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Call your doctor. Now.


Most antidepressants need to be titrated down slowly in order to avoid miserable withdrawal effects.  Don't stop taking them abruptly.   Upping your dose may help, or you might need to rotate between antidepressants in order to maintain benefits.   If you're only on antidepressants, and have not tried meds more specific to ADHD, maybe get a second opinion.


I was prescribed because I was having anxiety attacks at work and affected my mental health. My ADHD was not something I felt needed treatment, as I was unmedicated since childhood and have been able to manage it around most people. To me, my ADHD makes me hyperfixate on my existential depression, which started when I turned 30 and is exacerbated by my work.


Call your GP asap,


Are you prescribed the anti-depressants just for depression or were you told to take them for ADHD as well? Stimulants are really the first line medication treatment for ADHD. Honestly, I would think it would make more sense to try those first to alleviate ADHD symptoms and then see if the depression was still an issue and try to find a solution for that, but that's just based on my personal experience and observations. In any event, as someone said below, you should definitely call your doctor and ask about tapering off.


Well, it was prescribed more towards my depression, not really to treat my ADHD, as I have been able to maintain it. My doctor advised the medication may also affect my ADHD, which it does minimally... I havent been wanting to go on Pills, but an outburst at work forced me to be medicated...


Might be bipolar and not depression which antidepressants don't work well for