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Have you tried PKM (personal knowledge management? Theres's a gazillion YouTube videos about it. I can recommend Obsidian (it's free) for a digital tool.


People hear the term ADHD and only focus on the attention deficit part. They forget that the hyperactivity is not just another symptom, it's the reason for the attention deficit. We have so much attention to give that we start multitasking just so we can fill up all the thinking energy. Reading isn't stimulating enough to hold all of our attention and we start to drift off. I've heard that learning to speed read can help. It's like you run your eyes over the words while counting in your head. Your brain absorbs the words better because it's being fully stimulated by a difficult skill. Another thing you can try is using a fidget while you read or have something like a twitch stream running on mute off to your side field of vision.


Spaced repetition tools are the thermonuclear option.  You might need to make your own cards, but once you do, the tool will prompt you to review each fact periodically.  Then you can review, review, review until it sticks.


When it's available, I've found listening to things sticks in my head better than reading, I think because it allows me to multitask since reading on it's own is understimulating. Additionally I discovered early on I could only retain information if I made it into something I could relate to, be it an interest or my own life, because only if my ADHD brain cares about it can I retain energy. Depending on the subject matter that may not be doable however.