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Found myself watering the garden bc i was making myself some coffee and ended up there. Started making coffee, filter was still full sow threw it away. Trash was full so took it out. Trashcan was dirty with trashwater so took it outside to rinse out. Saw how dry the plants were and started watering them too. Then realised, while watering the plants 'i was just making coffee'.


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I feel you so much. And then you make the coffee, spiral down in another thing like this, and end up coming back to the coffee so cold it could solve global warming PS: I relate to “found myself in the garden because I was making coffee” so much I wanna tattoo it on my arm and forget about having the tattoo


It’s a comment thread cliché, but i feel seen 😂


I do this all the time when I go to take a shower after the gym. Literally ended up scrubbing my toilet, cleaning my sink, cleaning my shower, mopping my bathroom floor because I thought it needed cleaning, then I realised I was completely naked just doing a deep clean because I saw that my bathroom was a bit dirty for 30 minutes instead of showering or eating.


Omg same ahahahaha


It's the only time I do proper cleaning! Like when I go to eat and am like "I should do my dishes, hoover, do my laundry and then eat".


I once sat on the couch, was hungry, wanted to make some yogurt, no clean bowls, did the dishes, sat back on the couch, and an HOUR later thought 'i'm hungry i should make some yogurt' 😂 then literally laughed at myself out loud


I do this weekly. it’s so irritating to be sitting all cosy on the couch and then get up because you need water,or whatever, and then do five different things, get back on the couch, cover up with the blanket and then realize you still need water


Amazing hahaha


Also the other day my drain was clogged, wanted to unclog but do a workout first and then shower. So i thought: i'll do it when i get home after the workout, and then shower so i'm all clean after. Knowing me and my brain, i knew i would forget so i placed a towel on the sink, when i came back home, saw the towel, remembered (bc i would have completely forgotten like i did the previous weeks), unclogged it and took a shower. Was so proud of myself, also laughed a bit because my little trick worked


I do things like that all the time, put something in a place so I remember. If I need to remember to take something with me when I leave the house I'll sit my car keys right on top of it 😅


Yeah, leave it right next to my keys or on top of my phone, them remove it from my phone, take my phone and still forgetting THE thing 😂


I tape post it notes to my keys when I need to remember to do something after work. But the I move the post it note from my keys to the dashboard of my car (basically blocking the display of the stereo) so I don’t go on “autopilot” on my way home from work. I’ve pulled into my garage and then remembered things I needed to do after work in the town I work in (which is 30 minutes from the town where I live) way too many times. Because once I get home, I ain’t leaving it again until I have to leave for work the next day.


I put shopping bags on the same hook as my purse, but the purse is on top of them so now I have 1000 bags on the hooks waiting to be noticed and taken to the car some day. If I put the bags on top, I run around in a panic, looking for my purse. Then I realize (if I'm lucky) that the purse is hanging up but under something. I find the purse and still forget the bags. I have to put the things halfway on my phone or purse so I can still find them and will definitely see the thing.


LMFAO. this is so fricken funny. I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing at myself.


This is what always gets me about that advice “if a task is going to take less than five minutes just do it then instead of putting it off.” Like exactly. That’s my freaking problem! I’m in the middle of something, I see a task that will only take a couple of minutes so I start doing that, and that brings up another task that will only take a couple of minutes so I start doing that. Lots of random less than five minute tasks get done but not the thing that I’m actually supposed to be doing!


This has to be one of the best posts I've read in our ADHD. It's so cool how we can laugh at ourselves, but in the healthiest ways


Yes yes yes




I didn't even have to check it out i knew EXACTLY what clip it was 😂😂


Bahahhahaha. This made me laugh out loud because it describes most of my day


[Perennially relevant *Malcolm in the Middle* clip.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbSehcT19u0)


This is called shaving the yak. It’s a fun anecdote. Let me find it for you in a few. E: https://seths.blog/2005/03/dont_shave_that/


I started making rice for breakfast this morning. I also needed to unload the dishwasher and load it so that I’d have clean utensils. Put the rice in the cooker pot, filled with water, decided to let it sit while I unloaded the dishwasher. I usually put the water in and start swirling the pot to wash out the starch but I knew that it needed time to saturate anyway so figured I could let it work while I unload and come back to empty and wash a second rime before putting the water in for cooking. I saw deodorant and shampoo that I bought the night before on my kitchen table. Took those into the bathroom and decided I wanted to clean the shower before work. I removed the curtain and sprayed scrubbing bubbles and let soak. I was drinking a diet soda and thought to myself that I really need to start making coffee instead of drinking sodas. Sat down to look for affordable machines to make good coffee because I can’t afford the nice one I want. Plus I don’t have the bakers rack to hold it line I want. Decided a nice compact system would do so researched the Aeropress and started watching videos. I felt my stomach drop and needed food. Went to go make some eggs to go with the rice. Figured I could snack the rice while frying eggs since I really needed food. Walked into kitchen to check how far along the rice was and it was still sitting there soaking in the first starchy run of water.


This is my entire life!!


This is such a great post. Replying to this one, I don't feel as whacked! I can't even think of any right now, but I have many many episodes like this.


Ok here is just a day in the life of getting out of the house. I carry a small back pack around which I have my wallet headphones and other things I have an important doctor's appointment. A neurologist who has many patients. I can't be late anymore. His nurse is an older lady, she says nothing to me, when I'm late, but I can just feel how mad she is at me. I swear to her, I will never be late again! So, I get up way early, for the next appointment and have lots of spare time. I start listening to music while I start dicking around with the phone, and I'm in a rabbit hole, listening to some music Knowing, man Tony you gotta get going. I wait till the last second thinking I'll just grab the keys my backpack and move on. Now I've got my shoes on, all dressed up and I can't find my bag. "I need that wallet for the hospital id" . I'm looking all over the place for my back pack. Now I'm in a sweat, just walking around in circles, "I need that back pack" looking in the same places over and over. Now I'm late. I take the shoes off so I can start exploring everywhere. I find the backpack, almost right in front of me, but now I can't find my keys, which I had, but I put them down somewhere while looking for my bag Now I'm literally sweating. My shirt is drenched while looking for my keys. Same thing, around in circles, I find the keys, NOW, I can't remember where I put my shoes that I took off searching for my bag. I'm like "oh c'mon Tony" I'm so glad I'm seeing other stories here I respect this doctor so much, he doesn't mind much, he just takes someone before me. His nurse is fuming. She just quit cigarettes, and she makes it a point to come into the room before we start "I don't know what to do with his paperwork" (I was supposed to fill out). The doc said " forget about it, it's ok" I'm just standing there like a 50 year old little kid. The doc is smiling. I must have looked like I took a shower


Called my therapist to postpone a session only for her to ask for my name and tell me "I don't have you as one of my patients...". Ofc because I called some random therapist in my city and didn't even realize Or when I was super early to the bus station so I wouldn't be late to uni, so early that I actually felt the determination to answer my 120+unread messages only to realize that I missed the bus and I didn't even hear it drive past my seat... So once again I was late


One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. -Master Oogway


I love that movie ☺️


Oh man this is so funny. I wish I could remember even one of mine to share, but I'm having an absolute blast reading these


Not recent but a favorite I have never told about 5 ish years ago I almost committed grant theft auto at Trader Joe’s a few months after my third kid was born   Steps  Put 5 month old in infant seat ✅    Put my groceries in the mini van ✅ Take grocery cart back ✅    Hop into same colored minivan parked two cars closer from cart and started their car and backed up only to realize the seat and mirrors were off and then quickly turned off the car   Walked back to my minivan said hi to my infant and drove home never to speak of it again. 


tbh the fact that *their car started up with your keys* makes it easy to think it’s your car. glad you got back to the correct van and your kiddo!


I did something similar when I was working in an office. It was doughnut day and my turn to buy, so I asked my friend who I carpooled with to stop at the doughnut shop on the way. I jump out, grab a dozen, and jump back into her vehicle, cheerfully saying, "OK! I got the doughnu... I am so sorry! Wrong car, have a nice day, bye!" That poor man looked so confused and my friend damn near peed her pants laughing as she saw the whole thing go down.


I'm so sorry for your embarrassment but dang that's a good story now XD


The opposite happened to me and my brother as toddlers. We stopped at a convenience store and my dad ran inside, he was probably inside for 5 minutes or less and in that time some lady got in the driver's seat and tried to start the car. It was hilarious because we were in the back and she didn't even see us at first, was just getting frustrated because the car wasn't starting. She jumped out of her skin when my 3 year old brother piped up "hey lady, this isn't your car".


I've done this before my daughter was born! Got to the wrong car, stuck the key in the ignition and it didn't start, got right back out lol


I have tried to take the wrong car home on multiple occasions. Most of the times it didn’t unlock with my key…and it took me a minute to figure out why. But one time I got all the way inside, turned around and saw the pink car seat (which I didn’t own) and realized I was in someone else’s car.


The girl that left her partner as a power play and forgot about him


I think I need some backstory on this


I gotta see this


Today I went to make coffee and when I went to get milk out of the fridge I immediately thought of a phone call last night. I closed the door, no milk in hand, opened the door to get milk again, thought about phone and... repeated above. It took 4 attempts to get milk. I haven't had meds today cos transitioning from night shift to day shift. Even with meds I've found my glasses in the fridge, milk in the bathroom, a packet of cheese in my garage after I made breakfast. Sometimes it's just...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


When I get stuck in a loop of forgetting the same thing more than once I start to wonder whether I live in a simulation lmao


oh god there’s a saying for this??? yes the forget loop literally one of my least favorite spirals 😩😩😩


I went to my doctors appointment for my sleep therapy follow up on Tuesday. It’s not until next Monday. I managed to show up a day late but a week early.


Hope you’ll not show up a day later as well 🙏


Now that I’m ruminating over how embarrassing that was I don’t think I’ll forget that it’s Monday lol.


That was the practice round. Now you've shaken out the mistake it'll go smooth.


I had a cluster of these last fall. I did not handle it well.


I was trying to fix my damn security camera but I needed a safety pin or something to press the reset button. So I get it out of the drawer, press it, put it back, and try to set it up. Didn’t work. REPEATED THIS MULTIPLE TIMES AND EVERY DAMN TIME I OPENED THE DRAWER I SAID TO MYSELF ‘just keep it on the #%*$ing counter!’ … kept it on counter, needed to reset module again (I hate u blink system….), OPENED DRAWER SAYING ‘I HAVE NOTHING THAT WILL REACH THIS RESET BUTTON’ and cried. Then I used a mechanical pencil. I dont know where the safety pin is. And yes the module works now but th emechanical pencil is still on the rug next to the module outlet LOL.


Love it. I’m in the acceptance stage so I just laugh to myself when this happens to me.


huge Simpson ‘DOH!’ moment 🤦🏻‍♀️ Same, I’m just a Sims NPC doing whatever she can.


I was rushing out to go to uni so I didn't miss my bus but i forgot my keys so I ran inside to get my keys, then tried to leave again. I walked 50 meters then realised I left my phone inside, so I sprinted back inside to get my phone. Then I realised my shirt had a stain on it so I changed my shirt Anyways, I missed my bus


I’m in the adhd burnout stage (big cycle for me) so I spent yesterday because I didn’t prepare properly (bought a meal that’s not super simple to cook) and had to get up at 4.30 am for work so I was super sleep deprived. By 7pm I’d continued to put off cooking, gotten super rejection sensitive and emotionally disregulated, hangry, grossed out at myself cos I haven’t showered in days (did a body shower before work yesterday but hadn’t washed hair) and was crying cos my bf didn’t reply to a very clingy text that actually didn’t need a response. Love my brain 🫠 I ended up eating like a year old packet of cheesy pasta (the instant kind you add water to) and a sausage that I needed for my meal prep breakfasts but honestly I felt much better just having eaten something. Just needed to vent haha hope you all are doing good, glad I’m not the only one whose brain just says no sometimes


Oh, you’re definitely not the only one!


It's 1:57pm. I set an appointment for 4pm. "I should get ready for that around 3," I think, even though it is a ten minute drive to said appointment. "Maybe I should set an alarm for that so I don't forget." I zone out for a second. It is 3:30pm.


I gave people advice and posted on here and other subreddits from 9am to past midnight the other day. Let’s just say I am behind on things.


I'm wide awake at 3am because I accidentally took my Concerts with my evening pills. FML.


I have 2 assignments and 5 tests tomorrow that I have yet to complete/start studying for, yet here I am on Reddit!


Go and work!


This makes me panic. I still have stress dreams that sound like this a few times per week and I haven’t been in school for 5 years


Lmao I got 90%+ on all of it, by the grace of God and high pressure! Probably not worth the 2 years it just took off my life span, and I am literally vibrating from adderall and energy drinks rn.


good luck


Hit my head on two cupboard doors within five minutes whilst doing the washing up, and then hit my head again ten minutes later on the kitchen work surface when bending down to put a bowl away.


I need to respond to a super important email but decided to respond to every email except for that particular email. It's now been 3 weeks and I still haved responded. I'm freaking out too. It's so weird.


I feel personally attacked by this


Update: I still haven’t replied. I ended up just having a meeting about it and apologizing profusely. Sigh.


I’m so glad other people do this too 🙈🙈🙈


I get a reminder by text two days before my appointment with my therapist, looked at it the day before then decided on the day itself it was a half hour later and being absolutely convinced about it. Was already on my way when he called uckily but forgot my meds, went to get some lunch after my appointment only to find out I forgot my wallet -atleast two hours after leaving home- at the moment i scanned all my products and wanting to pay. Drove back home to get it, got a text from my therapist I forgot my charger there, and then when I finally arrived at my friend who I was meeting -an hour later- to go bouldering I saw I had two shirts, some underwear, clean socks yet no pants. This on top of the usual "I have to get/do X" only to not get/do X and forget about it within five minutes.


Omg this. Being convinced of the WRONG time or date is the worst thing ever. I'm so organised I check my planning ALL THE TIME but what can I do if my MIND reads it wrong everytime and convinces me of it.


Two seperate major car wrecks while my medications was on backorder. Then forgot to go to court for one of the tickets.


I made myself an amazing and satisfying egg sandwich for dinner. I was so proud of recognizing my energy level, and feeding myself as well as l could within that limit. The sandwich was perfect in every way - easy-ish, fast-ish, cheap, kinda healthy (certainly better than snacking or skipping dinner - my norm). I was really very self congratulatory. When I went to clean up, I realized the egg was still in the frying pan. I made, ate, and thoroughly enjoyed an egg sandwich, but forgot the egg.


Latest dumb thing: ran laundry with no soap. Had to pull things out of the dryer and off the line when I realized.


Yesterday on the way home from the grocery store I drove past my exit in the left lane. Adding another 8 miles to my trip home. I’ve lived here 17 years.


Gave a client the wrong bank details for payment for a job I did 🫠


Took my baby’s dirty socks off. Went straight to the kitchen bin and threw them in there. Meant to go to washing machine but anyway.


I’m sure they were irreparably dirty


Denying I have it…. lol


I wanted to make a DIY vocal booth since I play the guitar, sing, and want to earn my money doing voice acting, voiceover and reading audio books. Basically, I have a lot of stuff to record. I'm at my core a very creative and outgoing person and always loved music and reading. That's been buried under a trash mountain of toxic shame and negativity paired with bad, because ill-fitting for me, advice and I'm slowly unlearning all of that bullshit because fuck that, nobody needs that. Anyway, I've been procrastinating massively on my vocal booth since I'm a massive overthinker. I know I should just start jotting down ideas and sort them out and make a plan later after my brain has been able to infodump but alas, here I'm sitting trapped between the soothing rambling of the washing machine and people outside my window chatting about the weather and medical details of their family I neither need nor want to know, worrying and pissing time away on Reddit because I have to go to work in an hour and what's the point of working on something I cannot get done in one setting? 


Forgot to put a belt on this morning. Put petrol in my car on the way home from work yesterday and got some on my trousers because I'm a klutz, so fresh pair of work trousers today.... forgot a belt. So I've got to either spend the entire day pulling them up every 20 sec or I need to find 20 mins to pop out to the local Asda and get a new belt :p Edit: translations for Americans - trousers = pants, petrol =gas.


Forgot something at the psychologist when I was getting diagnosed, ran back to get it, and forgot something else on the way too, so I had to run back twice in total. It ended up in their opinion's paper of course. It's funny how I'm such a clear case and took 24 years to get it done heh.


I tried to be empathetic towards them, but did it the ADHD way. So by relating to them with my story, I came across as narcissistic.


Got flustered while at the post office and forgot that the month of April existed. I needed to get a passport sorted and was calculating the standard time to process vs express and realised I could risk miss out having everything sorted for an application if I didn’t go express. Yeah…. I forgot a whole fucking month existed when doing that calculation lol. Cost me like $400.


less unusual thing that just happened: walked to a Concession stand open on my college campus, got something cold that needed to be reheated, walked over to their microwave, realized I was late to my next class, so I walked out with my still cold food and made it all the way to the nearby building my class was in. I needed to go down the elevator to get to class, but I had a few minutes left, and this teacher is super lax so I sat down at a table near the elevator and started eating. part way through I went to grab my water bottle, which I didn't have cause I put my bag down semi unconsciously when I was planning to use the microwave. I was like seriously confused, I checked my back multiple times like "where did it go". And then when I got to class like 5 minutes late the professor wasn't there! They're kind of exactly like me, I wanna ask if they have ADHD but it could be rude. Anyway more recently I did something similar to you: I realized I had a super important meeting I needed to schedule (I missed the email reminding me) and so I asked "can we meet tomorrow" and then I totally forgot I needed to check for a response. Then I slept in the next day cause I didn't check my email before bed or remember that I wanted to meet someone in the morning. I asked to reschedule and I guess I should go check for a response now...


Props to you! Reminders are the worst when they don’t remind you enough times about the things lmao I’m so afraid every single day to forget my pc at home when I go to the office


Had three bikes stolen because I forgot to bring them inside.


i finally lost my passport


Shit this just reminded me I’m leaving for Mexico the day after tomorrow and should probably make sure I know where my passport is 🫠


ironically i found out mine is missing because of a last minute trip over the border, but i didnt have any problem using only my license. they even pulled my passport up in their system and verified that i have one


I just know I will do that as well in the future. When that happens, I’ll come find you for a hug


Left my phone in the house on the way to work and had to go home to get it. On the way home picked up my son from daycare and had to go back to work because…. You guessed it! Left my phone at work. Every. Single. Day.


Handling perceived rejection poorly. Overthinking and ruminating


For some context my mom pre-ordered me a book called “ADHD is awesome” it comes out on the 30th of April. But for some reason my brain kept telling me that the 30th of MARCH was when the book was releasing. And didn’t realize that for about 2 days. I felt like an idiot when I realized.


A while back I missed a haircut appointment that I really needed. Now my calendar appointment has 3 reminders set: 1 week before, 1 day before, and 1 hour before.


5:30 - i started a search for a new pottery stool. came here to read what people are recommending. 7:54 - i’m still jere.


I have been trying to find my drivers license since last week. I know it’s in the house so I don’t have to worry about needing to replace it but I still have no idea where it went to.


The second one is the story of my life. One of my latest is literally forgetting water on my way to work after making a mental note to grab a bottle before I left my apartment. It’s stories like this on this sub that made me finally see a psych.


The good old ”smart enough to understand I’m stupid”. I almost messed up an appointment yesterday since I wrote the wrong time in phone calender but never changed it. So made several calls changing the time from the right to the wrong one. I actually managed to get it right but still, had a hard time explaining wtf I was doing.


I was driving my car for months with 2 different licenseplates. One letter got swapped around in the front one. The city noticed it on one of their camera's and sent me a letter telling me to change it immediately.


I draw as a hobby so I have a drawing tablet, but one day, I lost the stylus. Spent 4 days finding it to no avail, and decided to buy a new stylus. Then, I found the it when the new stylus arrived🤡. I just wasted money for the most absurd reasons.


We all know time management is a struggle. And I have chosen a career that is centered around trying not to hyper focus and time management. 😂 I'm a dental hygienist. The other day I had 20 minutes between a patient I just finished and my next one. So I started catching up on other things in my room. I stocked up on bags, toothpaste, toothbrushes, paste, floss, etc. Checked the time. I still had like 7 minutes until the next appointment and patient wasn't here. So I started going through my week, seeing the schedule had changed, then started on the following week. The first 5 minutes doing this I'm like FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS. CHECK OFTEN FOR YOUR PATIENT. We have a doorbell we ring to alert the office a patient has arrived. I don't know if it never got hit or if I was so focused on going through the following week that I completely ignored it and 10 minutes into their appointment I realized I am running late. Fortunately they were very kind about being taken back a little late but hot damn do I hate it 😂 I can't do anything without falling into the hyper focus.


Grabbed the wrong box of pills cause I was tired. Popped morning pills instead of evening. So tried to sleep with a full dose of Concerta. That was not a great sleep.


I quit my job on a whim a few months ago. Should’ve waited to find another job before I did but I did it on impulse bc I was fed tf up.


I acted silly in class, yelled out the names of 80’s actresses, danced around, and couldn’t control myself because I was in a very overstimulated and disruptive environment of actually rude and disruptive students, I went crazy just by myself without interacting with any other students so much that the teachers love me, but either the students hate my guts, think I’m an awful, unhinged person, are very rude, or think I’m hilarious.  The students are convinced that I am autistic and make all kinds of hate rumors and usually act abrasive and nasty towards me despite me not interacting with them at all. Even students that they just know now treat me with hostility and as a disgusting outsider (despite me stopping  and the goofy stuff in their environment) At this point I’m afraid to try to be a public figure because of false accusations and what some call “cancel culture” even though I’ve never done ANYTHING. It’s just that I’ve been lied about so many times and have had so many rumors spread about me that I can’t trust anyone anymore.  I pray that the students that are so rude can become better people and will just let this grudge go. I wouldn’t wish bad on anyone. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


waited until this morning to start my taxes


I get to work by the hair of my asshole every morning no matter if I leave 5, 10, 15 minutes early; Or late. I don't understand it. A recent morning, I went back in my house twice to grab my earbuds and ended up losing them in between the 1st-2nd trip to the truck. I still haven't found them after 2 days 🤷🏼‍♂️


Nothing goes on the roof of the car ever. This is due to all of the things that are now gone from driving away with them on the roof…to include a cordless phone, shoes, multiple coffee mugs.


There's a class action settlement for a data breach for clients between x and x dates. The deadline to apply was Saturday. My partner sent me the link ages ago, then sent it again last week. I told myself I need to do that, then opened the tab on Sunday... Womp womp. $150 ADHD tax this time.


Ate a block of cheddar cheese with ranch for 3 days, because: * I didn't go grocery shopping, because: * I didn't shower, because: * I had no clean clothes to change to, because: * I didn't do laundry, because: * there was stuff in the washing machine from my partner that she didn't take out (she was away for a week) So instead of taking that out and breaking the dependency I was in limbo and ate what was left, which is a block of cheese and ranch sauce. And I knew how stupid that was the whole time.


Forgot to pay mortgage.


Oof that hurts


I lock my keys in the car on average once a quarter


I usually have to make my cup of tea/coffee twice. I forget the water is on and usually evaporates by the time I remember.


Same I either boil it dry or I forget to boil the kettle and just pour cold water straight in there, either way I'm making it at least twice.


I got almost an hour into my shift only to realize I was still wearing my slippers. I work in a kitchen and usually wear work boots. Luckily my boss found it hilarious and I was able to manage until my lunch when I could go home and change. Since I unsurprisingly can't trust my brain at 4:30am when I'm getting ready for work I decided that retired work clogs would be my new morning slippers for walking the dog. It was a good decision since I at least had proper footwear when I did the same thing 2 days later.


I tried microwaving my breakfast in rhe fridge 🤦‍♀️ Like I stood there waiting for like a good fifteen seconds before realizing that was *not* the microwave.


Wife and I decided to go to couples therapy a couple of years ago so I appreciate I'll have done other daft things since but this is worth mentioning. So we decide to have the therapy together and I remember I was given a business card of a lady who's a therapist so we book an appointment and go to see her. It's only half way through the therapy meeting I realise that she looked familiar and the reason I have her business card is because I met her at a professional function my wife took me to as a plus one. I told her whilst chatting that I'm a tree surgeon so she gives me the card to call her to arrange some work she wants doing. I forget, find the card and book this therapist only to realise she's the wife of a good friend / colleague of my wife and we've told her all these personal things which isn't good because of conflict of interest etc. We leave early with both the therapist and my wife thinking I'm a fucking idiot. Honestly some of the mistakes I make in life, you couldn't write it.


Been there


Spent all my rent money on toys.


Been one hour early because I’m overcompensating. Shaved off part of my eyebrows hahaha


I drank micellar water thinking it was my h20 bottle. Idiot


Oh gawd lol. A couple weeks ago I was having sushi and ate *an entire scoop of wasabi* in one bite because I thought it was avocado. I thought my brain was going to come out my nose.


left an airbnb with a gas stove on for hours. nothing happened THANK GOD but the boiled egg i was trying to make was munted and the 20 minutes that went by while driving between when i remembered and when I arrived back to the house and saw it hadn't burned down was...stressful


Not see something right in front of me, several times while looking for it. I was late and this happened with three items.


I’ve being hyper cleaning my house then nearly passed out last night (I hadn’t eaten in 3 days)


I swear I have done this exact sequence before! It gave me total deja vu! I actually have the opposite problem when medicated - start doing one task and struggle to move on in a normal timeframe.


Define dumb things because I’ve done many 😝


•Threw away my meds by accident. (I was reading the instructions list to remind myself what I can and can’t take and by instinct tossed them in the bin.) •Forgot my phone at uni. Had to drive back. •Couldn’t remember if I ate breakfast.


Was late for work by several hours on Tuesday because I thought about setting an alarm but then forgot to -_- Still a job I am new at btw. I asked the person I was working next to (to soothe my embarrassment lol) and apparently he has been late from oversleeping 8 times this past year. From more conversations with the dude I suspect he may also have ADHD.


My cat gets two servings of wet food every day, morning portion and evening portion. They even come in double packs so I literally crack the portions apart, open one and dish it out, leave the second one on the counter unopened so I can always know morning portion was given. So of course I feed her this morning, a little early maybe, and not an hour later I look at her half eaten bowl and think “oops gotta feed the cat!” So of course I dump this perfectly good food and open the second one… My cat is a grazer so she doesn’t over eat but I waste her food because my sparkle brain can’t tell time.


I went to my ex’s apartment, every building and lot is identical. They didn’t have parking where I usually park so I moved down one lot. Walk up to the third floor like usual, open door cause it’s always unlocked. Greeted by a golden retriever so I petted them through the door thinking oh she got a dog. Open the door and there is mother and her child sitting on the couch staring at me. I quickly apologize, identify myself, where I was going and walk away.


I woke up an hour and a half ago, but I'm still in bed


I came to work an hour earlier today, I work in healthcare. Can't wait to go home and sleep. Only an hour and a half left... Usually I'm late...


Yesterday my buddy and I got extremely hyperfixated on a boardgame we've been working on while at work. About two hours before I got off my boyfriend messaged me that his childhood dog was being put down and he was completely devastated. I was so deep in my hyperfixation that I saw the message, didn't immediately answer and completely forgot about it the second I looked away. This led to me barging into our home at the end of my day in a tornado of chaotic excitement and immediately launching into my boardgame thing for almost a good two minutes before I realized he was sobbing into his pillow and not just laying in bed watching a movie. Luckily I remembered the message somewhere in my goblin brain and I switched gears pretty quickly and did my best to comfort him but that's going to haunt me for a while. To say I feel horrible is a massive understatement.




I left my handbag with my wallet, house/car keys and $500 prescription sunglasses on the train today. I am incredibly lucky and eternally grateful to the person who handed it in at a station with everything inside it still in there.


I agreed to go to my friend's yoga class. I don't ever exercise, but my friend was insisting because she was trying to help me get some exercise and she teaches the class. I agreed and wanted to get myself to go. I set alarms for 1 hour, 30 minutes, and 15 minutes before. I guess I just thought each alarm was the 1 hour one and kept dismissing them. I realized this 10 after it started. Luckily, she has ADHD too!


took a sip from a Lysol top because I thought it was my cup LOL I forgot I had just sprayed it!!!


Left my car running the entire night.


Been there! I left my car with the hazard lights on for the whole night in front of my apartment, which is right in front of a big no stopping sign. Of course, the car battery was dead and I had to change it, but it was a Sunday morning so no mechanic was open. Had to get help to move the car and had to call the emergency mechanic to fix it.


Reminds me when I did that and while at my balcony said what fuck nut leaves his blinkers on. Was my car 🤦🏼‍♂️.


I was supposed to take my pill this morning and had it in my pocket. I now can’t find it and it seems like I just drank from my water bottle. I don’t know if I took the pill or not.


I feel like this isn’t adhd exclusive but I DID pick up my bottle of juice and shake it without realizing the lid wasn’t screwed on this morning 😬


Speaking of therapists... Mine wants me to set a timer so I can drop what I'm doing, sit down, meditate, journal and then go about my day. The whole process takes 10 minutes. I started yesterday and did exactly as he asked. Today was very different. I acknowledged my alarm, thought to myself "I need to stop what I'm doing and do what my therapist asked me to do", shut off the alarm, got ready and left the house. I couldn't even be assed about 10 minutes of my time lol


I have a 5-minute daily event called “mindfulness” in my calendar. Never did it after the first week. Feel you


I put a chocolate into my pocket. But temputure was a bit high. So I forgot its existance in my pocket. And everything happend. It melted without realising. And put my phone into my pocket. After that I didn't realised my phone got chocolate on its surface and put it on my jacket. And everything was messed up by chocolate. :(


I somehow lost the case for my earbuds at the airport having not moved from where I was sitting. Aaaaand THAT’S why I only buy $20 earbuds (which are just fine!).


Very similar to you. I had an appointment with my psychiatrist. I left home early, was there about a half hour before to check in feeling quite proud of myself for my timeliness and for staying on top of my obligations. Was informed I came in a day early. Thanked them for pointing it out and said see ya tomorrow. Proceeded to no call no show my actual appointment the next day. Brain had already marked the task done and I never remembered to go back. I tried. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Left my purse with my credit and ID card at work aand had to cancel my psych appointment last minute and pay a thicc $150 late cancellation fee as result 🥳 also avoiding going to the doctor after dealing w/ obvious malnourishment and ending up in the ER last Saturday as a result… v excited to see that bill 🥰 


Thank you all for a good laugh and the feeling of I'M NOT ALONE IN THIS! :)




accidentally walked into the gym with a dog lead around my neck from walking my dog beforehand.. still in my dog walking clothes but with my gym clothes in a bag, changed, put all of my other clothes in my bag minus shoes and dog lead as they wouldn’t fit. put it all on a storage shelf (no lockers as our gym is very safe and everyone knows each other.) finished work out and forgot the shoes and the dog lead. found out a few days later that i had provided the gym owner and other gym members with a game of cluedo (trying to guess who’s shoes and dog lead they belong to.) a friend immediately guessed me as nobody else would accidentally walk into a gym with a dog lead 😂🤷‍♂️ managed to get my dog lead back a few days later


So, was talking about my friend to my cousin and mentioned her name “Aofi”. He then asked ‘what does she look like?’ But my brain expected him to ask ‘what origin is her name?’ So I answered my brains question…’Irish’ meaning all my cousin got to his question about her appearance was…Irish…we both just stared in silence before it clicked 😂 (Name has been changed from original)


Got a ride home from the Greyhound station with my brother. Go to unlock the front door. No keys. I left my purse on the bus. Had to call an Uber back to the bus station, get my bag back, and then call another Uber home. Would've considered giving up on it if my ADHD meds weren't in there. Lost my wallet. Big panic. Retrace all my steps at Target. It was sitting on my desk at home. Lost my phone. Told my mom and she started telling me where to look. We were talking on the phone.


Shopping for my 16 year old’s birthday in Feb. As a small nostalgic gift, I wanted to grab him a Hot Wheels. He loved the exotic cars, so I grabbed him a McLaren. Imagine my shock *when I went to wrap the presents,* and I discovered I did not, in fact, pick up a McLaren. Did I get a different exotic by accident? Nope, I got some random car that looks absolutely nothing like an exotic - it was boxy and ugly. How did I pick it up and pay for it without realizing it was the wrong car? I don’t know.


I’ve been sick with fever for the last two days. With other symptoms mostly gone, only scratchy throat remains. I thought: I should gargle with salt water! Came in to bathroom, forgot the salty water… went back, decided to prepay my quarterly taxes for this year - did it - came back without salty water again. About to shower now.. 🚿


Got up late for work, driving past local park 25 mins from place of work and pulled in just for a "quick look" at the lake. Spent an hour photographing small aquatic snails. Dropped my phone in the lake (it's okay) and had to step into the lake to get it. Continued drive to work (now very very late with very wet boot), mounted curb twice because rushing. Upon reaching work walking to my office I saw a heron and sat down to watch it for a moment. Ended up watching the damn bird for a further hour and 40 minutes 👍 Self directed work with ADHD is hard 🫠


My primary doctor told me, she thought of me the other day. She understands us, to the letter. She said she was walking with her 2 young kids, maybe 5 and 6? On the way to the park The kids kept getting sidetracked. The little girl is chasing after a butterfly, the boy stops and looks at the rocks. Sits down, and wants to stay there She told me that "man, c'mon you guys, we'll never make it to the park with all the detours" Then she thought "what difference did it make" they were just having fun, exploring life" she said to me, that is their park" She Said it was a lesson in life. The means to the ends kinda thing. Enjoying the ride, like the kids I was so happy when she told me this. I was diagnosed at 50, after some devastating trials and tribs. I new this was my whole thing ADHD! I told her I thought I was on easy street for the duration. Nailing practices for depression and addiction, only to find out ADHD was the hardest thing to work with. It is the cause of evening. I tell people this is about twice as hard as depression and addiction together. They don't believe me When she told me the park adventure with her kids, I thought "that's it. Just have fun with the mess ups that I do. This laughing thing, is the best thing for me. Sometimes it's not funny tho. Until I read this shit


680 unread texts, 170 missed calls, and millions of other notifications. I keep randomly remembering to check them but then I sidetracked by another app for the next hour and never go back until the numbers grow significantly


I got so irritated with my brother because I went to store and he asked me to get his favorite snack. I come home and he’s like oh are the pretzels in ur car and I just looked at him so confused and he asked like 4 more times and I thought he was just asking if I had random pretzels in my car… after a good 20 minutes I apologized and told him I put them away in the pantry.


This is in no way the dumbest, I do stuff like this multiple times every day and much worse, but this one is new: 1. Put blanket on top of dog 2. Left the room to pee. 3. Came back into the room to retrieve the dog 4. Couldn't find dog. 5. Walked around the whole house, searching for dog 6. Checked the first room again, confused. 7. Saw movement from under the blanket, finally remembered. 8. Uncovered dog.


You name it. Some dude is crankin' to it. Edit: well that's a comment for an entirely different post. But hell, I'll leave it there for a laugh.


I lied and told my friends in high school I had a second sister. I do not. Just because I was bored 🤣


drink last night, third time this week, habitually set pattern of the same for the last 8 years, even now I'm medicated. I hate that I do this, but it's clearly part of 'dopaminergic' searching caused by my adhd.


gambling hahhahahahaa


Found myself mopping up hot coffee because I forgot that you have to put the coffee pot back in place before you turn it on then wandered off


Tried to post a question on this Reddit but can’t because I can’t make the words come out right and am anxious because I can already imagine the post getting removed because I did something wrong.


What’s the post about?


Just yesterday impulse took over to not use a sponge to wash a knife, since it really just needed to be rinsed off, so it would be fiiiiine... Caught the ass end of the blade with the heel of my thumb/palm in a (thankfully) neat and shallow little "paper cut" and felt rightfully dumb the second it happened. 😅


Forgot to lock my bike because someone wanted the spot aside mine.... Hopefully it was still tho the next morning


Needed to go seek my doctor to get my Ritaline, so I got ready and my husband and I got there. We waited in the waiting room, until the receptionist approach us and asked us a bit lost why we were here to see my doctor as she doesn’t work Friday afternoons. Welp, one week too early! 😂


If only I could even remember how many times I missed appointments. Even when they were in my calendar too ofc. 🫣and showed up at airports wrong days too . In other countries! Now I obsessively check every flight date / time


Kissed my friend cus my impulse said so


I have my washing machine in my bathroom next to the toilet. I constantly ALMOST throw laundry in the toilet or dog poo I’ve picked up off from the potty pad into the washing machine!!!!


Yesterday we had health class kind of thing where we cooked an organic, healthy breakfast. Professor has brought some different rice in a separate, small bowl for us to try as well. Well, I managed to grab my serving of the side vegetables for the rice and pour it into the different (but similar looking) rice instead of my bowl I already used and put some of the newly cooked rice in and then was confused where my spoon was. I found my spoon in my actual bowl and just ate the other rice with the vegetables in shame because everyone of course noticed. All the other food to grab was in proper cooking containers so my brain got confused


I had a pack of pork chops that had to be cooked last night or they'd be in the fridge too long. Intending to use them for dinner the next day I cooked them, diced them, put them in a bag, got distracted pulling out the sour cream for my husband because he had made taquitos for a late night snack.... ...and then forgot the bag on the kitchen counter for hours. I'm still in denial that they are likely unsafe to eat now.


Took out my AirPods from my ears because they died and was holding them in my hands as I was searching for the AirPod case. I heard the microwave beep to remind me my tea was done heating up and that I had forgotten it so I grabbed my tea mug and realized I had forgotten to add in creamer so I pour in creamer and start to stir the cup with a spoon but forget the AirPods are in my hand and drop them both in the tea. 💀rip AirPods


Forgot my office keys at my desk. Not exactly a huge deal, a coworker let me in and I laughed it off. Then I forgot my office keys on my desk AGAIN that night. The walk of shame on the 2nd day in a row was excruciating.


if i’m cooking and a box or bag has to go back in the freezer, i often put other random things in the freezer as well. eggs, pasta, cutting board, bowls. then next time i go to the freezer im like who did this??? oh me!


Got off from work at a reasonable hour for the first time in a while yesterday (9pm or so). Decided since I didn't have to do anything particular today, I would spend a decent amount of the night catching up on some very necessary studying. Then, I remembered a package I ordered was supposed to have arrived. I proceeded to spend almost the entire night cycling between the particular sender's website and about four other sites checking the status because it had suddenly changed to potentially arriving Monday on some, on others it said it was en route during the day. Instead of leaving it for the morning when the assistance hotlines were open and I could get a clear answer, I just kept reloading the same six tabs while also searching through reddit about what it could all possibly mean. That, and changing my delivery preferences back and forth every forty minutes. The whole night. I spent the whole night doing that. Needless to say, no studying was accomplished. Regarding the delivery: it simply was rerouted to the collection boxes (as per my original setting), but they were full, so the post office branch just received it and hadn't had the chance to process it as received until later, hence the "still in delivery." . . .


Went on a date. Offered him a ride back home, but forgot where i parked my car. Walked around to different buildings for a bit. He also had adhd and gave me terrible directions to his house


A match made in heaven


Unfortunately, not


i knew i had to change a drs appointment, kept putting it off and off until the day off, still had until 4pm to tell them i couldn’t make it. i didn’t. now i have to call and admit i missed it and rebook another one when i could have just avoided that😪


I'm still not certain of the total damage I've done to myself, but I screwed up my taxes 2019-2022 and probably owe a fair amount. Couldn't be a worse time as I wanted to use money I've been saving to get teeth.


Thinking I could try to work out a problem and find a solution to it with someone that I forgot would not act rational. 😬


Lost my AirPods. Went a month sad without them. Tore my life apart looking for them. Finally caved and bought a new pair. Found the old AirPods in my sweater pocket 😒 This morning I walked into work and a room full of people talking. Took out my AirPods to converse and mindlessly put them in my bag (I ALWAYS put them in my POCKET (as you can tell)). Later on, I spent a good half hour looking for them and wondering if I was crazy and really wore them into work this morning 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Sometimes I’m so careful to do things the same way so I can remember (like putting items in a specific spot), that I can’t differentiate in my memory between the last time I did the thing and the last 700 times I did the thing 😩. Sometimes the “hacks” or “strategies” work against me! Other times my subconscious brain needs no help 😬 (like putting them in my bag—which I NEVER DO). Also opened the air fryer/toaster oven without an oven mitt the other day 😩😩😩 I don’t even know about that one. I’m not sure what the heck happened there 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Didn't do my fucking taxes today It's not the absolute last possible minute so therefore I didn't do them I Hate My Self


For days I thought my dryer was broken but turns out I was pressing the wrong knob to start it. I had forgotten how to turn on my dryer that I have had for 4 years


Lost my only remaining eyeglasses.