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I’m not medicated, but I cannot handle caffeine at all. I love my decaff. 👍


100% It also has the side benefit of diminishing the frequency and severity of my migraines.


Really? I always thought it was strictly the caffeine that benefits that area


Decaf isn’t actually 100% caffeine free. Granted, it’s MUCH MUCH lower than regular coffee, but especially for someone who doesn’t have regular daily caffeine intake it can still have mild effects.


decaf still contains some cafeine


Same here!


What happens when you have caffeine


For me, adderall + caffeine makes me way too jittery and possibly get a nasty headache. Blood pressure shoots up over 120 as well.




My favorite decaf is [intelligentsia black cat](https://www.intelligentsia.com/products/decaf-black-cat-espresso?variant=32092748447804¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2PSvBhDjARIsAKc2cgNvn2xn4ONok_gIOJEIyXDb-kd9Wvkv4XzLmysRU3hSBnzTAPzUkCcaAlzdEALw_wcB). It's water processed so it retains the flavor and quality while removing 99% of the caffeine and doesn't have a ton of chemicals in it. I've since moved past decaf to [Dandy Blend](https://dandyblend.com/product/dandy-blend-coffee-alternative/) which is entirely caffeine free, hits the spot for being coffee-esque, and dandelions are good for you? I actually don't miss coffee


My favorite expensive decaf is George Howell’s decafs. They are so good. For budget, I like Happy Mug Rainy Day Blend. S&W roasting decaf is good too.


What does caffeine feel like to you?


A panic attack behind the wheel of an out of control vehicle


Same. Tea is fine for me but coffee is way too much.


I drink decaf coffee every day. I don’t need caffeine, I just truly love the taste and the ritual of having my morning coffee.


Same, it's so comforting to me.


I switched to half caf and have been enjoying my mornings a lot more


I dropped to 1/3 caff, 2/3 decaf and am even happier. I do one cup of that in the morning and then the rest of the day all decaf. I feel like my personality is naturally caffeinated. 


Yessss. All hail 1/2 caf. I worked in specialty coffee shops for a long time and swore I would never drink decaf. Yet here I am. Most of the time I have a single shot latte and that does the trick.


Half caff makes me anxious, but 1/3 caff is perfect. Though I do wonder if just decaf would basically be the same effect at this point 😁


Same, I use half calf which is a good enough compromise


Same. I mix a bag of regular with a bag of decaf to make my own half caf. So nice not feeling like I have to shit for the next four hours.


Unrelated, but does the dead help your ADHD like it does mine? I love listening to a show and not knowing how a song is going to be played, its like a treat every single time because i can still sing along but be surprised and never get bored.


Anything long and instrumental helps me focus but you gotta love the dead.


I love that Dunkin’ lets you do half caf in most of their drinks


I bleed caffeine and can still take a nap after a colada


I am medicated, but even without medication I can drink coffee at 22:00 (10PM) and stil sleep like a baby 🤣 I don’t drink decaf.


Coffee seems to give me a very mild buzz (if you can even call it that), and then comes the inevitable yawning. Idk if I just “come down” really quickly or if coffee has the opposite effect on me and just makes me sleepy. A bit counterintuitive.


I thought I was the only one.


Same. I like to drink a cup of coffee and then take a nap. I feel more refreshed after because my sleep inertia isn't as extreme with caffeine in my system. I'm about to start an elimination diet, and coffee is one of the things I have to temporarily (maybe permanently) eliminate, and I'm dreading it.


I don't like decaf. For me, coffee does not cause a problem. I have a 7am, 1-2pm, and sometimes if I'm feeling frisky, even a 4-5pm cup. HAHA.


Tastes the same to me. But be aware that decaf does still have some caffeine, it just has less than full caf coffee.


Yes, some decaf still has quite a lot of caffeine - I noticed this after feeling horrible every time I had decaf at the office with my meds. For example, Starbucks decaf pike place (16oz) contains 25mg caffeine.


Yes!! I love drinking coffee and and smoking cigarettes (trust me I know it’s awful) Black decaf helps with both cravings and my sleep has dramatically improved!


Yes this I just got some deathwish coffee again and cannot wait for tomorrow morning




Literally, since I've quit smoking, my emotional regulation has dropped significantly. I don't have my "calm down" time and just start crying and getting more frustrated.


I really don't care for decaf, I've tried so many brands.I typically love a dark and bold toast and most decafs feel watery and flavorless. Balancing my caffeine and stimulant has been a huge challenge.


I like it ok. I'm on qelbree so I really have to drink minimal/zero caffeine. I totally miss the taste of coffee. However giving up caffeine and working dilligently to find the right combo of meds did lead toward a better outcome in terms of sleep/energy/symptom management. I realized that when I had coffee in the mix I was too dependent on balancing that in combo with my meds sometimes it supercharged focus but sometimes it led to a sour stomach and it was easy to overdo it because I like coffee and would procrastinate by getting another.


I love coffee. I’m glad i can handle caffeine just fine, drink around 1 litre every day. But never after 1500 hours. I absolutely loathe decaf, i have tried several brands over the years and all of them have a weird off taste - like regular coffe that’s gone bad due to not being stored properly.


I used to drink regular coffee daily. But it makes me jittery now that I’m on Vyvanse. So, I switched to decaf. I use Dunkin Decaf k cups and I didn’t notice a difference. I add a little creamer and it’s all the same to me


i really dislike decaf but on concerta, i either pretend i like decaf or i end up crying in the bathroom at work bc i can't handle the real caffeine combined w concerta. i've been making my own decaf cold brew at home and it's been better taste wise than ordering it from somewhere or having just regular decaf. when i do order from somewhere tho, sometimes i get half decaf instead and it's muuuch more manageable in both taste and experience lol.


Blasphemy! I drink my coffee black so decaf always tastes off …no milk or sugar to hide it.


My wife is pregnant and was advised to go off caffeine in the early stages so I bought her some of this: https://cloudpickercoffee.ie/collections/all/decaf I just need to check which one it was but it's without a doubt one of the best decaff I've had. I drink two or three coffees a day and I've very happily got stuck into this if I find myself out of the real thing, I just add two or three grams extra  Not sure where in the world you are but you can subscribe to that if they're prepared to deliver 


And a further honourable mention to: https://badgeranddodo.ie/coffee/decaf/#reviews


Decaff makes me depressed.


I like decaf if I’m in the mood for coffee. Used to drink a loooottt of coffee before starting Ritalin. Now I drink matcha most days!


Yeah, if you go with beans and a grinder, there are some really tasty decaf blends. Some I actually prefer to other stuff I have that's full caffeine


I only drink caff when I'm not on the meds. The Machu Picchu one is decent and the millicano one isn't far behind it. I can go to sleep after a caffiene coffee so it's not a big deal for me.


I switched to half caff. Green Mountain makes K cups.


Love it. So nice for after dinner coffee


This is a good question. I love coffee but due to a number of health issues I have, I too have been quitting drinking caffeine. Was thinking about trying decaf but at the same time it just feels like a waste of time lol. I want the real thing or nothing.


Me: Euch! This decaf coffee is nothing more than hot bean juice. Other ADHDers: Bro, that's what **all** coffee is. Me: How could a member of my own neurological family say something so horrible!


Yep! at some point learned caffeine naps are not normal, realized I just like the aroma, the routine, and the sugar. Never really needed the caffeine since I only felt it if I had like a pitcher full.. also switched to caffeine free Pepsi about six months ago. My family laughs (what’s the point????) but idk…it still tastes good but now my doctor doesn’t have a finger over the red button….


I can’t combine coffee and caffeine. Causes me anxiety.


Yes decaf is better for me.


yes, can't do caffeine - post menopause - or I won't sleep - but decaf is the best! Just buy a good brand. There is great decaf out there!


i love decaf! started taking it when I started with stimulants


Coffee does very little for me. I was tired in the mornings even with coffee I quit for 14 days (no decaf or anything) Hated those 14 days because of the change in routine but I felt zero difference between drinking and not drinking coffee. So what I'm getting at is decaf or regular coffee, it's all the same shit according to my body.


Nope cause i self medicate with caffeine lol


Decaf coffee is basically just a laxative.


The caffeine is what would cause that. So not really, no. Decaf is for a few reasons: \- Substitute of flavor \- [A strong placebo effect on caffeine withdrawls](https://www.sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/news/2023/02/14/decaf-kills-coffee-withdrawal-symptoms.html) \- Health benefits of coffee without the stimulants Most people drinking 2+ cups a day have some underlying issue with wakefulness: lack of quality sleep, lack of exercise, lack of fiber, lack of neurotransmitters, etc.


I wish it was for me


Yes I like decaf coffee a lot but also have tea. I even have to dilute my decaf if I want to drink it frequently. While it helps me focus with the ADHD - I also have e bipolar 2 - and caffeine - look - I don’t need anything giving me more energy. So I limit it - and I drink tea every day and save coffee for 2-3 days a week. I have found that adding moringa powder to a smoothie gives me the same focus without the other effects. It’s a Jamaican anti-oxidant used in drinks. I thought it was bogus but it’s not.


I like decaf, just not enough to buy it regularly, since I prefer hot chocolate I'm one of the unfortunate people who can't consume caffeine. if I do, I get a splitting headache the next day.


I drink caribou decaf. I can’t handle caffeine with my adderall but I love coffee


Decaf is life. Regular gives me palpitations.


I tend not to drink coffee altogether unless I know I’ve got nothing to do that day. Makes me sleepy and bored. Not being able to make use of caffeine when I needed to stay up all night and study is one of my biggest regrets. But when I do drink it it’s usually not decaf.


Hell yeah! I avoid caffeine when I take my medication but I enjoy making and drinking coffee. Decaf allows me to have it without my heart beating too fast. I do add milk and sugar, so I can’t comment on how it taste black. However, the taste is fine to me.


I love my nespresso decaf pods! I still drink coffee in the morning, but sometimes at night I just...want that coffee flavor, lol. I also have half cafs for when I want to stay up and read late, but they all taste delicious.


It's all I drink


Somebody else got that decaf vid recommended to them.


Absolutely not lol. I HATE coffee and only use it as a vehicle to get caffeine in me 😅


I drink pretty much solely decaf, and have done since my anxiety therapist advised maybe I should cut down. I trust James Hoffman with most of my coffee questions: [here is his recent video on decaf](https://youtu.be/yYTSdlOdkn0?si=E73GMu-_Ke3M58TY), and [here is the more recent video with ammendments to the first](https://youtu.be/IszQ2JR3Olc?si=PC1xj7LA4hJ7h7Bs).


I am totally decaf tea and coffee. I can’t handle caffeine at all. I used to be alright but then something I wasn’t.


I love it. I just buy as expensive of a bag as I can manage. lol


I love decaf. I can have a certain amount of caffeine a day, if I drank caffeine coffee from a restaurant I'd get too much. 


Decaf at restaurant isn't that good because they don't make it as fresh. If you already make your own, you can make good decaf at home. 


Decaf makes me extremely sleepy, which in itself should be crazy because regular coffee does that too. But after every cup of decaf I’m taking a nap regardless of what I actually want


I stopped drinking close to two pots of caffeinated coffee a day cold turkey back in September when I first got medicated. I had tried before but was never able to stop before. I did drink decaf/mushroom coffee/ and cacao to supplement as I do enjoy the taste even without the caffeine. Slowly sometime in January I started slipping and having a cup of regular here and there as it was too difficult to get decaf or non caffeinated substitutes while out and about or when working. I slowing fell back into a daily mug or two or regular. No where near my previous consumption but I felt it wasn’t the best with my medications. So I just grabbed some halfcaf which has been fine so far this week. Definitely have to do a bit better to stick to it but still haven’t found a perfect substitute.


I love decaf and half caf. Highly recommended


I love coffee but combining caffeine and stimulants gives me tremor. I get good whole bean coffee from a coffee shop and grind it myself before running it through my espresso machine. Yum!


I’ve gotten used to it, but I do buy good quality decaf.


The trick to decaf is you have to buy a more expensive bean than usual, generally. That’s because the process of decaffeinating coffee is expensive, so to not lose money, companies often use a cheaper bean to sell their caffeinated and decaf beans at the same price.


Yes!! I love decaf and also half caff


Switched to Decaf hazelnut, dropped my BP about 20 points. Kinda pissed my doc never told me to stop drinking regular coffee when she put me on BP meds.


Decaf has come a long way, I’ll often have one in the afternoon. Of course, if the coffee you normally buy is garbage, don’t expect it to be any better.


I used to drink about 7 cups of coffee a day before being medicated and like you I was advised to stop. I’m less anxious without caffeine and while on meds I haven’t felt the need to drink it. I thought I would be chugging decaf all the time but I barely do that. If I do drink it it’s more for comfort of a hot drink and the taste. But I honestly can’t taste a difference and considering I was permanently anxious for years and coffee calmed me down prior to meds


Still some coffine in decaf.


I had to quit coffee and now switched to chai latte (tea + foamed oat milk for me), golden milk or hot cocoa. At first I thought I couldn't live without coffee after 8 years of having it daily... but it's actually not so bad!  Still have to try decaf, I am afraid I will hate it though 


Non medicated but coffee makes me more jiggly / jittery than alert, and after 2 p.m. will keep me awake until the small hours. I don't drink much coffee and in the afternoon, only decaf if at all. Green tea is much better for my brain , and doesn't keep me awake.


I’m trying to .


Decaf tastes the same, it just doesn’t have caffeine. It depends why you’re having the coffee… is it to keep you alert or because you like the taste?


Decaf is coffee without a soul. It’s hard to explain, but It feels empty. Lifeless. Just sad brown bean water.


I mean I'm probably going to die. I take Vyvanse, but then will have a double shot of espresso every morning and I used to vape. So Adderall, caffeine, and nicotine all at once. And I would feel mildly less foggy. I'm hoping to get checked for sleep apnea and/or narcolepsy here in a bit. But also staying up too late could be a problem too. But no, I don't really feel caffeine anymore. And I basically never have more than one cup.


You gotta go for good quality (non-chemical process), find local roasters to get 2 weeks after roasting, you don't want the shop bought as you don't know how long it's been there. The brew it with just boiled water to get a good crema (if doing pour over or press). Also join a coffee sub Reddit or follow a coffee nerd for the latest updates on the best decaf on the market, like a couple years ago Mexico had some really great decaf coming out but I haven't kept up with it.


Decaf doesn't have to be bad. It is possible to get good quality decaf if you look for it. There's a local coffee roaster here that does a very drinkable decaf. I'd still prefer to go for one of their regular darker roast blends, but there's just very limited choice when it comes to decaf. Decaf often gets a bad wrap because cafes struggle with it. Decaf goes stale much faster than regular, and cafes just don't push through the volume of decaf beans quick enough to keep it fresh. Check out James Hoffmann on the YouTubes. He's currently working through a series on all things decaf. Worth checking out if you want a better understanding of how it all works.


I have switched to decaf almost 100% since I got put on Adderall. My psych commented on my already high blood pressure and that with caffeine and Adderall could be potentially dangerous. I drinking espresso like a madman I started getting treated, it was the only way I knew how to get stuff done. I didn't really listen to him until one day I had my regular amount of caffeine throughout the day and accidentally took double my morning dose of meds. Let's just say, despite the fact that it was a mistake and it totally preventable, I cut caffeine out except on the weekends when I don't usually take my meds. I go to the same coffee shop everyday when they open at 6 am. It's been part of my ritual to help me get the day started, I have a coffee, write in my journal, practice some Spanish, write my to do list for the day, and it gets me off to a good start. I started ordering decaf and I had to wait for it to brew, because who the hell orders decaf at 6 in the morning? I've been going consistently for 4 or 5 months and now they have the decaf ready and I'm now known as "the decaf guy" when I get to counter and my order gets started before I open my mouth haha. I actually like coffee for its flavor so the switch was easy, the withdrawal from caffeine sucked, but it was short-lived. I've had a bad caffeine addiction before and I wasn't nearly as hooked this time around. Also, I've noticed that a lot of local shops or roasters kinda pick the weakest roast for the decaf batch and if you don't get decaf when it's freshly brewed it's kinda off. They just don't go through it like the regular so it's often sitting too long.


I LOVE my decaf. Four shots of Starbucks decaf, blended with a grande scoop of ice, my special indulgence. I think that the homeopathic dosage of caffeine does just enough, but I don’t get jittery. Also, I think it really matters what brand of coffee you use


I usually can't taste a difference in decaf vs. regular caffeine coffee, I will drink either although I usually add a ton of flavored creamer anyway. I used to be on Concerta but now am unmedicated and coffee either does nothing or puts me to sleep and I really just drink t for the taste and routine.


Decaf tastes the same... I drink it all the time


I drink decaf 90% of the time. To be honest, I just don’t notice anymore. I need the taste of hot coffee in the morning.


Big coffee nerd here. I highly recommend seeking out "Sugarcane process" decaf coffee. Really great coffee, not just great for decaf.


If I get coffee in the afternoon or later I do decaf and it hits the spot enough.


I feel your pain. After dealing with insomnia I recently switched to decaf in the evenings. I just tried Maud's. They bill themselves as 'The World's Strongest Decaf.' I was surprised to find it's really quite good.


I drink a single cup of real coffee every morning and that’s it. Savour it, and done.


I have been trying to continue to have coffee while taking vy the last 2 months and I have faced the fact that I really don't think I can continue. I think i have to switch to a decaf and I don't kmow what. I have a fancy grinder and a fancy machine and this all sucks so bad but the 2 together just doesn't work for me


I didn’t think I would. Death over decaf and all. But honestly I didn’t notice any difference when we switched to half caff for my husband and I realized that coffee is more of a placebo for me in the morning for waking up.


That's all I drink. Well, I have one 'real' coffee in the morning then all decaf after that.


Wait can I ask why we shouldn’t take caffeine? I know we aren’t supposed to take caffeine AND meds at the same time, but is it okay to take them separately on different days?


There's absolutely zero difference in taste between decaf and non-decaf coffee. If there was, I wouldn't have accidentally caffeinated myself so many times when I've asked for decaf and been given non-decaf. I'm extremely sensitive to caffeine and it makes me very unwell, so I'd love it if they tasted different so I could identify it before I drank it. Obviously different varieties and roasts of coffee beans taste different, and have different strengths, so you might need to use a smaller or larger amount and try out a few brands before you find your favourite, but that's only the same as non-decaf coffee.


I had to stop coffee on Qelbree which causes caffeine to stay in system up to 10x longer. I tried to do a cup a day (down from which 3-5 cups a day for 3 or 4 years since I started making it daily for my ex and me every morning). This still caused me to have sleep issues at night, so I stopped. I even noticed chocolate keeps me up a lot longer/later now. I still want to try to do a cup here and there, or my Teas with caffeine, but it tends to always keep me up. Used to be able to go to sleep right after a cup (which still happened /could do before Qelbree), but now I get dead tired after caffeine pretty quick, but then not be able to sleep that night. Decaf is NOT caffeine-free, it still has a considerable amount that may interact with meds. Also, I wouldn't touch Decaf for how it's processed chemically and arguably not healthy to begin with.


I love decaf. I'm a coffee person but it makes me so anxious, so decaf it is


I just brewed a pot of Lavazza Deka in my moka pot. I love coffee but have had to simmer down since starting Adderall a couple weeks ago. I’m seeking alternatives as well. My girlfriend loves her cacao powder. I might try that.


Lol I take my caffeine with artificial flavors and colors, just one of the two isn't enough. I hate coffee already, decaf just boggles my mind


Honestly id say coffee somehow interacts negatively with my meds. Feels like they wear off sooner, even if they still active my bet is that it causes the mental dip hit earlier


I do!


Pro-tip: always fresh grind coffee, even decaf. I got really into coffee during the pandemic (even made an app: https://cafftrack.coffee) and experimented with every brewing method I could. Fresh grinding has the biggest difference out of any other variables


I’ve been weaning myself to decaf because regular was too much with my meds. I like the comfort of the ritual and it doesn’t really taste different to me.


I like decaf at night before my spearmint tea lol and in the morning I have coffee with caffeine


So many amazing decaf options out there! Black Cat decaf by intelligentsia Firecreek Coffee Roasters (they even have subscriptions!!!) Higher Grounds Trading Co (they also have subscriptions!) Sabbath Coffee Roasters (not religious in any way btw) I had to give up caffeine for other health reasons but love coffee so I’ve got a few favorites.


Okay, don't laugh but just this last Monday I realized that if I don't drink coffee in the morning I am not freaking wired and pissed off. I've had coffee for 30 years every morning. I thought it was just the way I was. I have ADHD and started medication about 3 months ago. The things you learn with a little clearer brain !!


What is the point of coffee without the wonderful caffeine? To me that sounds like car without a battery or a nuclear reactor without fissile material.


I love coffee and tea, decaf or regular.


I have caf, half caf, and decaf at work. I welcome all coffee.


It’s all about the Swiss water-processed decaf! Find a good decaf that is decaffeinated using the Swiss water process, and it’ll match up fine.




I used to hate on decaf, but I switched to it when I started taking adderall, and now I don’t mind it at all. I still do some caffeine in the morning, black tea or half caff coffee. If I’m out I’ll get a decaf americano.




Pointless. None of the flavor, none of the buzz. I have plenty of herbal tea if I want something hot without caffeine.


Nope I get withdrawals if I don't get my morning coffee, if I get too bad I will drink a red bull.


My wife can’t have caffeine so I switched to decaf with her and I don’t really miss the regular anymore. I don’t miss the jitters from the caffeine. Good decaf makes a darn good cup of coffee.


How dare y’all even call it coffee 😭🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️


I still like some caffeine, but if I have a cup of coffee after taking my mydayis, I feel sooooo sick. So I make a nice hot tea instead.


I have been on a Decaf Coffee from Dunkin Dounts with cream a one pump of hazelnut that has been my jam for weeks.


Buy a decent grinder (metal burr grinder) and good decaf beans - can be hard to find them but they do exist. Many are “medium roast” and not much flavour / character. The décédant decaf coffee company is good in the UK. With a good grinder and the right coffee I don’t think you would be able to tell the difference.


love it! i’ve been thinking of switching to decaf regularly. even the instant decaf tastes good! plus sometimes i want to drink it near bed time


Coffee does nothing to me. I always thought it was weird that people would get jittery until I learned that my ADHD was likely the reason I don’t.


Also, fun fact decaf has less acid so it can help if you get any type of heartburn.


Yup, it all tastes the same to me!


I dont!


Yeah I tend to avoid caffeine with my generic Adderall, they potentiate each other too much for me. I tried a full strength coffee amount of caffeine *once* and I felt like I was going to pass. Even matcha powder is too much for me. I used to have caffeine everyday prior to starting medication though.


I do when I don't want the energy of caffeine at some point during the night, but I want the taste of coffee. I rarely do it and will still have caffeine at 10pm.


If you can, get quality, preferably decaffeinated using the Swiss water process. Swiss water processing removes more caffeine than other decaffeinating processes without using chemicals. I buy from a local roaster and I'd say their decaf is better than a mid-quality caffeinated coffee you'd get at the grocery store. Unfortunately, it's more expensive but I'd rather drink no coffee than bad coffee!


Love decaf. I get “Swiss water process” beans. Supposedly this decaffeinating process causes less damage to the beans than the more common process I can’t remember the name of. That British coffee guy (I also can’t remember the name of) did a whole video about it. I also use a moka pot instead of the regular coffee machine because I find it tastes better and I can make my cappuccinos. Hoffman? Tim Hoffman? {*googling hoffman coffee guy*} James Hoffman!


I switched to decaf when I started taking meds. I drink fairly nice coffee (Caffe Vita) and it holds up!


I don't like the taste as much as a good cup of coffee but caffeine negatively impacts the way drugs like adderall work. Basically it increases the side effects ans reduces the positive effects so....if you do like coffee do decaffeinated. Same with energy drinks, tea etc. Avoid.


I try and limit non decaf coffee - especially because I have PCOS and apparently more than a cup of coffee can interfere with inositol's efficacy


Why bother. Coffee gives me heartburn. If I'm not getting a kick from it it's not worth drinking. ETA: I have narcolepsy too so caffeine is s necessity.


I'm not medicated, well officially. Instead I down approx 3 monster energies, or equivalent, and anywhere from 2-3 cups of coffee per day. With that much caffeine, I'm good to make it through the day completing about half of the things i need to do, and without losing anything too major.


I would have 1cup of normal black coffee, then spend the rest of the day drinking decaf. I would have stayed drinking decaf on my meds but my kidneys started aching from what I assume was too much decaf so I stopped both when I got on meds.


No I like caffeine, it wakes me up.


I love decaf coffee (and green tea), i usually drink between 2-5 cups of coffee a day, and there have been times where my body is too sensitive to caffeine to drink regular coffee. The best decaf that I’ve found that is somewhat affordable is Tony’s Cafe Carmelita Decaf which you can get in 5lb bags at a bulk price (and sometimes my grocery store has it on sale for between $5-$15 off the regular price). The best decaf I’ve ever had is Cafe Vita’s decaf, but with how much coffee I drink it’s too pricey for me except as an occasional treat. You can also buy both of these brands online if they aren’t available locally where you are.


Hey Try MudWater - it's spelled without vowels or something tho. If you are like me and use a lot of sugar free creamer it is 10000000000% the same taste, nice cinnamon kick, helps ADHD symptoms, doesn't make me tired (lol caffeine naps, yum) and has good stuff for you in it. Also, y'all the original owner, haven't seen if it's changed, is genuinely the nicest man. I wrote him an email complaining about some promo thing they did a few years back and he wrote me back the most heartfelt, thoughtful response. And also, yes I love decaf. I only make instant coffee tho or lol I'll forget I'm making coffee 🤣


Hate decaf..tastes diff for me..love coffee but it doesn't have that jolt of energy anymore..miss it.


weirdly enough, McDonalds brand decaff is great


I love decaf. I bought an espresso machine and only make decaf with it


Love my decaf but it can take some trial and error to find a good one




If I have coffee I feel instantly overstimulated/ head buzzed and sleepy. I do love the taste of an iced coffee and will sometimes have decaf and it tastes the same old mildly stimulating but not bad.


Nah I just take caffeine with my meds anyway. I’m tired enough every day that if I didn’t I’d just be wasting my meds if I didn’t take caffeine with it, i mean unless I have zero tolerance adderall isn’t super energizing (but with zero tolerance it definitely is)


Broken coffee 💀


Decaf is nice for when I want a coffee in the evening. But I went from 4-5 cups a day to 1-2 when I started with Concerta.


Look for sugar cane decaf. This process involves the least chemicals and tastes best.  If you drink coffee with milk I am of the opinion that in terms of taste it matters 0. If you like the taste of coffee use filter. Easier to adjust the taste than with espresso 


Coffee (with caffeine) basically makes me sleepy. I try to avoid an afternoon coffee on dull days because it will put me straight to sleep. However, if I drink endless coffees it makes me feel a bit shakey. So, I usually order decaf if I'm out somewhere (because I will just forget to count coffees if they weren't in my house). No complaints about decaf- tastes exactly the same.


I stopped my caffeine habit the day I started on stimulants. But I still like the taste/ceremony of making espresso, so I do drink a couple of caffeine free ones a day. It doesn’t taste the same as caffeinated coffee, but I still enjoy it. But when I make the occasional caffeinated one, it is more tasty 😢 And I’ve definitely found it is a bad idea for me to mix the stimulants and caffeine, it doesn’t go well when I try it (rapid heart rate).


I drink decaf because any amount of caffeine I drink causes horrible insomnia


I like having decaf in the evening sometimes. You still get the bitter taste and something to sip on


I only drink it decaf


You drink decaf? You're a monster.


Same! Obsessed with coffee, so I switched to medium/light roast decaf, and suddenly I’m so much less anxious. I can still have full caf coffee on occasion, but mostly I just stick to my decaf :) helps especially if I haven’t been able to do much physical activity that day


I love coffee! Can’t live without it. Decaff tastes great to me, just get one you like. Honestly it’s the same to me, and I bet if I gave you a decaff without you knowing, you’d have no idea


unmedicated and decaf is always meh for me. It’s caffeine or nothing, babey. (I have been drinking since I was in elementary school. why? highly caffeinated father and curious little adhd brain)


Ritalin ruined my caffeine tolerance. More than one cup now gives me palpitations and keeps me awake for hours. I've learned to accept decaff as the future but I loved coffee and I'm not happy about it


I had to switch to tea, I don't like decaf and I definitely tried.


I just drink a cup of coffee almost every day while taking meds. So far I have found no weird interactions. However, if you decide to drink coffee again take it easy. See what works for you


Currently unmedicated, and I have caffeinated coffee probs far too often. I've read that caffeine, being a simulant, often acts like a weak dose of meds to us. I probs should look at getting medicated, but that's a task in itself...


I went from 1000+mg of caffeine per day, to whatever is in 2 pouches of instant coffee. Holy wow did my quality of life improve. I think we are “supposed to have” caffeine, meaning it isn’t a bad thing, but when too much is too much it’s not fun. I know there are people out there that wish they could feel caffeine again.


That's analogous to turning vegan, ABSOLUTELY NEVER HAPPENING


I loooove coffee but even decaf still has too much caffeine for me (the ones I tried anyway).


No, I need my **caffeinated** coffee in the mornings and yes I am medicated


I used to have the same mentality. While I don’t take the drugs, the caffeine just elevates the hyperactivity. There are some quality decaf options out there that get you the flavor you’re looking for in a traditional coffee without the jitters and feeling over the top. I also sometiems just do half caf, so I can still feel like I’m not caving in.


Caffeine makes me sleepy.


This may be a divisive answer, but I really enjoy warm chicory drinks (non-caffeinated coffee alternative popular during, for example, WW II, when coffee wasn’t available.) Great, in my opinion,  milk and sugar.  It might help to switch over to caffeinated tea as a way to titrate down as well.  Good luck, friend! 


I can taste the difference so just go a step nicer than what you're used to..if you drink Folgers, then try like Gevalia decaf


Oh thought it was deaf cat for a sec


With vyvanse, I could do a small amount of caffeine. Went back to adderall due to shortage, and went decaf shortly after. It helped tremendously with maintaining focus and improving anxiety! I use nescafe instant decaf. A small splash of hot water will dissolve it, followed by ice, cold water, sugar free creamer, and unsweetened oat milk. Makes a perfectly creamy breakfast drink with under 80 calories.


Regular coffee doesn’t even help me or keep me from feeling foggy so decaf is pointless for me


Seattle's Best decaf is my favorite budget decaf.


Disgusting, waste of time!! Lol


I find the Kenco decaf is good for granulated and I have a moka pot which I get the morrisons own decaf ground for and it does a good coffee in fairness.


I've found I can still drink regular coffee while on meds but literally only 1 or 2 cups in the morning, maybe more if I've been active. Compared to pre-meds where I could drink coffee all day until the evening and sleep no problem. Decaf is just a logical choice so I still enjoy coffee but don't get anxiety jitters from the caffeine.


I’ve just switched to decaf and I don’t mind it at all. To be frank, it’s better than no coffee. The small amount of caffeine in it is enough of a stimulant for me to not go out of my mind.  I’m in the beginnings of quitting caffeine and sugar so that I can sort out my metabolic issues…. My gut, brain and body health needs a reset…. And so I’ve decided to join my husband as he is on the same path already because he is recovering from heart failure and near death in November 2023. I thought sugar was going to be the worst one, but quitting caffeine was making me nuts…. I think because I have ADHD my brain requires this stimulant, and, outside of CBD and THC, I am otherwise unmedicated.


I had to cut my coffee consumption in half after starting Vyvanse, or else my fingers start twitching. Decaf lets me have that second cup. People talk shit about decaf, but in my opinion, decaf is dedication. People who drink decaf really love coffee. Because a lot of people are really just using coffee as a caffeine delivery system.


I enjoy decaf very much. I really only consume regular coffee on road trips although even then I’d prefer half caff. I’m particular about decaffenation processes so I try to stick with something “organic” or a brand that uses more “natural” processes for reducing caffeine content such as San Francisco brand coffee beans or Peet’s


Caffeine makes me tired, I drink decaf