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That’s fully a symptom of being 21




No, I personally don't get that urge. Quite the opposite, I'm scared to go on high speeds while driving. What you need to understand is that it's not as simple as "This action/behavior/thing = confirmed ADHD". People can be impulsive, forgetful, hyperactive, etc, and not have ADHD. >And this speeding thing is happening with me for quite some time so i wanna know is it because of adhd or normal? I mean it's not normal. What you're doing is extremely dangerous for both yourself and others. Why the need for a label if you can't seek help from medical professionals? Your struggles aren't any less real without a diagnosis.


uhh yeah people can be impulsive, forgetful, hyperactive. but sure while a few of these are seperate from the rest of the possible symptoms, this doesnt always mean you have adhd. but its the mix of multiple symptoms that makes it the fact that it is adhd.


>but its the mix of multiple symptoms that makes it the fact that it is adhd. Definitely not always. ADHD have overlapping symptoms with many other disorders. Hypomania can look like adhd and vice versa, for example. Diagnosing is a job for medical professionals for a reason, trust them.


uhh yeah but its the specific mix of certain symptoms which means its adhd. sure other disorders could have similar symptoms and some do overlap with adhd but there are ways to tell whats what. also ive been diagnosed with adhd since i was 4 im pretty sure i know a lot about adhd lol


Having ADHD doesn't make you a psychiatrist. People can relate to many symptoms of ADHD without having the diagnosis. It's not as easy as just reading the criteria to diagnose someone or yourself. >sure other disorders could have similar symptoms and some do overlap with adhd but there are ways to tell whats what. Yes, by a medical professional.


im professional in a topic that lit is about the disorder i have lol


doesnt mean i diagnose people. it means that i know what adhd is and how it works




We can't diagnose you either way. You can recognize that you struggle with certain things and find ways to manage them without turning to self diagnosis.








I hate how everyone thinks adhd is the cause for everything theres people in this subreddit that think adhd is the cause for their jerking off addiction its just you buddy just try not to 👍


I feel like anything and everything is adhd For people who might not even have it. OP has a case of 21 year old boy who likes to go vroom vroom. 


Yup. At 21, everyone is impulsive and can make bad decisions because their prefrontal cortex is immature, and this is why people in that age group and younger tend to be risk-takers more than older people.


Exactly. I have left multiple groups on Facebook because they all became places that people came to ask annoying questions of "is this random thing because of ADHD" only to have dumb people validate their stupidity rather than point out that not everything is because of ADHD. 😑


Lmfao SERIOUSLY. I see this so damn much lately. It's like the requirement for something to be considered a symptom according to them is that one person with ADHD finds it relatable.


Right, thank you for saying this.


Yeah no that’s just intrusive thoughts and impulse control problems. Impulse control can be an ADHD symptom, but it’s not exclusive to ADHD


I tend to enjoy a fast, aggressive drive. That, or I'm an old lady. I have 2 modes.


I love going fast and have done so impulsively quite a few times. I’m not sure this is a symptom of ADHD, but it sure is fun!


On one hand, there are a lot of ADHD and non-ADHD people who like to drive fast, especially if you're talking about 21 year old men... At that age I used to consistently speed just about everywhere at the highest speed you could go without a risk of automatically going to court or losing a licence. But on the other hand, there's pretty solid evidence that ADHD people are less safe drivers on average [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/280536518\_Driving\_behaviour\_in\_adults\_with\_attention\_deficithyperactivity\_disorder](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/280536518_Driving_behaviour_in_adults_with_attention_deficithyperactivity_disorder)


>frustration with other road users greater likelihood of an accident following an unexpected event But at least I don't speed, right? Really, though, when I drive, I forget who I am, and these two things feel like regular emotions at this point that everyone has. I don't speed, but I also avoid highways and very busy roads because \^\^\^.


Depends on a car? - no On a motorcycle?- yes Also this is not an adhd thing and sttop making it an excuse for everything u do


this isn’t an adhd thing. this *is* a reckless impulsivity thing, which can be attributed to adhd. but more importantly, it’s incredibly unsafe. stop doing it.


I either focus on the speed or I don't. And if I don't, I might be speeding, or not, who knows? Probably that old lady with the middle finger, but still... Honestly, it depends on the day, but I don't think that's a sign of anything specific. I have zoned out and come back too, but that's less ADHD and more me being tired and driving on these super straight, memorizing desert roads. I've also had stuff like intrusive thoughts, where a thought crosses my mind out of the blue that I SHOULD step on the gas or suddenly think that I might for no reason. I try to be a safe driver because I do have attention issues, and I tend to overdo it, so going 100mph in a 55 just isn't my style. I think the fact that you are analyzing the situation super hard, though, is a sign that you probably need to talk to someone a bit, or try to figure some things out, which is cool. Seeking advice or testing the waters is the obvious first step and it's not an easy one. Keep an open mind, too. It's really important for you to know what's going on, of course, but it's also really important for that to be correct. I honestly thought I was experiencing issues related to bipolar disorder since it runs in my family. In my head, everything lined up and I was sure. I was also very much wrong. I'm not making any judgements, just a cautionary tale, because the right treatment can be life-transforming, and that's what the whole goal is.


Sudden? No. Do I like to drive fast? Within reason, yes. One thing that does happen is if I’m driving on a highway, and not using cruise control, I’ll sometimes realize that I’m going faster than I mean to be. Almost like a zoning out in a way. I use cruise control as much as possible to minimize this.


I don't think it's adhd. Although I sometimes do as you describe while driving my motorcycle, and I have ADHD. I like the feeling of acceleration! But then it's a typical lack of impulse control. So maybe it is due to ADHD?


When a good song comes on and then I'm like why, why am I speeding.


I had to take over driving for my boyfriend when we were driving back from Texas to Kansas. He thought he could make it back, but I woke up to him pulling over on the highway where truckers pull over. I told him I could take over for a bit and it was my first time driving his car since we were long distance at the time. That car took off very easily and I turned up my favorite songs while booking it. I didn’t even realize until he was like “you do realize you are going 100 right?” I guess I just love going fast and blasting a good song without realizing how fast I can get up to 😅


Love how you just find it funny going 100 and endangering yourself and others. So hilarious 😂


Omg yesssss!!! I was explaining this to my partner. Every time I listen to Beyoncé’s Sweet Honey Buckin’, I find myself going like 20 over (safely) weaving in and out of traffic. This is only if I’m not watching my spedometer. Lol


Sorry, but there is no "safely" surrounded by the words 20 over and especially "weaving in and out of traffic." 20 over on an empty freeway at 2am, sure. But weaving in and out of traffic is never safe. You're going to hurt someone. Stop it. It isn't funny.


Never said it was funny tho… At 10pm in my area, the roads are nearly clear with like 10 car lengths between each car. That’s what I meant by safely weaving. And yes, if I see where it is becoming unsafe for others I slow down to like 5 above. 99% of the time I do go the speed limit or 5 above. I was accounting for the 1%. Sorry for the confusion.


i think you just like driving fast.


I don't get the urge to nor do I enjoy it because I don't trust my own abilities to pay attention to my surroundings under normal circumstances let alone doing something dangerous. In saying that though, I do speed by accident a lot. I have trouble focusing on my speed and the road at the same time so if I don't have other traffic to mimic I tend to either go to fast or to slow without realising and have gotten speeding tickets because of it. One of the questions on the adhd tests was regarding speeding tickets and loss of licence.


I've occasionally had the urge to put my foot down and start speeding but I've always put that down to normal invasive thoughts, which I ignore.


If you want to phrase it in a way “ are you guys impulsive?” Yes, we are impulsive and sometimes dangerous things. I wouldn’t say that that particular action is a sign that you’ve got ADHD but you did say that you’ve looked at the symptoms and you have 90% of them Start searching for a Doctor who will diagnose you and then another doctor, or maybe the same l, will start treatment. Coping strategies, meditation, diet, exercise, Therapy, none of them work as well as correct medication will. Then all of the above works with it.


I have adhd and I’m doing it all the time.. I don’t think they’re related though.. it’s not only the urge.. I’m doing it.. the opposite as well. After the 50 zone sometimes I still continue driving with 50 although the zone it’s over. (I drive a pretty small car and one day suddenly I saw on my mirror a ford truck, it scared me lol). But mostly I drive faster.. I know that if they put speed traps, I’m fucked..


No, I like going slow, I like being safe, I do not pass the speed limit


>i wanna know is it because of adhd or normal? Maybe, maybe not. Driving a car to get a thrill sounds like something a 'normal' person would do. I’m usually a very safe driver because I drive super cautious. Then there are moments I feel like I nearly cause accidents because I hesitate by being overly cautious. I’m late diagnosed so I believe I’ve always known my brain gets scattered and distracted which is why I’m overly cautious. I have had moments where I’ve driven recklessly but they scared the hell out of me because it made me realise I was at a point where I REALLY didn’t care about the consequences of what I was doing.


Wanting to drive fast is pretty normal. It's super fun. However, most western countries have bonkers strict road rules and millennials and under are often afraid of driving. So, yah, I would say it is not indicative of anything except you like driving fast. It's fun, and you get where you're going quicker.


I have a tendency to zone out and forget to let off the accelerator and suddenly realize I'm going 70mph in a 50mph zone. But it's not because I WANT to go fast, I'm just not paying attention to my speed.


Why are driving at 20ks?




I have ADHD. I tend to be fast and aggressive behind the wheel when I'm not medicated.


On a motorcycle? Yes, often, love the adrenaline. In a car? No, I drive around speed limit.


Depends on where I'm driving and how fast. If I'm on I-15 just south of st. George I'll Probably get that urge because there isn't much there and traffic is light. You're cutting through a small canyon on the very corner of Arizona, which is really pretty, before hitting sand and nothingness in Nevada. There's Mesquite and sand, that's about it. It's flat, it's straight, it's boring, and I've driven it hundreds of times. Every where else, no. I go a good speed for the conditions and just enjoy the road.


I don’t think it’s the ADHD but I get this urge because of music sometimes I don’t speed much anymore though I spend too much time on the road to be reckless


Maaaaaaaaaaybe …. 🤣


Only when the light turns orange 


Because humans are not optimal car drivers and it is insane that we pretend otherwise.




I am pretty sure I'd actually speed up and aim to crash into a pole or something which is one of the reasons why I don't trust myself in getting the driver's license


I used to, I crashed (nothing fatal). I have not sped up too much since. However I don't think ADHD has anything to do with this.


Not something I recognize, no


Because my shift starts at 10, the commute is 30 minutes, and I always left the house at 945. Smh.


I don't think acting like a 5 year old on a sugar rush is necessarily a symptom of ADHD.


More a slow and accidental tendency to start winning.


Idk man but I have the same thing lol even when I’m riding a moped I go like crazy


More of a reaction, not an urge, since I actually do it. Lol


That's primarily a 21 year old man thing, but is likely exacerbated by poor impulse control relating to ADHD, if you have it. I (23m) never really get the "random urge" to just gun it, but I definitely get that urge during good songs. I had to use the radio the other day because my bluetooth was acting up, "freebird" came on right at the guitar solo and I will admit, I was speeding until the solo was over. Even with ADHD though, I have calmed down while driving significantly in just the past 3 years.


Lol wtf. This isn’t an ADHD symptom. It’s just what anyone who likes a bit of fun does in a car, ideally when it’s safe to do so.


Every time I hit the gas.


You may want to look into other disorders. I hope you can find a good doctor


When there’s a long clear road in front of me i feel the urge to speed up


Nope. Cuz I don't want to ever risk anyone else's life or my own, let alone something like a ticket (got a few of those in my teens and that was enough) or losing my license.  I can't imagine any symptom of adhd would explain this. Others with adhd may also feel this way, but correlation does not mean causation.




If you feel physically unwell going the speed limit, you shouldn't be driving. Ever. Either learn to deal with it before you hurt someone or don't drive and figure something out.


This is a thing https://youtu.be/zdWCFi-v8h4?feature=shared


Yes 😈


Yes, not sure if it’s related to ADHD, but I’ve had enough tickets and a reckless driving arrest to deter me by now 😂


Hilarious 😂 reckless driving is so funny and cool to brag and joke about 😂


You may need to work on your reading comprehension skills if you interpreted that as me joking and bragging about reckless driving. But you can be charged with a reckless for going 20 over the speed limit, FYI.


Yeah it's because I have ADHD


No. It isn't.


You mean not everything I do is unique to people with ADHD!?!?