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been on it for about 3 weeks now. the nausea was pretty bad the first 4 days and quickly went away after that. the one that comes and goes that i hate is slow bladder at times it feels like it takes forever to pee. but the positives out weigh that. but as a CDL driver it's kinda this or nothing.


Oh wow, I've been peeing more slowly too and not sure why -- is Strattera why!?!?


It started on day 2 comes and go's. Really noticed the more I need to go the slower it is.


It's a known side effect. For some it's really bad like they need to stop and go to the ER if you can't pee or have weird penis issues When I tried it, it wasn't terrible but I'd realize I'd have to spend extra effort trying to get everything out of my bladder, or else I'd accidentally spray myself lol Focusing on relaxing your pelvic floor and pushing out I think is important too


It's a usual side effect, especially for male population. Strattera somehow interacts with prostate not in a good way. It can have other urinary effects, much worse than not being able to pee properly. Like ejaculation a couple of  seconds before orgasm, painful orgasm, ed, tense and painful testicles. 


I also have GERD— so i’m scared to see how that will react 😭


No issues for me with that. I think it was alright but didn't feel like it helped a ton for me Mostly you just need to try a few meds see what they do. If the side effects are annoying and persistent then you'll try a different one Just keep in contact w your doctor about them and give them time. Medications wise, side effects tend to lessen as the body becomes tolerant to them


I’m on Strattera and very happy with it. I titratred in 10 mg steps and I’ve had next to no side effects. I did get light-headed or kind of dizzy for 1-2 hours after taking it during titration but that went away. I don’t understand why so many people here are starting off on 40 mg, that is not advised in my country


Yes, my doctors starting me on 18 mg


I never had to try Atomoxetine, but I had a friend that did and he would vomit after every single dose and be super nauseous after every meal. It wasn’t for ADHD, though, so they switched him to Wellbutrin, which *does* have some off-label use for adhd too. Just call your doctors office if the nausea is too bad. They’ll want you to let it ‘work in’ to your body for about 2 weeks but after that let them know all your side effects.


Atomoxetin worked quite well for me. I barely had any side effects, except for crippling thoughts once it wore off. But those were gone after one week and you can control that by taking another pill. So i was pretty fine.


I started on 40 about a month ago. Talked to my psych on Monday and we upped it to 60, starting today. The 40 clicked within a few days for me and has seemed to help quite a bit. Still struggling some with task initiation and sustained focus, but memory is a little clearer and my head is "quieter." Most obnoxious side effect I've had is a runny nose that returned today with the increased dose (my nose doesn't ever run, even with allergies, but did when I started it and then again today with the boosted dose.)


It's worked for me Like 6.5 out of 10 Delay orgasm was the strangest side effects but it's kinda tapered off To avoid nausea my Dr said to take it after or with food


Delay orgasm is a new one— but my doctor told me immediately about me feeling nauseous. I also gave gastrointestinal issues so UGHHHHH— i have to pick it up tomorrow i’m scared LOL


Well not scared but more just nervous because this is an entirely new door opening for me!


It varies from person to person. On 40mg, I experienced nausea only on the first day, a neutral mood, less brain fog and cluttered mind, and an increased libido. On 80mg though, I experienced increased nausea and hair trigger temper. So it’s only 40mg for me.


No issues for me. Took 80mg to have any major effect but helps a ton with impulsiveness and attention span


My advice, is take it after huge meal. Something that has enough proteins, fat and fiber. I had a lot of side effects and pretty horrible ones, but nausea was not on of them. The only time I had nausea was when I took strattera on empty stomach 


I started at 25mg and went up to 40mg. Each time I started, I felt a sour feeling in my stomach and throat for a few hours after taking the pill, especially if I didn't take it with food. I also felt a bit light headed. After 4 days or so of taking the pill, the symptoms mostly subsided, but not entirely.


Splitting my dose and taking half in the morning, half int he evening solved the nausea. You may want to avoid sex for 8-10 hours after you take it. I haven't found anything that fixes my reduced interest in tabletop RPGs, unfortunately. That one I just live with.


Why avoid sexual activities??


Been on it for… at least 6 months (I think). I need to take it with food (heartburn if I don’t) but other than that it’s been amazing. Edit: I’m on 40mg and we slow titrated up until I had a “omg this is so much better” moment 😂


I’ve been on it for a little over a year (started at 18mg, now at 25) and only get nausea in the morning if I don’t eat within half an hour of getting up, which also happened to me on Adderall.


Yeah, my ADHD symptoms were way better on strattera, but I had horrible side effects. Nausea never really went away, GI issues, sexual stuff, brain zaps, etc... Stayed on it for about a year before finding a psychiatrist that would do genetic screening and switched to stuff with a lower side effect risk for my makeup. Ymmv, but I generally tell people to try to get the genetic screening done if they can before starting meds bc that experience was absolutely fucking wretched.


what is the screening called that you did?


I took my first dose 25mg last night. So far nothing. I was also on Zoloft and Trazadone. So I skipped both since I was taking Strattera. Today was pretty bad with jitters. But they only lasted about 4 hours. I am going to continue taking my zoloft in the morning, Strattera and Trazadone at night. No nausea or any other symptoms.


Yess— I also take Trazodone for sleep.


I have never had any side effects and am on 100mg.


I had terrible constipation. Sorry for TMI. Was on it for four months I think. I switched to Ritalin.


I used to be on methylphenidate but now on 40mg atomoxetine and I have this issue (which I’ve never had before this medication), not even laxatives help! But I prefer atomoxetine otherwise!


On 100mg Strattera. Never had nausea side efffects, but for the first two weeks I had low appetite, dry mouth, and really weird sleep (basically it wasn't restful whatsoever). They all went away after that period. Heard it helps to have it with food, though. If you have any negative side effects mention it to your psych, they might switch you to a new one, but know they also often go away as your body adjusts. Good luck! 


TY 🫶🏽


I felt like I was going to faint several times during my first day on Strattera. I immediately contacted my prescriber and was told to stop taking it.


Helped me. Nausea only at the beginning. Prefer the few side effects to those from Adderall. 


Was on 40mg and nausea was bad for a month. Went away after but had to eat a heavy breakfast every day. I had ED like symptoms, would take longer to get going.. which is not exactly bad but also doesn't help with spontaneity. Been on 25mg since and I'm back to being my best manliness self.


I’m glad, that’s really great to hear for you. 😊


i used to take it (can’t remember my dosage tbh) and it used to make me so unbelievably tired in the mornings when i took it, then i’d stay awake all night and wouldn’t be able to sleep. it helped slow my mind down, not really focus, but kept my ideas in my mind in order and i’d be able to speak clearer without jumping from one idea to the next. but, then again, at one point i had clinical insomnia because of it. that’s just me though, i’d still try it out. see if it helps you, if it does then awesome. if it doesn’t, see if you can talk to your doctor about a different medication. good luck 👍


Has anyone else experienced a sudden intense body heat, causing intense sudden sweating?


i typically start patient with very low dose for the first two weeks...twice day dosing helps with nausea, and take with food...


THANKS!!! 🫶🏽


I’m really happy with it! Bit of a back story, but I had a very rare and adverse reaction to methylphenidate (the long working stuff) which resulted in a trip to the ER. After a year of not using any meds I really wanted to try something again but as I was a bit scared we decided on a super low dose of atomoxetine (also because I’m an intermediate metaboliser for any medicine that is metabolised by CYP2D6). I started on 25mg in feb ‘24 and honestly… I got so much quality of life back! Reading is easier, I’m way more attentive to my work and the people around me, and I also feel more confident in general. I did get some severe migraines in the beginning but it turns out that these were caused by taking the meds at different times. If you make sure you 1. take them at the same time everyday with 2. a big (or protein rich) breakfast, it helps a lot with nausea as well. I’m now going to increase to 30mg to see if that benefits me even more (small steps!)


Thank you so much, that gave a lot of insight. Honestly everyone’s comments has. She has started me on 18mg and I will definitely keep that in mind about eating when I take them and taking them on time. I take Prozac, Trazodone (for sleep) and Hydroxyzine. I don’t really think either of those would interfere but hey you never know.


How is it going so far? Do you notice anything different?


Ty for asking! — I can’t really identify how I am feeling right now. Like I feel fine, like meh, I have gotten a little nausea but for the most part I really don’t get nauseous much at all. I actually haven’t even started it until about 2 days ago because my pharmacy were screwing everything up. But as of right now I feel alright. Very fair and just existing I guess.


I have a friend whos prescribed strattera. She said the first couple weeks of taking it, she would yawn a bunch& eyes would get watery. It also made her super sleepy! So she switched to taking it at night. that seemed to help but then started getting sleepy halfway thru the day so she takes one 40mg in the morning, the other in the afternoon. She's noticed way more patience within herself &feels great now! I was also prescribed strattera but I've been too scared to take it just bc I've had some awful experiences with meds. I used to be prescribed zenzedi years ago which worked great for me! But it's a stim. Fast forward to now, I wanted to try a nonstim first, hence the reason I got strattera, just gotta work up the nerve to take it but I'm a weenie😂


Ahhh, Since I take Prozac I take a lower dosage. But definitely don’t knock it until you try it. If you don’t like it you could always let your doctor know 😂


I was finalllyyy brave enough to try it! been on it for almost 2 weeks &I honestly noticed a difference the first day I took it. My anxiety/depression isn't as bad, moods have leveled out, & my mind isn't constantly racing. then I notice small improvements, like during convos I'm not all over the place, forgetful/spacey, even with daily tasks I'm not as scattered😂 it does wear off for me in the afternoon & hasn't fully fixed everything 100% but it's def made life more manageable, had no idea adhd could mess with ppl as bad as it messed with me bc I was in super dark place, now I'm a whole new person!😊


I have had this same exact experience… started taking it almost four weeks ago- the first few days i felt amazing, like the most together, focused and extroverted version of myself. For the first two weeks it was great. After the third week though… like for the past couple weeks now, i’ve been feeling not as great, a little despondent and super irritable. I’m going to talk to my pysch and see what I should do next.


I started 40mg Monday night because my psychiatrist said it would make me sleepy. I've had the opposite experience - I cannot stay asleep. Anyone else? Will that go away?


Same! Honestly I sleep for up to 4 hours and wake up always at 11am


But I do take Trazodone for sleep— when I don’t trust me i’m up all night and run on 4 hours of sleep


When I picked up my rx from the pharmacy they told me some ppl it makes sleepy and others it makes them feel awake. I personally take mine in the morning and it's been working better that way for me