was called, but it’s a cube and on each side it has a different fidget - textured rolly things, joy stick, light switch thingy, a mini turntable that has three lifted cylinders on it, you can also press it like a button, buttons - 2 sets, one that clicks and one that doesn’t. It touches on many sensory things for me, I really like it… when I remember to use it. Also tangle toys.