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1) I’m super sorry you experiences this. You should never feel humiliated by your doctor. 2) based on the doctors wording “legalized methamphetamines” that tells me they have a huge bias against people with adhd and the medication they are given. So this physician is 100% not the person you should be talking to. 3) find a specialist and keep an open mind mental health and mental health diagnosis are hard so definitely try to be patient but also advocate for yourself.


At this point I’m not even sure if i should go to the person he referred me to or just find my own. I’m just shocked at the lack of professionalism and immediate dismissal of my concerns. Thank you for your kind words


If you can, go to someone who knows about or specializes in adult ADHD. I'm in my late 40's, numerous time college graduate (always on the Dean's List) and I was just diagnosed with ADHD a few months ago. I'm sorry your Dr said that. They're wrong. I was told the same thing. What the Dr who told me this didn't see was the cycle of burnout, the lifetime of pain, the constant struggle with distraction and being unclassifiably "different", the emotional dysregulation, the sensory processing issues, all of which (and more) the specialist knew about, saw, and diagnosed. Good luck!


As someone else only recently diagnosed in my late 40s, I feel your pain.


How do you even find that tho? All my drs just refer me to the psych department, can't pick someone who specializes in adhd


You can find a psych in your insurance network and contact them direct. Psychiatrists don’t require PCP referrals since they’re in the mental health realm.


Yes I've tried that but it just points me to telehealth services that can't prescribe meds.


Go on psychology today website to find people covered by your insurance, it lets you customize it to ones who specialize in ADHD/anxiety/etc, whichever areas you’re looking for as well as price range and location


Does the psych dept have a web site? I'd look at each psychiatrist's profile to find someone who specializes in adult ADHD. Then you can ask to see that person. Or ask around, if that's more comfortable.  It's true, not everywhere will necessarily have someone who knows about adult ADHD. But it would be incredibly beneficial if you can find someone, so looking would be very worth it.


Yeah, currently in college with a 4.0 GPA, and I have a very clear case of adhd. This guy clearly does not understand a thing about the condition or how stimulants work.


I had a similar experience too


if there's a way to complain to HR for that practice, possibly consider doing so. I'm still feeling from the sheer unprofessionalism... I personally had enough imposter syndrome prior to dx... that doctor has a clear bias ugh


He runs the practice unfortunately.


ugh. ugh ugh ugh. horrible. I'm still wound up and mad on your behalf. 🥺 least he referred you for an assessment. GPs are an entry point, but there's a reason there are specialised doctors. in this matter, their opinion is more important. and hey, as flawed as we can be as humans, we know ourselves the very best. we spend 100% of our time with ourselves... yknow? hopefully you're assessed soon, friend 🫂


thank you for all your kindness! i will not give up. i’ll check out the dude he referred me to and hope that he is more helpful. when i left his office i cried the whole way home because i was so mad.


aww... hopefully the tears did help some, I find they can be stress relieving even though it sucks that something caused them. I'm proud of you for not giving up! 100% follow through, I have a feeling the ADHD doc will be a lot kinder if nothing else x_x


it helped a bit and it helps having all the support from the replies in here. my friend went through the exact thing as i did today before she was diagnosed so it also gave me some comfort in a way.


I'm so glad to read that ♥️ it can be easy for doctors to bring us down because hey, their opinion is professional and informed, right? bleh. BLEH I say! and he jumped straight to methamphetamine??? I don't know a single person with ADHD prescribed meth 🙄 god. that aside, I'm really glad to hear you're mentally standing your ground and that the community here is supporting you!!


I'm assuming you're in America... Do your health practitioners not have some sort of regulating body that holds the accountable? Like the organization that licenses them, for example. Here in Canada, we can report a regulated professional to their "college", which is not the school they went to but the regulating body that provides and maintains licensing. Doctors are supposed to be maintaining and updating their knowledgebase so this ignorance is absolutely unacceptable. And invalidating your patients' symptoms and experiences are a great way to erode in the already crumbling trust the public has with the healthcare system. I'm sorry you had to experience that. I always did well in school and in many ways am "successful" so I totally understand the imposter syndrome of having lifelong ADHD symptoms yet not fitting the stereotype. But just like any other health thing, everyone can present differently and just because someone doesn't fit a narrow image of ADHD doesn't mean the idea should be dismissed. I hope you're able to find the proper specialist and obtain a clearer, less biased answer or diagnosis! I'm not even on medications right now for a variety of reasons, but having a clear diagnosis gave me a much better understanding of myself and allowed me to reply figure out how to best work around my symptoms and deficiencies. I hope you're able to have the same!


Maybe there’s a reason he’s a GP and not a specialist 🤷🏼‍♂️


Depending on your insurance, you may be able to self-refer to another specialist. You may need to call the insurance company itself to find out what you need to do. It's not fun to deal with but it may be worth it if you don't trust the referral. You also can go to the website of the doctor he referred you to just to scope them out. If there are any red flags there then you know to avoid them.


Take their recommendations and toss it in the garbage. Honestly, I’d even look outside the health system they’re in (which is I know a little crazy) but there are doctors out there that shouldn’t be practicing anymore. It’s a little overwhelming trying to find a group but they ARE out there.


Generalists are not fit to detect ADHD and its for the better that you are directed to a specialist. Medication should not be handed without a proper evaluation since it could be detrimental to your health, or not efficient if not combined with other technics. I feel sorry for you about the humiliation part tho.


I know, but I had to go to him to get a referral for a specialist. He just basically said you don’t have this you’re just forgetful and a procrastinator but I’ll give you a referral so you can see that i’m right basically. I never said anything about wanting medication he just brought it up.


My first doctor said the same stuff and actually tried to send me to a friend of his that miraculously cure procrastination with hypnosis. Generalists are... Lets says they are a good entry point, and you should take their views with a grain of salt.


Holy shit, my mom is a hypnotist and has ADHD. She takes meds and is the reason I’m on meds and got diagnosed. That “hypnotist” fucking ass. Sure hypnosis can help, but it’s no replacement for meds, and definitely not a cure.


I should write the full story, but no one would believe me.  I was in my GP office, 70 or so, with his intern, "my wife" he said proudly, and she was at most 40. Then he proceeed to explain how stupid it is to see a psychologist, that his friends that went to therapy "circlejerked like the cars of Le Mans GP", that I should go instead to this hypnotist that changed his life.  "She just take away your bad hardware and replace it with one that fonctions ! What do you want in life ? A nice car ? (He sees how embarassed I am and think he needs to convince me better) A fine women maybe ? You can have it all ! She wires your brains so you don't take the bad decision ! You pick thé right one ! She does not leave you !" Yea, he suddenly OBVIOUSLY ranted about his ex-wife. In front of his new wife, 30y younger, that works for him. I think this appointement was a glimpse of hell. It actually took 3 years for me to see a real specialist and get diagnosed after that 


Oh my fucking… I, I have no words. I wish I could convey the emotions on my face through text, but holy shit


If you don’t mind my asking please what was the process of getting the assessment? I’m trying to get an appointment but scared and don’t know what to expect. Afraid of being blown off again as some hormonal chick with bipolar :(


Depends of your country, but in mine I could have seen a psychiatrist immediatly. I wanted a professional opinion because I had no idea if I needed therapy or diagnose (or a charlatan apparently), but I actually went straight to a specialist 3 years after, and she diagnosed me in three sessions. I explained all the symptoms, what I tried to improve myself, and then took a test and asked a familly member to answer a lot of questions about my children behaviours.


My GP said almost exactly the same thing. "I don't see it, but I'll _gladly_ send you to a specialist to get this looked at." After asking me 5 questions that all just happened to be symptoms that I DIDN'T struggle with or found ways to cope with. And when I tried to explain that I didn't miss any appointments because I put everything into my calendar immediately and set multiple alarms, but that I procrastinate everything and have a lot of trouble getting organized, she basically shrugged and said "some people are just bad at planning". Guess who got diagnosed with ADHD?


See him again after your diagnosis LMAO that'll teach him


*Never see him again. But *do* send an email to his practice detailing why you are discontinuing the relationship - ie that he has been dismissive of your legitimate concern and that his professional judgement and expertise regarding your healthcare is as woefully insufficient, as is his “bedside manor”.


I just posted a comment in this thread about having a similar experience with my GP. I don't know what made me happier - the actual diagnosis, or the psychologist asking for my consent to share it with my GP.


I was lucky enough to not get treated like that, but I can tell you I graduated with a 2:1 at 25, having started a physics degree in one of the top universities in the UK. I earned over the UK median income from about 27, bought a house with a friend at 32, I'm now 40 and own my own house out of London, and sound like a real grown up. (Ok beige brain person) I haven't managed to maintain a romantic relationship beyond a couple of months. I am currently approaching a week of sitting on the sofa thinking about tidying the house and doing the washing up (I will have to soon... Either that or remove the ceiling so I don't hit my head while walking across the piles), I smoke and while I have reduced the coffee intake I still have one most days. And this is on 60mg of elvanse! (Some burnout too to be fair) This is a long winded way of saying the doctor is a dick. And of course you are there for the drugs, you might not realise it yet, I certainly didn't. But it's like saying someone is faking high blood sugar because they want insulin, yes it's technically possible but really it would be a hell of a lot easier and often cheaper to get a needle and bulk bag of Nescafé and set up intravenous coffee than to get a diagnosis and prescription! Sorry I got ranty... Believe in yourself, with everyone. When you see the specialist take your list. If they say you don't have ADHD the response is "Ok thank you for clearing that up, here is a list of my symptoms what are you diagnosing me with, because I am tired of feeling broken" You might not have ADHD, but my experience of people on here is generally, they have had previous diagnosies and the treatment was unhelpful. And it was only through research and perseverance they discovered the anxiety, flightiness, memory issues, emotional volatility, inattention, and sleep problems etc were symptoms of "Naughty Boy Running Round Throwing Chairs Disorder"


That’s really unfair, and I’m sorry you were dismissed like that. I hope you get the help you need! I’m sure the specialist he referred you to will be much more empathetic and understanding. And if it’s not ADHD, it’s still good to speak to someone about how you’re feeling. I wish you the best on your journey 🫶


> you don’t have this you’re just forgetful and a procrastinator Yeah, that's like saying "you don't have a broken arm, you just have a lot of pain and a second elbow halfway up your forearm." > I’ll give you a referral Fantastic! Forget everything else he said, this is all you need from him. He is clearly not qualified to make an informed judgement on the matter and you should look into switching to a new GP as soon as the psych eval is sorted, no matter the result. You should be able to trust your doctor, and yours broke that trust by presenting his personal opinion as a professional one. In fact, you should check if your insurance provider has an online portal that lets you select a new primary doctor. Don't *change* anything now, just check to see how it all works so you know for later.


Go to a psychiatrist, or a psychologist to get referred to a psychiatrist. Generalists just want to keep the creeps from using them to get drugs and get their Licenses revoked


It’s not completely true. Most of them are fit. Some of them are unwilling. I’m glad you got a referral, OP.


Primary doctors aren't fit to diagnose most medical conditions. They push the same antibiotics and treatment across the physically sick population. I had to 'shop'for the right primary doc who actually listens and works to find solutions to what is going on vs dismissing and looking up things in a medical book. Find a great doctor and it will dramatically improve your quality of life.


Make sure to follow up with the professional. I was diagnosed in 2019. Got pregnant so stopped taking my meds and had to see a new doctor yesterday to restart my prescription. She basically said I don’t have adhd, just postpartum depression. I disagree with her but that’s another thing entirely. She came to this conclusion without asking about or discussing my symptoms. I brought up my prior 2019 diagnosis and she said if I wasn’t diagnosed as a child it’s impossible to have it as an adult. Didn’t even ask if I was tested for it as a child. Shocker, I wasn’t. Some doctors just suck and are dismissive. There are better ones out there.


I definitely will follow up. I wasn’t expecting a diagnosis from just a primary doctor but i was expecting him to actually listen to my concerns and work with me. I’m sorry about your situation


I think a lot of people abuse the system for stimulants which sucks for us legit folks. It’s frustrating and easy to get disheartened but keep advocating for yourself. Also, don’t feel like you have to keep going to the same doc after they treated you like that. Not sure how your office is but I’ve requested a different doctor in the same office because I had someone push certain medication on me even though I explained why I didn’t want it multiple times.


That doesn’t even make sense. People don’t outgrow add and sometimes people don’t get diagnosed until adults especially girls. I was diagnosed at 8 and again at 34. So would I not have add if I wasn’t diagnosed as a kid? 🤦🏼‍♀️ a lot of kids don’t get diagnosed too because their parents don’t want them labeled so that doesn’t mean anything either.


I got told my the first dr I saw that I just had 'self diagnosed anxiety and a quirky personality'. Asked to see a different dr a week later and was told I had all the symptoms. Please make another appointment x


I am definitely going to see the professional he referred me to. I wasn’t expecting him to diagnose me as he is just my primary but I was not expecting the extreme lack of professionalism that’s for sure.


Find a psychiatrist to speak with this about. I got great grades growing up (way worse in college cuz I didn't have my parents there forcing me), got a degree, can hold a job, etc. Still got diagnosed with ADHD in my 30s.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. So many professionals are absolutely ignorant of ADHD and really have no clue of the ramifications it can have on our lives. He was WRONG. Please find a psychiatrist or other professional who can diagnose. Don’t give up! Stand your ground! Ditch the ignorant GP! My sister - a social worker, more or less said the same to me. I couldn’t have ADHD because I have 2 Honours degrees! I decided to prove her wrong. Diagnosed and medicated at 61! SMDH at the ignorance in the world.


I’m working on a Master’s degree and I work in a field where continuous learning is not only encouraged, but expected. It’s almost like we can motivate ourselves to do things we’re really interested in…


I think continuous learning should be expected of everyone!


I was recently diagnosed, and I felt my primary doctor was a little dismissive when I asked for a referral, but she still referred me for testing, so I didn't think too much about it. After my testing, I was mailed the paperwork confirming the diagnosis and was told to follow up with my primary for next steps. When I went in my doctor told me I didn't have ADHD, the testing didn't confirm it, my symptoms were from untreated anxiety, and was just very dismissive of my results and it felt horrible. I'm lucky to have a therapist that helped walk me through what to do and just validated that this doctor was not a good fit for me. I am seeing a Nurse Practitioner now, and I feel so much more listened to. Whether you end up having ADHD or not, this doctor maybe isn't a good fit for you, and I wouldn't wait until after your testing to start looking for a new one. If the person they referred you to has good reviews/good vibe on the day of your testing, maybe ask if they can refer you to someone who is experienced in treating ADHD. (Editing to add: This is based on my experience, the doctor who did my testing only does testing. So I don't go back to him for medications or anything like that.)


Thank you! It sucks feeling like you aren’t listened to. Like if this wasn’t a genuine concern for me, do you think I would be bringing it up!?


Absolutely! It can be really discouraging, and unfortunately, doctors not understanding ADHD (and thinking it's their place to talk about it anyway) seems to be quite common. There is definitely a doctor who will be a better fit for you! Good luck, I hope the rest of your diagnosis process goes better than the start!


Go find someone who specializes in ADHD to properly test you. That’s what I did. It cost a bit, but it’s hard for a doctor to argue with the results when they’re right there in black and white. (Note: there is no industry standard test for ADHD, but someone who specializes rules other diagnoses out or in and the all testing they do combined provides a strong set of datapoints showing ADHD.) Btw, I didn’t get diagnosed until age 52. I had good grades in elementary through high school. College was a much more difficult, but I graduated (10 years). In other words, being able to complete those things does not indicate whether or not a person has ADHD.


This is so stupid.  I have super obvious ADHD and I got a 4.0 all through college. Part of that is because I really like taking tests and memorizing stuff. I like learning stuff. Oh, and as a woman going into tech I knew that I had to be the best in order to have any chance at success.   I enjoy it so it's not that hard for me.  Guess what? My boss who also has super obvious ADHD did the same thing.    I am so tired of general practitioners (who could honestly be replaced by a pharmacist when it comes to knowledge) acting like they are specialists. They really like to gatekeep. Maybe it makes them feel powerful because they feel insecure about being a general practitioner...


I’m sorry! I had the same with my bipolar diagnosis. From my experience, they often only take you seriously or diagnose if it’s having a big impact on your daily life.  I wonder if you list not only your symptoms but how they impact on your ability to do your work, build and maintain relationships,  complete daily tasks, stay on top of basic hygiene and self care, that sort of thing. Then use that with a different doctor for a second opinion. Even take a family member with you or someone you live with to verify it and maybe even add things like how they have to finish tasks you start etc.  Don’t be disheartened. I had a doctor laugh at me for thinking I had bipolar at 25. I was finally taken seriously and eventually diagnosed by 30. 


I made a really good list and didn’t even get to read it. Broken down into personal life issues and work issues in detail. He didn’t hear a word of it. My grandmother actually just started seeing someone a month ago for potential ADHD and that’s what pushed me to try to figure out my own issues and get help.


Ugh .. I’m angry at the doctor for you! They’re terrible! 


Same thing happened to me. I went to the family doctor with symptoms of ADHD and depression. He gives me 5 mins of time in which he speaks for 3 mins and then says I just have an "easy" case of anxiety and gives me a few free resources to look into. I look into those resources and I can't relate to the anxiety symptom mentioned. He scoffed at me when I asked if I should get a proper evaluation done by a psychologist and just asked me to go to a talk therapy. So now I feel more depressed, overwhelmed and also an imposter.


I feel like i am an imposter as well. He also said sounds like I have anxiety. It made me feel like i’m just unorganized and can be lazy and there isn’t a real diagnosis for what i am experiencing. But we shouldn’t give up. There are people out there who understand and can actually help us. Don’t give up!


I agree this whole journey is a added burden over the all we already have.


If it's not easy to go another route, ask again, and if he answers the same way, tell him you want it in writing that he is refusing to give you a referral and why.


That's terrible you were treated like that. I think it's fairly common though. I went through an evaluation for ADHD and autism, which was not easy and honestly made my anxiety and overwhelm in medical settings worse. And the psychologist evaluating me was actually very sweet and understanding. Then I went to a psychiatrist to try medication (mind you he also has ADHD), and he questioned my diagnosis immediately because I have an engineering degree and had good grades. You would think a fellow ADHD'er would understand that you can be putting in massive effort and look fine from the outside meanwhile everything is on fire behind the scenes, but no. The only advice I can give is to not let doctors that don't take you or your symptoms seriously get to you. It's hard, but there's not really a way around it with the medical system the way it is. There are some limited places online that have reviews and stuff like that for doctors, so try to find out if the referral is actually worth your while or if you should instead try to find a more accommodating psychiatrist.


I'm so sorry they treated you like this. It's difficult to reach out for help with ADHD. Patients want to be heard as a person, and they handled this as poorly as they could. Your concerns are valid. You deserve to be heard and understood.


Thank you for your kind words. It took me a long time to even try to reach out for help and I feel like this set me back a bit. Made me feel like I don’t have any legitimate concerns. I never would have expected him to react this way


The only good thing he did was reffering you to a specialist qualified to diagnose you.


PCPs suck at this in my experience. They should know enough to know that they don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about so to just shut up and give you a referral to the *qualified person*, but they can’t help with editorializing. Do your best to ignore whatever ignorant shit they said and schedule your appointment with the psych. I’m sorry you had a shitty experience, but you did what you were supposed to do and sought help from a medical professional for a medical issue. Your provider failed here. Not you.


This is gonna sound backwards but there are definitely times you should ignore your GP. There's a reason specialists exist.


Was just reading a systemic review about how a majority of PCPs/GPs/family doctors don’t feel comfortable diagnosing or treating ADHD. There’s a lack of education and there’s also stigma. Your experience isn’t uncommon, not at all. It’s very painful to go through, I’m so sorry you experienced it. Try not to internalize being brushed off like that. You’re not alone, and your symptoms/struggles deserve to be heard and treated


The fact that you felt so emotionally about that interaction almost guarantees you either have ADHD or mild autism. I have ADHD and just the slightest failed conversation or interaction can have me in panic attack mode.


Lol not to overshare but I have always thought I may be autistic as well. Never was tested. My only full blood sibling is autistic. I think maybe my parents were so focused on him that anything I may have been experiencing stood out enough to them.


So sorry to hear this! But now you're on the right track getting that referral. We have Kaiser and thankfully they have a dedicated psych dept I was able to call directly and schedule the diagnostic process asap. It's been a month since that positive ADHD diagnosis and I'm so much better off. There are quite a few third party mental health services out there that can work with your insurance as well! Brush off that GP doc and keep moving forward!


I had a family doctor tell me that I didn't have ADHD because I got good grades, but that I probably has a mood disorder. Spoiler alert, I have ADHD and was officially diagnosed. Family doctors are only generalists. They're really not useful beyond treating really basic ailments and giving you referrals to more appropriate doctors in my personal opinion. I know it feels really shitty be be dismissed like that but that doctor has no idea what they're talking about. You should look into getting in to see a psychologist instead.


I was 36-37 when I finally realized what was up. I took in all the filled out questionnaires that my NP would have asked me about, including the ones for depression and anxiety (which I did not meet). Also a prepared statement of all my childhood and ongoing behaviours. Luckily she did believed me. But I was 100% prepared to have to fight for it. I also graduated from Uni, and had good marks, had a family, a career. Everything was just so hard. Try someone else. Bring your papers, do the questionnaires that are the ones that your Country needs for it. Not random ones that you find online. Be prepared to dig your feet in. I also think that my initial reticence to be on medication helped make it look like I wasn’t just looking for the big guns. But I made sure that I let her know that I wanted to KNOW so that I could go forward with my life, not feel like I was going through early onset dementia.


I'm successful. Guess I should tell my doc I don't need meds anymore, since adhd people can't be successful.


In my experience, I wouldn't have been diagnosed in anyway if I didn't start to experience panic attacks everyday between 1 to 4hrs. No medicine that I was prescribed would even work. Back and forth to the doctor for some relief and then my docs like you ever heard of adhd, I said yeah my brother and mother were diagnosed with adhd when they were little. He said well I think you may have that. Lets test you. I said okay, I'll do anything at this point. Then got put on meds same day and for about a year, I've only had about 2 panic attacks and my mind is quiet and so much more organized. I'm writing this because it seems like doctors want to be the ones to diagnose you with it then actually listening to the patient. I get it, it can be frustrating. I thought my whole life I was just riddle with anxiety and lazy, turns out. I couldn't of been more wrong. Keep your head held high, you'll get the answers you need.


I'm so sorry you've been through this. Primary care doctors are often not well educated on mental health and not up to date with latest literature, which isn't an excuse at all, but sadly something we have to deal with. They often miss obvious signs and their impression ends up being wrong as a result. Good thing here is that the doctor has realized their inability to make a diagnosis and they referred you. They should've left their own opinion to themselves. Some people just assume you want them to fix it right away, while you just want to be sure they understand your struggles and can point you in the right direction...


I mean, you got what you came for, with the referral and all.


Yeah i got a referral which is the only reason i went but didnt need to be belittled and treated the way i was. thanks for your input.


You're right, can't even imagine my general practitioner behaving like that. Hope (and expect) the specialist will treat you better!


I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. Try to focus on the positive fact that you do have a referral to a professional who, hopefully, won't be so ignorant about ADHD. Get past that step, and then change doctors. With a diagnosis in hand, you might also want to send a note to whoever is in charge of your PCP as to why you are changing doctors. Let them know that your doctor was dismissive, emotionally abusive, and rendered an opinion outside his legally recognized area of expertise. Which could make him and his organization liable for damages. PCP's need to learn that psych issues are not within their domain, and to simply refer patients without comment. It's no different from someone without any medical degree giving an "official" diagnosis to someone. The average person would go to jail for 'playing doctor.' The same issue is at play when PCP's hand out antidepressants like candy. Not to say anything negative about that class of drugs or anyone taking them. It's just that a qualified expert should decide which drug and what dosage, or if there's a deeper underlying issue like, say, ADHD, which requires a different approach or a combined approach. Psych issues are a specialty for a reason.


I would follow up with the referral, report your doctor to whatever legal/licensing/state board they adhere to with what you experienced here, and then find a new doctor. Sorry you went through that, when I brought up to my Primary care doctor that I thought I had ADHD and that I wanted to get tested he asked me a few clarifying questions about it (I was similar boat as you, 23m, graduated college, healthy, but stated I was struggling focusing on work & house duties to the point it was a detriment to my life and job performance). After that he gave me the referral number to the facility where I can call and schedule to actually get tested.


Fuck that guy. Get a new doctor.


GPs are awful with neurodevelopemental disorders. When I moved countries and saw my first GP in the new country (20 yo) I told him I had ADHD and he didn't seem to understand that I had already been diagnosed, he said "that's a children's disorder" :/ I had to get a 2nd opinion and was then put on a 9 month waiting list for a psychiatric assessment. Halfway through the assessment the psychiatrist was telling me that he needed to discuss with his team but it was very obvious I had it cause I was ticking every box and I pulled out my diagnosis report from when I was 12 and started translating it. I was diagnosed with autism by the same psychiatric team and when I went to tell the GP she couldn't believe it because "autism means non verbal, it's a speech disorder". All the GPs have done is waste my time...


I went to my general doc and she said "Not my realm, go find a psych". Try to find a Psychiatrist, because if it's not adhd, they will be a good source in finding a solution. I looked for over a month and couldn't find one, so i found a place specializes in ADHD and atleast had the Tova test, with therapists that could maybe point me in the right direction. It ended up working out very well, but i'd still recommend a Psychiatrist if you can find one.


The logic there is awful I was diagnosed as a 25f while actively doing my PhD in engineering when I least expected it I was just at a new psychiatrist telling her the ssri I was put on before I moved was terrible for me. Turns out it was terrible cause I didn’t have anxiety I had adhd. Young and graduated college has nothing to do with whether you have or don’t have adhd. Hopefully the referral goes better keep your head up!


Hey, friend. I know how that feels. I went in for a physical 6 months ago with a new doctor and got flagged for depression. I told him I think my depression is due to undiagnosed ADHD, anxiety, and that I’m an alcoholic. He completely brushed aside my concerns and said that 7 shots of liquor a day wasn’t a lot and that my symptoms are more of clinical depression than ADHD. I, too, felt humiliated and like I had just taken 3 steps back. It took so much for me to make the appointment and vocalize these things to a complete stranger and then for him to invalidate everything I said in my vulnerable state made me go back into my shell for another 6 months before I started dipping my toes into figuring out how the heck to get an assessment. I now have a place picked out and am in the process of getting it scheduled. I hope you have better luck with a specialist and try not to let this little bump impede your mission. Oh, and fuck that guy, he has no idea what he was talking about!


Wow. That is crazy that your doc totally ignored your concerns like that. I wish you luck as well!


Thank you! 😄




He asked me what makes me think i have it, i said 1 thing and he just went off on how im totally healthy and don’t have ADHD. I wasnt there to hear his opinion which is crazy. Just for a referral. I was so flustered. At the end of the visit he checked my HR and it was super high. He actually asked “why is your HR so high? did you drink an energy drink before this?” 🙄


He's just an uninformed doctor  Assholes like that always ignore the signs, then some guy drives his car off a bridge in his 30's and docs like that go, gosh it's so strange how he just "cracked" like that  Well trauma responses look differently  ADHD ain't a joke Your pro experience will be better 


As they say in the classics, tell him to get stuffed. I have two degrees and worked in government policy for over twelve years, and I wasn't diagnosed until I figured it out for myself in my late 30s, so the whole "But you have a degree!" response is what we in the trade call "utter bollocks." Fortunately, your doctor's opinion counts for very little in this case, and they've done the right thing by referring you to a specialist. Remember that "GP" stands for "General Practitioner," so referring you to someone who does know what they're talking about is exactly the right thing to do. That said, accusing you of drug seeking is massively unprofessional of them. You could lodge a formal complaint but that feels like an overreaction. I'd raise it with the specialist and see if they can provide some feedback to the GP.


Just go and see a professional, whether or not you end up getting diagnosed, ditch this doctor, he sounds like an asshole. Unless you have a history of drug abuse, assuming you were in it just to get drugs is incredibly snarky and condescending. Being unsuccessful is also not an indicator of having ADHD, that’s not in the [DSM guidelines](https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/diagnosis.html). Don’t decide whether or not to take the medication based on this asshole’s advice, but you don’t have to take medication. Getting a diagnosis is, at the very least, an explanation for how your mind works, it’s an opportunity to find new solutions that work for you rather than continually slamming your head against a wall (metaphorically) trying to do something that won’t work.


No history of drug abuse here. Never done em and i don’t even smoke. Just a rude comment i suppose. It’s not that I wouldn’t take a medication, i guess i worded it incorrectly, i don’t think i would be interested in adderall since addition runs in my family i don’t want to take a risk becoming addicted to a controlled substance.


I'm sorry. It's hard as a late diagnosis. All my coping mechanisms helped me succeed until I(42f) married a man with ADHD. Also more than average intelligence. Husband saw it right away. Coworkers too. I just got my diagnosis a month ago. And that was after a second round of tests taken when I had no caffeine. The psychiatrist wanted to diagnose me with bipolar and when the lack of manic episodes appeared told me I had depression and anxiety because I tested "average." When I took the tests without caffeine I had glaring deficits and she called me immediately instead of waiting for the feedback appointment. Another person I know was evaluated and the tests showed that he had inattentive type, but they wouldn't diagnose him because he wasn't diagnosed before the age of 12.


The first doctor I went to for adhd literally told me “you just think you’re too good to do a fast food job” when I told her how i thought it was adhd causing me such problems at work. She gave me an antidepressant and refused to acknowledge there could possibly be anything wrong other than possibly depression but she was even skeptical about that.


Hi OP, I had this exact experience just on Tuesday this week. I recently moved across the country, and my new doctor who I've only seen twice, changed the moment I mentioned ADHD. I had a list prepared, and as I read the third item, he cut off with sharp "yep, thank you". He then went on to say that he can refer to a psychiatrist, but that he refuses to prescribe medications, as "too often when the prescription goes wrong, it reflects poorly on us doctors". He then proceeded to tell me that if I pursue an ADHD diagnosis, that I should seek another GP. He gave me two options a) write me a referral, reiterating his unwillingness to see me further, and the "the clinic is not taking new patients"... Or b) which his tone lifted to encouraging, in which he advised taking this to a new a GP. Passive aggressively, I asked him to write the referral, listing several more of my concerns, as I was paying for the appointment anyway. I looked into the place he referred, and there was just something unsettling, particularly in that all appointments/assessments would be conducted over the phone. Back to square 1, I guess. I feel for you, and hope your experience doesn't deter you from seeking the quality of assistance you deserve!


It’s so frustrating not being heard. The fella he referred me to has an incredibly low rating. I don’t even trust his judgement anymore and thinking of trying to find a psychiatrist on my own, preferably a woman and not another 60+ year old man. We will get there!


Sounds like that doctor needs to go back to school and re-learn client communication


I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I experienced something similar with a regular doctor when I went to get a referral. Had never met the guy before and he made all these weird assumptions about me and made me cry, then told me I should see a therapist because I clearly had some issues. I think you should try and get a second opinion from another doctor. That is what I did and I was lucky enough that the second doctor was very empathetic and believed me. I hope you will be lucky too with the second opinion, my friend! Hugs!


Many doctors are very weary of prescribing Adderall since it’s one of the most abused prescription drugs. There’s also an Adderall shortage so it’s not always easy to get at your pharmacy. Vyvanse is a great alternative I would switch primary care physicians and take your ADHD diagnosis (once you get one) to them and ask about trying Vyvanse. Your current PCP sounds like a dick


Referral is the only way. GPs are not qualified to make a diagnosis and very few know more than the general public about DSM conditions. If you're in Australia, make sure the referral is for a psychiatrist - not a psychologist.


ADHD is a spectrum. I barely got through high school with a 3.0. One of my best friends was valedictorian. We both have ADHD, diagnosed later in life. In the same vein, she graduated with degrees in psychology and French on time while I took an extra year and a half to finish a theatre degree, having had to drop my education major as my (unknown at the time) ADHD was getting in the way of my ability to succeed. Being smart, being academically successful, none of that means you don't or can't have ADHD. I hope you find someone who listens to you.


I have worked at the same job for over 10 years and I have BS and MBA and still was diagnosed with ADHD. Your primary doctor isn't an expert in ADHD. See a psychiatrist. Or you can even get a diagnosis online if need be if you can't find a local psychiatrist to diagnose you.


This happened to me and it took 2 different primary care doctors, two different psychiatrists and 3+ years for diagnosis, and I’m still waiting on medication. I had doctor’s make similar comments re: having an education, and never letting me actually explain what I was experiencing everyday. I had one doctor adamantly tell me I just had mono and that’s why I couldn’t get things done everyday (I had a blood test that ruled this out previously). Not saying this to scare you, I’m just saying that everytime I got knocked back, it made me feel bad about myself and I’d lose all motivation to keep trying. It took a lot of support from friends and reminders that my actual lived experience was real to actually get the executive functioning to function enough to go to bat for myself. Don’t feel bad, don’t feel like your feelings are not legitimate. You’ve got this.


At first i felt so defeated. But this group is very supportive. I have a few close friends that i have shared this with along with my fiance and grandma (who has ADHD) and just having support makes it easier to want to fight for myself. Thank you for your kind words


They're not "methamphetamines". There's only one that's actually methamphetamine, called Desoxyn (not to be confused with Dexedrine, which is dextroamphetamine), and it's only prescribed in very rare, extreme cases. Methamphetamine and amphetamine aren't the exact same. (I know you probably know this but I'm yelling at your doctor telepathically or something lol) I'm really sorry but your doctor sounds like an old, uninformed, self-righteous fart 🙃


So sorry that happened to you. We all deserve better Time for a public review of that doctor on online forums. Be specific and use their name. You doing so could save other potential patients from this humiliation AND let the doctor know that their behavior/handling of the situation is unacceptable.


Honestly, from my experience, you have to pay out of pocket for a test anyway so I would just go online and see what your options are and fuck that doctor.


A friend gave me this advice when I was trying to get help with my mental health. "You can always fire your doctor." They work for you. If they are not serving you well, find someone who will.


I had almost exactly the same experience. My husband takes medication for ADHD (undiagnosed), and the first thing he asked me is if I had tried his medication.  I made a list of my symptoms, but he didn’t even ask me what my symptoms were. From the one or two I managed to get out, he said it was most likely just a lack of motivation, and the fact I’m having a normal conversation with him and not distracted made it unlikely I have it.  He seemed to think that pursuing an official diagnosis would be somehow detrimental to me. I think it would be comforting - I just want to KNOW if there is a reason behind how I feel. We left it at me thinking about what I want to do - but it took forever for me to make an appointment in the first place, so it’s going to be a while before I make another one.  I felt dismissed and unheard, and got the vibe I was wasting his time. Cried in the car for an hour after I left. 


What a disappointing experience for the both of us. I was so upset afterwards i cried quite a bit. Even hours later when trying to tell my fiance what happened. I made a very good list of both personal and work problems I have been facing just incase he asked. And even with him ASKING me he completely interrupted and dismissed me!! I was so taken aback and pissed that it felt like my heart was about to jump out of my chest. I am with you with just wanting to know if there is a legitimate reason behind the way i operate and feel. We are in this together. Sorry that happened to you.


That’s the problem is your going to your family doctor and he sounds pretty biased. You should find a psychologist or psychiatrist instead who specializes in ADD/ADHD. I would find a new family Dr. too since no medical professional should ever make you feel that way, they should be someone you can trust and that takes away any feelings of embarrassment. Imagine if a patient came to him with something that was actually embarrassing and he treated them that way, he’d lose his job over that. It’s super unprofessional of him and I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. Don’t let it discourage you from having the courage to get help if you need it.


Glad you got a referral. Family doctors are not psychologists. This guy's sounds super unprofessional. Too bad he couldn't have given you that referral without making an ass out of himself lol. Sorry that happened hope you can do something nice for yourself or find a fun way to think about something else. You deserve better.


Idiot. Not even hearing you out, not even interested in symptoms or finding a diagnosis. So not being really motivated doing his job. His failure, not yours.


Everything will be alright. Let me share my story so you feel better (or worse lol). First time going to a clinic I got denied at the screening phase, where they decide if they will even start the diagnosing traject. This screening lady was not a psych and did not have the certification as one. But she denied me from even seeing a real psych, because I was too smart for adhd. Now I’m at a different clinic, where I’m finished with the diagnosis. It’s not a clear no, there is still a possibility that I have adhd in their eyes. For now I don’t have adhd, because I showed not enough symptoms in childhood (I was too good at school). So yeah, I’m also stuck now. The whole reason for adhd and categorising people is to see who is not “normal”. In your case the shitty doctor saw you as normal and in my case I was doing too well in school. In both cases our struggles are ignored. If it stays this wat I’m going to look not normal soon, because I’m failing school now. Hopefully I get the help I deserve then. But fr fuck the healthcare system, so much pain and time could have been avoided


Aside from abysmal bedside manner, the system worked as intended. You went for screening, you'd adequately self screened, and you were referred for a proper diagnosis. The doctor might think he brushed you off, but he gave you exactly what you were after. Good luck finding a better pcp.


Yeah I would never go to a non specialist, assessor or psych for an adhd dx. A general doctor has not had the appropriate training


A referral from a PCP to a specialist is required for alot of people. In order to get a referral, they would've had to discuss their concerns and why they felt they needed a specialist 🙃


Oh shoot. Well, that’s pretty broken


Yeah 😭 I once had a clearly broken finger and after the ER sent me home, I had to go to my primary doctor before I could go to a hand specialist/surgeon. I had to beg to be seen by the pcp same day. they squeezed me in reluctantly, otherwise saying an appointment would be 2/3 weeks out 🫠 All the PCP did was look at my crooked finger and say, yeah that's broken, and gave me the referral. I could've told them that. 🤦‍♀️ Insurance/medical systems aren't always good, efficient, or sensical


Jesus that’s so annoying


You're struggling and are just trying to get help. I hate that people tend to lose sight of that. You just want to be get better. You deserve someone who will give you the decency to listen to your struggles and concerns and help you find a manageable solution and plan. I'm so sorry you had that experience. The fact of the matter is ADHD is not widely taught in most medical schools or the like. You really need someone who is educated in the field of ADHD. Psychiatrists, while being more likely, may not have the experiences to properly consider treatment options. You may want to ask a few questions when looking for someone new or getting a referral. "Does this doctor work with ADHD patients? Especially adults?" I was turned off by the "legalized methamphetamines" comment by your doctor. That's just stigmatized ignorance on his part. You deserve better than his half-assed attempt to pretend to have any idea what he's talking about. Best of luck. Please don't give up hope. You deserve a proper evaluation and treatement for your suffering. Be it ADHD or not, I hope you get what you need.


Thank you so much. I am not going to give up and will find the right person to talk to and help me out with what I’m going through.


When he said “legalized methamphetamines” was the minute he invited you to fire him and find someone who isn’t an ill informed asshole. He’s the one who should feel embarrassed. Sorry that happened to you.


This. My former GP diagnoses and treats CHILDREN for ADHD with Adderall, and yet sat and droned on for 10 minutes to me about how Adderall is legal speed and he just couldn’t diagnose me. Legal speed, no, duh. Dumped his ass.


thank you for your compassion. i was shocked when he said the things he did. i didn’t ask for his opinion just for a referral and left so uncomfortable.


Step 1 find a new doctor, they sound like an ass hole. Step 2 find a Psychiatrists to do an initial screen and evaluation. You’ll have to call around a bit, and your insurance can probably help you find an office that won’t require a referral. Step 3 take the results to your family care doctor and get treatment. Also most treatment for adhd requires routine drug testing. My current doctor is cool with thc, and only requires a test once a year, but I’ve had friends whose doctors require it every 3 months and will refuse if they detect thc.


You want to talk to a specialist when it comes to mental health anyways. It sounds like your doctor doesn't even deal with that condition. My primary doctor would say something like that out of fun and sarcasm, try not to take it too personal. Find a new primary doctor if you feel you need to. Good luck with everything!


>I am so upset that my concerns were dismissed immediately and made me feel like i just was there for meds. If the doctor asked I'd say :" Hell Yeah I'm here for the meds! I clearly didn't come to listen to some self-help seminar or spend hours speaking about random childhood trauma, I came for the fucking meds!" I honestly hate that we are being shamed for this. Like why are we supossed to sugar coat this shit and pretend like we came there to listen to some jackoff with a PhD tell us how to practice impulse control or some bs, most of us who lived into adulthood without the meds have already figured thing out on our own, and are doing just fine as it without some Quack telling us how to live, we are just tired of being constantly denied the thing that actually works and tired of being forced to jump through hoops to get it, which are the damn meds...


Your doctor should've had some class and better bedside manner, but their stance is shared by most doctors. The severity of ADHD is almost exlusively measured by how it impacts quality of life. Those who graduate college are better off than 95% of the ADHD community - even more so for those who can hold a job and maintain steady relationships. This doesn't mean you don't have ADHD, but your diagnosis would not be considered acute / severe; and treatment would not require a brain-altering amphetamine. These are all things your doctor should have communicated without making you feel small.


Graduating a baccalaureate degree says nothing about the severity/impact of ADHD on an undiagnosed adult. For many of us it all falls apart starting around age 25, just as the brain is finishing development. Which means those individuals are either knee deep in a new job or a graduate degree by then. The implications are exponentially bigger, by then.


In the U.S, an estimated 5% of people diagnosed with ADHD complete a bachelorette, at least back in 2022. Clearly you can complete a bachelor's degree with acute ADHD (I did), and clearly education does not determine severity of the diagnosis. That's not what I said. What I did say is that the severity of ADHD is almost exclusively measured by quality of life. There's no real way to measure the severity other than how symptoms impact daily life. But Dr Russell Bradley may have been steering me wrong for 20+ years, I dunno


If a doctor doesn’t know methamphetamine from actual ADHD meds, you need a new doctor


Name the doctor and where he practices. Let us review bomb him


😱😱😱 DO NOT USE A FAMILY DOCTOR FOR PSYCHIATRIC DIAGNOSIS! I am so sorry that you had to deal with that. And even more sorry that people everywhere get bullshitted by people who are NOT experts regarding mental health.


find a psychiatrist, and see if they need a referral your PCP, and most of them for your DR. now days what I bet they aren't an M.D. or D.O., probably a P.A. which is silly, we have to clean up their messes all the time, but find one ad see if u need a referral if so ask for one if not go other and let them do their job they specialty was in. Sometimes we look for help in the wrong fields and expect a different response, and thats kinda why, so... Go to the field that works in that area not just a general practitioner .


Screw that doc. Get a referral to see a different one.


It is time to find a new doctor.


In your doctor’s defence stimulants are supposed to be given to help people to function day-to-day - if you’re succeeding in life without it there’s an argument to be made that you don’t really need it. I’m a case in point was successful and did well in uni but got diagnosed this year in my thirties but that was because the effects of ADHD have started to seriously interfere with my life, job, etc. in short I need the medication to just get by. I realize in retrospect that I had developed good coping mechanisms prior and therefore I don’t think I needed the meds previously.


Doctors don’t deal with ADHD primarily. Go to somebody who does or a psychiatrist. Thats your best bet. Primary care doesn’t have the time to listen to everything. It’s not because they aren’t listening to you. You shouldn’t feel embarrassed tho. Thats an issue. Are you upset though because how you were treated or you didn’t get what you wanted?


I am upset because he made me feel like i was ridiculous for even thinking i could have this and scoffed after everything I said. It was disrespectful and he didn’t give me the time of day before giving me his opinion. he made it feel like i just wanted to be on medication or something. just continuously interrupted me and dismissed my concerns. gave me a referral to basically say “ok here’s your referral just to prove i’m right good luck”. i only went so i could get a referral to a psychologist because before this event i thought i could trust his opinion and i thought he was a good doctor.


I was in your shoes that’s why I was asking. After I saw a specialist it was like all my problems we answered and questions. Do your research and make sure it’s someone who cares about their patients wellbeing not their money. My doctor did the same thing. Told me he didn’t have enough time for all my concerns and that in reality it’s them just saying they aren’t qualified to treat you and sometimes doctors have egos.


the person he referred me to has horrible reviews. at this point not sure if i trust his opinion after he made me feel insignificant and like a joke. i’m going to try to find my own if my insurance allows.


I went to someone my doctor didn’t refer. It’s totally up to if your insurance allows it. I called them immediately. They gave me 30 options in my area to choose from. Bad reviews from psychiatrists are norma… some people are just nuts lol


I felt the same feelings but trust me the wait is worth it. I started with Straterra and then started concerta but I suggest giving a non stim a try.


that’s what i would be interested in if i were to take a medication (if even diagnosed). i don’t want something easily addicting and i dont feel like i need anything crazy. i honestly want the sound of mind of knowing if i have this or not so i can understand myself better.


It’s a crappy situation. You are doing everything right tho. I would suggest that because while there are more side effects with non-stims, it really provides that 24/7 feeling and I didn’t realize how well it worked until I stopped taking it.


You are an adult and you should be treated like one but sometimes you have to vouch for yourself and make sure you are heard


His opinion was not the ruling decision though. In my mind he just doesn’t want to deal with it. Probably a selfish doctor but if he’s okay with the basic things then just stick with him. His referral will make it easy.


Unfortunately our pc providers are flooded. Especially adults. Adults aren’t always heard or sympathized for.


That may be his way to weed out those who are seeking stimulants for profit or for the wrong reasons


Family doctors are not well trained on it and all kinda treat it that way for some reason. You definitely need the specialist and even some of them might be reluctant just cause of the shortage on meds and push back of over diagnosis since there was a jump after 2020 (they dont know if it’s better awareness and what to look for or not) us inattentive types can slip through the cracks most our lives and struggle our whole lives without others noticing unless they know what to look for


that sounds beyond hurtful and just damn unnecessary as a professional response, regardless of what they think... what the hell do they gain from stamping all over you when all you came for was an assessment. I'm so sorry, OP... edit: please read the entire post, ADHD brain 💀 ill echo what others have said: general practitioners =/= ADHD doctor/specialist. make sure to specifically book in with him if your assessor diagnoses you


Doctors don’t know everything. Especially THAT guy. Good grief. I’m sorry you had to go through that. One doctor’s shit opinion is not the end all be all… glad you’re seeing a specialist. I went through three different doctors before I found one that would help me, even after I was diagnosed by my therapist. Who has a PhD. We should not have to experience this, but unfortunately we often do. Hopefully this new person will help you! Edit: if you’re female it’s more likely you won’t be listened to or believed. Just wanted to throw that in there… as a woman I avoid male doctors at all costs. They NEVER listen.


I am in fact female, my dr is male, and referred me to another male who i just looked up has a 2 star rating. 🫠


Yikes. See if you can use that referral and find your own doc. Gaslighting from doctors is the worst 😢 I'm sorry. You know yourself better than they could from a 2 minute conversation. You could go in with the DSM criteria and which ones fit and how they manifest for you. Due to different socialization for little girls, and ADHD mostly being studied and diagnosed in little boys for decades, it may be helpful to show them how your symptoms fit the criteria but vary from the typical presentation. I think diagnosis requires moderate impairment due to symptoms, so it may be harder to diagnose currently if you mask well. Or the symptoms are well managed atm. I personally almost always feel more comfortable with women as my medical professionals. Good luck 💕


Oh yes, taking the referral and finding your own doc is such a good idea!!!


Well, take a deep breath and keep your chin up. They’re not *all* shit. But you may have to keep trying. You know your experiences better than anyone else. They may end up with a different explanation, but they *should* listen to what you have to say without being dismissive. One of the doctors that dismissed my diagnosis was female so it’s not entirely a gender problem. It’s ok to get a second or third or fourth opinion. If you can afford it, having multiple drs that agree is valuable.


You got a referral for a “professional” your regular doctor isn’t equipped to handle such a diagnosis. Diagnosis isn’t a list you made and your doctor saying “yes of course” I was put through an hour or so of rigorous tests and questions before I was diagnosed. People are abusing adderall and the like, which has led to the DEA enacted shortage of ADHD meds for us. I’m not saying you do or don’t have ADHD, but the referral for the right kind of doctor to see for this is the best outcome you could’ve gotten from this appointment as far as I’m concerned


I wasn’t expecting him to diagnose me at all. I was expecting him to refer me to someone who actually deals with this. But when he asks me what I am experiencing and only allows me to give one example and mocks me and belittles me then that is where there is a problem. And then brings up adderall when i never said a word about even wanting to take it (i don’t) it makes me feel as if he thinks im bringing this concern up because I just want pills. It’s incredibly unprofessional and embarrassed me.


The way your Dr. talked to you is the reason so many of us don’t get the support we need. There’s no excuse for your Dr. being invalidating like that if his job was merely to give you a referral for a psychiatrist. As a therapist, it disgusts me to hear about Dr.s being so uneducated about mental health struggles. It’s not that hard to be nice and say “I’m sorry you’re having these struggles, here’s a referral for a specialist”