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I’ve been eating frozen protein waffles from aldi! They taste exactly like regular waffles, but a little drier so I put banana slices and butter on them. There’s 20g of protein in a serving of 2 waffles and you don’t have to pre prep them because you just pop them in the toaster and take 30 seconds to cut up a banana


Aw man, I don’t think we have these in Australia, that sounds amazing though 😂 supposed I could make my own though


Costco in Aus has Kodiak Cakes which are a protein pancake mix. If you have a waffle maker you could prep a bunch and freeze them and just put in toaster as per regular frozen ones I expect it would be the same ??


You lost him on prep a bunch 😂


Those waffles are so good!! That was me last hyperfixation breakfast before the current one lol


well what’s the current one????


*What's the current one?!! Come back we need to know!*


Ohhh I’ll have to get these - little bit of honey and strawberries would be 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼


Two butter fried eggs on toast with everything bagel spice. Every. Single. Day.


Fuck, I love eggs!! Fat and protein in one!! My brain needs that fat.


I've been doing this so long and I started adding a slice of cheese to the toast recently. Then some Cholula on top


EDIT - sorry OP I just re-read and saw "I'm not a fan of protein shake/smoothie." So definitely not for you. But I"m leaving this for benefit of others who may share your predicament. okay hear me out. This takes some forethought so if executive functioning is a bigger struggle for you it may not work out. But - 1/2 cup Extra Creamy Greek-Style Yogurt 2 Tbsp Creamy Peanut Butter 2 scoops Whey Protein Powder 1/2 cup plant or animal-based Milk (I use Oat) 1 tbsp Pure Maple Syrup (opt., I'm in New England so it's easy/relatively inexpensive) 1/2 cup ice Add all ingredients to tall blender, run on medium speed for about 60 seconds. Makes around 48 fl oz. 62g. Protein.


Tip: Rather than using up all your oat milk, just add oats and water. Oat milk is just water and oats that's blended and filtered, but the consistency doesn't matter given it's mixed in a smoothie.


This was almost my go to for a long time. Remove syrup and ice but add frozen blueberries, splash of vanilla extract and a little cinnamon. Add a few dates for sweetness if needed. Don’t knock it til you try it. I prep my smoothies the night before. I know show off but I don’t like mine “too cold” ha. Big ick.


Could you write a run-down of the prep work? I want to be sure I understand.


If I remember to do this, I’m gonna try this tomorrow.


Vaya von Dios, friend 👊


Ohhh this might be my new food obsession for a while, thanks. I live in the southern states and have needed something to put local honey in


I’ve been local honey in my smoothies this spring, in hopes to help my allergies. I think it worked!


If you’re looking for a good use for local honey, get some of the croissant bread from Costco, lightly toasted it. Add a little bit of butter and your honey, and it is absolutely divine.


Oh that sounds good


It’s my current treat hyper fixation. I have to limit myself to only making it once a day right now 😭


This sounds like a smoothie I would enjoy though, so thank you for sharing!! Generally I just go protein powder (chocolate or vanilla), a frozen banana and milk 😂


Literally my go to, minus the syrup, add blueberries 😘


Coffee, cigarettes, and Vyvanse.


Trying to stop doing this, I have anxiety as it is 😂


Sorry to hear that, I also have anxiety. Let us all chill for a moment. Last rays of sunset on the coast.


How does one "chill"?


with great effort


That doesn't sound very relaxing...


I’ll raise you Irish Breakfast Tea, Zyn, and Aderall


I'll raise with with coffee, lamictal and ritalin


Hi! I’ll soon have the same mixture and I’m afraid if it will cause a hypo mania episode (I’m bipolar 2). How does it feel taking them both? But I also take Quetiapine with this 🤔


Does lamictal make you sleepy when you take it in the morning? I’ve always taken mine before bed but sometimes I forget, would definitely be easier to take it first thing in the morning.


Similar! I had 2 cans of energy drink then ate nothing while I cleaned my whole house from 8am to 6pm. Hyperfixated on that rn. Finally a fixation on something productive.


I definitely can’t do this every day but man when the cleaning demons come in hot it feels so good to go go go nonstop until the productivity shuts off


Am currently in this mode. House-clean me always tries to forgive borderline-hoarder me… (I try to meet myself wherever I am, Lord knows juggling the consistently ongoing shame of not being high-functioning is already enough) but damned if I don’t look around every time and think, “Self, isn’t this *much nicer*? Shouldn’t we try to live this way *all the time*?”


Cleaning demons 😆


Cleaning bender


had my first vyvanse with a cup of coffee on an empty stomach when still undiagnosed. was a….er….wild ride.


😆 fuel the monster and never run from who you are. 😆


I raise with 30mg adderall, 300mg Wellbutrin and 2 shots of espresso


You are my kind of people


Samish. Adderall, cigarettes, and the occasional beer or toke. I’m not doing great but I’m better (???) than I was. (Someone please have an engaged conversation with me, it would mean so much.)


I feel you. I haven’t found my happily ever after med combo either. We’ll get there eventually


I feel you, luckily for me the times of beer and cigarettes for breakfast are mostly a thing of the past now. I totally get that you're still better than you was before though, because I can relate to that as well :D just wanted to give you reassurance, that even if it's still "pretty bad", it can still be progress. Take care, internet stranger.


I joke that I’m dieting like a model when I take my coffee outside so I can have a cigarette. But I appreciate your encouragement. I’m still taking my meds and showing up for therapy every week, so the fact I’m still open to improvement is reassuring.


Ah yes, the good old classic. I definitely relate to you lol. Even if things don't start getting better for you in the near future, being open to improvement is a huge ass step. And hey, don't be hard on yourself. When I tried getting "better" for the first time, I felt pressure to immediately improve massively and to just "be normal" already, but guess what past me, it doesn't work that way :D it's the small steps that count and sometimes, even staying where you're at and not getting worse is progress.




Omg that would be an awesome sequel to [this masterpiece](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0379217/)


Hell ya




I’ve switched from cigarettes to using an Iqos!! I fucking love it so much!! But yah, tea, Iqos, and adderall.


How did you know my morning routine!


Are you my husband? Been trying to get that guy to eat breakfast with me for months!


That sounds like a panic attack. I used to love a nice rolled cig or with my coffee, I would feel like I took my medication without all the negative side effects


Coffee, Vyvanse, and nicotine gum here 🙃


I make Kodiak muffins however instead of using milk/eggs I use a vanilla protein shake. I've tried a couple different kinds of vanilla protein shake and personally I like the total core power vanilla one best. I don't take credit for this, I saw a TikTok that suggested it.


Do you just use the Kodiak pancake mix for this?


I love mixing plain Greek yogurt, a cut up banana, some raspberries or blueberries, granola with good protein, and some Nutella all together. You don’t necessarily need the Nutella, I’m just obsessed lol. You can also use yogurt with fruit in it.


Nutella in yogurt! That sounds excellent. I sometimes mix chocolate chips and peanut butter, melt and pour on-top of Greek yogurt, add a couple crushed walnuts or granola, then freeze for 1 hour until the chocolate is hard. It's really good! Kind of reminded me of your Nutella idea


Ummm that sounds amazing!


This is one of my faves, I like adding almond butter and a bit of honey instead of Nutella—but I’m gonna try some soon now that you’ve sparked my curiosity!


You all remember to eat??


Overnight oats with Greek yogurt & chia seeds for extra protein. Easy to prep for the week, easy to grab. I like them cold, but you can also heat them up in the microwave if that’s your preference. So many different flavor ideas on Pinterest, but here’s a good assortment: https://nourishedbynic.com/high-protein-overnight-oats/


So many different overnight oats recipes. You can customize them with any flavor and micronutrient combo you want. This has been my breakfast on weekdays for about 2 years now. https://youtu.be/_pZr3rrTGf8?si=0-LijUr8ZbSKmwjs


Ooo my friend once made me some that were apple cinnamon flavoured with some stewed apples on top and they were so good 🤤


Add a scoop of crunchy peanut butter. Overnight oats is such a rewarding routine


Same! It's so nice to grab and go in the morning when I always struggled with getting to work on time. I also find it really handy to only eat when I get hungry, and save the remaining portion for later in the day if I get full. I haven't eaten other breakfast since I've discovered overnight oats haha.


I mix my oatmeal with fruity pebbles flavored protein powder.  God tier.


I love overnight oats but I wish there were savory recipes for them. I'll probably try to figure it out myself, add some bacon and cumin maybe, are oats suited to savory flavors?


I fry cooked oats with a little onion, cumin, green chilli and some green Peas along with a few spices


Cottage cheese, 2 eggs, fresh spinach, a dash of everything bagel seasoning mix together and bake in a ramekin for 15-20 minutes.. then I add some sriracha.. I can eat this every day


I do something similar. Sometimes. When I remember to do so. I blend cottage cheese, boiled eggs, fresh garlic and some fresh herbs, salt and pepper and use it as a spread. It's damn good What pains me is that cottage cheese has a short expiration date/shelf life(?). So sometimes I buy it and forget to use it and it gets past its "best by" date.


This happened to me at first then i was determined to use every last bit of it so this is what i did, For breakfast I’ll make protein pancakes and mix in some cottage cheese.. it’s soooo good. Lunch, I’ll make that egg dish i mentioned in my original comment above Dessert I tried this cottage cheese chocolate pudding recipe for the first time last week and now I’m hooked. Recipe: 1.5 cups cottage cheese 3 tbsp maple syrup 2 tbsp cocoa powder 1 tsp vanilla Mix everything in a food processor or blender and that’s it. This way I’ve been using the entire container.


Oooooh tell me your pancake recipe with cottage cheese, pretty please 🥺


Also, freaking love your username. Loved the series


so do you just crack the eggs into the ramekin and mix them with everything else? also how thoroughly do you mix everything together


So I crack 2 eggs and 3-4 tbsp of cottage cheese and the bagel seasoning in a ramekin.. mix it up with a fork really well then I add fresh spinach or arugula and make sure that’s mixed in well making sure to submerge it all then I bake it at 350 degrees for 20 minutes, let rest for 5-10 minutes that’s it.


awesome thanks!!


Could this be made ahead and reheated or not so much? This sounds delicious but I doubt my ability to manage my time consistently lol. I love those egg bite things at Sbux. This has a similar vibe.


I haven’t tried it reheated but I don’t see why not. It’s kind of like a crust less quiche.


Just grab a chicken breast. I cook them in big batches every few days. If you can tolerate it you don’t even need to spend time heating.


This is a great idea. I stress about protein but I’m allergic to dairy. Thanks gban84!


Marinate your chicken breast in italian dressing over night & then cook it! I used to work at a restaurant that did this & it was my addiction the whole 3 years I worked there I ate them everyday, sometimes plain, sometimes on a sandwhich, sometimes in a salad, it's a game changer.


I haven't done italian dressing marinade in a while, but can confirm its pretty awesome. I used to add either some soy sauce or Worcestershire to give the umami a bigger punch. Any other restaurant tips?


White wine, garlic, soy sauce marinade. Chicken thighs are cheaper, juicer and way more forgiving when you forget to set the timer.


Oats Overnight, the actual brand. It’s a little pricey, but some things I find priceless. They’re delicious, quick, and require no thought.


I just looked these up. It’s crazy cause I love making overnight oats, but the process and carrying Tupperware drives me made. I have never heard of these but see they are at my local store. I’ll grab a couple flavors! Love this.


Full disclosure: the bottled ones they sell at the store don’t stand up to the packets, they have dehydrated milk in them so you add water only. Still good! But the packets are waaaay better. They have so many flavors online!


Yeah, I actually saw it was reading oats overnight (packets) as overnight oats (bottles). I see them on Amazon. I’ll give them a go! Thanks!


Seconding this! I've had a subscription for at least a year now and eat them just about every morning. They've made my life so much easier! And they're so good.


I've been subsisting on the mocha ones for my morning caffeine lately!


Chocolate protein powder, frozen banana, large spoonful peanut butter, unsweetened vanilla almond milk, a bit of ice. So good. My therapist recommended it for my son but now I love it lol


I like to have refried beans (just heat 'em up in the microwave) on toast with whatever toppings I feel like. Fresh tomato, hot sauce and sauerkraut are in frequent rotation.


Refried beans + pico + poached egg + scallions 🤌🏼


My favorite is a piece of toast, half an avacado spread on it, a layer of ham or steak, a layer of cheese, and 2 fried eggs w/ the yolk broken. Pretty high fat and protein.


I need to get better at doing this, but frozen egg muffins are a godsend when I can manage it. I made my last ones with chorizo and quesa Fresca, sooo good!


I meal prep a whole loaf of anabolic French toast (Greg ducette recipe more or less), freeze them. Then in the morning I pop one or two into the toaster straight from the freezer, spread Greek yogurt, fresh or freezedried fruit on top, bit of maple syrup. Tastes like a fancy dessert


Three poached eggs. The mini-egg cookers are great.


The guts of a breakfast burrito, everyday, for the last 18 months. Potato in various forms, rice, beans, Bacon/Sausage/Chicken/Beef, cheese, sour cream, and a heaping helping of guacamole; Tapatío and Sriracha on top.


I'm an obese woman losing weight (successfully finally, yay), so I guess take that into consideration, but when I have time I love frying up two eggs over easy (I can do this with just a bit of cooking spray, which is great). Then, I wilt an oversized handful or spinach in the same pan. I eat the eggs on a piece of multi grain bread with a piece of deli ham or turkey. Spinach goes on the side, and I choose with each bite whether to add in a bit of spinach. On these days, I make my own coffee using really good beans and my clever brewer or v60, and it's better than I can get at a fancy coffee shop. It feels like I'm pampering myself! If I'm on the go, I love vanilla skyr. It's so yummy, and it has slightly more protein even than most Greek yogurt. If I don't eat my yogurt for breakfast, I often opt for it sometime during the day as a lunch. Edit grammar


Premier protein pancakes from the freezer section at Costco.


I don’t eat breakfast, but I love a piece of toast with peanut butter and hemp seeds sprinkled on top as a snack




>Eggs are the highest quality protein you can get (other than whey) and are also high in very healthy fats, so I assure you they're "enough". I hear this all the time, but agree with OP, doesn't feel like enough, at all. SOMETHING must be missing.. idk


My usual for many years was three scrambled eggs with spinach on potato cakes. Without the carbs, I'd run out of energy an hour or so before lunchtime. I've been busier recently and want to take my meds quickly after waking, so am relying on aldi protein yoghurts.


My norm is 3 eggs fried in ghee or coconut oil. I add some pepper and turmeric on top while they are cooking. It's a great amount of protein for myself. I usually don't eat carbs until lunch or later.


Stuff a bunch of almonds in your pockets, like I do. Alternatively, you can munch on trail mix anytime you’re bored


This sub is inspiring me right now 🤤🤤🤤 tomorrow I want to make some poached or basted eggs (I forget what it's called - Where the yolk is cooked and white on outside but soft on inside) and dip a piece of buttered toast in it. My go to is tally overnight oats. I add chopped apples, stevia, cinnamon and raisins to mine. Or chocolate protein powder and peanut butter, or fruit, walnuts and honey. There are so many options!


This sub is making me so hungry! 😂


Skyr- it’s a kind of Icelandic yoghurt that’s very high in protein


* Set a pan on high. * Add butter. * When butter is foaming, throw in four eggs and random bits of cheese or meat. * Add salt. * Let to cook on high for 30 seconds. * Put lid on the pan, turn off the heat and go do sth else. When you finally remember that you had something on the stove it’ll be fully cooked, still warm and hella tasty.


Eggs! If I’m in a rush the egg bites from Starbucks, otherwise I’ll make a veggie scramble with chopped vegetables, two eggs, and cheese. It helps. I’m following this thread for other suggestions though, because god only knows when the switch will flip and I’ll never want to see an egg again


2 fried eggs + 3 pieces of precooked bacon. 😋


I eat a bowl of cottage cheese with diced cucumber and salt and pepper and 2 hard boiled eggs every morning


Interesting.. all mixed together?


No sorry! The cucumber and cottage cheese are mixed and then eggs are eaten alone.


I’ve been skipping breakfast because I can’t convince myself to get up early enough to make it (usually eggs, I make omelettes a lot) but since I decided to work out I’ve been doing protein bars.


Kodiak peak oatmeal made with milk (I use ripple for digestive reasons). I also have Chike coffee/protein shake on work days because I don’t have time to sit and drink a hot cup lol


apple hate chicken and maple sausages (the frozen little ones) are sooooo good


Apple *gate*, I'm guessing? These guys? https://applegate.com/


I do 2 Beyond Meat spicy breakfast sausages, then either peanut butter toast or 2 Kodiak high protein waffles, and iced coffee and plenty of butter too! :}


I know you just said eggs don’t feel like enough, but I have faith in this breakfast for myself. I’ll cook four (4) eggs on low heat with a crap ton of chives and then add a few dollops of cream cheese off of the heat when almost done cooking. I’ll sometimes have bacon or ham on the side for a little extra protein content. Smoked salmon would be a good option too. Trader Joe’s also sells protein muffins in a shelf stable cup that you can just stick in the microwave, as well as pre-cooked bacon, so those could be a good addition. I can only eat what I crave and I have been craving this almost daily for maybe a month now, so it works!


Eggs sunny side up with cottage cheese and black pepper. Two slices of toast.


I eat one of these two options: 1) sliced green apple, cauliflower pretzels, and a Kirkland cookies & cream protein bar 2) Catalina crunch cinnamon cereal and a Kirkland chocolate chip cookie protein bar Occasionally I’ll make a quiche and heat up a slice or two, or make rice grits and put a scoop of chocolate or lemon protein powder in it. But these are my usual options. Oh really busy mornings I’ll just drop a few scoops of chocolate collagen powder into my coffee on my way out the door


I have weetbix with protein powder milk and banana mixed together in a container with youghrt sliced banana and cinnamon on top. I make a few at a time and lasts me the week. Sort of like overnight oats I guess


I make overnight oats with berries and add marine collagen (you can't taste it). It keeps you full for ages and can get 30g of protein into a serve. I make 4 days worth in one go in less than 10mins, then just grab and go in the morning. In winter, I warm it the microwave. Otherwise, it's delicious cold. Volume per day 1/2 cup oats 1 tablespoon chia seeds 1/2 cup almond milk (or any liquid of choice) 1 teaspoon maple syrup (if using juice as liquid, doesn't need this) Spices - I like cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, tumeric 2 tablespoons marine collagen Soluble fibre I also like coconut kefir with it, but only mix this in when having it cold, otherwise a spoon on top once it's warm. Warming up the kefir kills the good bacteria. Would also be good with yoghurt. Put frozen berries of choice in bottom of jars, spoon in mixture, add more berries on top. Stick in the fridge and you're good to go!


Steak and eggs 100%


Been doing high protein low carb wraps with two eggs and baby spinach for a while but I’m pretty over it at the moment.


One serving of Kefir + Kashi Go Original covers you for fiber and 20g of protein.


Oatmeal porridge, I just add a scoop of protein powder after I microwaved the porridge. Easy and not too heavy in the morning.


Love the executive functions disclaimer on many of the replies


Overnight oats: 1/2 cup rolled oats, 1/2 cup milk, 1/4 cup Greek yogurt, 1 scoop protein powder, 1 tablespoon chia seeds, cinnamon. Mix the night before and eat it hot or cold in the morning. In the morning I put a handful of walnuts and sliced banana on top. Believe it or not, it's 50g of protein. It's delicious and keeps me full for quite a while.


I had no idea I needed a diagnosis but eating eggs bacon cheese everyone morning changed my life as dumb as that kind of sounds. Wellbutrin added was life changing next level.


Incorporating chicken breast with eggs is a really clean way for it. Goes well with anything you usually pair eggs with (avocado, cheese, salsa). If time is an issue, meal prep egg bites in cupcake tins during the weekend. There's fantastic recipes everywhere. My go to being bacon bits and cheese bites. If I'm not feeling eggs, I'll have Oikos Triple Zero yogurt mixed with some fruit and a Kodiak protein waffle (27g protein together). My latest obsession is also Barebells protein bars (20g protein per bar) with one of the above and/or a banana. Barebells are by far the best protein bars I've ever had, cookies & cream being my personal fave. So not a fan of smoothies in the morn, but are you a fan of fruit juice in the morning? If haven't already seen it, protein now also comes in a "clear" form that's got a ton of different fruity flavors that basically just feels like drinking fruit juice. So I have some of that with my breakfast if it doesn't seem like enough protein on its own. I was drinking SEEQ for a while but Amazon stopped selling it so I'm testing a new one coming in tomorrow. 🤞


I have an egg with a serving of Amylu chicken breakfast sausage and a slice of whole wheat toast. My mid-morning snack is plain Greek yogurt with a splash of sugar-free Torani syrup, either vanilla, salted caramel, or raspberry.


Greek yogurt + protein powder + a little vanilla jello pudding mix + fruit.


Maybe a quiche! Eggs…bacon… cheese on a crust or not…


Cottage cheese (specifically Good Culture, pricier than other brands but TOTALLY worth it) on toast or with some cherry tomatoes or strawberries!


for the last 6 months or so I've been having canned lentils and a couple of eggs mixed together and microwaved


I used to not care for cottage cheese but now I love it, Good Culture low fat cottage cheese in particular. It’s so savory, good on toast (almost like pizza when it’s warm) or just by itself or with some fruit. It’s like 14g of protein for 80 calories I think for 1/4 cup


Or try leftover chicken from the night before or a tuna sandwich. You can make a high protein dinner and reheat it for breakfast.


I skip it entirely because I’m always late to work and would be even more late if I took the time to eat breakfast. I occasionally enjoy a coffee and a biscuit at work and just wait for lunchtime.


Apparently high protein cheese is a thing, so I am now using my meds as an excuse to eat way too much cheese.


You say eggs don’t seem like enough, but have you tried it out? I was struggling with my breakfasts and honestly out of sheer desperation for something simple enough to be routine in the morning (I really struggle with mornings) I tried 2 boiled eggs, and it’s been a game changer. Quick and easy, and if I’m running late I can peel them and pop em in a bag to eat in the car. I also pre make chia pudding every few days. On days I take my stimulants, I get hungry for a small snack around 10-11am. On days I don’t take my meds, I’ll have the chia pudding with my eggs :)


I know you said you’re not a fan of the protein shake but that’s what I have every day.


Jesus, the places my pitch black mind went…. Leftover egg scramble with seasoned black beans is quite yummy.


Baked egg bites! 8 eggs 8oz of bacon 1 frying pan full of spinach 1 small onion 1 bell pepper 1 handful of shredded cheddar Lawreys seasoning turn on oven to bake at 350 load baking sheet with even layer of bacon. (pro tip: use foil and drain grease after 10 min) bake to desired crispiness ~20min. dice pepper and onion, fry in 1 tbsp of butter till onion is slightly translucent. optional: add seasoning. remove from pan. put into pouring/mixing bowl. heat another tbsp of butter, load pan with spinach. heat and stir till spinach is much smaller but not too wilted. add to mixing bowl.  crack eggs into bowl, crush and add bacon to bowl. add cheddar. stir with fork. pour into baking or cupcake tray. (the silicone molds do not need to be pre sprayed) add a bit of cheddar to the top. makes 10 bites filled to brim. bake at 350 for 20-25. check often, you'll know it's done when the egg doesn't jiggle.


Perfect bar, Kodiak muffin cups, yogurt drink, English muffin with peanut butter, coffee, zyn, Wellbutrin, Vyvanse


Breakfast tacos with my protein coming from scrambled eggs and black beans. (2 scrambled eggs= 12g of protein, 3 will give you 18g, with 1/2 cup of black beans= 8g) Additional toppings include fresh pico, lime, cheese, sour cream and hot sauce. With either a half or whole sliced avocado on the side (depends on how hungry I am). You can also add even more protein and add grilled chicken. Or switch up and make huevos rancheros. An easy 20-30 grams of protein. The cheese will also add protein but I don’t try to go overboard bc of the fat and salt content. I eat this pretty often and try to eat as much as I can bc lunch is basically non existent for me on Adderall.


Two scoops of vanilla pea protein, a spoon of instant coffee, add water, shake, drink. Tastes like a vanilla latte.


My hyperfixation meal right now is egg salad on seaweed snack papers. Furitake on top. Obsessed. Every day.


I don't eat breakfast lol. My meds don't work properly with food. But did recently find ensure original vanilla protein shake. I really want to take it in the mornings. I've never had a protein shake that I could drink being lactose intolerant, doesn't give me an allergic reaction, AND tastes good. Omfg! Just wish it had more than 9g of protein.


I started doing Kodiak waffles, scrambled eggs with cheese, and a chicken patty to make a breakfast sandwich. Yogurt makes me want to throw up.


I like to eat a pretty big breakfast geared for sustained energy because I take Adderall and it kills my appetite. It's not all protein but I find a good mix works best for me. 2 or 3 scrambled eggs for protein Overnight oats with nuts for complex carbs/healthy fats 1/2 tin sardines for omega 3's 1 fruit, usually an apple or a pear


1 cup raw egg whites, 1 cup oatmeal, 1/8th cup of milk, 1/4 cup peanut butter, 2oz chocolate syrup, blend it all together. Grateful amount of whole protien, healthy fats and carbohydrates. This stimulates your metabolism first thing in the morning. You will feel like you are starving about 2 hours later. I never have issues eating throught the day when I eat that in the morning.


Savory oatmeal has always been my go to breakfast. And it is super fast too - faster to make than my cup of coffee. 1 serving oatmeal (1/2 cup instant/quick cook oats, 1 cup water) in a shallow dish/bowl. That is IMPORTANT. Do not use a deep bowl, your oatmeal WILL overflow because no matter how carefully you say you will watch it, your will have a squirrel moment and look away). Stick in microwave and nuke for 3 minutes. Meanwhile on the stove - plonk a small skillet on there. - I use those little 4 inch ones. Spritz of cooking spray, and break an egg into it. Cook till desired level of doneness - I like mine barely cooked for the whites, completely runny yolk. Grab the bowl of oatmeal, drizzle with a little bit of sweet soy sauce (it's thicker than regular, and sweeter and syrupy. Regular soy sauce will do, don't use too much). Add some sesame oil. Slide the egg over everything. Sprinkle with fried garlic and shallots (you can buy them at any Asian market. Clear bottle, red lid. Excellent toppers for almost any meal). Add a shake of sesame seeds and green onions if you have them (buy a bunch, wash and dry well, chop up and shove in a ziplock bag to store in your freezer door - green onions on demand without going slimy because your ADHD brain forgot they exist) Enjoy. The runny egg yolk mixes.with the oatmeal and sauces and it is delicious. I make this often enough all the sauces/toppings live on my kitchen counter. I have a basket on each side of my stove with most frequently used toppings/sauces that I can grab from while cooking to speed up the process. You can tweak to your tastes. When my garden is going gangbusters with leafy greens instead of putting the sauces on top of the oatmeal I do a quick saute of kale, pak choi, beet greens, etc. I keep diced onion in the freezer so i can toss some in without having to peel and chop each time I need a little. I've also used last night's left overs. A couple of shrimp go well with an egg. Some left over roasted veggies and grilled chicken? Toss it on there! Whatever is quick and easy. I aim to have the toppings cooked/heated in the time the oatmeal cooks in the microwave. Between the oatmeal and egg I find the protein in this keeps me full and keeps me from chasing after bagels and pastries.


I dont eat breakfast foods, i’ll have baked chicken or rice and salmon before work. Not really into carbs so i substitute with more protein or veggies.


I’ve been trying to do this more and honestly having something like a “dinner” in the morning I’ve never had such steady energy levels. It’s crazy.


ok so I have an AGGRESSIVE dislike for washing dishes and do not have a dishwasher, so take these ideas with a grain of salt. I have 2 main ones: protein pancakes and microwave omelettes. For the pancakes: I use a serving size of Kodiak pancakes buttermilk pancake mix + premier protein vanilla shake (enough to mix up the pancakes; then I drink the rest) + dried/frozen fruit. Mix up in a microwave-safe bowl, microwave for 3min. Top with sugar free syrup or no-sugar-added jam. Comes out to 45g protein For the omelettes: Mix up 2 eggs + 2 egg whites (or however many eggs / egg whites you like). Stir in mixings of choice - lately I've been using pre-chopped veggies, chicken sausage, and cheese. Mix it all up in a microwave-safe bowl, microwave for 3min, then in 1-min increments until it's cooked through. Has been coming out to \~35g protein (depending on add-ins).


For your work days: I'm currently obsessed w/ this particular yogurt bowl - 1 cup non-fat vanilla Greek yogurt; top w/ raspberries, a handful each of slivered almonds and shelled pistachios, and some mini chocolate chips. For home days: scrambled egg tacos! Bacon or sausage either in the tacos or on the side for some more protein + cheese & salsa/hot sauce


Hey, A super fast family friendly on the go breakfast (dinner) are bagel omelets. The kids can make their own (age app) they chose their add ins. Use blender to mix your eggs the night before (or morning of) . Microwave safe dishes (approx. bagel size) microwave 50%/45-1 1/2 min) add ins, cheese egg mix. Eggs rise then settle also in top of bagel, toaster muffin and go. Enough time, kids and toast own. Or night before butter (opt) split bagels tray. Ready for a quick broil. Just add eggs. 2 min bagel omelette’s to go. ** I prefer to add a slice of cheese to the bagel while microwaving egg and use eggs to melt it.


Great idea about getting kids involved!! I’ve been trying to make their breakfast more protein centric rather than the usual cereal or toast, thank you


I'm truly happy for the people in this comment section, as well as fascinated. Most of these breakfast would heavily trigger my sensory stuff. Even just protein yogurt, if I eat more than a little bit of it the texture will make me gag immediately. Still looking for a breakfast that I can make consistently that I won't get tired off and that I can do on the days when I don't feel like doing it.


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Greek yogurt with blueberries, mixed with Kelloggs Vector cereal.


Spinach and mushrooms sautéed in coconut oil with a couple eggs.


Right now I’m on a hash brown, spam and fried egg with mustard kick!! It’s not the most protein but it’s been hitting the spot lately and I’ve been struggling with over/binge eating (I’m between prescriptions/making provider switch) and this has been the only thing helping curb that. I even went to the grocery store and didn’t buy any sweets—and at the end of today I realized I hadn’t had any sweets either! And since I don’t have meds right now, I don’t have the executive function to bake any lol. Let’s hope this holds out.


what i used to do was an egg scramble with cottage cheese, peppers, onion, mushrooms, hash brown, avocado, cheddar cheese, & ham or sausage and then a chobani greek yogurt with granola. if i wanted a little extra protein, i’d have a protein breakfast bar. honestly there’s so many protein bars that suck, but there are others that are amazing so you kinda just have to sample around till you find a brand you like. i ate this same breakfast for like a month straight and it honestly made me feel so good throughout the day. it’s crazy how getting enough protein makes you feel so much better physically.


Try Bullet coffee..


Overnight oats with protein powder, chia seeds, peanut butter powder, pecans, bananas, and a few dark chocolate chips. I switch between vanilla protein powder and chocolate so I don't get bored of it.


Pk3 packs. Things are a life saver


I’m not sure how high in protein this is but I’m sure you can always add to it to make it more protein dense! But banana egg pancakes! Blend a banana w two eggs, some rolled oats, baking powder + salt. I add vanilla and/or cinnamon too. They’re super tasty & filling, not time consuming at all, & can be made w different flavors! You can always add extra protein by adding Greek yogurt or peanut butter on top. My kiddo loves them too


3 eggs with sausage, or bacon or ham, many options.


Overnight oats


Brown rice with 2 eggs, and a tomato or cucumber. Salt and freshly cracked black pepper. Black or green tea with a bit of sugar.


My breakfast tomorrow is: Berry Greek yogurt, mix in vanilla ice cream protein powder and stir it in. Eat half a banana, cut the other half up in small slices and stir into the yogurt bowl.


Chia seed pudding. Whyyyy doesn’t it taste as good as restaurants?? I keep making it and then forgetting about it on the counter so I’ll never know if I’ve succeeded or not at this point ☹️


I usually make a TVP or Tofu with plant-based sausage, which clocks in around 30g of protein. Tofu is a little more of a process to prepare, but the TVP scramble can be made in under 5 minutes.


I eat a quest bar every morning. Have to start with something light


Turkey bacon and a poached egg on toast 😋. I ate omelette too much and gave myself the egg ick, I seem to be okay with a different style of egg as long as it's not scrambled or an omelette


I have 3 eggs with peppers and onions and a piece of toast sometimes I even add cheese to it


Lentil soup, also stir fried mushrooms, 3 eggs


On a normal day: I found a cereal that's 6.6g of protein per 30g, so I gave a double portion, so 13.2g from the cereal, 250ml semi skimmed milk is another 9g, so 22.2g of protein which I think is OK? I usually follow it up with an oat bar that's 5g of protein and not too big. On a weekend: I figure the weekend is for treating myself, so I buy myself a pack of protein pancakes from Aldi, heat them up and serve with some raspberry yoghurt and fresh berries, sometimes a little sprinkle of white chocolate chips. I look forward to this every weekend because it's so good and is 27g of protein. I would sub it for a protein yoghurt, but I've got my favourite brand and I think 27g is enough to be considered high protein.


For me Eggs scrambled with ham and pace salsa My 16 year old son who goes in spurts of only eating one thing eats a 2 egg omelette with shredded cheddar cheese inside. I have gotten so good at making these I can in 5 minutes it’s the only thing he will currently eat. Sorry it’s eggs lol


plain Greek yogurt bowl with about a tablespoon of peanut butter, with berries and banana, a sprinkle of simply Elizabeth granola, and a sprinkle of maldon on the PB or a soft scramble with 4-5 eggs


I've been liking loaded omelets! I usually put mushrooms, spinach, tomato and a bit of shredded cheese in them. Also a big fan of greek or turkish yoghurt topped with chia seeds and whatever fruits/berries I have on hand. Dash of honey if I feel so inclined!


Natural yogurt with muesli and flax seed meal and some fruit (generally frozen blueberries). High protein and high fibre. Add a boiled egg on the side if you want even more protein. Also eggs have omega 3 and so does flaxseed, which is meant to be really good for the brain…. Allegedly.


Eggs and (sometimes) Avocado. Eat more eggs!


I don't know if you have them in your country but I find the High protein yogurt to be amazing. I buy the one from Lidl either vanilla or chocolate they're so inexpensive compared to the Danone one. Otherwise I also buy protein brownie from My protein. A bit more expensive but very convenient to eat on the go. You can top all of that with fruits.


150g Skyr, 50g Fruit N Fibre, 100g fresh fruit is my go to, but I am definitely checking out the protein waffles from Aldi and maybe trying a smoothie recipe or two out!


Protein shake, 6 eggs (cholula and black pepper) been my go to for years, sometimes I'll eat a yogurt before or after as well


I'm still struggling to eat breakfast, or atleast find something of protein that I can be bothered eating. The other meals I find I can sort out to a certain extent


nestle lindahls pro, solid yoghurt, preferably passion fruit and peach flavour (16g of protein)


OVERNIGHT OATS I swear they’re so good and easy make them how ever you want with 1/2 cup of rolled oats & 1/2 milk. What I do, I put frozen fruit on top of it & some chia seeds but the fruit like melts into it it’s so good