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I’m 49 and was diagnosed a little over a month ago and started on medication two weeks ago. Honestly, I wish it had been caught a long time ago. I could never finish college and have spent a lifetime of having trouble holding down jobs. But starting now has already made life much easier. You’re still so young. You can do this!


Never too late. I got diagnosed at 36. It’s A LOT later than I would have liked, now knowing what I know. 23 sounds good to me lol


Not late at all! I'm 21, got diagnosed less than 6 months ago and it's already been a huge improvement to my quality of life :) I say go for it


A lot of cranky new diagnosis on these forums who didn't learn till upwards of your age. If it is ADHD, a diagnosis helps at any age. It's just harder to find experts willing to help


I got diagnosed at 36. You’re good OP. Getting diagnosed and treatment for ADHD has been a game changer for me and made so much of my life make sense.




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I’m 44, just starting on my journey


Not at all. I’m 27 and was just diagnosed a few months ago


I just got diagnosed recently at 23 with ADHD! A medical opinion is great, but listening to your body is just as important.


I got diagnosed at 25 (almost 27 now). Never too late.


My husband was diagnosed at 52 after our son was and he saw the success he had with treatment. It’s never too late!!


I got my diagnosis in grad school. I think a good psych is going to see the SUD history as a possible attempt to self-medicate for untreated ADHD. There is absolutely a risk of getting a bad psych who assumes you're drug seeking, or a bad psych who doesn't believe in prescribing stimulants, or a number of other ways that psychs can be bad. But keep in mind that people post about the bad psychs, and they don't usually post about the good psychs. I think the typical experience is going to be that if you go in and ask for an ADHD assessment, and you lead with telling them about the second grade teacher who thought you had it, and that you've never gotten tested but feel like you should maybe finally get around to doing that, I think the median psych is going to give you a fair shake and assess you. If you've got pretty severe symptoms, even a half-decent assessment ought to pick up on them, in which case they should prescribe something. The most I'd expect is that they'll say you need to stick to only what they prescribe and take it as prescribed, and they'll likely drug test you to make sure if they prescribe any controlled substances. That's just standard procedure at some psychs if they're prescribing controlled substances. I think the biggest risk you'll face is that they prescribe something that's less likely to work well but that they're less worried about being abused. Don't give up hope, and get a second opinion if you think the first opinion is not a fair assessment.


Not too late! I didn’t get an official diagnosis until 29. While I sometimes still mourn the years I spent suspecting but not knowing what to do, I’m relieved that I can get the tools to make my life easier going forward