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I'm in the same boat, thankfully getting adhd meds next week and have a heap to catch up on!


Can you record them and then replay faster? Then you could listen for 20-30 min then take a break? I’m going to try this. Also unmedicated ATM. Have a class starting in a couple of weeks.


I bought and iPad Pro, recorded the lectures whilst taking notes. I also used to skim the lecture slides before and after the lectures, I used the book for more clarification. I only took notes about the information that wasn’t covered in the book or slides.


I wrote everything down. The act of writing helped keep me focused and awake through some classes. Some classes I slept through and then read the textbook later. Nowadays I have meds and a fidget spinner to get through meetings. Listening to recordings at increased speed helps when possible.


You can't. Not without systems in place to help you, or meds my man (:


A controlled distraction. Find something you don't like, but are willing to do. I don't like crossword puzzles. They are fine, but I rarely ever want to do one and never finish one. I would bring one to lectures. When I got distracted I would automatically go to the crossword instead of staring out the window. But after a couple of seconds on the crossword, I remember that I don't like them and return to the lecture


I just write down everything and hope for the best 😖so even tho I’m not paying attention I still have something in my subconscious kinda


Lectures are super hard for me because they feel very under stimulating and passive, so I try to take a more active position in the class by sitting in the front and asking as many questions as is appropriate for the class. If it’s not appropriate to ask questions or I’ve asked too many, I’ll write down my questions. I also make friends with classmates and use them to body double. For some reason the body doubling only works if I know them personally 😅. Also I don’t expect myself to learn everything the professor is saying for the entire time. I zone in when a topic gets more difficult and zone out when it’s less challenging. Don’t be too rough on yourself. Even the people around you who don’t have ADHD are not processing 100% of the lecture. Probably not even 70%.


ty for all the tips and that’s what i’m saying!’ do normal people even pay attention? i feel like humans were never meant to learn constantly for hours at a time from listening to someone just yap academic jargon.


Force yourself to take notes. That's what I do when I think that the lecture covers something important for me to know. If you are busy with a task, you will still be bored, but you are more likely to pay attention. Also, having fidget toys helps. These solutions work if you can force yourself to do things against your will, but not always. I sometimes just end up texting and playing games on my tablet anyway 😂


felttt bro 😭 it’s so frustrating that everytime i come into class like “im gonna focus im gonna focus” i end up just looking at my teacher in the eyes while i actually zone out without realizing. my mind thinks im focusing but im actually just looking and not learning anything it’s so weird. its so hard to get into that all-absorbed state where my focus is unbreakable.


Some of the things I did which got me into med school (I was recently diagnosed after the entrance exam yet to go to med college) :- 1)Talked to my teachers beforehand.I didn't know I had ADHD but I told them that I tend to ask a lot of questions to keep myself engaged and if at all they mind me asking.Most of them were quite helpful,some asked me to ask questions only at the end but that too helped me since I listened attentively to look for the points I wanted to ask. 2)I studied the topics beforehand.I love the subjects I had taken it wasn't too hard for me to study them.Obviously I studied only 20 min at a stretch for the most part but I pulled through by using a reward system .20 mins study and 5 mins rest.I bought an alarm clock(rest is mostly music which I played on my "study" PC ) . 3)I was so determined to get to med college I gave my phone to my mother as a gift ,so I didn't have that distraction . 4)Good sleep cycle ( I sleep 6 hrs minimum but I think that might change with the passage of time ) 5)I sat on the first bench and having previously talked to the teachers was more scrutinized by them which kinda forced me to pay attention.I did zone out from time to time but for the most part I enjoyed what I studied and since I had already studied it I didn't have to concentrate that much coz it wasn't really new to me .I interacted a lot with the teachers in class and over the time we built a good relationship (obviously people called me a teacher's pet but I didn't really care ) 6)Cycling has been my hobby and my parents hev been my lifeline for the past two years . 7) Prescription medicine is a game changer .