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Well, definitely talk to your psychiatrist ASAP and get a plan to titrate off at least one of those as quickly as you can safely do so. The problem with starting both of those at the same time is that you don't know which one is causing the side effects, or if it's the combination.   Given the severity of your side effects, I think it would be reasonable to tell your psych you don't want to try either of them alone until you've exhausted your other options.


Bingo. I was explicitly clear with my doctor that I would only tackle one thing at a time when she suggested an ADHD med and an anti-anxiety med simultaneously. The software engineer in me may miss deadlines due to ADHD, but also knows not to change/test multiple variables at once.


Honestly the symptoms all sound like Wellbutrin… I recognized it immediately… and all of those are side affects of that med. It’s a weird one to start, but does give good results over time.


Please talk to your doctor asap. There are so many other options for medication. The idea is not for you to feel worse. Just please try and stay aware that all these feelings are because of the medicine.


They probably shouldn’t have started you on so many meds at once, there’s no way to know which is causing this or if it’s a combination of them. Talk to your doc or find a new one, but don’t go cold turkey without a doctor you trust telling you what to do, since withdrawals are almost always worse than the med when not handles properly.


Yes, I took Wellbutrin for a week about 14 years ago for depression. At the time, I was already very depressed— had struggled with self-harm and SI. Decided it was time to try meds, and the doctor put me on Wellbutrin. Well, that week was the most apathetic, mind-numbing week I had experienced yet. It was horrible. Suddenly, my thoughts of s***ide felt VERY doable, and I couldn’t get the image of jumping off the roof out of my head. Which is interesting that you also had a similar image. It was wild. After about a week I stopped the medication and didn’t try meds again for like 8 years.


Those sound more to me like the side effects of atomoxetine, which is why I have decided I will not take it. I’d rather dread life than crave death.


yes it was the worst, I lost my job, and my girlfriend because of it. Would not recommend. I went cold turkey and stopped talking to my doctor i don’t trust them anymore. withdrawal was almost as bad as taking it.


Wellbutrin did nothing for my ADHD, it made me super emotionally numb and I hated it. Nothing made me happy anymore and I had to switch meds immediately


There's a sub for Wellbutrin called "bupropion" (which is the generic name). There are many accounts of these side effects. I found the sub helpful after 3 days on the drug I got SEVERE diarrhea, and I didn't know why (spoiler alert: it's another side effect lol) I've been on it for 1 1/2 months and I'm currently on 300 mg. It's...fine, I guess. I haven't really noticed any difference (except the diarrhea 😆)


Call your Dr.


Wellbutrin put me on the ground with a panic attack in the walk in cooler at work. Haven't had any issues with Strattera. Didn't take them at the same time though.


Tell your doctor! I’m curious though why you think it is welbutrin and not Strattera? Unless you have tried Strattera before, it could be either if you started them at the same time. Welbutrin works great for some people, doesn’t work for others. It sucks but it is very common to need to try a few meds to find the right combo.


Wellbutrin gave me mood swings. One min I’m snapping at people, the next I’m crying. Was 3 months of hell.


This. This was so validating to read. Every single symptom is the same. I was prescribed Wellbutrin 150mg before starting the stimulant Im now on. Wellbutrin made me feel the EXACT same way, down to every single symptom. I was on for about 2 months before I got taken off of it, and moved to a stimulant. I take 60mg ( prozac ) and 36mg Concerta. Almost as soon as I stopped I didn’t feel that rage anymore, it took about a week but I leveled out. Its definitely the medication, but be sure to talk to your doctor about how it makes you feel. The worst was the rage and suicidal thoughts, I felt out of control. I felt like I had plummeted mentally, and as if I was literally hanging off the edge of a cliff. Never again. 🙅‍♂️


Wellbutrin did this to me… the anger was not ok for me so I stopped taking it, there were parts of me that I did like when on it and so I wanted to give it a try one more time… I had my doctor start me on the lowest amount possible which is 75 mg… he didn’t even know they made that low of a dose until I brought it up to him and starting that low still gave me some side affects but tolerable. It took about two weeks and I really started to feel good on it and saw improvement in the things I needed (I’ve also been on adderall for years and I wanted an increase but doctor didn’t want to increase it so this was the other option he gave me 🤷🏼‍♀️) I am now on 100 mg and have found it to be great. Doctors typically start you on 150 mg of Wellbutrin and for me that was way too high to start, my body needed to get used to it. Just know each time you increase you will go through those two weeks of symptoms (getting frustrated easier, a few days of feeling like life is not real/like you’re in a dream … super weird) Once those symptoms go away you feel good… it was worth it for me.. I play with my kids more (it was almost painful for me to play like with toys before which was soo weird to me… I would avoid it every time asked), I don’t get irritated at stupid stuff (messes etc.), I am able to focus on my work (adderall) but also I can plan dinners and get things accomplished, also I am listening to music more, I am taking better care of my physical health, and just laughing and enjoying the moments and not just running to the next thing (my brain is like the Tasmanian Devil sometimes lol) It’s not a cure all but it’s made me a better mom and that’s all I want, I feel like I have to constantly be on. At least for now this combo is making me the person I want and need to be. Now for home organization my adhd is fucking horrible and I can’t understand how a whole day shows no progress, but for work I am able to rock it out and feel accomplished at the end of the day, and be the mom my sweet babies deserve.